72 research outputs found

    TESAURVAI: Extraction, Annotation and Term Organization Tool

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    Each concrete field of disciplinary or thematic specializations makes use of its own terminology. The compilation, definition, and organization of terms used in a given domain are a basic task, because it becomes the base for the constitution of specialized terminology resources of great usefulness. Thesauri are a type of terminological resource of increasing relevance at the present time; frequently used in the recovery and localization of information in digital environments. The hierarchic organization of terms in a thesaurus helps to optimize searches both in close information systems and open ones like Internet. TESAURVAI is a tool for the extraction, annotation and organization of specialized terms in concrete domains taken from digitized texts. TESAURVAI is one of the tools developed in the context of the project “Búsqueda documental sobre Patrimonio Cultural basada en recursos léxicos multilingües - Patrilex” (HUM2005-07260/FILO), sponsored by the I+D+I National Plan, National Program of Humanities of Spain, having as one of its objectives the creation of a methodology and the necessary tools for the creation of multilingual lexical resources, allowing to support a multilingual documentary search system. PATRILEX works in the concrete domain of Cultural Heritage, and as its source it uses the texts in the section dedicated to this subject in the Web of the Spanish Ministry of Culture

    Project-based learning experience on Data Structures course

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    This paper presents the innovations in the practical work of the Data Structures subject carried out in the last five years, including a transition period and a first year of implantation of the European Higher Education Area. The practical coursework is inspired by a project-based methodology and from 2008/2009 additional laboratory sessions are included in the subject schedule. We will present the academic results and ratios of the mentioned time period which imply a significant improvement on students' performance

    Comparing competences on academia and occupational contexts based on similarity measures

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    This paper is a first contribution of a schema to match professional and work competences through similarity measures. In this contribution we focus on the determination of connections between university profiles based in standards (body of knowledge and thesauri) similarity measures and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. Our first experiments proved that this hybrid schema got a promise results in the recognition of competency patterns in order to apply in the laboral contex

    Opening new gates for the modification of PVC or other PVC derivatives: Synthetic strategies for the covalent binding of molecules to PVC

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    Several synthetic strategies based on the use of substituted aromatic and hetero-aromatic thiols for the covalent binding of modifier compounds to PVC are described. A variety of aliphatic alcohols and amines are linked to the aromatic or heteroaromatic rings via highly active functionalities as the isocyanate, acidchloride, or chlorosulfonyl group, and the three chlorine atoms of trichlorotriazine. The first three pathways lead to protected aromatic disulfides obtaining the substituted aromatic thiols by reduction as a final step of an unprecedented synthetic route. The second approach, in a novel, extremely efficient, and scalable process, uses the particular selectivity of trichlorotriazine to connect aliphatic amines, alcohols, and thiols to the ring and creates the thiol via nucleophilic substitution of a heteroaromatic halogen by thiourea and subsequent hydrolysis. Most of the modifier compounds were linked to the polymer chains with high degrees of anchorage. The presented approaches are highly versatile as different activations of aromatic and heteroaromatic rings are used. Therefore, many types of tailored functional nucleophiles may be anchored to PVC providing non-migrating materials with a broad range of applications and properties.The authors gratefully acknowledge support from Grant MAT 2013-42957-R. Rodrigo Navarro gratefully acknowledges funding from the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) and European Social Fund (ESF) through the JAE-doc program.Peer Reviewe

    Propuesta de mejora aplicando herramientas de manufactura esbelta para reducir los costos operacionales de manufactura de calzado Handy Shoes

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    Existen diversas metodologías dentro de ingeniería para mejorar los costos operacionales de las empresas, entre ellas destaca la de Manufactura esbelta; dicha metodología cuenta con diversas técnicas de apoyo, que son aplicadas previo diagnóstico de la empresa a mejorar. El presente trabajo de investigación consistió en la aplicación de herramientas de manufactura esbelta en las áreas de producción y almacén en la empresa manufactura de calzado Handy Shoes dedica a la manufactura de calzado de niña, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue elaborar una propuesta de mejora aplicando herramientas de manufactura esbelta para reducir los costos operacionales de manufactura de calzado Handy Shoes. El desarrollo de la metodología se inició con un diagnóstico preliminar el cual arrojo las causas principales de los altos costos operacionales, con un costo total de pérdida económica de S/ 148,129.73 soles anuales. Las herramientas seleccionadas para la elaboración de la propuesta fueron las siguientes: MRP, VSM y 5s, estas permitirán reducir las pérdidas en un 79.13%, las cuales están respaldadas por diversos antecedentes. Asimismo, el análisis económico arrojó los siguientes indicadores: VAN: S/ 102,208.39, TIR: 94.79%, un B/C de 1.5 y un periodo de recuperación de la inversión de 1.4 años. Debido a estos resultados se concluyó que la propuesta es viable

    La utilización de herramientas TIC para la reserva y seguimiento de tutorías como soporte al aprendizaje activo en el EEES

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    El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) centra la metodología de aprendizaje en el propio alumno, quien con la ayuda del profesor debe pasar a ser agente activo, protagonizando su propio aprendizaje. La acción tutorial desempeña un papel fundamental para catalizar esta ayuda facilitando una comunicación fluida entre ambos. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar la influencia que la utilización de herramientas TIC para la reserva y seguimiento de tutorías puede ejercer en el proceso de aprendizaje activo de los alumnos. A tal fin se ha llevado a cabo un estudio empírico de carácter descriptivo-exploratorio centrado en la utilización de una herramienta TIC concreta en asignaturas de Grado de la E.U. de Informática de la UPM. Los instrumentos utilizados en la investigación han incluido dos cuestionarios orientados a conocer la opinión de los alumnos y profesores participantes, junto con los datos de asistencia a tutorías registrados por la herramienta TIC. Los resultados obtenidos reflejan, en opinión de los alumnos y profesores encuestados, una influencia positiva de la utilización de este tipo de herramientas en el proceso de aprendizaje activo de los estudiantes, en línea con el EEES

    Aggressivity and school refusal behavior in children

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue doble, por un lado, pretende identificar la prevalencia de la conducta agresiva y, por otro lado, establecer un modelo predictivo entre la agresividad y el rechazo escolar. Participaron 501 estudiantes españoles entre 8 y 12 (M= 10.08, DE = 1.31). Los instrumentos empleados han sido el Cuestionario de Agresión y la Escala de Evaluación del Rechazo Escolar-Revisada para Niños. Los resultados confirman la relación entre la agresividad y el comportamiento de rechazo a la escuela.The aim of this study was twofold, on the one hand, it aims to identify the prevalence of aggressive behavior and, on the other hand, to establish a predictive model between aggressiveness and school refusal. 501 Spanish students participated between 8 and 12 (M= 10.08, SD= 1.31). The measures used have been the Aggression Questionnaire and the School Refusal Assessment Scale-Revised for Children. The results confirm the relationship between aggressiveness and school refusal behavior

    Noninvasive Biomarkers for the Diagnosis of Liver Fibrosis and Cirrhosis

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    The clinical importance of monitoring liver fibrosis lies in the morbidity and mortality of the chronic liver diseases in relation to the stage and progression of fibrosis. Whether the fibrosis stabilizes or regresses depends on the specific treatment. Liver biopsy, the current standard for the diagnosis, has implicit limitations due to sampling heterogeneity. There are noninvasive imaging methods, such as transient elastography that measures the stiffness of the liver, but it has some limitations (feasibility and unreliability), particularly in obese patients. FibroTest is the most widely used noninvasive serological method worldwide which is efficacious in the extreme stages of fibrosis, but these methods cannot discern intermediate stages. Liver fibrosis is a dynamic response that involves multiple cellular and molecular events with an excessive deposit of extracellular matrix. Even though there is much information on the pathophysiology of fibrosis, that knowledge is still incomplete, greatly hindering the development of both an accurate treatment and a noninvasive diagnostic method with adequate sensitivity for all the stages of fibrosis. It is known that IGFBP participates in liver homeostasis, and thus these proteins can be used as serum biomarkers during the progression of liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C

    Primary care randomized clinical trial: manual therapy effectiveness in comparison with TENS in patients with neck pain

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    This study investigated effectiveness of manual therapy (MT) with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) to reduce pain intensity in patients with mechanical neck disorder (MND). A randomized multi-centered controlled clinical trial was performed in 12 Primary Care Physiotherapy Units in Madrid Region. Ninety patients were included with diagnoses of subacute or chronic MND without neurological damage, 47 patients received MT and 43 TENS. The primary outcome was pain intensity measured in millimeters using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Also disability, quality of life, adverse effects and sociodemographic and prognosis variables were measured. Three evaluations were performed (before, when the procedure ?nished and six months after). Seventy-one patients (79%) completed the follow-up measurement at six months. In more than half of the treated patients the procedure had a clinically relevant ?short term? result after having ended the intervention, when either MT or TENS was used. The success rate decreased to one-third of the patients 6 months after the intervention. No differences can be found in the reduction of pain, in the decrease of disability nor in the quality of life between both therapies. Both analyzed physiotherapy techniques produce a short-term pain reduction that is clinically relevant.Ministerio de SanidadInstituto de Salud Carlos II

    Vegetable Consumption and Factors Associated with Increased Intake among College Students: A Scoping Review of the Last 10 Years

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    Vegetable consumption is a predictor for improved health outcomes, such as reduced obesity and likelihood of food-related noncommunicable diseases. Young adults are a key population, being in a transitional stage-of-life: Habits gained here are taken through the lifespan. This review establishes insight into the consumption of vegetables among young adults during their college/university years, and factors associated with increased consumption. Seventy-one papers were extracted, published between January 2009 and October 2018. Search terms related to consumption; vegetables; and college/university setting and sample. A diverse range of definitions, guidelines, and study approaches were observed. Findings identify that the majority of students do not consume World Health Organization recommendations. Being female was the most frequent predictor of higher intake of vegetables, and no consumption patterns were identified by countries. Living at family home; body mass index; happiness and stress level; perceived importance of healthy eating; socioeconomic level; breakfast consumption; stage of study; openness to new experiences; sleep pattern; nutrition knowledge; activity level; alcohol usage; and energy intake were identified as influential factors. Public policies and new strategies to encourage vegetable consumption among college students are indispensable, especially targeting subgroups with even lower intakes, such as males and those living outside family home