409 research outputs found

    An Innovative, Multidisciplinary Educational Program in Interactive Information Storage and Retrieval

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    There exists a large number of large-scale bibliographic Information Storage and Retrieval Systems containing large amounts of valuable data of interest in a wide variety of research applications. These systems are not used to capacity because the end users, i.e., the researchers, have not been trained in the techniques of accessing such systems. This thesis describes the development of a transportable, university-level course in methods of querying on-line interactive Information Storage and Retrieval systems as a solution to this problem. This course was designed to instruct upper division science and engineering students to enable these end users to directly access such systems. The course is designed to be taught by instructors who are not specialists in either computer science or research skills. It is independent of any particular IS and R system or computer hardware. The project is sponsored by NASA and conducted by the University of Southwestern Louisiana and Southern University

    The effects of an invasive species on the structure of native ecosystems

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    The Australasian barnacle species Austrominius (=Elminius) modestus has been present in Europe for over seventy years, however little is known about how A. modestus interacts with native species, or how its presence may alter ecosystem function. It has been suggested that A. modestus may be an “ecological sleeper”, with the potential to increase in abundance with predicted climate change. This study examined multiple factors that may play a role in determining the invasion success of A. modestus in Ireland and also at sites in Scotland and Portugal, which represent the northern and southern limits of this species in Europe. Long-term monitoring of the colonisation of space by A. modestus and native barnacle species in Ireland revealed a general pattern of coexistence, despite dominance of the non-native species at the majority of study sites. Although A. modestus was found experience enemy release in comparison to native barnacle species, this did not promote reproductive success or abundance. A. modestus was recorded to be widespread but not dominant at its northern and southern limits. Different factors may be controlling the abundance of A. modestus at these locations, with competition playing an important role in the north and desiccation stress at the cypris stage controlling populations in the south. A. modestus was the dominant barnacle species within Lough Hyne marine reserve and on artificial structures surveyed in south-west Ireland. Despite this dominance, native barnacle species continue to persist both in the marine reserve and on artificial structures of varying ages. The continuous production of broods is a key factor in the success of A. modestus as an invasive species. However, the continued availability of free space on the shore, annual variation in recruitment and tolerance of wave-exposed conditions all contribute to the current persistence of native barnacle species in the presence of A. modestus

    Estimation of juvenile striped bass relative abundance in the Virginia portion of Chesapeake Bay. Annual Progress Report: 2018-2019

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    The 2018 Striped Bass juvenile abundance index was 10.72 and was not significantly different than the reference mean of 7.77 from 1980-2009. Abundance indices in the James and York river systems in 2018 were average compared to their individual reference means (1980-2009), whereas abundance was above average in the Rappahannock River. Relatively high catches of young‐of‐the‐year Striped Bass at downriver sites in 2018 suggested Striped Bass were displaced downstream of their typical core nursery areas, likely due to high volumes of freshwater discharge and low salinities before and during the sampling period. Juvenile White Perch abundance indices in 2018 were above historic averages in the James, York and Rappahannock river systems

    Estimation of juvenile striped bass relative abundance in the Virginia portion of Chesapeake Bay. Annual Progress Report: 2017-2018

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    The 2016 Striped Bass juvenile abundance index was 5.15 and was not significantly different from the reference mean of 7.77 observed in 1980-2009. Abundance indices in the James, York and Rappahannock rivers in 2016 were not significantly different than their historic averages (1967-2015). Juvenile White Perch abundance indices in 2016 were near historic averages in the York and Rappahannock rivers, but below the historic average in the James River. Because a new seine net was used during the 2016 survey, catches of Striped Bass and White Perch were adjusted using preliminary calibration factors derived from paired hauls of the old and new nets, thus ensuring that 2016 indices were directly comparable to previous years. The abundance index for Atlantic Croaker was near the historic average, whereas another below‐average year class was observed for Spot in 2016. In contrast, American Shad and Alewife abundance indices were above average in Virginia waters in 2016. Blueback Herring abundance was near the historic average. Average to above‐average indices for most forage fishes suggested adequate production of key prey resources for populations of commercial and recreational piscivores in Virginia waters

    Tracking Decadal Changes in Striped Bass Recruitment: A Calibration Study of Seine Surveys in Chesapeake Bay

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    In this study we estimated calibration factors necessary to maintain the long‐term integrity of the juvenile striped bass surveys in the Chesapeake Bay region. These surveys provide annual indices of recruitment (estimated as juvenile fish abundance in summer) and are used by fisheries managers in Virginia and Maryland to inform adjustments of annual harvest limits for striped bass from the commercial and recreational fisheries in Chesapeake Bay. During the multi‐decadal history of the survey, a potentially influential change occurred: VIMS deployed a net (the VA net) with a mesh material that differed from the standard net that MD DNR continued to deploy (the MD net). More recently, another change was necessitated when neither the standard net material nor the net material recently used by VIMS was available for construction of replacement nets. Hence, a net using new mesh material was constructed and experimentally deployed in 2015 (new net). Paired net hauls (n=144) were completed in Maryland and Virginia nursery areas during summer 2015 to permit estimation of calibration factors: 70 pairs with the VA‐MD nets, 42 pairs with the MD‐New nets, and 32 pairs with the VA‐new nets. Not all paired hauls captured a given target species, however. Three sets of calibration factors were estimated from using beta‐binomial models that accounted for differences in capture efficiencies and variation in the relative capture success of the nets. We considered the effects of several environmental covariates (e.g., temperature, salinity, and turbidity) as well as deployment characteristics (e.g., bottom type, calendar day, and maximum net extension) on the relative efficiency of nets and on the variation in the probability of capture among paired hauls. More..

    Measuring the Physiologic Properties of Oral Lesions Receiving Fractionated Photodynamic Therapy

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) can treat superficial, early‐stage disease with minimal damage to underlying tissues and without cumulative dose‐limiting toxicity. Treatment efficacy is affected by disease physiologic properties, but these properties are not routinely measured. We assessed diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) for the noninvasive, contact measurement of tissue hemoglobin oxygen saturation (StO2) and total hemoglobin concentration ([tHb]) in the premalignant or superficial microinvasive oral lesions of patients treated with 5‐aminolevulinic acid (ALA)‐PDT. Patients were enrolled on a Phase 1 study of ALA‐PDT that evaluated fluences of 50, 100, 150 or 200 J cm−2 delivered at 100 mW cm−2. To test the feasibility of incorporating DRS measurements within the illumination period, studies were performed in patients who received fractionated (two‐part) illumination that included a dark interval of 90–180 s. Using DRS, tissue oxygenation at different depths within the lesion could also be assessed. DRS could be performed concurrently with contact measurements of photosensitizer levels by fluorescence spectroscopy, but a separate noncontact fluorescence spectroscopy system provided continuous assessment of photobleaching during illumination to greater tissue depths. Results establish that the integration of DRS into PDT of early‐stage oral disease is feasible, and motivates further studies to evaluate its predictive and dosimetric value.Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy with a contact probe was employed as part of a fluorescence and reflectance spectroscopy system to measure the tissue hemoglobin oxygen saturation and hemoglobin content of lesions of premalignant or early microinvasive cancer of the oral cavity. Studies demonstrate the feasibility of incorporating these measurements into treatment with fractionated (two‐part) photodynamic therapy (PDT) using 5‐aminolevulinic acid. Patient‐specific differences in physiologic parameters were detectable at baseline and at times during and after PDT. Photobleaching of photosensitizer was measured by its fluorescence. Results establish the utility of rationally designed spectroscopy probes toward personalized dosimetry in PDT of oral disease.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113767/1/php12475.pd

    Short-term losses and long-term gains: the non-native species Austrominius modestus in Lough Hyne Marine Nature Reserve

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    The non-native barnacle species Austrominius modestus was first recorded in Ireland, close to Lough Hyne marine nature reserve in 1957. This species was not recorded inside the Lough until 1980, but by 2001 was the dominant intertidal barnacle within the reserve. It has been suggested that increases in the abundance of this species at other locations in Europe may be linked to increasing sea surface temperatures, and that A. modestus is an “ecological sleeper”. Despite an overall trend for increasing sea surface temperatures, this long term warming is punctuated by extreme events such as severely cold winters. A. modestus is warm water adapted, and has been recorded to decrease in abundance following cold winters. The winters of 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 were amongst the coldest recorded in Ireland in past decades. In the present study, higher levels of mortality were recorded for A. modestus than native barnacle species in Lough Hyne following these cold winters. Additionally, this species was recorded at lower abundances at the majority of sites surveyed in Lough Hyne in 2011 compared with 2009. Despite this, A. modestus remains the dominant barnacle species in the Lough and monitoring the recruitment of intertidal barnacles within Lough Hyne during 2014e2015 revealed that A. modestus was the most abundant recruit at study sites, both in removal plots and in the pre-existing community. The year-round breeding of A. modestus in addition to the closed nature of the Lough promotes A. modestus within the reserve. Despite this, native barnacle species continue to persist in Lough Hyne, though generally at low abundances, with the exception of exposed locations such as the Rapids and Bullock Island where natives outnumber A. modestus. The future intertidal barnacle community within the Lough is likely to be dominated by A. modestus with Chthamalus montagui and C. stellatus being abundant at sites which are not suitable for A. modestus. While the consequences of this are unknown, it is possible that the presence of A. modestus may alter trophic interactions and energy flow within the reserve

    Bringing Brotherly Love to Interprofessional Education - Creating a Curriculum of Simulation with Multidisciplinary Objectives

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    Objectives: Learners attending this presentation/workshop will: Discuss the current trends in an interprofessional education curriculum Explore the possible pinnacles and pitfalls in developing an IPE educational curriculum, including institutional support for IPE programs Acquire the skills to develop simulation cases that foster interprofessional objectives Interprofessional collaboration and teamwork among health care professionals is essential to provide safe, high quality patient care. Unfortunately, dismantling of the existing educational silos between disciplines is fraught with challenges. Success requires multidisciplinary commitment and leadership, and must occur early in each student’s educational training. Although gaining popularity, interprofessional education (IPE) and communication is not commonly a focus in all health care disciplines. Drexel University ‘s College of Medicine and College of Nursing and Health Professions have developed a successful IPE curriculum in Women’s Health, built on a foundation of simulation and communication. Occurring three days per academic year over the last five years, the curriculum engages OB/GYN and anesthesia residents, undergraduate nursing, nurse practitioner, nurse anesthesia, physician assistant and midwifery students in outpatient and inpatient scenarios with active participant communication activities that crescendo through the year. Expert faculty with enhanced credentials in multi-fidelity simulation, Debriefing with Good JudgmentTM, and TeamSTEPPSTM participate in faculty development and interactive curriculum review to provide learners with rigorous, life-like experiences while learning to appropriately give bad news, handle stressful situations, and discuss important health related issues in a collaborative environment. The Drexel University Partnership for Interprofessional Education (DU-PIE) has presented workshops and live demonstrations nationally to teach faculty and staff how to devise an interprofessional curriculum for their institutions. Pinnacles and pitfalls encountered during the development and roll out of the Drexel model can assist programs to sustain and further enrich IPE programs. This interactive workshop will consist of a brief presentation, a small group activity to assist faculty and professional staff in creating the building blocks of an IPE simulation program including identifying stakeholders, lobbying for administrative support, and developing simulation cases that incorporate multidisciplinary IPE objectives, and group debriefing to share gained insights

    Are Ethnic and Gender Specific Equations Needed to Derive Fat Free Mass from Bioelectrical Impedance in Children of South Asian, Black African-Caribbean and White European Origin? Results of the Assessment of Body Composition in Children Study

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    Background Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is a potentially valuable method for assessing lean mass and body fat levels in children from different ethnic groups. We examined the need for ethnic- and gender-specific equations for estimating fat free mass (FFM) from BIA in children from different ethnic groups and examined their effects on the assessment of ethnic differences in body fat. Methods Cross-sectional study of children aged 8–10 years in London Primary schools including 325 South Asians, 250 black African-Caribbeans and 289 white Europeans with measurements of height, weight and arm-leg impedance (Z; Bodystat 1500). Total body water was estimated from deuterium dilution and converted to FFM. Multilevel models were used to derive three types of equation {A: FFM = linear combination(height+weight+Z); B: FFM = linear combination(height2/Z); C: FFM = linear combination(height2/Z+weight)}. Results Ethnicity and gender were important predictors of FFM and improved model fit in all equations. The models of best fit were ethnicity and gender specific versions of equation A, followed by equation C; these provided accurate assessments of ethnic differences in FFM and FM. In contrast, the use of generic equations led to underestimation of both the negative South Asian-white European FFM difference and the positive black African-Caribbean-white European FFM difference (by 0.53 kg and by 0.73 kg respectively for equation A). The use of generic equations underestimated the positive South Asian-white European difference in fat mass (FM) and overestimated the positive black African-Caribbean-white European difference in FM (by 4.7% and 10.1% respectively for equation A). Consistent results were observed when the equations were applied to a large external data set. Conclusions Ethnic- and gender-specific equations for predicting FFM from BIA provide better estimates of ethnic differences in FFM and FM in children, while generic equations can misrepresent these ethnic differences
