551 research outputs found

    Picturing Teacher Agency: Developing Upstanding Heuristics in a Middle Grades Social Studies Methods Course

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    This paper presents a multi-case study of teacher candidates in a pre-service middle grades social studies methods course. The research aimed to understand how the middle grades teacher candidates viewed their future as upstanders with agency in middle grades settings. The focus of the research was on heuristic representations that the teacher candidates created to illustrate how they understood their role in supporting the democratic aims of middle grades social studies. Qualitative data was collected and analyzed through chordal triad of agency theory (Emirbayer & Mische, 1998). The findings indicate that preservice teachers best understand their future as change agents through their role of curriculum and instruction and their impact on students, additionally their conceptualizations of their intended agency were influenced by their past and present experiences as well as their projected goals for the future. This research also suggests that heuristics may be a powerful tool in the preparation of teacher candidates, helping them to think through their role in supporting the democratic aims of social studies, middle grades education and social justice education. Important constraints about teacher candidates’ perceptions (or lack thereof) of oppressive structures within middle schools settings are considered

    Conditioning and Habituation of White-Tailed Deer to Two Common Deterrents

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    It was hypothesized white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) could be readily conditioned to 2 commonly used deterrents, Deer-Away® Big Game Repellent (BGR) and blood meal (BM). Plots were randomly assigned BGR, BM and control. Free-ranging deer were initially conditioned to forage for corn at each 49m 2 bare earth plots delivered at 0500 hr and 1600 hr by programmable siing-type feeders. Hoof prints were counted within a 3.7m 2 sample area of each plot to quantify activity. Following preconditioning, data were collected during 5, 5-day periods. Application of BGR and BM to their respective bare earth plots occurred during periods 2, 4 and 5. Initial exposure decreased the number of hoof-prints for BGR (P = 0.011) and BM (P = 0.033) compared to the control. Subsequent exposure to BGR during periods 4 and 5 did not differ from the control (P \u3e 0.227). Prints counted following exposure to BM were similar to the control in period 4 (P = 0.267), but lower (P = 0.045) in period 5. Within each treatment group , prints counted were lower during period 2 compared to periods 1, 3, 4 and 5 for both BGR (P =0.001) and BM (P = 0.018). No differences (P \u3e 0.05) were found among periods 1,3,4 and 5 within each treatment. Results support the hypothesis that white-tailed deer can readily be conditioned to these two commonly used deterrents

    Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin Replacement Therapy with Hizentra® is Safe and Effective in Children Less Than 5 Years of Age.

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    BACKGROUND:Hizentra® (IGSC 20%) is a 20% liquid IgG product approved for subcutaneous administration in adults and children 2 years of age and older who have primary immunodeficiency disease (PIDD). There is limited information about the use of IGSC 20 % in very young children including those less than 5 years of age. METHODS:A retrospective chart review involved 88 PIDD infants and children less than 5 years of age who received Hizentra®. RESULTS:The mean age at the start of Hizentra® was 34 months (range 2 to 59 months). IGSC 20 % was administered weekly to 86 infants (two additional infants received twice weekly and three times weekly infusions, respectively) and included an average of 63 infusions (range 6-182) for an observation period up to 45.5 months. Infusion by manual delivery occurred in 15 patients. The mean dose was 674 mg/kg/4 weeks. The mean IgG level was 942 mg/dL while on IGSC 20 %, compared to a mean trough IgG level of 794 mg/dL (p < 0.0001) during intravenous or subcutaneous IgG administration prior to IGSC 20 %. Average infusion time was 47 (range 5-120) minutes, and the median number of infusion sites was 2 (range 1-4). Local reactions were mostly mild and observed in 36/88 (41%) children. No serious adverse events were reported. A significant increase in weight percentile (7 % ± 19.2, p = 0.0012) among subjects was observed during IGSC 20% administration. The rate of serious bacterial infections was 0.067 per patient-year while receiving IGSC 20%, similar to previously reported efficacy studies. CONCLUSIONS:Hizentra® is effective in preventing infections, and is well tolerated in children less than age 5 years

    High intensity exercise as a dishabituating stimulus restores counterregulatory responses in recurrently hypoglycemic rodents

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    Hypoglycemia is a major adverse effect of insulin therapy for people with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Profound defects in the normal counterregulatory response to hypoglycemia explain the frequency of hypoglycemia occurrence in T1D. Defective counterregulation results to a large extent from prior exposure to hypoglycemia per se, leading to a condition called impaired awareness of hypoglycemia (IAH), the cause of which is unknown. In the current study, we investigate the hypothesis that IAH develops through a special type of adaptive memory referred to as habituation. To test this hypothesis, we used a novel intense stimulus (high-intensity exercise) to demonstrate two classic features of a habituated response, namely dishabituation and response recovery. We demonstrate that after recurrent hypoglycemia the introduction of a novel dishabituating stimulus (a single burst of high-intensity exercise) in male Sprague-Dawley rats restores the defective hypoglycemia counterregulatory response. In addition, the rats showed an enhanced response to the novel stimulus (response recovery). We make the further observation using proteomic analysis of hypothalamic extracts that high-intensity exercise in recurrently hypoglycemic rats increases levels of a number of proteins linked with brain-derived neurotrophic factor signaling. These findings may lead to novel therapeutic approaches for individuals with T1D and IAH.</jats:p

    Central deficiency of IL-6Ra in mice impairs glucose-stimulated insulin secretion

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    OBJECTIVE: IL-6 is an important contributor to glucose and energy homeostasis through changes in whole-body glucose disposal, insulin sensitivity, food intake and energy expenditure. However, the relative contributions of peripheral versus central IL-6 signaling to these metabolic actions are presently unclear. A conditional mouse model with reduced brain IL-6Ra expression was used to explore how blunted central IL-6 signaling alters metabolic status in lean and obese mice. METHODS: Transgenic mice with reduced levels of central IL-6 receptor alpha (IL-6Ra) (IL-6Ra KD mice) and Nestin Cre controls (Cre(+/-) mice) were fed standard chow or high-fat diet for 20 weeks. Obese and lean mouse cohorts underwent metabolic phenotyping with various measures of energy and glucose homeostasis determined. Glucose-stimulated insulin secretion was assessed in vivo and ex vivo in both mouse groups. RESULTS: IL-6Ra KD mice exhibited altered body fat mass, liver steatosis, plasma insulin, IL-6 and NEFA levels versus Cre(+/-) mice in a diet-dependent manner. IL-6Ra KD mice had increased food intake, higher RER, decreased energy expenditure with diminished cold tolerance compared to Cre(+/-) controls. Standard chow-fed IL-6Ra KD mice displayed reduced plasma insulin and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion with impaired glucose disposal and unchanged insulin sensitivity. Isolated pancreatic islets from standard chow-fed IL-6Ra KD mice showed comparable morphology and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion to Cre(+/-) controls. The diminished in vivo insulin secretion exhibited by IL-6Ra KD mice was recovered by blockade of autonomic ganglia. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that central IL-6Ra signaling contributes to glucose and energy control mechanisms by regulating food intake, energy expenditure, fuel flexibility and insulin secretion. A plausible mechanism linking central IL-6Ra signaling and pancreatic insulin secretion is through the modulation of autonomic output activity. Thus, brain IL-6 signaling may contribute to the central adaptive mechanisms engaged in response to metabolic stress

    Neighborhood Factors Relevant for Walking in Older, Urban, African American Adults

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    Focus-group and photo-voice methodology were used to identify the salient factors of the neighborhood environment that encourage or discourage walking in older, urban African Americans. Twenty-one male (n = 2) and female (n = 19) African Americans age 60 years and older (M = 70 ± 8.7, range = 61–85) were recruited from a large urban senior center. Photographs taken by the participants were used to facilitate focus-group discussions. The most salient factors that emerged included the presence of other people, neighborhood surroundings, and safety from crime, followed by sidewalk and traffic conditions, animals, public walking tracks and trails, and weather. Future walking interventions for older African Americans should include factors that encourage walking, such as the presence of other friendly or active people, attractive or peaceful surroundings, and a sense of safety from crime

    Nrf2-mediated neuroprotection response to recurrent hypoglycemia is insufficient to prevent cognitive impairment in a rodent model of type 1 diabetes

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    It remains uncertain whether recurrent nonsevere hypoglycemia (Hypo) results in long-term cognitive impairment in type 1 diabetes (T1D). This study tested the hypothesis that specifically in the T1D state, Hypo leads to cognitive impairment via a pathological response to oxidative stress. Wild-type (Control) and nuclear factor–erythroid 2 p45–related factor 2 (Nrf2) null mice were studied. Eight groups of mice (Control and Nrf2−/− ± T1D and ± Hypo) were subject to recurrent, twice-weekly, insulin or saline injections over 4 weeks, after which cognitive function was assessed and brain tissue analyzed. Recurrent moderate hypoglycemia in T1D, but not Control, mice significantly impaired cognitive performance, and this was associated with hippocampal oxidative damage and inflammation despite an enhanced expression of Nrf2 and its target genes Hmox1 and Nqo1. In Nrf2−/− mice, both T1D and Hypo independently resulted in impaired cognitive performance, and this was associated with oxidative cell damage and marked inflammation. Together, these data suggest that Hypo induces an Nrf2-dependent antioxidant response in the hippocampus, which counteracts oxidative damage. However, in T1D, this neuroprotective mechanism is insufficient to prevent neuronal oxidative damage, resulting in chronic deficits in working and long-term memory.</jats:p

    Promoting access to dental care in South London: adult patients' perspectives.

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    Objective: To evaluate patients' views on health service initiatives established to improve uptake of NHS primary dental care amongst adult patients in a socially deprived area, comparing practices with extended and regular contract capacity. Study design: Service evaluation and cross-sectional survey. Method: Questionnaire survey of patients attending a random sample of dental practices in three inner-metropolitan boroughs of south London following initiatives to improve access to dental care (across dental practices delivering regular and extended contracts for services) exploring attendance patterns and the influence and awareness of local initiatives to promote access. Results: Four hundred fifty adults across 12 dental practices completed questionnaires: 79% reported attending for routine and 21% for urgent care. Patients were most aware of banners outside practices, followed by dental advertisements in newspapers. Vouchers for free treatments were considered of the highest possible influence, followed by vouchers for reduced treatment costs and an emergency out-of-hours helpline. Awareness and influence were not aligned, and there was no evidence of difference by practice contract type whilst there were differences by age and type of attendance. Conclusion: The findings suggest that financial incentives and emergency services are considered the most influential initiatives for adult patients whose attendance patterns appear to be related to personal circumstances rather than merely being influenced by the provision of information

    Correction:Chronic hyperglycaemia increases the vulnerability of the hippocampus to oxidative damage induced during post-hypoglycaemic hyperglycaemia in a mouse model of chemically induced type 1 diabetes

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    Correction: Diabetologia (2023) 66:1340-1352 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00125-023-05907-6The Original Article was published on 04 April 2023Unfortunately, the funding statement included in this paper did not fully satisfy the reporting requirements of the funder. The original article has been updated to include the sentence: ‘This paper reflects the authors’ views and the JU is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains’
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