4,102 research outputs found

    Study of winglets applied to biplanes

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    The possibility of improving the aerodynamic characteristics of a biplane configuration by adding winglets is examined both theoretically and experimentally. Theoretical calculations show good agreement with experiment in predicting inviscid drag due to lift. Theoretical and experimental results indicate that the addition of winglets to an optimized biplane configuration can increase the ideal efficiency factor by up to 13 percent, as well as increasing the lift curve slope and maximum lift coefficient

    Optical Stark Effect and Dressed Excitonic States in a Mn-doped Quantum Dot

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    We report on the observation of spin dependent optically dressed states and optical Stark effect on an individual Mn spin in a semiconductor quantum dot. The vacuum-to-exciton or the exciton-to-biexciton transitions in a Mn-doped quantum dot are optically dressed by a strong laser field and the resulting spectral signature is measured in photoluminescence. We demonstrate that the energy of any spin state of a Mn atom can be independently tuned using the optical Stark effect induced by a control laser. High resolution spectroscopy reveals a power, polarization and detuning dependent Autler-Townes splitting of each optical transition of the Mn-doped quantum dot. This experiment demonstrates a complete optical resonant control of the exciton-Mn system

    Work-rate of substitutes in elite soccer: A preliminary study

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the work-rate of substitutes in professional soccer. A computerised player tracking system was used to assess the work-rates of second-half substitutes (11 midfielders and 14 forwards) in a French Ligue 1 club. Total distance, distance covered in five categories of movement intensity and recovery time between high-intensity efforts were evaluated. First- and second-half work-rates of the replaced players were compared. The performance of substitutes was compared to that of the players they replaced, to team-mates in the same position who remained on the pitch after the substitution and in relation to their habitual performances when starting games. No differences in work-rate between first- and second-halves were observed in all players who were substituted. In the second-half, a non-significant trend was observed in midfield substitutes who covered greater distances than the player they replaced whereas no differences were observed in forwards. Midfield substitutes covered a greater overall distance and distance at high-intensities (p<0.01) and had a lower recovery time between high-intensity efforts (p<0.01) compared to other midfield team-mates who remained on the pitch. Forwards covered less distance (p<0.01) in their first 10-minutes as a substitute compared to their habitual work-rate profile in the opening 10-minutes when starting matches while this finding was not observed in midfielders. These findings suggest that compared to midfield substitutes, forward substitutes did not utilise their full physical potential. Further investigation is warranted into the reasons behind this finding in order to optimise the work-rate contributions of forward substitutes

    Semantic Web technologies in software engineering

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    Over the years, the software engineering community has developed various tools to support the specification, development, and maintainance of software. Many of these tools use proprietary data formats to store artifacts which hamper interoperability. However, the Semantic Web provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries. Ontologies are used define the concepts in the domain of discourse and their relationships and as such provide the formal vocabulary applications use to exchange data. Beside the Web, the technologies developed for the Semantic Web have proven to be useful also in other domains, especially when data is exchanged between applications from different parties. Software engineering is one of these domains in which recent research shows that Semantic Web technologies are able to reduce the barriers of proprietary data formats and enable interoperability. In this tutorial, we present Semantic Web technologies and their application in software engineering. We discuss the current status of ontologies for software entities, bug reports, or change requests, as well as semantic representations for software and its documentation. This way, architecture, design, code, or test models can be shared across application boundaries enabling a seamless integration of engineering results

    Diagnosis of venous incompetence inerectile dysfunction

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    In 26 of 214 patients with erectile dysfunction and proved venous incompetence by cavernosography, an additional bidirectional Doppler ultrasound was performed also to demonstrate venous outflow disturbances. All except one leakage in the superficial and deep dorsal veins could be demonstrated as well as 4 of 6 cavernosum-glandular shunts. Bidirectional Doppler ultrasound visualized a continuous retrograde blood flow from the sulcus coronarius to the root of the penis in superficial and deep dorsal penile veins as well as in ectopic penile veins, an orthograde blood flow in the sulcus coronarius in cavernosum-glandular shunt

    Electron-nuclei spin dynamics in II-VI semiconductor quantum dots

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    We report on the dynamics of optically induced nuclear spin polarization in individual CdTe/ZnTe quantum dots loaded with one electron by modulation doping. The fine structure of the hot trion (charged exciton X−X^- with an electron in the PP-shell) is identified in photoluminescence excitation spectra. A negative polarisation rate of the photoluminescence, optical pumping of the resident electron and the built-up of dynamic nuclear spin polarisation (DNSP) are observed in time-resolved optical pumping experiments when the quantum dot is excited at higher energy than the hot trion triplet state. The time and magnetic field dependence of the polarisation rate of the X−X^- emission allows to probe the dynamics of formation of the DNSP in the optical pumping regime. We demonstrate using time-resolved measurements that the creation of a DNSP at B=0T efficiently prevents longitudinal spin relaxation of the electron caused by fluctuations of the nuclear spin bath. The DNSP is built in the microsecond range at high excitation intensity. A relaxation time of the DNSP in about 10 microseconds is observed at B=0TB=0T and significantly increases under a magnetic field of a few milli-Tesla. We discuss mechanisms responsible for the fast initialisation and relaxation of the diluted nuclear spins in this system

    A Tool for Visual Understanding of Source Code Dependencies

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    Many program comprehension tools use graphs to visualize and analyze source code. The main issue is that existing approaches create graphs overloaded with too much information. Graphs contain hundreds of nodes and even more edges that cross each other. Understanding these graphs and using them for a given program comprehension task is tedious, and in the worst case developers stop using the tools. In this paper we present DA4Java, a graphbased approach for visualizing and analyzing static dependencies between Java source code entities. The main contribution of DA4Java is a set of features to incrementally compose graphs and remove irrelevant nodes and edges from graphs. This leads to graphs that contain significantly fewer nodes and edges and need less effort to understand

    Interacting and Annealing Particle Filters: Mathematics and a Recipe for Applications

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    Interacting and annealing are two powerful strategies that are applied in different areas of stochastic modelling and data analysis. Interacting particle systems approximate a distribution of interest by a finite number of particles where the particles interact between the time steps. In computer vision, they are commonly known as particle filters. Simulated annealing, on the other hand, is a global optimization method derived from statistical mechanics. A recent heuristic approach to fuse these two techniques for motion capturing has become known as annealed particle filter. In order to analyze these techniques, we rigorously derive in this paper two algorithms with annealing properties based on the mathematical theory of interacting particle systems. Convergence results and sufficient parameter restrictions enable us to point out limitations of the annealed particle filter. Moreover, we evaluate the impact of the parameters on the performance in various experiments, including the tracking of articulated bodies from noisy measurements. Our results provide a general guidance on suitable parameter choices for different applications
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