23 research outputs found

    Properties of Nanoscale Carbon Coatings Obtained by the Pulsed Vacuum-Arc Method on Silicon

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    The complex of properties including the structure, adhesive strength, internal stresses, tribological properties, microhardness and crack-resistance of nanoscale carbon coatings obtained by the pulsed vacuum-arc method on single-crystal silicon substrates was investigated. Two types of samples of the carbon coating: type (i) formed at the normal location of the substrate relative to the geometric axis of the plasma flow (θ = 0°); type (ii) obtained at an angle θ = 70° were studied. The analysis of the experimental results showed, that the angle of plasma flow incidence relative to the substrate drastically affects the properties of carbon coatings. The structure, adhesion, internal stresses, wear resistance, crack resistance are interrelated and determined by the radiation-diffusion sealing during the process of carbon coating deposition from the carbon plasma flow. Nanoscale carbon coatings can significantly improve the strength and tribological properties of different tools, parts and products. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3530


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    Family Filoviridae includes a set of etiological agents of human hemorrhagic fevers distributed in Africa: Zaire ebolavirus (ZEBOV), Sudan ebolavirus (SUDV), Bundibugyo ebolavirus (BDBV), Taï Forest ebolavirus (TAFV), Marburg marburgvirus (MMARV). Historiography and recent taxonomical structure of Filoviridae family are considered in the review. The discussed data of laboratory and ecological-virological field researches demonstrate the presence of a natural reservoir of filoviruses among fruit-bats (Chiroptera, Megachiroptera) which carry filovirus infection without clinical signs but allocate viruses with urine, saliva, excrements, and sperm, as well as contain viruses in blood and internals. The potential hosts of filoviruses are various mammal species including the higher primacies (Anthropoidea) and the humans (Homo sapiens sapiens). A brief comparison of anatomic and morphologic features of fruit bats and bats (Chiroptera, Microchiroptera) belonging to another suborder of chiropterans is presented. The description of the basic characteristics of the four types of epidemic outbreaks linked with Filoviridae-associated fevers — speleological (from Ancient Greek σπήλαιον — cave), forest, rural, and urban are given; their possible transformation directions are considered as well.Семейство Filoviridae содержит ряд возбудителей геморрагических лихорадок человека, распространенных на территории Африки: эболавирус Заир (Zaire ebolavirus, ZEBOV), эболавирус Судан (Sudan ebolavirus, SUDV), эболавирус Бундибугё (Bundibugyo ebolavirus, BDBV), (Taï Forest ebolavirus, TAFV), марбургвирус Марбург (Marburg marburgvirus, MMARV). В обзоре представлены историография и рецентная таксономическая структура семейства Filoviridae; выполнен этимологический анализ устаревших и современных названий представителей этого семейства; обсуждаются данные лабораторных и полевых эколого-вирусологических исследований, свидетельствующих о том, что резервуаром филовирусов является подотряд Крыланов (Chiroptera, Megachiroptera), которые переносят филовирусную инфекцию инаппарантно, но выделяют вирусы с мочой, слюной, фекалиями и спермой, а также содержат вирусы в крови и внутренних органах. Потенциальными хозяевами филовирусов является широкий спектр видов млекопитающих, включая высших приматов (Anthropoidea) и человека (Homo sapiens sapiens). В работе приводится краткое сравнение анатомических и морфологических особенностей крыланов и летучих мышей (Chiroptera, Microchiroptera), входящих в другой подотряд отряда Рукокрылых. Дано описание основных характеристик четырех типов эпидемических вспышек филовирусных лихорадок — спелеологического (от др.-греч. σπήλαιον — пещера), лесного, деревенского и городского, а также возможные направления трансформации в процессе их развития и масштабирования


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    The review presents the following division of the African natural foci province into districts: I. Upper Guinea natural focus region includes the following individual natural foci: I.1. Kazamans; I.2. North Guinea; I.3. Volta; I.4. Adamawa; I.5. Sao Tome. II. Central Africa: II.1. Southern Guinea; II.2. Katanga; II.3. Congo; II.4. Azande; II.5. Ruwenzori. III. South-Eastern Africa: III.1. Mafungabusi; III.2. Drakensberg; III.3. Comoros; III.4. Madagascar; III.5. Seychelles; III.6. Mascarenes. For each natural focus the article describes the characteristic landscapes and species list of fruit-bats (Chiroptera, Megachiroptera) which are natural reservoir for viruses belonging to Filoviridae family, the types of epidemic outbreaks and the intensity of filovirus circulation. Possible explanations of narrowness of filoviruses areal in comparison with fruit-bats areal in Africa are discussed.В обзоре предложено районирование африканской природно-очаговой провинции, в составе которой выделены: I. Верхнегвинейский природно-очаговый район, включающий следующие природные очаги: I.1. Казамaнс; I.2. Северо-Гвинейский; I.3. Вόльта; I.4. Адамaва; I.5. Сан-Томe. II. Центральноафриканский: II.1. Южно-Гвинейский; II.2. Катaнга; II.3. Кόнго; II.4. Азaнде; II.5. Рувензόри. III. Юго-Восточноафриканский: III.1. Мафунгабус́ и; III.2. Дракόновы горы; III.3. Комόры; III.4. Мадагаскaр; III.5. Сейшeлы; III.6. Маскарeны.Для каждого природного очага описаны характерные ландшафты, видовой состав крыланов (Chiroptera, Megachiroptera), представляющих собой природный резервуар для вирусов семейства Filoviridae, а также типы эпидемических вспышек и интенсивность циркуляции филовирусов. Обсуждаются возможные объяснения узости ареала филовирусов по сравнению с ареалом крыланов в Африке

    Phase equilibrium of biologically active systems 4,6-dinitro-5,7-dichlorobenzofuroxane and 5-nitro-4,6-dichlorobenzofuroxane

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    © Yusupova L. M., Khuziakhmetova A. N., Gorelova E. G., Mingazova V. K., Galkina I. V., 2020. Introduction. One of the intensive ways to increase the therapeutic efficacy and safety of a drug is a combination of several already known substances or chemical compounds, leading to the appearance of a synergistic effect. This method of creating a medicinal product is one of the most important trends in recent times, since the synergistic effect allows one to achieve greater pharmacological activity, expand the range of medical applications and reduce the toxic effect of the drug on the organism. These pharmaceutical active substances include a binary mixture "Dimixan"(mixture 4,6-dinitro-5,7-dichlorobenzofuroxan (4,6-DNDHBFO) and 5-nitro-4,6-dichlorobenzofuroxan (5-NDHBFO). They demonstrate potentiated synergism to the ultra-resistant mold fungus of the species Aspergillius niger. However, the synergy mechanism of the mixture of 5-NDHBFO and 4,6-DNDHBFO is not fully studied. The results of determining the thermodynamic characteristics and phase equilibria in these systems will make it possible to determine the nature of the interaction between 5-NDCBPO and 4,6-DNDCBPO, which will undoubtedly contribute to the optimal organization of the production of a promising drug. Aim. Establishing the nature of the interaction between 5-NDHBFO and 4,6-DNDHBFO in the system. Materials and methods. Using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), phase equilibria in the 5-NDHBFO and 4,6-DNDHBFO systems were studied in a wide range of component concentrations. From the state diagram, the thermodynamic characteristics of the eutectic were determined: the enthalpy and entropy of melting of mixtures of 5-NDHBFO – 4,6-DNDHBFO at different ratios of components. Results and discussion. Based on the results of the study, phase reactions with the physicochemical interaction of 5-NDHBFO and 4,6-DNDHBFO in two-component systems with the formation of eutectic alloys of the "solid solution" type are identified. The specific values of the enthalpies of melting of alloys of eutectic compositions were determined, from which the entropies of melting were calculated. The results of a study of the density of eutectic compositions of 5-NDHBFO – 4,6-DNDHBFO indicate the formation of an interstitial solid solution. Conclusion. The nature of the interaction between 5-NDHBFO and 4,6-DNDHBFO in the system, leading to the appearance of a synergy effect, has been established. The results obtained are important for predicting the eutectic compositions of 5-NDHBFO and 4,6-DNDHBFO as active pharmaceutical ingredient with increased biological activity


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    Initial immunodeficiencies are genetically conditioned defects of immune system; they are the basis for generalized infections including those induced by mycobacteria of tuberculosis complex. The lesions of skeleton in those patients are of different types depending on the kind of immunodeficiency. The article presents the results of clinical observation, conservative and surgical treatment of 12 children with mycobacterial lesions of skeleton on the ground different initial immunodeficiencies — severe combined immune deficiency, chronic granulematosis and insufficiency of interferon and interleukin 12.Key words: children, initial immunodeficiency, mycobacterial infection, bone lesions, surgical treatment.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. 2011; 10 (3): 60–64


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    Initial immunodeficiencies are genetically conditioned defects of immune system; they are the basis for generalized infections including those induced by mycobacteria of tuberculosis complex. The lesions of skeleton in those patients are of different types depending on the kind of immunodeficiency. The article presents the results of clinical observation, conservative and surgical treatment of 12 children with mycobacterial lesions of skeleton on the ground different initial immunodeficiencies — severe combined immune deficiency, chronic granulematosis and insufficiency of interferon and interleukin 12.Key words: children, initial immunodeficiency, mycobacterial infection, bone lesions, surgical treatment.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. 2011; 10 (3): 60–64)</span

    Low coherence re-flectometry of skin: benefits for skin imaging

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    Goal: to examine the effectiveness of use low coherent reflectometry method for diagnostic purposes in clinical dermatology. Materials and methods. For measurements optical coherence tomography OCS1300SS (Thorlab, USA) with swiped frequency was used. 12 patients with different skin diseases were studied (psoriasis, acne, scleroderma, etc.). Results. Distinct border was detected between layers with different optical characteristics (and structure) at a depth of 1000 m to 2000 microns for majority of the samples studied. It is important to note that a good regerneration of distribution of the interference signal during transmission from one section to another and close to an exponential decay of signal with an increase in depth of probing. Conclusion. As a criterion of pathological changes,may be proposed the degree of spatial uniformity in distribution decay constant of interference signal in depth obtained with help of low coherent reflectometry (in vivo)

    Benefits of optical coherence tomography for imaging of skin diseases

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    Aim: working out the methods of visualization of information obtained during optical coherent tomography in normal skin and in series of inflammatory disorders. Materials and Methods. OCS1300SS (made in Thorlabs, USA) was used in which the source of emission of radiation was a super-luminiscent diode with mean wavelength of 1325 nm. 12 patients with different skin conditions and 5 virtually healthy volunteers were examined with ОСТ procedure in OPD and IPD settings. High resolution USG numerical system DUB (TPM GmbH, Germany) was used for comparative USG assessment. Results. ОСТ demonstrated considerably more detailed picture of the objects scanned compared to USG investigation. Image obtained with the help of ОСТ contains vital information about sizes of macro-morphological elements, status of vascular elements and their density in different depths of the skin. Conclusion. Additional results obtained from ОСТ of the skin lesions in plane section improves attraction for ОСТ in practical dermatology

    Carboxylate Phosphabetaines Containing Chiral Carbon Atom: Synthesis and NMR Spectroscopy Data

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    Abstract: The nucleophilic addition reactions of tertiary phosphines and unsaturated carboxylic acids have led to the formation of mono- and dicarboxylate phosphabetaines containing an asymmetric carbon atom. The data of 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy have revealed the presence of diastereotopic geminal protons of the CH2 group adjacent to the chiral center in the obtained compounds. The values of spin-spin coupling constants of the vicinal hydrogen atoms have coincided with the dihedral angles values (X-ray diffraction analysis data). [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    New biologically active phosphonium salts based on 3-(diphenylphosphino)propionic acid and unsaturated amides

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    © 2020, Springer Science+Business Media LLC. New carboxylate phosphabetaines were synthesized from 3-(diphenylphosphino)propionic acid and unsaturated amides. Alkylation of the synthesized carboxylate phosphabetaines with haloalkyles was studied. In vitro biological activity of the synthesized phosphonium salts was evaluated