
Properties of Nanoscale Carbon Coatings Obtained by the Pulsed Vacuum-Arc Method on Silicon


The complex of properties including the structure, adhesive strength, internal stresses, tribological properties, microhardness and crack-resistance of nanoscale carbon coatings obtained by the pulsed vacuum-arc method on single-crystal silicon substrates was investigated. Two types of samples of the carbon coating: type (i) formed at the normal location of the substrate relative to the geometric axis of the plasma flow (θ = 0°); type (ii) obtained at an angle θ = 70° were studied. The analysis of the experimental results showed, that the angle of plasma flow incidence relative to the substrate drastically affects the properties of carbon coatings. The structure, adhesion, internal stresses, wear resistance, crack resistance are interrelated and determined by the radiation-diffusion sealing during the process of carbon coating deposition from the carbon plasma flow. Nanoscale carbon coatings can significantly improve the strength and tribological properties of different tools, parts and products. When you are citing the document, use the following link

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