27 research outputs found

    International ECOpreneurship : Environmental commitment and international partner selection of Finnish firms from the energy sector

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    Although numerous scholars recognize that entrepreneurial firms and their environmental innovations play a key role in global environmental progress, the topic of ecopreneurial internationalization has received only scant research attention. This article explores how the environmental commitment of ecopreneurs influences partner selection during the internationalization of their ventures. It does so by following a multiple-case study strategy and examining ecopreneurial small- and medium-size firms from Finland’s energy sector. The study proposes that, depending on a dominating type of environmental commitment—affective, continuance, or normative—these ventures should favor partner-related and task-related criteria in different ways when selecting international partners. This article contributes to ecopreneurship and to the literature on partner selection in international entrepreneurship.Aunque numerosos investigadores reconocen que las compañías emprendedoras y sus innovaciones medioambientales juegan un papel determinante en la mejora y el progreso global del medio ambiente, la temática de la internacionalización eco-emprendedora sólo ha recibido hasta la fecha una escasa atención investigadora. Este artículo explora cómo el compromiso medioambiental de los eco-emprendedores influye en la selección del socio/s durante la internacionalización de sus empresas. Ello se lleva a cabo mediante el seguimiento de una estrategia de estudio de casos múltiples de pequeñas y medianas empresas eco-emprendedoras del sector energético en Finlandia. El estudio propone que, dependiendo del tipo dominante de compromiso medioambiental -afectivo, de continuidad o normativo- tales empresas deberían favorecer ciertos criterios relacionados con el socio y con la tarea de diferentes maneras a la hora de seleccionar sus socios internacionales. El artículo contribuye así tanto al ámbito del eco-emprendimiento como a la literatura sobre selección del socio en el campo del Emprendimiento Internacional.© 2021 Springer Nature. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Suvremene migracije i tradicionalna dijaspora u Rusiji: primjer Armenaca u Moskvi

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    The disintegration of the USSR caused certain new social and demographic developments in the Russian Federation. Immigration from the former Soviet republics, mainly to Russia’s largest cities, is a new phenomenon for Russia. This process led to the formation of new diasporas in Russia and to the development of the traditional ones. This article examines the case of the Armenian diaspora in a great megalopolis, i.e. in Moscow. The Armenian diaspora in Moscow is a very old phenomenon, well integrated into Moscow society and very diversified. New immigrants from the CIS countries are entering Moscow Armenian society, changing its characteristics and increasing its social and cultural variety. Their crucial problem is integration into the host society, without the loss of their identity. These migrants could help in resolving the economic problems of the Republic of Armenia (first of all, of their own families), as well as some demographic problems of the Russian Federation.Raspad SSSR-a prouzročio je nov društveni i demografski razvoj u Ruskoj Federaciji. Imigracija iz bivših sovjetskih republika, većinom u najveće ruske gradove, nova je pojava u Rusiji. Taj je proces doveo do stvaranja novih dijaspora u Rusiji te razvoja tradicionalnih. U radu se razmatra primjer armenske dijaspore u megalopolisu, tj. u Moskvi. Armenska dijaspora u Moskvi vrlo je stara, dobro integrirana u moskovsko društvo i jako raznolika. Novi imigranti iz zemalja ZND-a ulaze u moskovsko armensko društvo mijenjajući njegove karakteristike te povećavaju njegovu socijalnu i kulturnu raznolikost. Njihov presudni problem jest kako se integrirati u to društvo bez gubitka svoga identiteta. Ti bi migranti mogli pridonijeti rješavanju gospodarskih problema Republike Armenije (u prvom redu problema vlastitih obitelji), kao i nekih demografskih problema Ruske Federacije

    Liminality and developmental process of learning advantage of newness of early internationalizing firms

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    Extant internationalization studies have devoted limited attention to the dynamics of the learning advantage of newness (LAN), which we, in response, investigate through the process approach and the novel lens of the concept of liminality. We conduct a longitudinal multiple-case study of five Finnish internationalizing firms. We inductively derive a process model that shows how the underlying liminal factors, such as international opportunity scaffolding activities, learning from communitas, and rituals, contribute to the development of learning advantage of newness. Originating in anthropology, the liminality perspective offers a novel perspective on LAN of early internationalizing firms. We also provide directions for future research and recommendations for practitioners.© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    The Synergy of Causation and Effectuation in Entrepreneurial Networking:Implication for Opportunity Development

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    The resource-based view of entrepreneurial networking demonstrates how relationships are formed instrumentally through the goal-driven decision-making of causation. At the same time, evidence shows that under conditions of uncertainty, entrepreneurs’ networking follows the non-predictive decision-making of effectuation. However, little is known about how entrepreneurs combine these two logics, that is, causation and effectuation, for opportunity development. This study identifies four hybrid combinations of causal and effectual networking behaviour. The outcome of this hybrid networking is a synergistic effect on opportunity development. The study contributes to the entrepreneurial effectuation research, the studies on entrepreneurial networking, and the literature on entrepreneurial opportunity

    Sensemaking of environmental commitment: a socio-historical contextualization of post-Soviet managers’ views

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    The different social contexts and historical backgrounds of countries in which companies operate may influence how their managers understand and apply the concept of environmental commitment. Thus, the understanding of environmental commitment in the post-communist societies of Central and Eastern Europe can be expected to be different from the Western markets. This study sheds light on these issues by analyzing managerial stories about environmental commitment in Russia. It explains how managers’ sensemaking is shaped by the Soviet socio-historical context. This study contributes to the limited literature on environmental commitment in postcommunist societies and provides a link between environmental commitment and sensemaking research, thus responding to recent calls for a clarification of the microfoundations of corporate social responsibility.</p

    Entrepreneurial networking: Intended and unintended processes

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    Despite the wide application of the network approach in Entrepreneurship and International Entrepreneurship, previous research lacks understanding of entrepreneurial networking as a process. Also, existing research views entrepreneurial networks as relatively stable and structured entities that are created in response to the defined resource needs and goals of a new venture. However, non-goal-oriented side of entrepreneurial networking has been neglected. Thus, the ultimate goal of this thesis is to study the intended and unintended aspects of the process of entrepreneurial networking. In this research, unintended entrepreneurial networking is understood through the lens of effectuation theory, which represents a logic of reasoning opposite to causation or a goal driven action based on predictive rationality. The findings from the five essays included into this thesis demonstrate that the process of purposeful creation of entrepreneurial network has three phases – activation of existing contacts, purposeful creation of new contacts, and evolution of entrepreneurial network. Also, entrepreneurial infrastructure influences this process, namely the involvement of formal and informal relations into the network. In addition, the results show that causation and effectuation are constantly intertwined in the process of entrepreneurial networking. The way the entrepreneurs networked, causally or effectually, depends upon the content of establishing a relation, the value of either the quality or quantity of a relation, and entrepreneur’s personality. In the context of internationalization and forming networks in foreign markets, entrepreneurial firms are likely to network effectually due to the conditions of high uncertainty. They are likely to enter foreign markets following their networks instead of these markets determining where and what partners to select. These findings lead to the implications that networking plans do not always work and entrepreneurs need to remain open to unexpected connections. Moreover, in highly uncertain situations they can leverage contingences in order to increase available opportunities. Also, the thesis suggests several implications derived from the comparison of entrepreneurial networking of Russian and Finnish founding teams. For example, it recommends Finnish entrepreneurs expanding their businesses to Russia to use networking services of various organizations, to find a network expert who has local knowledge and connections, and to rely on informal business relations

    Les Arméniens à Moscou depuis la dissolution de l'URSS

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    À la suite de l'effondrement du régime soviétique et tout au long de la décennie quatre-vingt-dix, la population des anciennes républiques soviétiques émigra massivement vers les principales villes de Russie. Presque le tiers des habitants de la république d'Arménie quitta ainsi le territoire. Les migrations arméniennes concernent lors la totalité du territoire de l'ex-Union soviétique, constituant une diaspora "intérieure".Galkina Tamara A. Les Arméniens à Moscou depuis la dissolution de l'URSS. In: Hommes et Migrations, n°1265, Janvier-février 2007. Diaspora arménienne et territorialités. pp. 138-151

    Contemporary Migration and Traditional Diasporas in Russia: The Case of the Armenians in Moscow

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    The disintegration of the USSR caused certain new social and demographic developments in the Russian Federation. Immigration from the former Soviet republics, mainly to Russia’s largest cities, is a new phenomenon for Russia. This process led to the formation of new diasporas in Russia and to the development of the traditional ones. This article examines the case of the Armenian diaspora in a great megalopolis, i.e. in Moscow. The Armenian diaspora in Moscow is a very old phenomenon, well integrated into Moscow society and very diversified. New immigrants from the CIS countries are entering Moscow Armenian society, changing its characteristics and increasing its social and cultural variety. Their crucial problem is integration into the host society, without the loss of their identity. These migrants could help in resolving the economic problems of the Republic of Armenia (first of all, of their own families), as well as some demographic problems of the Russian Federation

    Business Model Mechanisms for Overcoming the Liability of Platformization in International Digital Platform Firms

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    While the extant research recognizes that digital platforms not only enable internationalization but can also hinder the process, the prior studies do not address how firms can overcome these hindrances. We describe these as the liabilities of platformization, and explore the mechanisms by which to overcome them and thereby support the internationalization process. We conduct a multiple-case study of six international firms from Finland, whose business models are based on digital platforms. Our findings distinguish three facets that constitute a more general aggregate of the liability of platformization, namely the liabilities of digital space, control loss, and user-network outsidership. Consequently, we propose three respective mechanisms that enable firms to tackle these liabilities: digital platform customization, digital platform personalization, and establishing a local presence. Our study contributes to the emerging research on business models in an international context.©2021 Routledge. This is an Accepted Manuscript of a book chapter published by Routledge in Sustainable International Business Models in a Digitally Transforming World on 3 March 2022, available online: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003195986fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed