64 research outputs found

    Intellect Sensing of Neural Network that Trained to Classify Complex Signals

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    An experimental comparison of information features used by neural network is performed. The sensing method was used. Suboptimal classifier agreeable to the gaussian model of the training data was used as a probe. Neural nets with architectures of perceptron and feedforward net with one hidden layer were used. The experiments were carried out with spatial ultrasonic data, which are used for car’s passenger safety system neural controller learning. In this paper we show that a neural network doesn’t fully make use of gaussian components, which are first two moment coefficients of probability distribution. On the contrary, the network can find more complicated regularities inside data vectors and thus shows better results than suboptimal classifier. The parallel connection of suboptimal classifier improves work of modular neural network whereas its connection to the network input improves the specialization effect during training

    A commentary on the practice of using the so-called typeless species

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    The fears expressed by Santos et al. (2016) that description of typeless species (new species described based on field photographs) can be fatal for the practice of taxonomy which will succumb to an uncontrollable stream of "species of questionable delimitation" are, in our opinion, exaggerated. The Code already protects taxonomic practice from subjectivity quite well by limiting opportunities for descriptions of new species based on field photos by rigid requirements, and only skilled taxonomists with extensive knowledge of a group are capable of fulfilling them. If a taxonomist has omitted to compare the new typeless species with the known species externally similar to it, the latter cannot be diagnosed and its name in that case becomes nomen nudum. Typeless species can coincide with species described earlier, but can represent a new species differing in internal features. To describe typeless species without infringement of Article 13.1 a taxonomist should compare this species to all related and similar species described earlier

    Особенности использования специальных знаний в деятельности сторон и их представителей по делам о правонарушениях в сфере информационных технологий

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    The paper looks at computer forensic investigations in terms of the actions of the defense when such services need to be requested and provided in the course of a cyber crime inquiry; special considerations regarding requests submitted by the court or investigator; expert errors and their prevention; the use of procedural and non-procedural forms of special knowledge; problems relating to integrated approaches to forensic investigation.Рассмотрена судебная компьютерно-техническая экспертиза с позиций действий стороны защиты в случаях необходимости назначения и производства по делам о правонарушениях в сфере информационных технологий: особенности назначения экспертизы следователем или судом; экспертные ошибки и способы их устранения; использование процессуальной и непроцессуальной форм специальных знаний; проблема комплексности

    Использование специальных знаний стороной защиты при расследовании преступлений в области экономики

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    The paper examines actions taken by defense when financial and economic assessment is warranted in the course of economic crime investigation; the order of commission of financial and economic assessment by the investigator or court in order to establish a fact of bankruptcy fraud; capacity of the defense to contest expert testimony; errors committed by forensic economists when conducting financial and economic assessment in the criminal investigation of bankruptcy fraud; ways to prevent forensic expert mistakes; the wording of conclusions in the expert witness report; problems associated with the use of uncertified methodologies of forensic assessment; attitudes demonstrated by various courts within the Russian justice system towards the use of special knowledge by defense economic crime investigations, including the position of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in light of the European Convention; procedural and non-procedural documentation used by the defense in economic crime investigations. В статье рассматриваются следующие аспекты использования специальных знаний при расследовании преступлений в области экономики: Действия стороны защиты при назначении и производстве финансово-экономической экспертизы. Особенности назначения следователем или судом судебной финансово-экономической экспертизы в целях выявления признаков фиктивного банкротства. Возможности стороны защиты в оспаривании заключения эксперта. Экспертные ошибки, возможные при производстве финансово-экономической экспертизы при расследовании уголовных дел о фиктивном банкротстве, и способы их преодоления. Специфика формулирования выводов в заключении эксперта. Проблемы отсутствия регистрации применяемых методик экспертного исследования. Особенности отношения различных судов России к использованию специальных знаний стороной защиты, а также позиция Европейского суда по правам человека в свете Европейской конвенции по правам человека. Возможности использования процессуальных и непроцессуальных документов стороной защиты

    Problem regions and State policy in the field of regional economy

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    Now, there are no generally accepted ideas about the types of regions, there is no modern classification of regions according to the regional economic policy being implemented. This is the most important task in the regional policy of the state at the moment. There is a need to identify depressive regions with the help of such classification, to determine the economic levers with which it is possible to solve the most acute and important problems of such regions, as well as to determine the ways of development of these regions. As a result of such an analysis of the situation, federal aid should go to those regions that are most in crisis and that really need it. Various methodological approaches to the classification of regions for solving such problems are considered. Due to the complexity of analyzing the effectiveness of regional policy for individual regions, modern tools cannot provide an accurate answer to the question about the state of the region’s economy. There are no clear criteria for whether a given region is located in backward or depressed areas. All this affects the state of things and develops due to the inability to objectively assess and compare all the conditions for the development of the region and take into account all the data in a complex. As a result of the above and taking into account the limited resources of the federal center, territorial classification in the field of federal assistance is required. In many countries, there is a widespread practice combining quantitative and expert assessments when making decisions in the field of federal assistance to the region. The proposed typologization will make it possible to provide federal assistance to those regions that are most in crisis and that really need it

    Питання етики у сфері права інтелектуальної власності крізь призму міжнародного досвіду

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    Галінська С. О. Питання етики у сфері права інтелектуальної власності крізь призму міжнародного досвіду / С. О. Галінська // Міжнародні читання присвячені пам’яті професора Імператорського Новоросійського університету П. Є. Казанського: матеріали Міжнародної конференції (м. Одеса, 22-23 жовтня 2010 року). - Одеса, 2010. - С. 329-331.Досліджуючи питання етики у сфері права інтелектуальної власності автор зазначає, що законодавством США та деяких інших країн передбачена легальна можливість використання суспільних ліцензій. Україна ж ще не дійшла до таких змін. Поки навіть не існує налагодженої системи укладання ліцензійних договорів у електронному вигляді. Проте неминучими нам видається наближення змін у даній сфері — адаптація законів до прогресуючих реалій та формування єдиних справедливих міжнародних стандартів у сфері бізнесу та права інтелектуальної власності, які будуть етичними у першу чергу по відношенню до людства та творців