168 research outputs found

    Traces numériques. De la production à l'interprétation

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    Relié à des inconnus par des technologies numériques simplifiant l’accès à l’information et à la communication, l’humain du XXIe siècle, même le moins tenté par les nouvelles technologies, laisse partout des traces de ses actions. Relevant de la sphère publique ou privée, les traces numériques de ce Nouveau Monde sont manipulables et susceptibles de ressurgir dans des contextes imprévisibles. Chaque jour, ce fonctionnement inquiète d’autant plus que le numérique gagne progressivement toutes les pratiques contemporaines. Issus de champs disciplinaires variés (sciences de la communication, informatique, linguistique, sociologie, etc.), les universitaires de renom, réunis ici, non seulement lèvent le voile sur la façon dont se fabriquent et s’utilisent les traces numériques, mais aussi analysent les réponses aux risques encourus, qu’elles relèvent d’une protection passive (« le droit à l’oubli ») ou active (la performance dans la gestion des traces numériques)

    Le projet d’entreprise dĂ©mythifiĂ©

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    Cet essai propose une analyse des raisons de l’émergence du projet d’entreprise dans les annĂ©es 80. pose la question de savoir si le contexte des annĂ©es 90 entraine une remise en cause de cette forme de management, qui, sur le plan du principe, repose sur une communication interne renforcĂ©e. Dans les faits, l’élaboration d’un projet de dĂ©veloppement concertĂ© a le plus souvent laissĂ© la place Ă  la prĂ©sentation par la direction d’un dessein ou d’une planification habillĂ©e d’un nom Ă  la mode. L’écart entre thĂ©orie et pratique justifie-t-il l’abandon de ce type de dĂ©marche ? Quelles leçons tirer de l’expĂ©rience dans une pĂ©riode oĂč non seulement certaines entreprises persĂ©verent dans cet intitulĂ© pour qualifier leur management mais oĂč aussi les organisations du secteur public hospitalier et Ă©ducatif sont tenus rĂ©glementairement d’établir un projet d’éblissement.How can communication within an organisation he audited (evaluated) ? How can the attainment of unstated objectives be measured. Nothing that Jew companies actually set out their communications strategy. The author dwells upon this litherto underdeveloped phenomen on along with a close analysis of recent theories of decision making. The suggests that auditiking be replaced strategy, by the diagnostic study of communications strategy. Her analysis leads to the suggestion of a model of internal communication strategy, composed of 5 different dimensions :a relational management dimension an integrational dimension ; a maientic dimension ; an inherent dimension and a logistic dimension

    Voiles et dévoilements du Havre

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    L’auteur expose ici comment deux organisations, la mairie du Havre et l’UNESCO, Ă©mettrices de messages destinĂ©s pour la premiĂšre aux habitants de la ville et pour la seconde au « monde », ont mis en oeuvre des processus de reconstruction de reprĂ©sentation de cette ville. Ces deux Ă©critures correspondant Ă  deux registres de la reconnaissance, l’analogie et l’expertise, se sont conjuguĂ©es, pour faire effectivement Ă©voluer la lecture de la ville du Havre.The author explains how two institutions, two official bodies, namely the City of Le Havre and UNESCO, have generated messages to the people of Le Havre for the former, to the « world at large » for the latter and how both of them have implemented reconstruction processes of representation of the city. These two discourses corresponding to two levels of recognition, analogy and expertise, have combined effectively to alter the way the city of Le Havre is now perceived

    La communication interne : une approche croisée

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    En 1993, le ComitĂ© National d’Évaluation recommandait Ă  la recherche en information et communication de « dĂ©velopper des espaces (revues, publications diverses) » dans le domaine (...)des SIC aux enseignants-chercheurs de « s’investir dans la recherche appliquĂ©e en faisant mieux connaĂźtre leurs activitĂ©s et en s’informant des besoins des entreprises »(...), d’ouvrir des voies de collaboration avec les Ă©coles de commerce et de gestion dont « les enseignants permanents ont des activitĂ©s de rech..

    La sémiotique des « signes-traces » appliquée au recrutement: le cas de la recherche du « bon candidat » via les traces numériques

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    SituĂ©e dans une visĂ©e pragmatico-organisationnelle, la prĂ©sente contribution se propose d’explorer l’évolution des processus sĂ©miotiques appliquĂ©s au recrutement. AprĂšs en avoir Ă©tudiĂ© les formes traditionnelles, l’article analyse, d’une part, comment, Ă  l’ùre des rĂ©seaux sociaux numĂ©riques, certaines traces laissĂ©es sur le Net produisent des indices identitaires interfĂ©rant dans les procĂ©dures de recrutement et, d’autre part, comment la recherche d’indices, le principe de congruence et la notion de consistance comportementale en constituent un dĂ©nominateur sĂ©miotique commun. Le processus sĂ©miotique relĂšve ici de l’interaction des « signes-traces », paradigme associĂ© Ă  l’« Homme‑trace », terminologies utilisĂ©es par les auteurs et visant Ă  rappeler que les traces sont intrinsĂšquement liĂ©es Ă  la condition humaine.Positing a pragmatic-organizational purpose, this paper will explore the evolution of semiotic processes applied to recruitment. After studying their traditional forms, the article will analyze how, on the one hand, in the era of social digital networking, some traces left on the net produce identity indices that interfer with the recruitment process, and on the other hand, how a research upon indices, the congruence principle and the notion of consistent behavior evince a semiotic common denominator. Here, the semiotic process is based upon the interaction of “Sign-traces,” a paradigm related to the ”Human-Trace” which is a terminology established by the authors in order to remind that traces are intrinsically linked to the human condition

    Spin-Diffusion Lengths in Metals and Alloys, and Spin-Flipping at Metal/Metal Interfaces: an Experimentalist's Critical Review

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    In magnetoresistive (MR) studies of magnetic multilayers composed of combinations of ferromagnetic (F) and non-magnetic (N) metals, the magnetic moment (or related 'spin') of each conduction electron plays a crucial role, supplementary to that of its charge. While initial analyses of MR in such multilayers assumed that the direction of the spin of each electron stayed fixed as the electron transited the multilayer, we now know that this is true only in a certain limit. Generally, the spins 'flip' in a distance characteristic of the metal, its purity, and the temperature. They can also flip at F/N or N1/N2 interfaces. In this review we describe how to measure the lengths over which electron moments flip in pure metals and alloys, and the probability of spin-flipping at metallic interfaces. Spin-flipping within metals is described by a spin-diffusion length,l^M(sf), where the metal M = F or N. Spin-diffusion lengths are the characteristic lengths in the current-perpendicular-to-plane (CPP) and lateral non-local (LNL) geometries that we focus upon in this review. In certain simple cases, l^N(sf) sets the distance over which the CPP-MR and LNL-MR decrease as the N-layer thickness (CPP-MR) or N-film length (LNL) increases, and l^F(sf) does the same for increase of the CPP-MR with increasing F-layer thickness. Spin-flipping at M1/M2 interfaces can be described by a parameter, delta(M1/M2), which determines the spin-flipping probability, P = 1 - exp(-delta). Increasing delta(M1/M2) usually decreases the MR. We list measured values of these parameters and discuss the limitations on their determinations.Comment: Invited Review, to appear in J. Phys. Cond. Matter. 50 pages, 18 figures. The new version contains additional material and revisions to improve clarit

    Spin dynamics in semiconductors

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    This article reviews the current status of spin dynamics in semiconductors which has achieved a lot of progress in the past years due to the fast growing field of semiconductor spintronics. The primary focus is the theoretical and experimental developments of spin relaxation and dephasing in both spin precession in time domain and spin diffusion and transport in spacial domain. A fully microscopic many-body investigation on spin dynamics based on the kinetic spin Bloch equation approach is reviewed comprehensively.Comment: a review article with 193 pages and 1103 references. To be published in Physics Reports

    Semiconductor Spintronics

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    Spintronics refers commonly to phenomena in which the spin of electrons in a solid state environment plays the determining role. In a more narrow sense spintronics is an emerging research field of electronics: spintronics devices are based on a spin control of electronics, or on an electrical and optical control of spin or magnetism. This review presents selected themes of semiconductor spintronics, introducing important concepts in spin transport, spin injection, Silsbee-Johnson spin-charge coupling, and spindependent tunneling, as well as spin relaxation and spin dynamics. The most fundamental spin-dependent nteraction in nonmagnetic semiconductors is spin-orbit coupling. Depending on the crystal symmetries of the material, as well as on the structural properties of semiconductor based heterostructures, the spin-orbit coupling takes on different functional forms, giving a nice playground of effective spin-orbit Hamiltonians. The effective Hamiltonians for the most relevant classes of materials and heterostructures are derived here from realistic electronic band structure descriptions. Most semiconductor device systems are still theoretical concepts, waiting for experimental demonstrations. A review of selected proposed, and a few demonstrated devices is presented, with detailed description of two important classes: magnetic resonant tunnel structures and bipolar magnetic diodes and transistors. In most cases the presentation is of tutorial style, introducing the essential theoretical formalism at an accessible level, with case-study-like illustrations of actual experimental results, as well as with brief reviews of relevant recent achievements in the field.Comment: tutorial review; 342 pages, 132 figure
