191 research outputs found

    A Courtier, a Musician: Count Matvey Vielgorsky and Music Theatre

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    Ludwig Maurer and the reception of Beethoven in St. Petersburg in the first half of the 19th century

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    In this article I would like to attract attention to the personality of Ludwig Wilhelm Maurer. As a brilliant virtuoso violinist, known in Russia since 1817, conductor of the French theatre in St. Petersburg since 1835, inspector of all Emperor theatres since 1841 and conductor of the Philharmonic and Concert societies, Ludwig Maurer was an advocate of the classic inheritance

    Characteristics of the services in the spa and wellness centers in Varna destination

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    В статията са изведени някои предимства, недостатъци и възможности за развитие на услугите в СПА и уелнес центровете във Варна. Изведени са основните фактори за развитие на СПА и уелнес услугите във Варна. Класификацията на различните видове центрове е направена на база основните методи за терапия, възстановяване и разкрасяване използвани в тях. Резултатите от проведено полуструктурирано интервю сред управителите на единадесет СПА центъра на дестинация Варна, сочат, че потребителите на услугите са предимно във възрастовата група 40-65 г. с лек превес на жените. Голямото разнообразие от методи за терапия, възстановяване и разкрасяване в СПА и уелнес центровете в съчетание с минералните води и благоприятните биоклиматични особености ще позволи на Варна да се утвърди като дестинация за СПА, уелнес и рекреативен туризъм.The following article aims to reveal some advantages, disadvantages and opportunities for development of SPA and wellness centers in Varna. The main factors for the growth of SPA and wellness services in the city are presented. Classification of the types of centers is made on the basis of the main therapeutic, recreational and beauty methods applied in the SPA centers. Semi-structured interviews among eleven SPA center managers in Varna are made and the results from them reveal that the main consumers of the above mentioned types of services are in the age group 40-65 and are mainly women. The wide range of therapeutic and recreational methods in SPA centers in Varna as well as the combination of mineral water and pleasant climate conditions allows the city to become a good SPA, wellness and recreational tourism

    The Nurse and prophylactic care for children in their early age

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    Introduction: The prophylactic care for children in their early age, traditionally provided by Children consultations, today is delivered by the General practitioners and the role of the nurse was minimized if not missing.Aim: To analyze the relevant legislation concerning health and preventive care for children and the role of nurse and to point out the problems to be solved in order to improve quality of service.Methods: Document analysis, Inquiries of nurses (188) working at children healthcare facilities.Results: Document analysis show that there is no regulation that mandates nurse’s participation in the team that provides basic health care service including prophylactic care for children. There is no good definition or distinction for the functions of GPs and nurses in the terms of prophylactic care for children. There is contradiction in the established professional competencies for a nurse and the restrictions in the existing legislation towards healthcare for children.Inquired nurses find their role in improving the quality of the health care service in children consultations by helping doctors in the routine activities like immunizations and anthropometry and also in educating parents in terms of health culture and prevention. Home visits or patronage is suggested as appropriate action in this regard.Conclusion: Changes in the legislation and reorganization focused on the recipients may lead to better inclusion of the nurse with an increased capacity for improving the prophylactic care for children in their early age

    Application of the principles of integrated care in department of endocrinology and metabolism diseases at the hospital St. Marina Varna

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    The article presents the principles of integrated care applied in the treatment of patients with diabetes in the Department of Endocrinology at the University Hospital "St. Marina" Varna. An important point in the treatment of diabetes is customer orientation. The increased life expectancy, the aging population and the cost of treatment of patients with diabetes, both globally and in Bulgaria, prompted the need for the development of integrated care. Integrated care focuses on ensuring continuous care for patients with diabetes by multidisciplinary teams

    The Conductors' Entries in M.I. Glinka's Manuscript Score of Kamarinskaya: The History of the Early Performances

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    Nikolaj Findeisen in Russia was the first to investigate and describe M.L Glinka's manuscripts, which are kept in the Tsar's Public Library

    Integrated care models for patients with chronic diseases and specific needs

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    Integrated care is becoming increasingly relevant globally due to the focus not only on the patient's treatment but also on their overall health and quality of life. They aim to create new organizational structures that establish coherence and relationships between different divisions of the health and social sectors, with a view to improving the efficiency and quality of care, quality of life and satisfaction of patients with chronic diseases.By implementing collaboration, coordination and integration between the different levels of the health and social sector systems, integrated care promotes access and exchange of patient information between teams, during the different stages of a patient's treatment. Achieving greater cost-effectiveness, optimizing quality in integrated care, reducing social exclusion and the adverse consequences of untimely, inadequate or excessive treatment are in the interest of all actors: service providers, payers, and consumers

    Die Musik auf dem Gut Louisino als Prototyp des Vielʼgorskij-Salons in St. Petersburg

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    Der Besuch von Richard Strauss in St. Petersburg im Jahre 1913

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    Der Komponist und Dirigent Richard Strauss gehört zum Kreis der Künstler, die an der Grenze vom 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert die Aufmerksamkeit der musikalischen Gesellschaft der ganzen Welt geweckt haben. Die ersten Konzerte von Richard Strauss fanden 1896 in Moskau statt. Gegenstand dieser Untersuchung sind die Gastspiele von Richard Strauss in St. Petersburg, die im Jahre 1913 stattgefunden haben