10 research outputs found

    Validation of Airborne FMCW Radar Measurements of Snow Thickness Over Sea Ice in Antarctica

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    Antarctic sea ice and its snow cover are integral components of the global climate system, yet many aspects of their vertical dimensions are poorly understood, making their representation in global climate models poor. Remote sensing is the key to monitoring the dynamic nature of sea ice and its snow cover. Reliable and accurate snow thickness data are currently a highly sought after data product. Remotely sensed snow thickness measurements can provide an indication of precipitation levels, predicted to increase with effects of climate change in the polar regions. Airborne techniques provide a means for regional-scale estimation of snow depth and distribution. Accurate regional-scale snow thickness data will also facilitate an increase in the accuracy of sea ice thickness retrieval from satellite altimeter freeboard estimates. The airborne data sets are easier to validate with in situ measurements and are better suited to validating satellite algorithms when compared with in situ techniques. This is primarily due to two factors: better chance of getting coincident in situ and airborne data sets and the tractability of comparison between an in situ data set and the airborne data set averaged over the footprint of the antennas. A 28-GHz frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar loaned by the Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets to the Australian Antarctic Division is used to measure snow thickness over sea ice in East Antarctica. Provided with the radar design parameters, the expected performance parameters of the radar are summarized. The necessary conditions for unambiguous identification of the airsnow and snowice layers for the radar are presented. Roughnesses of the snow and ice surfaces are found to be dominant determinants in the effectiveness of layer identification for this radar. Finally, this paper presents the first in situ validated snow thickness estimates over sea ice in Antarctica derived from an FMCW radar on a helicopterborne platform

    A Reconciled Estimate of Ice-Sheet Mass Balance

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    We combined an ensemble of satellite altimetry, interferometry, and gravimetry data sets using common geographical regions, time intervals, and models of surface mass balance and glacial isostatic adjustment to estimate the mass balance of Earth's polar ice sheets. We find that there is good agreement between different satellite methods-especially in Greenland and West Antarctica-and that combining satellite data sets leads to greater certainty. Between 1992 and 2011, the ice sheets of Greenland, East Antarctica, West Antarctica, and the Antarctic Peninsula changed in mass by -142 plus or minus 49, +14 plus or minus 43, -65 plus or minus 26, and -20 plus or minus 14 gigatonnes year(sup 1), respectively. Since 1992, the polar ice sheets have contributed, on average, 0.59 plus or minus 0.20 millimeter year(sup 1) to the rate of global sea-level rise

    Induction of morphogenesis in the callus culture of

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    The influence of the nutrient medium hormonal composition on the induction of calluso- and morphogenesis in Lavandula angustifolia Mill., as well as the content of some endogenous hormones (indolylacetic acid, cytokinins, abscisic acid) in morphogenic and non-morphogenic calli, were studied. The leaf explants were isolated from obtained in vitro plants of the Stepnaya and Vdala cultivars. In primary calli with a frequency of 5.7-11.6%, buds and shoots were formed on different Murashige and Skoog (MS) culture media supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine, thidiazuron, kinetin, and gibberellic acid. In the callus of the first passage in both cultivars, the induction of morphogenesis was observed with the greatest frequency (39.5-43.2%) on the MS medium with the addition of 1.0 mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine and 1.0 mg/l kinetin. Morphogenic calli of the Vdala cultivar were characterized by a higher content of cytokinins, but a lower content of indolylacetic and abscisic acids compared with non-morphogenic ones

    The formation of zinc coatings in nanocrystallised zinc powders

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    The kinetics of and mechanism for galvanising low-carbon steel (0.2% C) were examined in powder media which were pre-treated to obtain a fine nanostructured ZnO layer on the surface of zinc powder particles. The effective diffusion coefficient of Zn atoms through the ZnO shell was estimated to be in the order of 1·10−10 m2·s−1. The contribution of the Zn-gas evaporation/condensation microprocesses, which could occur in relation to the above diffusion through a nanostructured surface layer, was evaluated with numerical calculations in the temperature range of 550–950 K and for an average particle size of ZnO up to 100 nm. Our results suggest that the outward diffusion of metallic zinc takes place from the core of powder microparticles across the nano-grain boundaries of their modified surface layer, and can be further intensified by the presence of other inter-phase defects, such as nano-porosity

    Validation of Airborne FMCW Radar Measurements of Snow Thickness Over Sea Ice in Antarctica

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    Measuring the Pitch of CryoSat-2 Using the SAR Mode of the SIRAL Altimeter

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    Effects of Ozone and Clouds on Temporal Variability of Surface UV Radiation and UV Resources over Northern Eurasia Derived from Measurements and Modeling

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    Temporal variability in erythemal radiation over Northern Eurasia (40°–80° N, 10° W–180° E) due to total ozone column (X) and cloudiness was assessed by using retrievals from ERA-Interim reanalysis, TOMS/OMI satellite measurements, and INM-RSHU chemistry–climate model (CCM) for the 1979–2015 period. For clear-sky conditions during spring and summer, consistent trends in erythemal daily doses (Eery) up to +3%/decade, attributed to decreases in X, were calculated from the three datasets. Model experiments suggest that anthropogenic emissions of ozone-depleting substances were the largest contributor to Eery trends, while volcanic aerosol and changes in sea surface temperature also played an important role. For all-sky conditions, Eery trends, calculated from the ERA-Interim and TOMS/OMI data over the territory of Eastern Europe, Siberia and Northeastern Asia, were significantly larger (up to +5–8%/decade) due to a combination of decrease in ozone and cloudiness. In contrast, all-sky maximum trends in Eery, calculated from the CCM results, were only +3–4%/decade. While Eery trends for Northern Eurasia were generally positive, negative trends were observed in July over central Arctic regions due to an increase in cloudiness. Finally, changes in the ultraviolet (UV) resources (characteristics of UV radiation for beneficial (vitamin D production) or adverse (sunburn) effects on human health) were assessed. When defining a “UV optimum” condition with the best balance in Eery for human health, the observed increases in Eery led to a noticeable reduction of the area with UV optimum for skin types 1 and 2, especially in April. In contrast, in central Arctic regions, decreases in Eery in July resulted in a change from “UV excess” to “UV optimum” conditions for skin types 2 and 3

    (Table 2) Ice, snow and freeboard statistics from measurement transects at 11 ice stations during Aurora Australis cruise SIPEX in 2007

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    The Sea Ice Physics and Ecosystem experiment (SIPEX) was conducted in the East Antarctic pack ice zone between 115-130°E from 9 September - 11 October, 2007. In situ measurements of sea-ice and snow properties were conducted at 15 ice stations, together with ship-based ASPeCt observations. The ice and snow thickness varied considerably in different regions of the pack ice, with particularly thick ice associated with deformation and a strong slope jet in the southwest of the study region. The mean ice thickness was 0.99 m (1.57 m excluding the northern marginal ice zones), but varied from 0.61 m along the southern leg to 1.80 m along the western leg, with pockets of considerably thicker ice in some regions. Swell was observed on two occasions penetrating more than 330 km south of the ice edge into regions with 80-100% ice concentration. Ice thicknesses calculated from near coincident ICESat laser altimetry (1.74 m) are similar to the in-situ observations in the central pack (1.57 m)