60 research outputs found

    La foi qui assume le doute

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    Qu’en est-il du doute qui porte sur l’existence mĂȘme de Dieu, l’objet de la foi ? Doit-on l’assumer sans jamais prĂ©tendre l’éliminer ? On le doit, dit Tillich, dans un Ă©crit de 1919 intitulĂ© « Justification et doute », oĂč, de façon paradoxale, il confronte un tel doute Ă  l’idĂ©e paulino-luthĂ©rienne de la justification. Étant nous-mĂȘmes porteurs, en tant que personnes, d’un sens imprĂ©gnĂ© de mystĂšre, nous sommes Ă  la fois conscients de la distance infinie qui nous sĂ©pare de l’absolu et de la singuliĂšre parentĂ© qui nous en approche.How do we face doubt about the very existence of God, the object of our faith ? Must we take it upon ourselves, without ever pretending to eliminate it ? We must do so, says Tillich in a lecture given in 1919 under the title of “Justification and Doubt,” where he paradoxically confronts such doubt with the Pauline-Lutheran idea of justification. As persons, we ourselves carry a meaning filled with mystery, we are conscious both of the infinite distance that separates us from the absolute and of the singular kinship that draws us near to it

    À propos d’un rĂ©cent ouvrage d’AndrĂ© Gounelle

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    Development of a Malian food exchange system based on local foods and dishes for the assessment of nutrient and food intake in type 2 diabetic subjects

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    Objective: To develop exchange lists for the assessment of food and nutrient intakes for people with diabetes in Mali.Design: Based on North American exchange lists, a Malian food exchange system was developed using food composition tables for Mali. Dietary intakes were assessed by two 48-hour dietary recalls. Daily numbers of exchanges were determined for the whole sample and for each gender. Energy and macronutrient intakes obtained by a software-based nutritional analysis of the dietary recalls were compared with the average energy and nutrient values calculated with the exchange lists.Setting: Centre National de Lutte contre le DiabÚte.Subjects: Seventeen male and 40 female adults with type 2 diabetes.Results: The analysis of food recalls using the Malian exchange system showed that subjects consumed the following numbers of exchanges per day: 2.6 ± 1.5 meat and substitutes, 0.5 ± 0.8 legumes, 0.7 ± 1.2 milk, 8.0 ± 4.1 fat, 8.3 ± 3.0 starch, 1.5 ± 0.9 vegetables, 0.2 ± 0.5 fruit, and 0.0 ± 0.2 sugar-added foods, totalling 1 854 ± 648 kcal, 260 ± 92 g carbohydrate, 56 ± 23 g protein and 63 ± 31 g fat. These results concerning energy and macronutrients did not differ significantly from those obtained from the nutritional analysis of food recalls with software using data from the Food Composition Table for Mali. Compared to women, men consumed significantly larger numbers of exchanges of meat and substitutes, fat, starch, and fruit. No significant differences were found for the intakes of legumes, milk, vegetables and sugar-added foods.Conclusions: This study allowed the development of Malian food exchange lists and demonstrated their usefulness for the description of the dietary pattern and energy and macronutrient intakes of male and female Malian type 2 diabetic patients

    Measuring and Predicting Intention of Senegalese Mothers to Provide Iron-Rich Foods to their Children

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    In Senegal, only 43% of children aged 6-23 months are provided with iron-rich foods (IRF). Assessing determinants of mothers’ behaviour is imperative to improve young children nutrition. We developed a validated questionnaire and used it to assess psychosocial factors of mothers' intention to provide IRF to their children aged 6-23 months in the Matam area, Senegal. Using the planned behaviour theory, the first version of a questionnaire was developed and administered to 120 mothers. Exploratory factorial analyses (EFA) were used to generate a shorter and validated final version of the questionnaire, administered to another sample (N=100) of mothers to assess psychosocial factors underlying their intention to provide IRF to children. EFA revealed the importance of perceived benefits mothers have for the health/welfare of their children if providing them IRF, about acting according to expectations of persons in their surroundings and limited access to IRF due to physical/financial constraints. Attitude (ÎČ=0.26, p = 0.015) and subjective norm (ÎČ = 0.22, p = 0.047) were positively associated with mothers’ intention to provide IRF to their children. Together with sociodemographic variables, they explained 14% of its variance. Our findings revealed that mothers have a strong intention to provide IRF to their children. Although further assessments of this questionnaire are warranted in other contexts, this tool could provide information on potential determinants of mothers’ intention to provide IRF to children

    Religion et socialisme dans "l'Utopie" de Thomas More et dans les Ă©crits du premier Tillich

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    DĂ©nonciation passionnĂ©e d'un capitalisme naissant, L'Utopie est aussi une critique radicale du communisme d'État, qui, si religieux qu'il se veuille, n'y subsiste que par la rĂ©pression, au-dedans, et le cynisme, au dehors. L'Utopie regorge de tout ce que « socialisme » put jamais connoter de militantisme valable : d'un cĂŽtĂ©, de sages rĂ©formes; de l'autre, pour en grandir l'urgence, la menace brandie de l'inquiĂ©tante alternative: le communisme, remĂšde pire que le mal. DĂ©nonciation passionnĂ©e d'un capitalisme adulte, le socialisme de Tillich est Ă©galement une critique radicale d'un socialisme a-religieux. ThĂ©ologien de la culture, qui discerne le fonds religieux latent sous des formes anti-religieuses, Tillich trouve chez Marx des valeurs qu'il intĂšgre Ă  son socialisme religieux : Ă  la lutte anti-capitaliste menĂ©e par le prolĂ©taire, ce “combattant du royaume de Dieu”, il donne un but religieux, auquel s'adapteront les moyens. ThĂ©ologien avant tout, Tillich motive en profondeur la phronĂȘsis qu'un More versĂ© en politique exerce en plĂ©nitude

    Iron-Rich Foods Intakes among Urban Senegalese Adolescent Girls

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    Intake of iron-rich foods was investigated in Senegalese adolescent girls. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 136 girls aged 13 to 18, attending two colleges in Dakar. Data on the consumption of iron-rich foods over the previous week were collected through a food frequency questionnaire. Results show that 12% of the girls had consumed dishes made with iron-rich foods 3 times or less in the past seven days, 34%, 4 to 6 times, and 54%, 7 times and above. However, 83% of the girls had anntake of iron-rich foods below the 84 g per day recommended for animal protein sources by the EAT-Lancet Commission on Healthy Diets from Sustainable Food Systems. The diet of Senegalese adolescent girls seems conducive to iron deficiency. To define effective interventions to improve the situation, investigating underlying factors to the low consumption of iron-rich foods is warranted

    Computer simulation of recrystallization in non-uniformly deformed metals

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    The classical Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov (JMAK) equation [F = 1 - exp(- kt)n] for nucleation and growth transformations works very well for most solid state transformations but fails regularly when applied to recrystallization of plastically deformed metals. Under conditions of near constant growth rate, a high exponent (n [ges] 3) is predicted but low exponents (n [les] 2) are typically measured. Another common observation is that the slope of a JMAK plot, from which the exponent is inferred, decreases as recrystallization proceeds. Analysis of the published data suggested the hypothesis that the failure of the JMAK theory as applied to recrystallization is because of the lack of uniformity of the stored energy of plastic deformation on the grain size scale. This hypothesis was tested by use of Monte Carlo simulations of the type previously used successfully to model grain growth and recrystallization. The earlier simulations of recrystallization used uniform stored energies whereas the simulations presented here varied the stored energy from grain to grain. The kinetics were plotted on JMAK plots which exhibited low and varying exponents closely resembling experimental data. Specific simulations were performed to test the basic JMAK assumption that makes a correction for the effect of impingement under conditions of random nucleation, namely dF/dFe = (1 - F), where F is the actual volume fraction and Fe is the extended volume fraction--that which would obtain in the absence of impingement and overlap between new grains. It was found the assumption is accurate under conditions of uniform stored energy. With non-uniform stored energy, however, the correction underestimated the effect of impingement by a factor that rapidly increased (to over two orders of magnitude) during recrystallization.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/28082/1/0000528.pd

    Impact du ramadan sur la prise alimentaire et les paramÚtres anthropométriques chez des Maliens diabétiques de type 2

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    Ce travail avait pour objectif d’examiner l’impact du ramadan chez des Maliens musulmans diabĂ©tiques de type 2. L’étude a portĂ© sur trois pĂ©riodes : avant le ramadan (T0), du 20e au 27e jour du ramadan (T1) et aprĂšs le ramadan (T2). À chaque pĂ©riode, un rappel alimentaire de 48 heures a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©, et le poids, la taille, la circonfĂ©rence brachiale (CB), le tour de taille (TT), le tour de hanche (TH) et les plis cutanĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©s. Aux trois pĂ©riodes, les apports des femmes (N = 16) Ă©taient plus faibles que ceux des hommes (N = 11) (p < 0,05) mais pour un mĂȘme sexe, aucune diffĂ©rence significative n’a Ă©tĂ© notĂ©e d’une pĂ©riode Ă  l’autre. À T1, le nombre quotidien de prises alimentaires Ă©tait plus faible (p < 0,01) et les apports en Ă©nergie et en glucides Ă©taient plus Ă©galement rĂ©partis qu’à T0 ou T2. À T1, le poids (p < 0,03) et l’IMC (p < 0,04) ont diminuĂ© significativement chez les hommes, alors que le TT (p < 0,03), le rapport TT/TH (p < 0,01) et la CB (p < 0,02) ont diminuĂ© chez les femmes. En conclusion, cette Ă©tude a permis de montrer certains avantages potentiels sur les plans nutritionnels et anthropomĂ©triques du jeĂ»ne du ramadan chez les musulmans maliens diabĂ©tiques de type 2

    Apports nutritionnels, caractéristiques anthropométriques et contrÎle métabolique de diabétiques de type 2 à Bamako au Mali

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    Les apports nutritionnels, les caractĂ©ristiques anthropomĂ©triques ainsi que le contrĂŽle glycĂ©mique ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s de mai Ă  novembre 2005 chez 48 sujets adultes diabĂ©tiques de type 2 maliens frĂ©quentant le Centre National de Lutte contre le DiabĂšte de Bamako. Les apports alimentaires ont Ă©tĂ© obtenus par deux rappels de 48 heures. La glycĂ©mie veineuse Ă  jeun ainsi que l’hĂ©moglobine glycosylĂ©e ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©es chez 41 des participants alors que la glycĂ©mie capillaire Ă  jeun a Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©e chez l’ensemble des sujets. L’apport Ă©nergĂ©tique quotidien (p < 0,0001), les apports quotidiens en protĂ©ines (p = 0,006), glucides (p < 0,0001) et lipides (p = 0,0008) et la taille (p < 0,002) Ă©taient signiïŹcativement plus Ă©levĂ©s chez les hommes alors que le tour de hanche (p < 0,03) Ă©tait signiïŹcativement plus Ă©levĂ© chez les femmes. Il n’y avait pas de diffĂ©rence signiïŹcative entre les deux sexes en ce qui concerne l’hĂ©moglobine glycosylĂ©e, la glycĂ©mie veineuse Ă  jeun et la glycĂ©mie capillaire Ă  jeun dont les moyennes Ă©taient respectivement de 8,4 % ± 2,3 ; 7,7 ± 3,8 mmol/l et 8,3 ± 2,7 mmol/l. Pour l’ensemble des sujets, hommes et femmes rĂ©unis, des corrĂ©lations positives signiïŹcatives ont Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ©es entre l’hĂ©moglobine glycosylĂ©e et la glycĂ©mie capillaire, l’apport Ă©nergĂ©tique quotidien, l’apport total en protĂ©ines et l’apport en protĂ©ines par kg de poids corporel. Chez les femmes uniquement, toutes ces variables ainsi que l’apport total en lipides prĂ©sentaient aussi des corrĂ©lations positives et signiïŹcatives avec l’hĂ©moglobine glycosylĂ©e. L’analyse de rĂ©gression linĂ©aire multiple a montrĂ© que la glycĂ©mie capillaire Ă  jeun, l’apport quotidien en ïŹbres, la taille et la proportion de l’apport Ă©nergĂ©tique sous forme de lipides Ă©taient les variables qui expliquaient la plus grande proportion de la variation de l’hĂ©moglobine glycosylĂ©e. En conclusion, cette Ă©tude a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence les disparitĂ©s entre les apports alimentaires de ces femmes et de ces hommes diabĂ©tiques et l’importance des facteurs nutritionnels en tant que dĂ©terminants du contrĂŽle mĂ©tabolique des diabĂ©tiques de type 2 au Mali
