250 research outputs found

    La lavorazione della lana in etĂ  romana: gli indicatori archeologici dalla provincia di Padova

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    The research for archaeological evidence of the wool production in the Roman period in the region of Padua, in the past divided into the two cities of Patavium and Ateste, has recovered many tools from the weaving process (exclusively loom weights), just a few concerning spinning (spindles, spindle whorls, distaffs, spindles/distaffs, spindle hooks), but none used during shearing (i.e. clippers). The material remains examined are mostly dated generically at the Roman age, but those which a more accurate chronological attribution is possible, they all date from the I century B.C. and the I century A.D. The objects were found in two different recovery site contexts: spinning tools were found mostly in tombs, both in Padua and in Este, but also in places of worship; the loom weights, instead, come mainly from the countryside of Padua region. An extraordinary finding is represented by the two ground surfaces completely full of loom weights, discovered at the border of Patavium. Morphological and weight analysis have been conducted on spinning whorls and loom weights; an accurate comparison of decorations and inscriptions has also been done on the last ones

    The evolution of large retail chains

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    VQE algorithm for chemistry simulation

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    openThe variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) [1] is a method that uses a hy- brid quantum-classical computational approach to find the eigenvalues of a Hamiltonian. VQE has been proposed as an alternative to fully quantum algorithms, which require hardware not yet available and has been success- fully applied to solve the electronic Schro ̈dinger equation for a variety of small molecules. The scalability of this method is limited by two factors: the complexity of the quantum circuits and the complexity of the classical optimization problem. Both of these factors are affected by the choice of the variational ansatz used to represent the trial wave function. The purpose of this work is to discuss the outlines of the VQE method, within the general framework of quantum computing. Therefore, I shall firstly present the core principles of quantum computing to solve compu- tational chemistry problems [2]. I shall then discuss briefly which limiting factors exist for our present computational technology and comment on the circuit models that can be used to describe both classic and quantum algo- rithms.[3, 4, 5] Finally I will focus on the rules that govern the action of these circuits, after introducing basic quantum chemistry concepts like the density operator and its matrix representation.[6] An historical view of the implementation of quantum computing algorithms will be also provided, to- gether with a comment on the potential usefulness of quantum computing to solve chemical computaitional problems.[7] Lastly some perspectives on the state of the art in quantum computing will be provided.[8, 9, 10, 11, 12]The variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) [1] is a method that uses a hy- brid quantum-classical computational approach to find the eigenvalues of a Hamiltonian. VQE has been proposed as an alternative to fully quantum algorithms, which require hardware not yet available and has been success- fully applied to solve the electronic Schro ̈dinger equation for a variety of small molecules. The scalability of this method is limited by two factors: the complexity of the quantum circuits and the complexity of the classical optimization problem. Both of these factors are affected by the choice of the variational ansatz used to represent the trial wave function. The purpose of this work is to discuss the outlines of the VQE method, within the general framework of quantum computing. Therefore, I shall firstly present the core principles of quantum computing to solve compu- tational chemistry problems [2]. I shall then discuss briefly which limiting factors exist for our present computational technology and comment on the circuit models that can be used to describe both classic and quantum algo- rithms.[3, 4, 5] Finally I will focus on the rules that govern the action of these circuits, after introducing basic quantum chemistry concepts like the density operator and its matrix representation.[6] An historical view of the implementation of quantum computing algorithms will be also provided, to- gether with a comment on the potential usefulness of quantum computing to solve chemical computaitional problems.[7] Lastly some perspectives on the state of the art in quantum computing will be provided.[8, 9, 10, 11, 12

    Analysis of close encounters with Ganymede and Callisto using a genetic n-body algorithm

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    In this work we describe a genetic algorithm which is used in order to study orbits of minor bodies in the frames of close encounters. We find that the algorithm in combination with standard orbital numerical integrators can be used as a good proxy for finding typical orbits of minor bodies in close encounters with planets and even their moons, saving a lot of computational time compared to long-term orbital numerical integrations. Here, we study close encounters of Centaurs with Callisto and Ganymede in particular. We also perform n-body numerical simulations for comparison. We find typical impact velocities to be between vrel=20[vesc]v_{rel}=20[v_{esc}] and vrel=30[vesc]v_{rel}=30[v_{esc}] for Ganymede and between vrel=25[vesc]v_{rel}=25[v_{esc}] and vrel=35[vesc]v_{rel}=35[v_{esc}] for Callisto.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Evidence and efficacy of Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) in adults after stroke or traumatic brain injury

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    openObiettivi: Determinare se l’approccio Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) in terapia occupazionale è efficace nei pazienti con ictus o trauma cranico. Materiali e Metodi: Utilizzo della banca dati MEDLINE e dell’operatore di ricerca PubMed, inserendo le parole chiave: “Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance”, “Cognitive Orientation to Occupational Performance”, combinate con AND “Traumatic brain injury”, “Stroke”, “Acquired brain injury”. L’inserimento delle stringhe di ricerca all’interno della banca dati ha permesso l’identificazione di 70 possibili articoli. Gli articoli degli ultimi 10 anni (a partire dal 2012) sono stati letti, sintetizzati e classificati seguendo le linee guida Canadesi “Guidelines for Critical Review Form-Quantitative Studies” (Law et al.,1998) della McMaster University Occupational Therapy Evidence-based Practice Group. Risultati: Dei 70 articoli identificati ne sono stati selezionati 12 rispondenti ai criteri di inclusione. Di questi 12: 7 riguardano l’ictus in fase cronica, cioè con intervento dopo 3 mesi dall’evento ischemico, 3 riguardano l’ictus in fase sub-acuta, cioè con intervento entro i 3 mesi dall’evento ischemico e 2 riguardano il trauma cranico. Gli studi sono principalmente Nordamericani, due studi coreani e due israeliani. Per la popolazione adulta in seguito a trauma cranico o ictus l’approccio CO-OP è risultato essere efficace in quanto sono stati registrati miglioramenti nella performance delle attività quotidiane e funzionali, nella soddisfazione e nella partecipazione nella vita quotidiana, nell’integrazione nella comunità, nell'auto efficacia, nelle funzioni degli arti superiori e nella flessibilità cognitiva. Inoltre, in 9 articoli su 12 sono stati registrati transfer delle conoscenze e generalizzazione. Tra gli articoli analizzati 4 studi hanno svolto l’intervento da remoto, quindi con delle sessioni di tele-CO-OP: 1 sul trauma cranico e 3 sull’ictus in fase cronica. Conclusioni: Il CO-OP presenta delle evidenze preliminari per la popolazione adulta in seguito a ictus o trauma cranico, anche se sono necessari ulteriori studi. I risultati non possono essere generalizzati a tutte le fasi cliniche di ictus e trauma cranico, in quanto non sono stati trovati articoli rispondenti ai criteri di inclusione per quanto riguarda l’ictus in fase acuta e per il trauma cranico in fase acuta/sub-acuta. Dalla ricerca non sono emersi studi italiani. Inoltre, il tele-CO-OP è risultato essere altamente accettabile e i risultati sono in linea con i precedenti studi sul CO-OP svolto faccia a faccia su questa popolazione
