97 research outputs found


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    U radu se analizira mogući učinak odredbi druge novele Zakona o upravnim sporovima, čiji je smisao bio prije svega otkloniti ograničenja zakonskih odredbi koje propisuju mogućnost koriÅ”tenja žalbe. Pored toga druga novela Zakona o upravnim sporovima je unijela u upravni spor neke poboljÅ”ice koje se tiču samog postupka, preciziranja mjesne nadležnosti, prekida postupka, izuzeća, rukovođenja raspravom i odlučivanja u upravnom sporu, izvrÅ”enja te postupka ocjene zakonitosti općih akata. Ove izmjene i dopune Zakona o upravnim sporovima bi trebale imati snažan učinak na upravni spor u Hrvatskoj jer bi trebale omogućiti učinkovitiji nadzor kontrole zakonitosti rada prvostupanjskih upravnih sudova od strane viÅ”e sudske instance, odnosno Visokog upravnog suda Republike Hrvatske. Novi kriteriji za podnoÅ”enje žalbe protiv odluka prvostupanjskih upravnih sudova u upravnom sporu definirani drugom novelom Zakona o upravnim sporovima bi trebali poslužiti kao mehanizam kojim će se omogućiti viÅ”a razina zaÅ”tite prava stranaka u upravnom sporu, bolji okvir za ujednačavanje sudske prakse u upravnom sudovanju te samim time i efikasniji upravni spor.The paper analyzes a possible impact of the provisions of the second amendment to the Administrative Disputes Act, whose purpose has primarily been the removal of restrictions of legal provisions which stipulate the possibility of making an appeal. In addition, some improvements have been introduced with the second amendment to the Administrative Disputes Act regarding the procedure, specification of the local jurisdiction, termination of the procedure, exemptions, managing judicial proceedings, decision-making in administrative disputes and the enforcement and evaluation procedure of the legality of general acts. These changes and amendments to the Administrative Disputes Act should have a powerful effect on administrative disputes in Croatia as they should enable a more effective monitoring of legality control of first instance administrative courts by the higher court instance, i.e. the High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia. New criteria for filing an appeal against the decisions of first instance courts in an administrative dispute, defined by the second amendment to the Administrative Disputes Act, should serve as a mechanism to enable a higher level of protection of the partiesā€™ rights in an administrative dispute, a better framework for harmonization of court practice in the administrative adjudication and therefore a more efficient administrative dispute

    Solving the vehicle routing problem using hybrid cellular evolutionary algorithm

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    Problem usmjeravanja vozila (VRP) kompleksan je kombinatorički problem s kojim se svakodnevno susreću tvrtke koje obavljaju dostavu robe. Njegovim učinkovitim rjeÅ”avanjem moguće je značajno smanjiti troÅ”kove dostave. Metaheurističkim metodama moguće je relativno brzo pronaći visoko kvalitetna rjeÅ”enja. Stanični evolucijski algoritam metaheuristički je algoritam kod kojeg su jedinke iz populacije raspoređene unutar toroidalne mreže i mogu biti u interakciji samo sa obližnjim jedinkama. PodeÅ”avanjem selekcijskog pritiska moguće je postići odgovarajući omjer diverzifikacije i intenzifikacije koji je ključan za uspjeÅ”nost algoritma. Hibridizacija postupkom pretraživanja velikog susjedstva ubrzava pronalazak visoko kvalitetnih rjeÅ”enja. Razvijeni algoritam testiran je na nekoliko skupova ispitnih zadataka te na problemima dostave hrvatskih tvrtki. Rezultati ostvareni na ispitnim zadacima pokazuju da učinkovitost algoritma ne odstupa mnogo od najboljih poznatih algoritama za ovu vrstu problema, dok rezultati ostvareni na problemima hrvatskih tvrtki pokazuju da je primjenom algoritma moguće postići značajne uÅ”tede.Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is a complex combinatorial problem encountered daily by companies that are dealing with goods delivery. With its ecient solving it is possible to signicantly reduce the cost of delivery. Metaheuristic methods are capable of nding high-quality solutions in reasonable amount of time. The cellular evolutionary algorithm is a metaheuristic algorithm in which the individuals from the population are distributed within the toroidal grid and can interact only with nearby entities. By adjusting the selection pressure, it is possible to achieve the appropriate ratio of diversication and intensication that is crucial to the success of the algorithm. Hybridization by a large neighborhood search accelerates the nding of high quality solutions. The developed algorithm has been tested on several sets of benchmarks and on the delivery problems of Croatian companies. The results obtained on the benchmarks show that the eciency of the algorithm does not dier much from the best-known algorithms for this type of problem, while the results achieved on the problems of Croatian companies show that it is possible to achieve signicant savings by algorithm application

    Solving the vehicle routing problem using hybrid cellular evolutionary algorithm

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    Problem usmjeravanja vozila (VRP) kompleksan je kombinatorički problem s kojim se svakodnevno susreću tvrtke koje obavljaju dostavu robe. Njegovim učinkovitim rjeÅ”avanjem moguće je značajno smanjiti troÅ”kove dostave. Metaheurističkim metodama moguće je relativno brzo pronaći visoko kvalitetna rjeÅ”enja. Stanični evolucijski algoritam metaheuristički je algoritam kod kojeg su jedinke iz populacije raspoređene unutar toroidalne mreže i mogu biti u interakciji samo sa obližnjim jedinkama. PodeÅ”avanjem selekcijskog pritiska moguće je postići odgovarajući omjer diverzifikacije i intenzifikacije koji je ključan za uspjeÅ”nost algoritma. Hibridizacija postupkom pretraživanja velikog susjedstva ubrzava pronalazak visoko kvalitetnih rjeÅ”enja. Razvijeni algoritam testiran je na nekoliko skupova ispitnih zadataka te na problemima dostave hrvatskih tvrtki. Rezultati ostvareni na ispitnim zadacima pokazuju da učinkovitost algoritma ne odstupa mnogo od najboljih poznatih algoritama za ovu vrstu problema, dok rezultati ostvareni na problemima hrvatskih tvrtki pokazuju da je primjenom algoritma moguće postići značajne uÅ”tede.Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is a complex combinatorial problem encountered daily by companies that are dealing with goods delivery. With its ecient solving it is possible to signicantly reduce the cost of delivery. Metaheuristic methods are capable of nding high-quality solutions in reasonable amount of time. The cellular evolutionary algorithm is a metaheuristic algorithm in which the individuals from the population are distributed within the toroidal grid and can interact only with nearby entities. By adjusting the selection pressure, it is possible to achieve the appropriate ratio of diversication and intensication that is crucial to the success of the algorithm. Hybridization by a large neighborhood search accelerates the nding of high quality solutions. The developed algorithm has been tested on several sets of benchmarks and on the delivery problems of Croatian companies. The results obtained on the benchmarks show that the eciency of the algorithm does not dier much from the best-known algorithms for this type of problem, while the results achieved on the problems of Croatian companies show that it is possible to achieve signicant savings by algorithm application

    Solving the vehicle routing problem using hybrid cellular evolutionary algorithm

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    Problem usmjeravanja vozila (VRP) kompleksan je kombinatorički problem s kojim se svakodnevno susreću tvrtke koje obavljaju dostavu robe. Njegovim učinkovitim rjeÅ”avanjem moguće je značajno smanjiti troÅ”kove dostave. Metaheurističkim metodama moguće je relativno brzo pronaći visoko kvalitetna rjeÅ”enja. Stanični evolucijski algoritam metaheuristički je algoritam kod kojeg su jedinke iz populacije raspoređene unutar toroidalne mreže i mogu biti u interakciji samo sa obližnjim jedinkama. PodeÅ”avanjem selekcijskog pritiska moguće je postići odgovarajući omjer diverzifikacije i intenzifikacije koji je ključan za uspjeÅ”nost algoritma. Hibridizacija postupkom pretraživanja velikog susjedstva ubrzava pronalazak visoko kvalitetnih rjeÅ”enja. Razvijeni algoritam testiran je na nekoliko skupova ispitnih zadataka te na problemima dostave hrvatskih tvrtki. Rezultati ostvareni na ispitnim zadacima pokazuju da učinkovitost algoritma ne odstupa mnogo od najboljih poznatih algoritama za ovu vrstu problema, dok rezultati ostvareni na problemima hrvatskih tvrtki pokazuju da je primjenom algoritma moguće postići značajne uÅ”tede.Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is a complex combinatorial problem encountered daily by companies that are dealing with goods delivery. With its ecient solving it is possible to signicantly reduce the cost of delivery. Metaheuristic methods are capable of nding high-quality solutions in reasonable amount of time. The cellular evolutionary algorithm is a metaheuristic algorithm in which the individuals from the population are distributed within the toroidal grid and can interact only with nearby entities. By adjusting the selection pressure, it is possible to achieve the appropriate ratio of diversication and intensication that is crucial to the success of the algorithm. Hybridization by a large neighborhood search accelerates the nding of high quality solutions. The developed algorithm has been tested on several sets of benchmarks and on the delivery problems of Croatian companies. The results obtained on the benchmarks show that the eciency of the algorithm does not dier much from the best-known algorithms for this type of problem, while the results achieved on the problems of Croatian companies show that it is possible to achieve signicant savings by algorithm application

    Administrative courts control mechanisms of action

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    U ovom radu autor analizira kontrolne mehanizme djelovanja upravnih sudova sagledavajući ih u njihovoj slojevitosti i sveobuhvatnosti, kroz kontrolne mehanizme koji omogućuju kontrolu ustavnosti i zakonitosti odluka sudova te kontrolne mehanizme propisane organizacijskim propisima, čija je svrha kontrola zakonitosti rada sudaca i predsjednika sudova. Prvi spektar kontrolnih mehanizama uglavnom derivira iz temeljnog zakona kojim je reguliran upravni spor (Zakon o upravnim sporovima), a djelomice i iz odredaba Ustava i Ustavnog zakona o Ustavnom sudu Republike Hrvatske, dok je drugi spektar kontrolnih mehanizama arhetipski vezan za organizacijske propise. Iako ova dva spektra kontrolnih mehanizama generiraju iz različite vrste propisa, nedvojbeno je kako oni zajedno čine jednu komplementarnu cjelinu kontrolnih mehanizama.In this paper the author analyses the control mechanisms of administrative court activity. The author considers them in their complexity and inclusiveness through control mechanisms which enable constitutionality and legality control of court decisions and through the control mechanisms proscribed by organisational regulations the aim of which is the control of the legality of judges\u27 and presidents\u27 of court work. The first spectre of control mechanisms mainly derives from the fundamental law which regulates administrative dispute (Administrative Dispute Act), and partly from the provisions of the Constitution and constitutional law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia. The other spectre of control mechanisms is archetypically connected to organisational provisions. Even though these two spectres of control mechanisms emerge from different kinds of provisions, these two together undoubtedly constitute one complementary whole of control mechanisms

    The Case Study of Implementing the Delivery Optimization System at a Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Distributer

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    Using new optimization methods and information-communications technology has become the key issue in the competition among the distributers of fast-moving consumer goods. Introducing a delivery optimization system instead of manual routing enables significant cost savings. The prerequisites for optimization are stable information system and efficient company management. The rich vehicle routing problem model is discussed and the effects of implementing the delivery optimization system are presented. For four years of continuous utilisation, the system has helped the distributer to reduce the overall distribution costs. It also made possible to close down several depots and handle more customer requests without investing in the vehicle fleet. The developed optimization system enabled the distributer to adapt to the new distribution schedule and react to first indicators of recession very fast. Normal 0 21 false false false HR X-NONE X-NONE <!--[endif] --

    Digital Transformation of Croatian Newspapers: Analyzing Evolving Perspectives of Readers over a Five-Year Period

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    The digital transformation has revolutionized the media industry, reshaping the way news is consumed and challenging the dominance of traditional printed publications. As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, it is crucial to examine the evolving landscape of news publishing and understand the preferences and behaviors of readers in the context of digital and printed newspaper formats. This research article presents a comparative analysis of reader opinions on a significant Croatian e-publication over a five-year period, aiming to explore the impact of digital transformation on readers` perceptions, engagement, and preferences between online and traditional printed content. By delving into the advantages, challenges, and trends associated with e-publications and printed editions, this study provides valuable insights into the dynamic relationship between readers and news publications in the digital era

    Effect of frequent ventricular ectopia on progression of dilated cardiomyopathy

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    Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is the most common form of cardiomyopathy. Various conditions may result in DCM, most commonly ischemic heart disease, metabolic/infiltrative diseases and genetic disorders. There are approximately 50 different genes known that cause DCM. Most affected genes are TTN that encode titin. DCM may lead to various rhythmic disorders, especially sustained ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. In this article we present a case of 61 years old patient with primary dilated cardiomyopathy who was addmited to our hospital due to acute heart failure. Earlier genetic analysis showed that patient has mutation for titin, protein that is responsible for passive elasticity of caridac smooth muscle cells. Due to two episodes of ventricular tachycarida the ablation was performed, after which implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) was inserted for primary prevention of further malignant ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Hemodynamic properties and poor left ventricular systolic function were corrected by using optimal medical therapy like eplerenone and sacubitril/valsartan. Patient has developed coronary heart disease and percutaneous coronary intervention was performed with stent implantation. Because of still present ventricular ectopic which lead to further myocardial dysfunction and progression of heart failure, additional ablation is needed. Dilated cardiomyopathy is important cause of heart failure and sudden cardiac death (SCD), especially in young individuals. It is of great importance to recognize and treat it adequately, and also to detect possible cause of it. Further investigetions should be done in order to improve treatment for heart failure that will enhance left ventricular systolic function
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