28 research outputs found

    Enacting social transformation through occupation: A narrative literature review

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    Background: In occupational therapy and occupational science there is a drive to confront social and health injustices through occupation-based practices with social transformation as a goal. However, scholars acknowledge a lack of theory to support this developing area of practice. Aim: To explore how occupations have been used to enact social transformation for disadvantaged communities and to elucidate socially transformative outcomes. Methods: A narrative literature review was carried out, focussing specifically on arts-based occupations, using seven databases. Thirty-eight items were included. Results: Three overarching themes emerged: experiences related to giving voice; levels of change and arts-based occupations influence social change. Conclusions: Art forms as a means of expression can support people to make demands for change. This was true whether the art form was adopted at grass roots level, or via formalized projects run by researchers or Non-Government Organizations. Whilst personal change and small scale social change outcomes were achievable, larger scale structural change was not evident. Unintended outcomes in the form of risks to participants were reported. How and why change came about was not clearly articulated; leaving a need for further exploration of the mechanisms and contexts supporting change in the growing field of social transformation through occupation

    Apontamentos para se pensar ações de prevenção à violência pelo setor saúde Notes on the prevention of violence by the health sector

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    A violência tem sido um dos fenômenos contemporâneos que, além da inquietude social que provoca, causa um contingente substancial de vítimas todos os anos. Medidas de prevenção da violência e de promoção de uma cultura da paz têm sido propostas pelos organismos internacionais como a Organização Mundial da Saúde e a Unesco. O Brasil tem investido esforços nos últimos anos em uma série de legislações e normativas na área da saúde, direcionadas para a prevenção da violência e promoção da saúde, que atendem às recomendações internacionais e avançam de forma mais substancial do que vinha sendo proposto até então pelo setor saúde. Este artigo apresenta essas proposições e suas recomendações e reflete sobre os desdobramentos dessas medidas, diante do questionamento da necessidade de o setor saúde melhorar a humanização do cuidado oferecido por seus profissionais. Levanta os desafios para a capacitação de os profissionais de saúde atenderem as medidas propostas e aproveita para, a luz de Hannah Arendt, refletir sobre os conceitos de violência, poder, autoridade, força e vigor.<br>Violence is one of the contemporary phenomena which has provoked social restlessness and caused a substantial number of victims every year. International organizations, such as WHO and Unesco, have proposed violence prevention measures and the promotion of a culture of peace. For some years now Brazil has been making efforts in creating new legislation in the health sector which may contribute to violence prevention and health promotion, fulfilling international recommendations and advancing substantially if compared with previous initiatives. This paper presents these propositions and their recommendations and discusses the consequences in regard to demands for the humanization of health care provided by practitioners. It points out the challenges for human resources training and, according to Hannah Arendt's ideas, discusses concepts of violence, power, authority, force and strength

    A Violência urbana e suas consequências em um centro de atenção psicossocial na zona norte do município do Rio de Janeiro Urban violence and its consequences in a psychosocial care centre in the north zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever a interferência da violência urbana e do tráfico de drogas sobre um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) localizado na zona norte do Rio de Janeiro. METODOLOGIA: Pesquisa qualitativa com abordagem teórico-metodológica baseada nos princípios da observação participante e no trabalho de campo. Grande parte dos CAPS da zona norte está inserida em regiões de maior risco social, onde há intensificação da violência. A presença dessa problemática social se reflete na rotina do serviço, que precisa criar estratégias protetivas, realizar visitas domiciliares, atender à demanda de usuários de drogas com precária situação de vida e ainda enfrentar continuamente novos desafios. RESULTADOS: A elevada frequência da percepção de problemas sociais, como as altas taxas de violência e criminalidade, a questão do tráfico de drogas, o aumento da desigualdade social e a consequente sobreposição de exclusões a que estão submetidas essa parcela da população, requer novos estudos que permitam compreender as consequências do impacto da violência na saúde mental dos usuários de serviços em tratamento na comunidade.<br>OBJECTIVE: To describe the interference of urban violence and drug trafficking in a Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS - Psychosocial Care Centre) located in the north zone of Rio de Janeiro. METHODOLOGY: Qualitative research with a theoretical-methodological approach based on the principles of participant observation and on fieldwork. Many CAPS of the north zone are situated in areas of high social risk, where there is intensification of violence. The presence of this social issue reflects on the routine of the service, as it needs to create protective strategies, to perform home visits, to assist drug users with precarious life situation and, also, to face new challenges continuously. RESULTS: The high frequency of perception of social problems like the high rates of violence and criminality, the question of drug trafficking, the increase in social inequality and the consequent overlapping of exclusions to which this part of the population is submitted require new studies that allow to understand the consequences of the impact of violence on the mental health of users of treatment services in the community