3 research outputs found

    Factores que inciden en la intenci贸n de salida de la actividad lechera en la regi贸n pampeana de Argentina

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    [EN] This article examines the factors which explain exit from dairy farming in the Pampas region of Argentina. A representative sample of dairy farms was used, of which 12 % indicated their intention to exit in the next five years. High technical efficiency and the existence of a successor reduce the likelihood of exit dairy farming; while age of farmer, hired labor, and climate risk exposure are positively associated with exit intentions. The small dairy farms are more prone to exit than large ones, albeit with a smaller marginal effect.[ES] Este art铆culo examina los factores que explican la salida de la producci贸n lechera en la regi贸n pampeana de Argentina. Se utiliz贸 una muestra representativa de unidades productivas, de las cuales el 12 % indic贸 su intenci贸n de salir en los pr贸ximos cinco a帽os. La eficiencia t茅cnica y la existencia de un sucesor reducen la probabilidad de salida, mientras que la edad del productor, la mano de obra contratada y la exposici贸n al riesgo clim谩tico se asocian positivamente con la intenci贸n de salida. Las unidades productivas peque帽as son m谩s propensas a salir que las grandes, aunque con un menor efecto marginal respecto de otras variables.Gastaldi, LB.; Galetto, AJ.; Pace Guerrero, IR. (2023). Factors affecting exit intentions from dairy farming in the Pampas region of Argentina. Econom铆a Agraria y Recursos Naturales - Agricultural and Resource Economics. 23(2):91-116. https://doi.org/10.7201/earn.2023.02.049111623

    A Monte Carlo study of the effect of estimation risk on the optimal solutions of risk programming models

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    In mathematical risk programming models the decision maker is usually assumed to know the distribution of net returns (when other elements of the planning problem are deterministic). However, this assumption is only justified when the probability distribution of returns represents degrees of belief of the decision maker. When sample data obtained from historical information is used, the existence of estimation error must be recognized. This study at an assesses the importance of estimation error in risk programming through a repeated sampling experiment. Two population distributions were used, a multivariate normal and a combination of independently distributed lognormals. Samples of various sizes (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 50 and 99 years) were obtained and several risk programming models (QP, MOTAD, Target MOTAD and 5 versions of the Safety-First model) were run 100 times, using the above samples as inputs. The results indicate that the variability of solution vector is very high, particularly at the sample sizes most commonly used in applied work. Although the variance decreases as the sample size gets larger, the solution is still far from convergence, even with 99 years of data. These results hold for normal and non-normal populations as well

    Factors affecting exit intentions from dairy farming in the Pampas region of Argentina.

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    [EN] This article examines the factors which explain exit from dairy farming in the Pampas region of Argentina. A representative sample of dairy farms was used, of which 12 % indicated their intention to exit in the next five years. High technical efficiency and the existence of a successor reduce the likelihood of exit dairy farming; while age of farmer, hired labor, and climate risk exposure are positively associated with exit intentions. The small dairy farms are more prone to exit than large ones, albeit with a smaller marginal effect. [ES] Este art铆culo examina los factores que explican la salida de la producci贸n lechera en la regi贸n pampeana de Argentina. Se utiliz贸 una muestra representativa de unidades productivas, de las cuales el 12 % indic贸 su intenci贸n de salir en los pr贸ximos cinco a帽os. La eficiencia t茅cnica y la existencia de un sucesor reducen la probabilidad de salida, mientras que la edad del productor, la mano de obra contratada y la exposici贸n al riesgo clim谩tico se asocian positivamente con la intenci贸n de salida. Las unidades productivas peque帽as son m谩s propensas a salir que las grandes, aunque con un menor efecto marginal respecto de otras variables