12 research outputs found

    Evaluating the adoption of integrated project teams as strategic form to underpin PSI systems in servitizing manufacturers

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    In the search of competitiveness in the knowledge-based economy, developing a successful Product-Service Innovation (PSI) becomes crucial for many manufacturers. In this context, the different configurations that PSI systems may adopt is being object of intense debate. Under this environmental uncertainty about the most accurate configuration, manufacturers make different strategic choices ranging from in-house development to outsourcing, different types of alliances or even mergers & acquisitions. Lately, some manufactures are deploying a recent configuration by adopting project integrated teams as a new way to develop PSI. Following a multiple case-study approach, we expect to assess four main factors surrounding PSI systems configured by manufacturers through creation of projects integrated teams: 1) degree of technological innovation and complexity of PSI; 2) degree of servitization in their business model; 3) Organizational barriers to advanced services introduction; 4) benefits and competitive advantages arising from the implementation of a project- based operation. In the final discussion and conclusion derived from our research we will delve into the study of PSI in project-based context by providing new knowledge to illustrate this operational change and how it influences value creation and business model configuration in servitizing manufacturers

    Servitized business models in project-based firms: The case of energy efficient architecture

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    Business models of project-based firms have traditionally been based on delivering value through the product. In the building sector, the customer perceives value only when it receives the finished building, at which point it terminates its relationship with the firm. New research strands on value in use and the employment of new business models lead us to propose the creation of new solutions that can include services as part of the firm’s offering for the consumer. This proposal involves increasing both the value perceived by the customer and the benefits to be obtained by integrating all phases of the business, thereby achieving a lasting relationship with the customer. In the context of energyefficient buildings, technological innovation and the particularities of design, installations, maintenance and use are presented as an ideal framework for studying the introduction of the phenomenon of servitization into the business models of project-based firms (PBFs). In this article, we attempt to evaluate how servitization gains a leading role in existing business models in this area. We will propose a structure for new business models in this sector and, through case study, examine what kinds of models are emerging. We will then analyse these models and propose improvements for integrating services into all phases of the business

    Servitization and business models in project‐based firms: the case of energy efficient architecture

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    Purpose:In the context of energy-­efficient buildings, technological innovation and the particularities of design, installations, maintenance and use are presented as an ideal framework for studying the introduction of the phenomenon of servitization into the business models of project‐based firms (PBFs). In this article, we attempt to evaluate how servitization gains a leading role in existing business models in this area

    Barriers to capturing the value of advanced services and digitisation in the road transport industry

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    Servitization and digitization together provide significant opportunities to raise the performance and profitability of the road transport industry. To date these opportunities are only sparsely captured and the potential economic, social and environmental value is forgone. We set out to investigate the barriers to capturing the value of servitization and digitization in the road transport industry

    Towards a new conception of value creation: Servitization and digitalization in project based firms

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    This study goes into the new conceptualization of value creation and focuses on the need to generate knowledge in the development of Servitization strategies (Baines et al., 2016a; Vandermerwe & Rada, 1989), as well as on the need to adapt and extend this strategy to other sectors apart from manufacturing. Another motivation behind this research is the need for companies to set up their business model so that they are able to exploit the potential of existing and new technologies to extract a value from processes, services and products in a way that until now was impossible to obtain. In general, this thesis seeks to put a focus on new value creation strategies. With particular emphasis on those strategies related to the inclusion of advanced services that rely on the use of new technologies (Vendrell- Herrero, Bustinza, Parry, & Georgantzis, 2016) The main justification of the study is to try to generate knowledge that will be of use for the management and implementation of this strategic change and to present their application in the field of Project based firms.Tesis Univ. Granada. Programa Oficial de Doctorado en: Ciencas Económicas y Empresariale

    Towards a new conception of value creation: Servitization and digitalization in project based firms

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    This study goes into the new conceptualization of value creation and focuses on the need to generate knowledge in the development of Servitization strategies (Baines et al., 2016a; Vandermerwe & Rada, 1989), as well as on the need to adapt and extend this strategy to other sectors apart from manufacturing. Another motivation behind this research is the need for companies to set up their business model so that they are able to exploit the potential of existing and new technologies to extract a value from processes, services and products in a way that until now was impossible to obtain. In general, this thesis seeks to put a focus on new value creation strategies. With particular emphasis on those strategies related to the inclusion of advanced services that rely on the use of new technologies (Vendrell- Herrero, Bustinza, Parry, & Georgantzis, 2016) The main justification of the study is to try to generate knowledge that will be of use for the management and implementation of this strategic change and to present their application in the field of Project based firms.Tesis Univ. Granada. Programa Oficial de Doctorado en: Ciencas Económicas y Empresariale

    Understanding levels and principles of interoperability in the AEC sector

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