343 research outputs found

    Introduction to morphological and functional evaluation of the heart and coronary arteries

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    In the last years, the number of clinical indications for the evaluation of the heart – with both computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) – exponentially grew. This evidence reflects the remarkable technological developments of both techniques allowing unprecedented spatial, temporal and contrast resolution levels and to comprehensively evaluate cardiac pathology, combining anatomical information with functional assessment and tissue characterization of myocardial diseases

    A feasible and automatic free tool for T1 and ECV mapping

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    Purpose: Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) is a useful non-invasive tool for characterizing tissues and detecting myocardial fibrosis and edema. Estimation of extracellular volume fraction (ECV) using T1 sequences is emerging as an accurate biomarker in cardiac diseases associated with diffuse fibrosis. In this study, automatic software for T1 and ECV map generation consisting of an executable file was developed and validated using phantom and human data. Methods: T1 mapping was performed in phantoms and 30 subjects (22 patients and 8 healthy subjects) on a 1.5T MR scanner using the modified Look-Locker inversion-recovery (MOLLI) sequence prototype before and 15 min after contrast agent administration. T1 maps were generated using a Fast Nonlinear Least Squares algorithm. Myocardial ECV maps were generated using both pre- and post-contrast T1 image registration and automatic extraction of blood relaxation rates. Results: Using our software, pre- and post-contrast T1 maps were obtained in phantoms and healthy subjects resulting in a robust and reliable quantification as compared to reference software. Coregistration of pre- and post-contrast images improved the quality of ECV maps. Mean ECV value in healthy subjects was 24.5% ± 2.5%. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that it is possible to obtain accurate T1 maps and informative ECV maps using our software. Pixel-wise ECV maps obtained with this automatic software made it possible to visualize and evaluate the extent and severity of ECV alterations

    The teacher, literature and the Mediterranean

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    This chapter discusss writer Francis Ebejer's thinking about education as it is expressed in his autobiographical work but more imprtantly through his fictional and theatrical writings. This is explored in the context of the history of colonialism and Ebejer's own experience of this phenomenon.peer-reviewe

    Fatty images of the heart: spectrum of normal and pathological findings at computed tomography and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging.

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    Ectopic cardiac fatty images are not rarely detected incidentally at computed tomography and cardiac magnetic resonance, either in exams focused on the heart as in general thoracic imaging evaluations. A correct interpretation of these findings is essential in order to recognize their normal or pathological meaning, focusing on the eventually associated clinical implications. The development of techniques such as computed tomography and cardiac magnetic resonance allowed a detailed detection and evaluation of adipose tissue within the heart. This pictorial review illustrates the most common characteristics of cardiac fatty images at computed tomography and cardiac magnetic resonance, in a spectrum of normal and pathological conditions ranging from physiological adipose images to diseases presenting with cardiac fatty foci. Physiologic intramyocardial adipose tissue may normally be present in healthy adults, being not related to cardiac affections and without any clinical consequence. However cardiac fatty images may also be the expression of various diseases, comprehending arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, post-myocardial infarction lipomatous metaplasia, dilated cardiomyopathy and lipomatous hypertrophy of the inter-atrial septum. Fatty neoplasms of the heart as lipoma and liposarcoma are also described

    The Palgrave Handbook of Theatre and Migration

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    Despite encountering the phenomenon of migration on a daily basis, the issue is not frequently highlighted through performance in Malta. For various reasons that will be discussed, migrants are virtually absent from cultural life in Malta, and thus no migrant or post-migrant theatre exists. Although migration has been a major political issue for decades, very few theatre works have contributed to the conversation. This chapter will try to explain why theatre-makers generally steer away from the topic, before discussing two performances through which I hope to shed light on the (in)visibility of the migrant in Maltese theatre. The examples chosen are a street performance by poet/activist Antoine Cassar, related to his long poem entitled Passaport (Passport), and a large-scale opera entitled Aħna Refuġjati (We Are Refugees), directed by Mario Philip Azzopardi who also wrote the libretto, financed by the state as part of the 2018 European Capital of Culture programme.peer-reviewe

    Fil-bidu kien il-verb...u l-verb kien Malti: Il-ġenesi tal-letteratura bil-Malti u l-identità nazzjonali

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    Il-bidu tal-letteratura bil-Malti bħala fenomenu konsistenti jikkonċidi ftit jew wisq mal-bidu tal-perjodu kolonjali Ingliż.peer-reviewe

    The pantomime other : building fences in pantomime performance in Malta

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    The article discusses the politics of the Christmas pantomime as it was and is performed in Malta, first in the English language and subsequently in Maltese. The discussion focuses on how pantomime others groups which are or are not the intended audience of the performance.peer-reviewe

    The Ottoman Turk in Maltese theatre and drama : a discussion of the role of stereotypes in the theatre of a small nation

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    The aim of this article is to discuss how the theatre of a community aspiring to nationhood and autonomy from British colonial rule used stereotypes inherited from popular history and nationalist discourse to create drama that contributed to shaping a national identity. The article will also discuss how these stereotypes were retained within the Maltese performative culture beyond the political realities that ushered them in. To do this, the article analyses the references to Ottoman Turks in Maltese theatre from the 19th century to the contemporary period. Most of these instances revolve around the Siege of Malta of 1565 by the Ottoman army, which is considered a moment of great importance in the history of the country. In these works, as in Maltese culture in general, the Turk is seen as the nemesis of the Maltese and represents everything they are not. The article contextualises the different recorded performances in the historical moment they speak of, but also in the historical moment they were enacted. The discussion is framed around colonialism as a historical period and as a theoretical concept which informed the Maltese national identity.peer-reviewe


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    Din l-edizzjoni ta’ “Il-Malti” tagħlaq ċiklu ta’ sentejn fil-ħidma tal-Akkademja tal-Malti. Il-kitbiet li jidhru hawn huma frott it-tip ta’ riċerka li l-Akkademja tixtieq tara fil-qasam tal-Malti.peer-reviewe


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    L-awtur jiddedika dan l-editorjal f’ġieħ Ġużè Chetcuti li miet ftit tal-ġranet qabel.peer-reviewe
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