15 research outputs found

    A systematized spatial review of global protected area soundscape research

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    Protected areas (PA) represent the primary mechanism to protect global ecosystems; yet current capacities often lead to geographic imbalances for PA management around the world. PA soundscapes have proved a valuable element to inform effective management, as natural sounds are important for healthy natural systems and rewarding visitor experiences. This article employed a systematized literature review of PA soundscape research, matching the areas of study described for the 218 articles, with PA from the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA). The studies took place in 372 PA, which were cataloged by geographic location and size where possible, country, and continent. Data charting included extracted keywords, research objectives, methods, outcomes and future research needs. Numeric and geographic analysis focused on understanding the nature, extent, and distribution of the studies, while thematic analysis was applied to identify trends with respect to methods, outcomes, and future research. Study results identified content and geographic imbalances between studies in tropical and temperate zones, terrestrial and marine environments, and the Global South and North. Discussion considers how global initiatives may support information and resource sharing that facilitates knowledge and capacity transfer between the two regions

    Finding meaning in sustainability and a livelihood based on tourism: An ethnographic case study of rural citizens in the Aysen Region of Chile.

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    Development. Livelihood. Sustainability. Tourism. The post-positivistic approach of this study helped to illuminate the complexity that underscores these four simple words. It helped to fill knowledge gaps through exploration of the lived experience of tourism-based livelihoods within the Aysen region of southern Chile. With an understanding of this lived experience, the identification of more feasible and meaningful development interventions and policies becomes more likely. Results were organized around seven key areas of focus: (1) shaping factors for tourism-based livelihoods, (2) how tourism-based livelihood strategies added meaning, (3) the role that alternative forms of tourism played, (4) tourism livelihood tactics, (5) participant definitions of success, (6) success factors, and (7) vulnerability. This study contributed to emerging theory in a variety of areas including development geography, development theory, tourism development theory, and rural livelihoods studies. It supported the need for better theoretical integration between development and tourism science, by demonstrating the potential for integration of livelihoods approaches to inform tourism research and practice, in a meaningful manner. Based on the findings of this research and a reintegration of relevant literature, a Sustainable Tourism Based Livelihood Framework (STBLF) was presented which can assist researchers and practitioners with future exploration. Additional implications of this research included the potential for tourism to be an exchange agent for social learning; tourism as a catalyst for transboundary amenity migration, and tourism livelihoods as vehicles of transferable human capacity. These areas warranted additional exploration. This study will interest individuals, communities, government agencies, NGOs, and specific projects with an interest in the potential of tourism to be a tool for livelihood sustainability and development within the Aysen region of Chile. Results of this study are not generalizable. The ability to transfer implications of this study beyond the sixteen cases of interest will depend on similarity of context and fit between cases in question

    Soundscapes and protected area conservation: Are noises in nature making people complacent?

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    This study explores how existing connections to natural places may affect PA visitors’ experiences and perceptions within the PA. Specifically, outside-the-PA soundscape perceptions are examined to better understand how their experiences outside the PA may affect perceptions of PA soundscapes and visitors’ ability to effectively contribute to conservation monitoring. Survey research (n=389) of recent urban visitors to the Chilean Coyhaique National Reserve (CNR) in Patagonia unpacked perceptions of the acoustic environments within the places where participants felt most connected to nature, including landscape features, favorite and prevalent sounds, and acceptability of particular anthrophonic sounds. Favorite and prevalent sounds were open-coded, and anthrophonic sounds were rated for prevalence and acceptability. The mountain landscape features and sounds (‘wind’, ‘running water’,‘ birds’) participants described as prominent within the places where they felt most connected to nature aligned well with CNR characteristics. Participants who ‘sometimes’‘/often’ heard certain anthropogenic sounds (vehicles, aircraft, machines, city sounds), within the places where they felt most connected to nature, rated those sounds as more acceptable than participants who reported ‘never’ hearing them, raising concerns about complacency toward anthrophony in natural settings. Continued research efforts are warranted to better understand visitors’ frames of reference, their influence on the reliability of social norm data for PA soundscape monitoring, and their influence on PA managers’ ability to protect conservation values

    Explorando las representaciones sociales del turismo basado en la naturaleza, el conflicto del desarrollo y los futuros del desarrollo sostenible en la Patagonia chilena.

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    International audienceThis chapter explored how Modernization, Transformation, and Control Sustainable Development (SD) imaginaries and trajectories interacted, nuanced, and mediated the approaches of neoliberal development initiatives and the conflicts which surrounded them. A collective case study approach was employed to better understand actors, their strategies, and perceptions about three large-scale development proposals, the Patagonia National Parks network, the HidroAysén hydroelectric project, and the Río Cuervo hydroelectric project. We identified six themes that characterized participants' preferences related to processes: a desire for greater proactiveness around transparency, a binding participation process of governance, bottom-up decision making, re-empowerment of local groups, decentralization, and improved oversight practices.Further, directed content analysis revealed numerous manifestations of the three SD futures trajectories and several examples of interactions and overlap between the SD imaginaries. Seemingly, some development actors navigated between SD imaginaries and tactics to maneuver between local and national actors, agendas, and decision-making processes. We have termed these tactics as SD agility, which are initially defined as: “the strategic ability to maneuver between SD imaginaries and trajectories to achieve strategic SD outcomes.” SD agility tactics merit additional study as we believe they may represent an important capacity for SD futures trajectories.Este capítulo explora cómo los imaginarios y trayectorias de modernización, transformación y control del desarrollo sostenible (DS) interactúan, matizan y median los enfoques de las iniciativas neoliberales de desarrollo y los conflictos que las rodean. Se utilizó un enfoque de estudio de caso para comprender mejor a los actores, sus estrategias y percepciones en torno a tres proyectos de desarrollo a gran escala: el Sistema de Parques Nacionales de la Patagonia, el proyecto hidroeléctrico HidroAysén y el proyecto hidroeléctrico Río Cuervo. Identificamos seis temas que caracterizaban las opciones de proceso de los participantes: el deseo de una mayor proactividad en la transparencia, un proceso de gobernanza con participación obligatoria, la toma de decisiones de abajo arriba, la revitalización de los grupos locales, la descentralización y la mejora de las prácticas de supervisión. Además, el análisis de contenido dirigido reveló numerosas manifestaciones de las tres trayectorias futuras del desarrollo sostenible y varios ejemplos de interacciones y solapamientos entre los imaginarios del desarrollo sostenible. Parece que algunos agentes del desarrollo han navegado entre imaginarios y tácticas de desarrollo sostenible para moverse entre protagonistas, agendas y procesos de toma de decisiones locales y nacionales. Hemos denominado a estas tácticas "flexibilidad del DS", que se define inicialmente como: "la capacidad estratégica de negociar entre imaginarios y trayectorias de DS para lograr resultados estratégicos de DS". Las tácticas de flexibilidad del desarrollo sostenible merecen una mayor investigación, ya que creemos que pueden representar una importante oportunidad para identificar futuras trayectorias de desarrollo sostenible.Ce chapitre explore la manière dont les imaginaires et les trajectoires de modernisation, de transformation et de contrôle du développement durable (DD) interagissent, nuancent et médiatisent les approches des initiatives de développement néolibérales et les conflits qui les entourent. Une approche par études de cas a été utilisée pour mieux comprendre les acteurs, leurs stratégies et leurs perceptions concernant trois projets de développement de grande envergure : le réseau des parcs nationaux de Patagonie, le projet hydroélectrique HidroAysén et le projet hydroélectrique Río Cuervo. Nous avons identifié six thèmes qui caractérisent les choix des participants en matière de processus : le souhait d'une plus grande proactivité en matière de transparence, d'un processus de gouvernance à participation obligatoire, d'une prise de décision ascendante, d'une redynamisation des groupes locaux, d'une décentralisation et d'une amélioration des pratiques de suivi. En outre, l'analyse dirigée du contenu a révélé de nombreuses manifestations des trois trajectoires futures du développement durable et plusieurs exemples d'interactions et de recoupement entre les imaginaires du développement durable. Il semble que certains acteurs du développement aient navigué entre des imaginaires et des tactiques de DD afin de naviguer entre les protagonistes, les agendas et les processus de prise de décision locaux et nationaux. Nous avons appelé ces tactiques de "souplesse en matière de développement durable", qui est initialement définie comme suit : "la capacité stratégique de négocier entre des imaginaires et des trajectoires de développement durable pour obtenir des résultats stratégiques en matière de développement durable". Les tactiques de souplesse du DD méritent d'être étudiées plus en détail, car nous pensons qu'elles peuvent représenter une possibilité importante pour identifier des trajectoires futures en matière du DD

    Le tourisme basé sur la Science - Une approche Géographique

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    International audienceThis paper presents empirical research that supports territorial approaches to tourism product development that ground tourism in science, as a mechanism to support sustainable tourism heritage conservation goals. Scientific Tourism (ST), in this context, builds on the scientific heritage of a geography, matching researchers with local actors and tourists, through a five-stage iterative process that leads to new scientific knowledge, advancing theory and building relevance for communities through socio-cultural and economic development. This article focuses on the initial stage of the ST product development process, documenting empirical research conducted within the geographies surrounding the Palena River watershed in the Aysén Region of Chilean Patagonia. Both geo-structured literature review methods and results are presented and discussed to illustrate how the outcomes, including a series of maps, can inform and ground actors’ processes of heritage resource identification, justification, conservation, and exhibition, through the development of pilot ST initiatives within the territory. Similar research approaches may prove valuable for other low-density and peripheral geographies that share an interest in grounding tourism on the science taking place within their geography.Cet article présente une recherche empirique qui permet de renforcer une approche territorialisée du développement de produits touristiques. En ancrant le tourisme sur les connaissances scientifiques, cette démarche peut aider à la mise en valeur et conservation du patrimoine pour un tourisme durable. Le tourisme scientifique (TS) s'appuie sur le patrimoine scientifique d'une région géographique, en mettant en relation les chercheurs avec les acteurs locaux et les touristes. Par le biais d'un processus en cinq étapes qui débouche sur la création de nouvelles connaissances scientifiques, il permet de faire progresser les connaissances théoriques et renforce la pertinence des savoirs scientifiques pour les communautés locales et aide son développement socioculturel et économique. Cet article se concentre sur l'étape initiale du processus de développement de produits de TS en identifiant les recherches menées sur l'aire du bassin hydrographique de la rivière Palena, dans la région d'Aysén en Patagonie chilienne. Les résultats de l'analyse des publications scientifique sont géoréférencés et leur répartition spatiale analysée. Ce procédé illustre comment les données peuvent utilement informer les acteurs du territoire et aider à l'identification, la justification, la conservation et l'exposition de connaissances pouvant être intégrées dans la création d'initiatives pilotes de TS. Cette approche peut s'avérer précieuse pour d'autres territoires à faible densité, périphériques et naturels, qui partagent un intérêt à ancrer le développement du tourisme sur des connaissances scientifiques

    Vers un développement intégral fondé sur la conservation grâce à des expériences de voyage éthiques ancrées dans la bioculture des laboratoires naturels subantarctiques de la Patagonie

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    International audienceSynchronous losses of biological, linguistic, and cultural diversity are contributing to processes of biocultural homogenization, a persistent downgrading in how people perceive biodiversity, environmental, and cultural conditions, and what they consider as normal. Some have linked biocultural homogenization with neoliberal practices that emphasize standardization and efficiencies in order to enhance capital accumulation. In Chile, which is highly centralized, urban, and centered around neoliberal development, biocultural homogenization is especially concerning, as it may lower support for conservation. Thus, when thinking about conservation-based development in Patagonia, locally driven initiatives that foster biocultural reawakening, democratize science, and catalyze sustainable development, might help address biocultural homogenization and build conservation support. This mixed-methods, intrinsic case study explored three initiatives underway in the Aysén and Magallanes regions of Chile that address some of these outcomes: (1) Subantarctic Natural Laboratories; (2) 3-Hs Biocultural Ethic and FEP Cycle Approach; and (3) Scientific Tourism Collaborative Learning Networks. We sought to better understand their methods and implementations and explore how their integration might strengthen conservation-based development in Patagonia, through ethical travel experiences rooted in the bioculture of local communities. Results suggest promise for a combined approach; thus, additional research and consideration are merited.Las pérdidas sincrónicas de diversidad biológica, lingüística y cultural están contribuyendo a procesos de homogeneización biocultural, una persistente degradación de la forma en que las personas perciben la biodiversidad, las condiciones medioambientales y culturales y lo que consideran normal. Algunos han vinculado la homogeneización biocultural con las prácticas neoliberales que hacen hincapié en la estandarización y la eficiencia con el fin de mejorar la acumulación de capital. En Chile, que es un país altamente centralizado, urbano y centrado en el desarrollo neoliberal, la homogeneización biocultural es especialmente preocupante, ya que puede disminuir el apoyo a la conservación. Por lo tanto, cuando se piensa en el desarrollo basado en la conservación en la Patagonia, las iniciativas impulsadas localmente que promueven el despertar biocultural, democratizan la ciencia y catalizan el desarrollo sostenible, podrían ayudar a abordar la homogeneización biocultural y crear apoyo para la conservación. Este estudio de caso intrínseco y de métodos mixtos exploró tres iniciativas en curso en las regiones chilenas de Aysén y Magallanes que abordan algunos de estos resultados: (1) Laboratorios Naturales Subantárticos; (2) Enfoque de Ética Biocultural y Ciclo FEP de las 3 Hs; y (3) Redes de Aprendizaje Colaborativo de Turismo Científico. Buscamos entender mejor sus métodos e implementaciones y explorar cómo su integración podría fortalecer el desarrollo basado en la conservación en la Patagonia, a través de experiencias de viaje éticas enraizadas en la biocultura de las comunidades locales. Los resultados sugieren que un enfoque combinado es prometedor, por lo que merece la pena seguir investigando y estudiando la cuestión.Les pertes synchrones de diversité biologique, linguistique et culturelle contribuent aux processus d'homogénéisation bioculturelle, un déclassement persistant dans la façon dont les gens perçoivent la biodiversité, les conditions environnementales et culturelles, et ce qu'ils considèrent comme normal. Certains ont établi un lien entre l'homogénéisation bioculturelle et les pratiques néolibérales qui mettent l'accent sur la normalisation et l'efficacité afin d'accroître l'accumulation de capital. Au Chili, pays fortement centralisé, urbain et axé sur le développement néolibéral, l'homogénéisation bioculturelle est particulièrement préoccupante, car elle risque d'affaiblir le soutien à la conservation. Ainsi, lorsqu'on envisage un développement basé sur la conservation en Patagonie, les initiatives locales qui favorisent le réveil bioculturel, démocratisent la science et catalysent le développement durable pourraient contribuer à lutter contre l'homogénéisation bioculturelle et à renforcer le soutien à la conservation. Cette étude de cas intrinsèque à méthodes mixtes a exploré trois initiatives en cours dans les régions d'Aysén et de Magallanes au Chili qui abordent certains de ces résultats : (1) les laboratoires naturels subantarctiques ; (2) l'éthique bioculturelle des 3-H et l'approche du cycle FEP ; et (3) les réseaux d'apprentissage collaboratif du tourisme scientifique. Nous avons cherché à mieux comprendre leurs méthodes et leur mise en œuvre et à explorer comment leur intégration pourrait renforcer le développement basé sur la conservation en Patagonie, grâce à des expériences de voyage éthiques enracinées dans la bioculture des communautés locales. Les résultats suggèrent une approche combinée prometteuse ; des recherches et des considérations supplémentaires sont donc nécessaires

    Fetal programming and eating disorder risk

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    •The fetal environment impacts anorexia and bulimia development later in life.•Maternal malnutrition and stress are key factors influencing the fetal environment.•Maternal and fetal birth stressors and complications are associated with eating disorder risk.•Translation of research results focuses on preventative measures of maternal stressors. Fetal programming describes the process by which environmental stimuli impact fetal development to influence disease development later in life. Our analysis summarizes evidence for the role of fetal programming in eating disorder etiology through review of studies demonstrating specific obstetric complications and later eating risk of anorexia or bulimia. Using Pubmed, we found thirteen studies investigating obstetric factors and eating disorder risk published between 1999 and 2016. We then discuss modifiable maternal risk factors, including nutrition and stress, that influence anorexia or bulimia risk of their offspring. Translation of these findings applies to preventative strategies by health organizations and physicians to provide optimal health for mothers and their children to prevent development of medical and psychiatric illnesses