409 research outputs found

    Can water sounds improve work spaces?

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    Acoustical and perceptual assessment of water sounds and their use over road traffic noise

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    Maximizing the Diversity of Exposure in a Social Network

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    Social-media platforms have created new ways for citizens to stay informed and participate in public debates. However, to enable a healthy environment for information sharing, social deliberation, and opinion formation, citizens need to be exposed to sufficiently diverse viewpoints that challenge their assumptions, instead of being trapped inside filter bubbles. In this paper, we take a step in this direction and propose a novel approach to maximize the diversity of exposure in a social network. We formulate the problem in the context of information propagation, as a task of recommending a small number of news articles to selected users. We propose a realistic setting where we take into account content and user leanings, and the probability of further sharing an article. This setting allows us to capture the balance between maximizing the spread of information and ensuring the exposure of users to diverse viewpoints. The resulting problem can be cast as maximizing a monotone and submodular function subject to a matroid constraint on the allocation of articles to users. It is a challenging generalization of the influence maximization problem. Yet, we are able to devise scalable approximation algorithms by introducing a novel extension to the notion of random reverse-reachable sets. We experimentally demonstrate the efficiency and scalability of our algorithm on several real-world datasets

    The Minimum Description Length Principle for Pattern Mining: A Survey

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    This is about the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle applied to pattern mining. The length of this description is kept to the minimum. Mining patterns is a core task in data analysis and, beyond issues of efficient enumeration, the selection of patterns constitutes a major challenge. The MDL principle, a model selection method grounded in information theory, has been applied to pattern mining with the aim to obtain compact high-quality sets of patterns. After giving an outline of relevant concepts from information theory and coding, as well as of work on the theory behind the MDL and similar principles, we review MDL-based methods for mining various types of data and patterns. Finally, we open a discussion on some issues regarding these methods, and highlight currently active related data analysis problems

    Phrase table pruning for Statistical Machine Translation

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    Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation systems model the translation process using pairs of corresponding sequences of words extracted from parallel corpora. These biphrases are stored in phrase tables that typically contain several millions such entries, making it di cult to assess their quality without going to the end of the translation process. Our work is based on the examplifying study of phrase tables generated from the Europarl data, from French to English. We give some statistical information about the biphrases contained in the phrase table, evaluate the coverage of previously unseen sentences and analyse the e ects of pruning on the translation