52 research outputs found

    The Effects of Spaceflight on Cellular Aging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The conditions encountered during spaceflight place unique stresses on physiological processes that oftentimes lead to deleterious effects. Identifying these effects and better understanding their molecular mechanisms will be essential in enabling long-duration space travel by humans. Studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae suggest an aging model that involves the accumulation of toxic components, such as excess extrachromosomal rDNA and damaged mitochondria. This build-up then limits the replicative lifespan (the number of times a mother cell can form a new daughter cell). Remarkably, each new daughter cell emerges completely renewed from the senescing mother cell through an asymmetric distribution of aging determinants via mechanisms that are intricately linked to the budding process. When exposed to simulated microgravity, S. cerevisiae undergoes an altered budding process characterized by a breakdown in bud scar polarity. Because the budding process is critical to replicative aging, we hypothesize that the replicative lifespan may be affected by microgravity as well. To measure relative replicative aging rates, we will construct a strain of yeast in which daughter cells are inviable. In this strain, the Cre recombinase will be expressed under the control of the daughter cell specific promoter, pSCW11, and LoxP sites will be inserted at both flanks of two essential genes involved in the cell cycle, UBC9 and CDC20, using a CRISPRCas9 system. Thus, UBC9 and CDC20 will be excised from daughter cells, leading to cell-cycle arrest and eventual death. To mimic the low shear conditions encountered in microgravity, this strain will be grown in rotating wall vessels. The number of viable mother cells will be monitored over time, and this rate will be compared to cells growing in standard conditions. Because asymmetric division also occurs in mammalian cells (e.g. in neural stem cells), this study will provide insight into how cellular aging rates may change in mammals and will help empower humans to thrive in space for extended and even indefinite periods of time

    Synthetic Fungal Strains for Solar System Exploration and Colonization

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    Solar system exploration and eventual colonization efforts are constrained by limits on the mass of material that can embark from Earth. Thus, creative use of the resources available in situ could reduce mission costs and extend the scope of such activities. To that end, we are developing synthetic fungal strains to produce specialized materials from the resources found throughout the solar system. A primary goal is to develop a suite of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains to serve as generic production chassis for synthetic metabolic pathways. These strains must perform consistently upon challenge by unique conditions including exposure to microgravity, cosmic radiation, the rigors of launch and re-entry, and long-term stasis. Presently, we are establishing systematic datasets profiling epigenetic, transcriptional, translational and metabolic states of S. cerevisiae under relevant operating conditions. These will deepen our understanding of the physiological changes associated with space travel and enable rational engineering of optimal production strains

    New Frontiers in Synthetic Biology for Spaceflight

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    Exploration of the solar system is constrained by the cost of moving mass off Earth. Producing materials in situ will reduce the mass that must be delivered from earth. CO2 is abundant on Mars and manned spacecraft. On the ISS, NASA reacts excess CO2 with H2 to generate CH4 and H2O using the Sabatier System. The resulting water is recovered into the ISS, but the methane is vented to space. Thus, there is a capability need for systems that convert methane into valuable materials. Methanotrophic bacteria consume methane but these are poor synthetic biology platforms. Thus, there is a knowledge gap in utilizing methane in a robust and flexible synthetic biology platform. The yeast Pichia pastoris is a refined microbial factory that is used widely by industry because it efficiently secretes products. Pichia could produce a variety of useful products in space. Pichia does not consume methane but robustly consumes methanol, which is one enzymatic step removed from methane. Our goal is to engineer Pichia to consume methane thereby creating a powerful methane-consuming microbial factory

    The Transcriptional Response of Diverse Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Strains to Simulated Microgravity

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    Spaceflight imposes multiple stresses on biological systems resulting in genome-scale adaptations. Understanding these adaptations and their underlying molecular mechanisms is important to clarifying and reducing the risks associated with spaceflight. One such risk is infection by microbes present in spacecraft and their associated systems and inhabitants. This risk is compounded by results suggesting that some microbes may exhibit increased virulence after exposure to spaceflight conditions. The yeast, S. cerevisiae, is a powerful microbial model system, and its response to spaceflight has been studied for decades. However, to date, these studies have utilized common lab strains. Yet studies on trait variation in S. cerevisiae demonstrate that these lab strains are not representative of wild yeast and instead respond to environmental stimuli in an atypical manner. Thus, it is not clear how transferable these results are to the wild S. cerevisiae strains likely to be encountered during spaceflight. To determine if diverse S. cerevisiae strains exhibit a conserved response to simulated microgravity, we will utilize a collection of 100 S. cerevisiae strains isolated from clinical, environmental and industrial settings. We will place selected S. cerevisiae strains in simulated microgravity using a high-aspect rotating vessel (HARV) and document their transcriptional response by RNA-sequencing and quantify similarities and differences between strains. Our research will have a strong impact on the understanding of how genetic diversity of microorganisms effects their response to spaceflight, and will serve as a platform for further studies

    The Transcriptional Response of Diverse Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strains to Simulated Microgravity

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    Spaceflight imposes multiple stresses on biological systems resulting in genome-scale adaptations. Understanding these adaptations and their underlying molecular mechanisms is important to clarifying and reducing the risks associated with spaceflight. One such risk is infection by microbes present in spacecraft and their associated systems and inhabitants. This risk is compounded by results suggesting that some microbes may exhibit increased virulence after exposure to spaceflight conditions. The yeast, S. cerevisiae, is a powerful microbial model system, and it's response to spaceflight has been studied for decades. However, to date, these studies have utilized common lab strains. Yet studies on trait variation in S. cerevisiae demonstrate that these lab strains are not representative of wild yeast and instead respond to environmental stimuli in an a typical manner. Thus, it is not clear how transferable these results are to the wild S. cerevisiae strains likely to be encountered during spaceflight. To determine if diverse S. cerevisiae strains exhibit a conserved response to simulated microgravity, we will utilize a collection of 100 S. cerevisiae strains isolated from clinical, environmental and industrial settings. We will place selected S. cerevisiae strains in simulated microgravity using a high-aspect rotating vessel (HARV) and document their transcriptional response by RNA-sequencing and quantify similarities and differences between strains. Our research will have a strong impact on the understanding of how genetic diversity of microorganisms effects their response to spaceflight, and will serve as a platform for further studies

    Engineering of Methane Metabolism in Pichia Pastoris Through Methane Monooxygenase Expression

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    Exploration of the solar system is constrained by the cost of moving mass off Earth. Producing materials in situ will reduce the mass that must be delivered from earth. CO2 is abundant on Mars and manned spacecraft. On the ISS, NASA reacts excess CO2 with H2 to generate CH4 and H2O using the Sabatier System. The resulting water is recovered into the ISS, but the methane is vented to space. Thus, there is a capability need for systems that convert methane into valuable materials. Methanotrophic bacteria consume methane but these are poor synthetic biology platforms. Thus, there is a knowledge gap in utilizing methane in a robust and flexible synthetic biology platform. The yeast Pichia pastoris is a refined microbial factory that is used widely by industry because it efficiently secretes products. Pichia could produce a variety of useful products in space. Pichia does not consume methane but robustly consumes methanol, which is one enzymatic step removed from methane. Our goal is to engineer Pichia to consume methane thereby creating a powerful methane-consuming microbial factory

    Engineering of Methane Metabolism in Pichia Pastoris Through Methane Monooxygenase Expression

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    Exploration of the solar system is constrained by the cost of moving mass off Earth. Producing materials in situ will reduce the mass that must be delivered from earth. CO2 is abundant on Mars and manned spacecraft. On the ISS, NASA reacts excess CO2 with H2 to generate CH4 and H2O using the Sabatier System. The resulting water is recovered into the ISS, but the methane is vented to space. Thus, there is a capability need for systems that convert methane into valuable materials. Methanotrophic bacteria consume methane but these are poor synthetic biology platforms. Thus, there is a knowledge gap in utilizing methane in a robust and flexible synthetic biology platform. The yeast Pichia pastoris is a refined microbial factory that is used widely by industry because it efficiently secretes products. Pichia could produce a variety of useful products in space. Pichia does not consume methane but robustly consumes methanol, which is one enzymatic step removed from methane. Our goal is to engineer Pichia to consume methane thereby creating a powerful methane-consuming microbial factory

    The Transcriptional Response of Diverse Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Strains to Simulated Microgravity

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    Spaceflight imposes multiple stresses on biological systems resulting in genome-scale adaptations. Understanding these adaptations and their underlying molecular mechanisms is important to clarifying and reducing the risks associated with spaceflight. One such risk is infection by microbes present in spacecraft and their associated systems and inhabitants. This risk is compounded by results suggesting that some microbes may exhibit increased virulence after exposure to spaceflight conditions. The yeast, S. cerevisiae, is a powerful microbial model system, and it's response to spaceflight has been studied for decades. However, to date, these studies have utilized common lab strains. Yet studies on trait variation in S. cerevisiae demonstrate that these lab strains are not representative of wild yeast and instead respond to environmental stimuli in an atypical manner. Thus, it is not clear how transferable these results are to the wild S. cerevisiae strains likely to be encountered during spaceflight. To determine if diverse S. cerevisiae strains exhibit a conserved response to simulated microgravity, we will utilize a collection of 100 S. cerevisiae strains isolated from clinical, environmental and industrial settings. We will place selected S. cerevisiae strains in simulated microgravity using a high-aspect rotating vessel (HARV) and document their transcriptional response by RNA-sequencing and quantify similarities and differences between strains. Our research will have a strong impact on the understanding of how genetic diversity of microorganisms effects their response to spaceflight, and will serve as a platform for further studies

    GeneLab: Omics Database for Spaceflight Experiments

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    Motivation - To curate and organize expensive spaceflight experiments conducted aboard space stations and maximize the scientific return of investment, while democratizing access to vast amounts of spaceflight related omics data generated from several model organisms. Results - The GeneLab Data System (GLDS) is an open access database containing fully coordinated and curated "omics" (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics) data, detailed metadata and radiation dosimetry for a variety of model organisms. GLDS is supported by an integrated data system allowing federated search across several public bioinformatics repositories. Archived datasets can be queried using full-text search (e.g., keywords, Boolean and wildcards) and results can be sorted in multifactorial manner using assistive filters. GLDS also provides a collaborative platform built on GenomeSpace for sharing files and analyses with collaborators. It currently houses 172 datasets and supports standard guidelines for submission of datasets, MIAME (for microarray), ENCODE Consortium Guidelines (for RNA-seq) and MIAPE Guidelines (for proteomics)

    UV Shielding of Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032 Endospores by Martian Regolith Simulants

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    As exploration of the solar system advances with life detection missions on the horizon, the concern for planetary protection has grown considerably. When attempting to detect extraterrestrial life, the likelihood of false positives from terrestrial contamination must be minimized. The Exposing Microorganisms in the Stratosphere (E-MIST) balloon project aims to evaluate whether resilient terrestrial bacteria can survive stressors in a Mars-like environment. This is accomplished by sending Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032, an endospore-forming bacterial isolate from a spacecraft assembly facility, to the Earth's middle stratosphere (30-38 kilometers), where low temperature and pressure and high radiation and dryness conditions are similar to the surface of Mars. Previous ground and flight tests showed that the vast majority of SAFR-032 spores (99.99 percent) were inactivated by direct sunlight due to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This observation led us to explore the role of dust shielding in changing microbial survivorship outcomes. To determine the dust particle distributions and density for potentially shielding microbes from UV radiation, samples of a Martian dust simulant were mixed with SAFR-032 spores. The dry heat sterilized simulant used was JSC MARS-1, weathered volcanic ash from Hawaii that displays many chemical and physical properties similar to the Martian soil as characterized by the Viking Lander 1, including reflectance spectrum, chemical composition, mineralogy, grain size, specific gravity, and magnetic properties. First, scanning electron microscopy was undertaken to visualize the aggregation of the spores with dust particles (i.e., shading effects), and samples of varying dust concentrations were subsequently irradiated with UVC light to test survivorship outcomes. After a relationship between dust concentration and spore survivorship was determined, a solar simulator capable of irradiating samples with a fuller UV spectrum (less than 280-400 nanometers) was used to perform a more robust middle stratosphere simulation. Taken together, we will use results from the ground-based irradiation studies to feed into experimental designs for the next E-MIST ultra-long duration polar balloon flight launched by NASA
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