55 research outputs found

    The size and age composition of roach Rutilus rutilus (L.) at the upper part of the Kuibyshev reservoir Volga reach

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    © 2016,International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved.The size-and-age structure as well as indexes of the linear roach growth of the Volga upper reach of the Kuibyshev reservoir during 2010-2014 are considered. Material was gathered during control fishery with stationary nets. It is established that in the catch female small fries prevailed. Low level of average length indexes and the relative simplified nature of age structure around research reflect instability of population reproduction and high level of fishing pressure. The reconstructed indicators of the linear growth of roach on materials 2013 and 2014 years were substantially lower,both on different sites of the Kuibyshev reservoir,and on materials concerning the Volga River before the reservoir foundation. It is the result of the deterioration tendency continuation in roach growth in the Volga reach revealed earlier

    Formation of 24Mg* in the Splitting of 28Si Nuclei by 1-GeV Protons

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    The 28Si(p, p' gamma)24Mg reaction has been studied at the ITEP accelerator by the hadron-gamma coincidence method for a proton energy of 1 GeV. Two reaction products are detected: a 1368.6-keV gamma-ray photon accompanying the transition of the 24Mg* nucleus from the first excited state to the ground state and a proton p' whose momentum is measured in a magnetic spectrometer. The measured distribution in the energy lost by the proton in interaction is attributed to five processes: the direct knockout of a nuclear alpha cluster, the knockout of four nucleons with a total charge number of 2, the formation of the DeltaSi isobaric nucleus, the formation of the Delta isobar in the interaction of the incident proton with a nuclear nucleon, and the production of a pi meson, which is at rest in the nuclear reference frame. The last process likely corresponds to the reaction of the formation of a deeply bound pion state in the 28P nucleus. Such states were previously observed only on heavy nuclei. The cross sections for the listed processes have been estimated.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures submitted to JETP Letter

    Comparison of printed glycan array, suspension array and ELISA in the detection of human anti-glycan antibodies

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    Anti-glycan antibodies represent a vast and yet insufficiently investigated subpopulation of naturally occurring and adaptive antibodies in humans. Recently, a variety of glycan-based microarrays emerged, allowing high-throughput profiling of a large repertoire of antibodies. As there are no direct approaches for comparison and evaluation of multi-glycan assays we compared three glycan-based immunoassays, namely printed glycan array (PGA), fluorescent microsphere-based suspension array (SA) and ELISA for their efficacy and selectivity in profiling anti-glycan antibodies in a cohort of 48 patients with and without ovarian cancer. The ABO blood group glycan antigens were selected as well recognized ligands for sensitivity and specificity assessments. As another ligand we selected P1, a member of the P blood group system recently identified by PGA as a potential ovarian cancer biomarker. All three glyco-immunoassays reflected the known ABO blood groups with high performance. In contrast, anti-P1 antibody binding profiles displayed much lower concordance. Whilst anti-P1 antibody levels between benign controls and ovarian cancer patients were significantly discriminated using PGA (p = 0.004), we got only similar results using SA (p = 0.03) but not for ELISA. Our findings demonstrate that whilst assays were largely positively correlated, each presents unique characteristic features and should be validated by an independent patient cohort rather than another array technique. The variety between methods presumably reflects the differences in glycan presentation and the antigen/antibody ratio, assay conditions and detection technique. This indicates that the glycan-antibody interaction of interest has to guide the assay selection

    Эффективность применения стерофундина изотонического после острой массивной кровопотери в эксперименте

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    Objective: to perform an experimental study of the effect of isotonic sterofundin on the morphology of the myocardium, kidney, lung, pancreas, liver, and brain in the late period after hemorrhagic shock. Material and methods. Hemorrhagic shock was induced in 36 male Wistar rats weighing 230—250 g by acute massive blood loss (AMBL) of 2.5 ml/100 g at a rate of 2 ml/min. An hour after AMBL, hypovolemia was replenished to 200% volume for 60 min with Ringer solution and isotonic sterofundin in control and experimental groups, respectively. Then the blood was reinfused at 70% volume of its loss. The magnitude of morphological changes was estimated 3 days following AMBL. Specimens harvested from organs of euthanized animals were examined histologically and images were recorded using a ^Vizo-103 microvisor. Results. The experimental studies demonstrate significant structural damage of tissues within target organs following traditional infusion therapy with polyionic crystalloid solutions that may cause development of multiple organ dysfunction. Malate-containing solution of sterofundin reduces the degree of organ structural damages that may prevent multiple organ dysfunction in the posthemorrhagic period. Key words: acute massive blood loss, hemorrhagic shock, malate, sterofundin isotonic, multiple organ dysfunction.Цель исследования — изучение в эксперименте влияния стерофундина изотонического на морфологию миокарда, почек, легких, поджелудочной железы, печени и головного мозга в отдаленном периоде после геморрагического шока. Материалы и методы. Эксперименты проведены на 36 крысах самцах линии Wistar, массой 230—250 г. Геморрагический шок моделировали посредством острой массивной кровопотери (ОМК) в объеме 2,5 мл/100 г со скоростью 2 мл/мин. Через 1 час после ОМК следовало восполнение гиповолемии в течение 60 мин. в объеме 200% от кровопотери: в контрольной группе — раствором рингера, в опытной группе — стерофундином изотоническим. Затем проводили реинфузию крови в объеме 70% от кровопотери. Степень выраженности морфологических изменений оценивали через 3-е суток после ОМК. Просмотр гистологических препаратов и регистрацию изображений осуществляли на микровизоре ^Vizo-103. Результаты. Проведенные экспериментальные исследования свидетельствуют о структурном повреждении «органов — мишеней» при традиционной инфузионной терапии с помощью полиионных кристаллоидных растворов, что является определяющим фактором в последующем развитии полиорганной недостаточности. Использование малатсодержащего изотонического раствора стерофундина изотонического с целью восполнения гиповолемии способствует снижению степени структурных повреждений органов, формирующих в полиорганную недостаточность в постгеморрагическом периоде. Ключевые слова: острая массивная кровопотеря, геморрагический шок, малат, стерофундин изотонический, полиорганная недостаточность

    Comparison of Finnish and Russian approaches for large-scale vegetation mapping: a case study at Härkösuo Mire, eastern Finland

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    The purpose of this study was to compare Russian and Finnish mire vegetation classifications and large-scale vegetation mapping methods. Härkösuo Mire in Kuhmo, eastern Finland covers about 20 hectares and includes a small area of aapamire, together with spring fen and pine bog types. Two vegetation maps of this site were prepared from aerial photographs and field observations by different observers using the Russian and Finnish approaches independently, and the maps were compared quantitatively using GIS techniques. Despite the different vegetation classification methods, the maps have a great deal in common. The correspondence of results obtained using the Russian ‘dominant’ approach and the Finnish ‘site type’ approach is discussed. The main differences occurred in the marginal zones of the mire. In the Finnish approach, marginal areas with dense spruce cover are regarded as mire whilst in the Russian approach they are classified as forest


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    The boreal forest vegetation was studied on small islands scattered on the Kamennoe Lake, Kostamus strict nature reserve (Republic of Karelia). Lists of floristic notes were obtained for every island including bryophytes. Vegetation relevés were made on study plots of standard size (20 × 20 m). The data were compared with these representing plant cover of inter-mire mineral islets in Juortanansalo, eastern Finland. Mesic pine forests of Vaccinium-type are typical for the most of studied islands. Semi-dry pine forests of Empetrum-Vaccinium vitis-idaea can be found rarely. Vegetation data on mire islets represent the mesic spruce forests of Vaccinium type. Due to preservation regime vegetation dynamics goes in the direction of spruce forest recovering after disturbances caused by man and fires.Исследования выполнены при поддержке ГПЗ «Костомукшский» (Договор НИР, 2016 г.)

    The size and age composition of roach Rutilus rutilus (L.) at the upper part of the Kuibyshev reservoir Volga reach

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    © 2016,International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved.The size-and-age structure as well as indexes of the linear roach growth of the Volga upper reach of the Kuibyshev reservoir during 2010-2014 are considered. Material was gathered during control fishery with stationary nets. It is established that in the catch female small fries prevailed. Low level of average length indexes and the relative simplified nature of age structure around research reflect instability of population reproduction and high level of fishing pressure. The reconstructed indicators of the linear growth of roach on materials 2013 and 2014 years were substantially lower,both on different sites of the Kuibyshev reservoir,and on materials concerning the Volga River before the reservoir foundation. It is the result of the deterioration tendency continuation in roach growth in the Volga reach revealed earlier

    The size and age composition of roach Rutilus rutilus (L.) at the upper part of the Kuibyshev reservoir Volga reach

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    © 2016,International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved.The size-and-age structure as well as indexes of the linear roach growth of the Volga upper reach of the Kuibyshev reservoir during 2010-2014 are considered. Material was gathered during control fishery with stationary nets. It is established that in the catch female small fries prevailed. Low level of average length indexes and the relative simplified nature of age structure around research reflect instability of population reproduction and high level of fishing pressure. The reconstructed indicators of the linear growth of roach on materials 2013 and 2014 years were substantially lower,both on different sites of the Kuibyshev reservoir,and on materials concerning the Volga River before the reservoir foundation. It is the result of the deterioration tendency continuation in roach growth in the Volga reach revealed earlier