870 research outputs found
Processing Structured Data Streams
We elaborate this study in order to choose the most suitable technology to develop our proposal.
Second, we propose three methods to reduce the set of data to be processed by a query when working with large graphs, namely spatial, temporal and random approximations. These methods are based on Approximate Query Processing techniques and consist in discarding the information that is considered not relevant for the query. The reduction of the data is performed online with the processing and considers both spatial and temporal aspects of the data. Since discarding information in the source data may decrease the validity of the results, we also define the transformation error obtain with these methods in terms of accuracy, precision and recall.
Finally, we present a preprocessing algorithm, called SDR algorithm, that is also used to reduce the set of data to be processed, but without compromising the accuracy of the results. It calculates a subgraph from the source graph that contains only the relevant information for a given query. Since this technique is a preprocessing algorithm it is run offline before the actual processing begins. In addition, an incremental version of the algorithm is developed in order to update the subgraph as new information arrives to the system.A large amount of data is daily generated from different sources such as social networks, recommendation systems or geolocation systems. Moreover, this information tends to grow exponentially every year. Companies have discovered that the processing of these data may be important in order to obtain useful conclusions that serve for decision-making or the detection and resolution of problems in a more efficient way, for instance, through the study of trends, habits or customs of the population. The information provided by these sources typically consists of a non-structured and continuous data flow, where the relations among data elements conform graph structures. Inevitably, the processing performance of this information progressively decreases as the size of the data increases. For this reason, non-structured information is usually handled taking into account only the most recent data and discarding the rest, since they are considered not relevant when drawing conclusions. However, this approach is not enough in the case of sources that provide graph-structured data, since it is necessary to consider spatial features as well as temporal features. These spatial features refer to the relationships among the data elements. For example, some cases where it is important to consider spatial aspects are marketing techniques, which require information on the location of users and their possible needs, or the detection of diseases, that use data about genetic relationships among subjects or the geographic scope.
It is worth highlighting three main contributions from this dissertation. First, we provide a comparative study of seven of the most common processing platforms to work with huge graphs and the languages that are used to query them. This study measures the performance of the queries in terms of execution time, and the syntax complexity of the languages according to three parameters: number of characters, number of operators and number of internal variables
Improving query performance on dynamic graphs
Querying large models efficiently often imposes high demands on system resources such as memory, processing time, disk access or network latency. The situation becomes more complicated when data are highly interconnected, e.g. in the form of graph structures, and when data sources are heterogeneous, partly coming from dynamic systems and partly stored in databases. These situations are now common in many existing social networking applications and geo-location systems, which require specialized and efficient query algorithms in order to make informed decisions on time. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to improve the memory consumption and time performance of this type of queries by reducing the amount of elements to be processed, focusing only on the information that is relevant to the query but without compromising the accuracy of its results. To this end, the reduced subset of data is selected depending on the type of query and its constituent f ilters. Three case studies are used to evaluate the performance of our proposal, obtaining significant speedups in all cases.This work is partially supported by the European Commission (FEDER) and the Spanish Government under projects APOLO (US-1264651), HORATIO (RTI2018-101204-B-C21), EKIPMENT-PLUS (P18-FR-2895) and COSCA (PGC2018-094905B-I00)
Un indicador de sostenibilidad socio-económica de la flota de cerco de túnidos tropicales del País Vasco y su estrategia de pesca con FADs
[EN] This article applies the Rapfish methodology, a non-parametric and multi-disciplinary technique, with the objective of defining and evaluating a Sustainability Index of the Basque purse-seine fleet, fishing tropical tuna in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. The estimated Sustainability Index for the fleet fishing in the Indian Ocean is above a critical sustainability threshold and improves between 1998 and 2009. The opposite occurs for the fleet in the Atlantic Ocean. The influence of the growing use of Fish Aggregating Devices on the behaviour of fishers in the Indian Ocean is also analysed.[ES] Este artículo aplica la metodología de Rapfish, técnica no paramétrica y multi-disciplinar, con el objetivo de definir y evaluar un índice de sostenibilidad de la flota de cerco del País Vasco, dedicada a las pesquerías de túnidos tropicales en los Océanos Índico y Atlántico. El índice de sostenibilidad estimado para la flota del Océano Índico se sitúa por encima de un umbral crítico de sostenibilidad y mejora entre 1998 y 2009. Lo contrario sucede para la flota del Atlántico. Asimismo, se analiza la influencia que el uso creciente de dispositivos concentradores de peces genera en la estrategia de los pescadores del Océano Índico.Los autores desean agradecer la financiación recibida del proyecto MADE (Mitigating Adverse Ecological Impact of Open Oceans Fisheries, www.made-project.eu) co-financiado por la UE y el Gobierno Vasco. Este artículo es la contribución número 632 de AZTI-Tecnalia (Unidad de Investigación Marina).Murillas-Maza, A.; Moreno, G.; Murua, J. (2014). A socio-economic sustainability indicator for the Basque tropical tuna purse-seine fleet with a FAD fishing strategy. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales - Agricultural and Resource Economics. 13(2):5-31. https://doi.org/10.7201/earn.2013.02.01SWORD53113
Aplicación de la dinamometría isocinética para establecer perfiles de riesgo de lesión isquiosural en futbolistas profesionales. [The use of isokinetic dynamometry to establish risk profiles of hamstring injury in professional football players].
<p align="justify">Las lesiones en la musculatura isquiosural son frecuentes en el fútbol profesional y han sido relacionadas con el desequilibrio entre la fuerza de los flexores y extensores de rodilla. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue comprobar si la ratio de fuerza máxima excéntrica de flexores/concéntrica de extensores (ratio Flexexc30/Extcon240) y el ángulo de rodilla donde la musculatura isquiosural alcanza su máximo momento de fuerza, son variables útiles para establecer perfiles de riesgo de lesión isquiosural en futbolistas profesionales. Veinte jugadores de un equipo de la Segunda División de la Liga de Fútbol Profesional realizaron bilateralmente un test isocinético de flexión excéntrica de rodilla a 30º/s y extensión concéntrica de rodilla a 240º/s durante la pretemporada. Tras calcular la ratio Flexexc30/Extcon240 y el ángulo de máximo momento de fuerza, se registraron las lesiones sufridas por los jugadores a lo largo de la temporada. Los resultados mostraron que dos de los cinco jugadores lesionados presentaron ratios Flexexc30/Extcon240 menores de 0.89, valor que ha sido utilizado previamente para determinar el desequilibrio entre la musculatura flexora y extensora de rodilla y el riesgo de lesión (Croisier, Ganteaume, Binet, Genty, y Ferret, 2008). Además, otros dos de los jugadores lesionados obtuvieron ratios entre 0.93 y 1.00. Por otro lado, no se encontraron diferencias en el ángulo de máximo momento de fuerza entre jugadores lesionados y no lesionados. Estos resultados indican que la ratio Flexexc30/Extcon240 puede ser un índice útil para determinar el riesgo de lesión isquiosural en futbolistas profesionales.</p>Abstract<p align="justify">Hamstring injuries are common in professional football and have been related to the imbalance between knee flexor and extensor strength. The aim of our study was to establish whether the flexor eccentric/extensor concentric strength ratio (Flexexc30/Extcon240 ratio) and the knee angle where the peak torque of the hamstring musculature was found, are useful variables to establish risk profiles for hamstring injury in professional football players. Twenty players of a Second Division team of the Liga de Fútbol Profesional bilaterally performed an isokinetic test of eccentric knee flexion at 30º/s and concentric knee extension at 240º/s during the pre-season. The Flexexc30/Extcon240 ratio and the knee angle of peak torque were calculated, and the players’ injuries were registered throughout the season. The results showed that two of the five injured players had Flexexc30/Extcon240 ratios lower than 0.89, value that has been previously used to determine the imbalance between knee flexor and extensor strength and the risk of injury (Croisier, Ganteaume, Binet, Genty, and Ferret, 2008). In addition, another two injured players obtained ratios between 0.93 and 1.00. On the other hand, no differences in the knee angle of peak torque between injured and non-injured players were found. These results indicate that the Flexexc30/Extcon240 ratio may be a useful index to determine the risk of hamstring injury in professional football players.</p>http://dx.doi.org/10.5232/ricyde2013.0340
Long-term decline of the European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in south-western Spain
The European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is a species native to the Iberian Peninsula, where it was once extremely abundant. It is considered the most important prey item for the peninsula's assemblage of Mediterranean vertebrate predators, which includes two endangered specialist rabbit feeders, the Spanish imperial eagle (Aquila adalberti) and the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus). However, rabbit population trends in Spain have not been accurately documented. In the present study, we analysed trends in a population of European rabbits monitored over 23 years in the Doñana National Park, home to one of the most diverse and densest predator communities in Europe. Rabbit abundance and population trends were estimated using roadside counts. Results show that the rabbit population declined sharply by ∼60% during the first wave of epizootic rabbit hemorrhagic disease (RHD) in 1990. Since then, rabbit numbers have declined at a relatively constant rate and the species has become progressively scarcer in the area. The current population is less than 10% of that before the arrival of RHD. However, after the RHD epizootic we observed increasing intra-annual population recruitment. We hypothesise that density-dependent factors caused by enzootic viral diseases (myxomatosis, RHD) and higher predation of rabbits are the main factors preventing recovery of rabbit numbers. The effects of a decline in the prey species on the ecology of sympatric rabbit predators are discussed, and measures to improve ongoing rabbit conservation efforts are suggeste
Presence of π…π and C-H…π interactions in the new Schiff base 2- {(E)-[(3-tert-butyl-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-5-yl)imino]methyl}phenol : experimental and DFT computational studies
A combined theoretical and experimental study on the structure, infrared and UVeVis data of 2-{(E)-[(3-tert-butyl-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-5-yl)imino]methyl}phenol (3), is presented. Theoretical geometry optimization and its IR spectrum were carried out using the Density Functional Theory (DFT), while for the theoretical UV-Vis spectrum, the Time-Dependent DFT (TD-DFT) method was used. The supramolecular analysis of the compound evidenced the presence of π… π interactions between the phenol and pyrazole rings and the presence of C-H … π interactions between the methyl group and the phenyl rings which form chains of molecules parallel to the plane (100)
Prognostic value of prostate circulating cells detection in prostate cancer patients: a prospective study
In clinically organ-confined prostate cancer patients, bloodstream tumour cell dissemination generally occurs, and may be enhanced by surgical prostate manipulation. To evaluate cancer-cell seeding impact upon patient recurrence-free survival, 155 patients were prospectively enrolled then followed. Here, 57 patients presented blood prostate cell shedding preoperatively and intraoperatively (group I). Of the 98 preoperatively negative patients, 53 (54%) remained negative (group II) and 45 (46%) became intraoperatively positive (group III). Median biological and clinical recurrence-free time was far shorter in group I (36.2 months, P<0.0001) than in group II (69.6 months) but did not significantly differ in group II and III (69.6 months vs 65.0). Such 5-year follow-up data show that preoperative circulating prostate cells are an independent prognosis factor of recurrence. Moreover, tumour handling induces cancer-cell seeding but surgical blood dissemination does not accelerate cancer evolution
Adaptive resistance to RAF inhibitors in melanoma.
The discovery of activating mutations in BRAF at high frequency in cutaneous melanoma opened the door to new treatment options, which have resulted in significantly better patient outcomes. Treatments such as the FDA-approved RAF inhibitor vemurafenib and the more recently approved dabrafenib and trametinib combination therapy are designed to target the ERK1/2 pathway. Initial success in targeting this pathway is evidenced by the high percentage of melanoma patients who undergo tumor remission. However, the beneficial effects of these targeted therapies are usually short-lived due to the development of resistance, which leads to disease progression. As a result, studies have focused on the acquired forms of resistance that develop following continued exposure to therapy. Conversely, far fewer studies have investigated the adaptive forms of resistance, which activate rapidly, promote cell survival, and may underlie the development of acquired resistance by providing melanoma cells the time to develop additional mutations. We provide a detailed review of the known mechanisms of adaptive resistance in melanoma and relate them to similar responses to targeted therapies in other tumor types
Development of a Guide to Multidimensional Needs Assessment in the Palliative Care Initial Encounter (MAP)
Ensuring patient-centered palliative care requires a comprehensive assessment of needs beginning in the initial encounter. However, there is no generally accepted guide for carrying out this multidimensional needs assessment as a first step in palliative intervention. To develop an expert panel-endorsed interview guide that would enable proactive and systematic Multidimensional needs Assessment in the Palliative care initial encounter (MAP). A preliminary version of the MAP guide was drafted based on a published literature review, published semistructured interviews with 20 patients, 20 family carers, and 20 palliative care professionals, and a nominal group process with palliative care professionals and a representative of the national patient's association. Consensus regarding its content was obtained through a modified Delphi process involving a panel of palliative care physicians from across Spain. The published systematic literature review and qualitative study resulted in the identification of 55 needs, which were sorted and grouped by the nominal group. Following the Delphi process, the list of needs was reduced to 47, linked to six domains: Clinical history and medical conditions (n = 8), Physical symptoms (n = 17), Functional and cognitive status (n = 4), Psycho-emotional symptoms (n = 5), Social issues (n = 8), and Spiritual and existential concerns (n = 5). MAP is an expert panel-endorsed semi-structured clinical interview guide for the comprehensive, systematic, and proactive initial assessment to efficiently assess multiple domains while adjusting to the needs of each patient. A future study will assess the feasibility of using the MAP guide within the timeframe of the palliative care initial encounter
Real-world effectiveness of caplacizumab vs the standard of care in immune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Immune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (iTTP) is a thrombotic microangiopathy caused by anti-ADAMTS13 antibodies. Caplacizumab is approved for adults with an acute episode of iTTP in conjunction with plasma exchange (PEX) and immunosuppression. The objective of this study was to analyze and compare the safety and efficacy of caplacizumab vs the standard of care and assess the effect of the concomitant use of rituximab. A retrospective study from the Spanish TTP Registry of patients treated with caplacizumab vs those who did not receive it was conducted. A total of 155 patients with iTTP (77 caplacizumab, 78 no caplacizumab) were included. Patients initially treated with caplacizumab had fewer exacerbations (4.5% vs 20.5%; P <.05) and less refractoriness (4.5% vs 14.1%; P <.05) than those who were not treated. Time to clinical response was shorter when caplacizumab was used as initial treatment vs caplacizumab used after refractoriness or exacerbation. The multivariate analysis showed that its use in the first 3 days after PEX was associated with a lower number of PEX (odds ratio, 7.5; CI, 2.3-12.7; P <.05) and days of hospitalization (odds ratio, 11.2; CI, 5.6-16.9; P <.001) compared with standard therapy. There was no difference in time to clinical remission in patients treated with caplacizumab compared with the use of rituximab. No severe adverse event was described in the caplacizumab group. In summary, caplacizumab reduced exacerbations and refractoriness compared with standard of care regimens. When administered within the first 3 days after PEX, it also provided a faster clinical response, reducing hospitalization time and the need for PEX
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