31 research outputs found

    Jacques Philippe d’Orville’s Grand Tour: a European trip in search of libraries, manuscripts, and ancient books

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    For over two years, the Dutch bibliophile and classical scholar Jacques Philippe d’Or- ville (1696-1751) travelled through Europe, visiting not only the greatest libraries of his age, but also private libraries and those located in monasteries and churches. During his trip he wrote a diary that it is today preserved in the Bodleian library in Oxford. The purpose of this article is to describe his travels and to identify the manuscripts and printed editions mentioned in his diary: a task that unveils the variety of interests he had and helps towards understanding his research method

    Bibliografía para el estudio de la pervivencia literaria de la mitología clásica

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    La mitología clásica está presente en toda la historia de la literatura occidental y su influencia ha sido muy estudiada. El autor ofrece aquí una bibliografía que puede ser de utilidad para futuros investigadores en este campo.___________________________________The presence of classical mythology is patent throughout the history of Western Literature and its influence has been profusely studied. A extensive bibliography is offered, which will be of helpful for future researchers in this field

    Marcus Musurus and Pindar

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    The quotations from Pindar and the Pindaric scholia as collected by Musurus in the scholia on the Planudean Anthology show that he may have had the first and the second Triclinian editions of Pindar at his disposal, which supports the hypothesis of his participation in the edition of the editio princeps.This research has been funded by the Centro de Investigación en Patrimonio Histórico, Cultural y Natural (CIPHCN); and by the Junta de Andalucía through the projects “Los escolios a la Antología Planudea. Manuscritos e incunables, fuentes literarias y edición crítica (P20_01022)” and “Estudio y edición de textos griegos inéditos: los escolios de la Antología Planudea (UHU-202004)” (FEDER 2020). The author wishes to thank Murray Edwards Language Solutions for proofreading and editing the English text of this article

    Marcus Musurus and the Transmission of Greek Epigrams

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    In this article, we study Musurus’ conjectures on the epigrams of the Planudean Anthology by analysing the notes in the margins of a copy of the Lascaris edition (1494) held in the Vatican Library, including autograph notes of Marcus Musurus’ own scholia (Vat. III 81), together with another copy held in the Wren Library of Trinity College, Cambridge, which was used as a printer’s copy for the first two Aldine editions (Grylls 11.313). We conclude that Musurus’ role in the transmission of Greek epigrams is of greater significance than hitherto believed.Nel presente articolo si studiano le congetture di Musurus agli epigrammi dell‟Antologia Planudea, analizzando le note nei margini di una copia dell‟edizione di Lascaris (1494) conservata alla Biblioteca Vaticana, che include note autografe degli scoli dello stesso Marco Musuro (Vat. III 81), insieme con un‟altra copia conservata alla Wren Library del Trinity College, Cambridge, usata come esemplare di stampa per le prime due edizioni aldine (Grylls 11.313). La conclusione è che il ruolo di Musuro nella trasmissione degli epigrammi greci è più significativo di quanto creduto fino ad ora.‘Los escolios a la Antología Planudea. Manuscritos e incunables, fuentes literarias y edición crítica (P20_01022)’ y ‘Estudio y edición de textos griegos inéditos: los escolios de la Antología Planudea (UHU-202004

    On a New Witness of the Scholia on the Planudean Anthology

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    There are several copies of Lascaris's edition of the Anthologia Planudea with scholia around Europe. In this article a new witness that has escaped the attention of previous scholarship is identified.Beca movilidad PX18/0000

    Un nuevo testimonio de Nicandro, "Theriaca", vv. 933-958

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    En este artículo se estudia y colaciona un nuevo testimonio de Nicandro, Theriaca, vv. 933-958, transmitido en el manuscrito misceláneo 4607 y copiado por el humanista bizantino Constantino Láscaris.This article contains a study and collation of a new manuscript witness for the Theriaca of Nicander, ll. 933-958, transmitted in the miscellaneous ms. Matritensis 4607 and copied by the Byzantine humanist Konstantinos Laskaris

    Marcus Musurus and the epitome of Dionysius of Halicarnassus' De imitatione

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    En este artículo se estudia un testimonio manuscrito desconocido del epítome del De imitatione de Dionisio de Halicarnaso autógrafo de Marco Musuro (c.1470–1517) y se recogen las correcciones que propuso para mejorar el texto


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    The moon traditionally presides over encounters between lovers. The connection between love and the moon is a universal commonplace. This article analyses the relationship between the moon and lovers in Greek and Latin literature, examines in detail the different invocations to the moon placed in the mouths of lovers, both those relating to the practise of magic and the purely literary, and defines the essential features of this literary motif.The moon traditionally presides over encounters between lovers. The connection between love and the moon is a universal commonplace. This article analyses the relationship between the moon and lovers in Greek and Latin literature, examines in detail the different invocations to the moon placed in the mouths of lovers, both those relating to the practise of magic and the purely literary, and defines the essential features of this literary motif