22 research outputs found

    Quaternary Depositional Environments in the Vrgoračko Polje/Lake (SE Croatia)

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    The Vrgoračko polje is a karst field with a surface area of 37 km2 and an altitude of between 20 and 28 m above sea level, situated at the southern edge of the Dalmatian Zagora. During the Quaternary the polje was flooded for variable periods of time and a lacustrine environment was established. A multidisciplinary study of drill-cores, outcrops and geoelectric measurements recognised five main sedimentary facies: laminated sediment, redeposited sediment, coarse grained carbonate debris, littoral clay and lacustrine chalk. Based on the facies analysis, depositional environments developed during the Holocene include aquatic lacustrine littoral and deeper-water environments. The terrestrial environment is represented by a desiccated lake phase. The littoral clay facies (filling depressions and caverns in the karst relief) is laterally equivalent to the deep-water laminated facies (varves?). A stratigraphic break between littoral claya nd lacustrine chalk could be time-equivalent to disturbed laminated sediments deposited in deeper-water and to local intercalations of coarse-grained carbonate debris in shallow-water facies sediments. These features could have been the result of a neotectonic event (earthquake), which triggered debris flows of colluvial material from slopes around the lake, and this could also have changed the hydrological regime of the Vrgoračko polje and affected subsequent depositional facies. According to 14C dating, deposition of the lacustrine chalk started at the beginning of the Mid-Holocene Warm Period (7686Ā±36 aBP) with a sedimentation rate of approximately 0.51 mm a-1 during the Middle, and 0.58 mm a-1 during the Late Holocene to today. Calculated carbonate production was estimated at 1050 gm-2 a-1. A temporary phase of subaerial exposure of the lake is indicated by desiccation cracks and two bioturbated palaeosol horizons. The described depositional environments and sediment facies found in the Vrgoračko polje could be considered to represent a typical Quaternary lacustrine sedimentation pattern for other Dinaric karst poljes.Ā  </span


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    Based on literature data and preliminary investigations a total of 104 spider species can be recorded from the Special Nature Reserve (SNR) Zasavica. Five species, Cyclosa oculata (Walckenaer, 1802), Mendoza canestrinii (Ninni, 1868), Philodromus albidus Kulczynski, 1911, Heriaeus graminicola (Doleschall, 1852) and Sibianor aurocinctus (Ohlert, 1865), were not recorded in Serbia until the present study. The rediscovery of the species Dolomedes plantarius (Clerck, 1757), Cresmatoneta mutinensis (Canestrini, 1868), Hypsosinga heri (Hahn, 1831) and Argyroneta aquatica (Clerck, 1757) represents an important result that could possibly be used as a guideline for future faunistic and ecological studies with the purpose of successful protection and conservation measures in the SNR Zasavic

    Trainer system appliances in early treatment of malocclusions

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    Orthodontics is dental specialty focused on preventing and treating morphological and functional irregularities of orofacial system in order to establish adequate function of mastication apparatus, good occlusion and pleasant facial appearance. It has been shown that early treatment of orthodontic anomalies during the period of childrenā€™s growth is very important. The purpose of early orthodontic treatment is to eliminate or modify deviant skeletal growth and to stimulate adequate dentoalveolar and skeletal development. As known, the treatment of malocclusions should begin in primary or early mixed dentition, since the status of primary dentition has profound effect on the development of permanent dentition. Functional orthodontic appliances are most commonly used in early orthodontic treatment. The aim of this study was to describe a new prefabricated polyurethane myo-functional appliance clinically proved to be very effective

    Supporting information for: "Deoxyribonuclease I Inhibitory Properties, Molecular Docking and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of 1-(Pyrrolidin-2-yl)propan-2-one Derivatives"

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    Experimental Section: 1.1. Chemicals. 1.2. Compounds. 1.3. Evaluation of deoxyribonuclease I inhibition. 1.4. In silico molecular and ADMET properties. 1.5. In silico PAINS and promiscuity assessment. 1.6. Molecular docking. 1.6.1. Ligand preparation. 1.6.2. Receptor preparation 1.6.3. Binding site selection 1.6.4. Docking protocol 1.7. Molecular dynamics simulation . Table S1. Summary of the top five inhibitor-binding sites in DNase I. Additional references.Supporting information for: Ilić, B. S., Gajić, M., Bondžić, B. P., Džambaski, z., Kocić, G.,& Šmelcerović, A. A. (2021). Deoxyribonuclease I Inhibitory Properties, Molecular Docking and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of 1-(Pyrrolidin-2-yl)propan-2-one Derivatives. Chemistry and Biodisversity, Wiley, 18(3), e2000996. [https://doi.org/10.1002/cbdv.202000996]Published version of the article: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4498]Animation of molecular dynamics simulations - Inhibitor 1/DNase I: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4500]Animation of molecular dynamics simulations - Inhibitor 2/DNase I: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4501

    Inhibicija ksantin oksidaze derivatima 1,2,3,4-tetrahidroizohinolina

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    Xanthine oxidase (XO) is a versatile metalloflavoprotein enzyme that is best known for its rate-limiting role in the purine degradation pathway. Therapeutic inhibition of XO is based on its role in a variety of diseases that is attributed either to the hyperproduction of uric acid, or the hyperproduction of reactive oxygen species. Herein, we report the assessment of XO inhibitory properties of 24 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline derivatives, among which compound 16 exhibited IC50 value of 135.72 Ā± 2.71 ĀµM. The interaction of compound 16 with XO enzyme was simulated using the Site Finder module, molecular docking and molecular dynamics. Molecular modeling suggests that interactions with Met 1038, Gln 1040, Thr 1077, Gln 1194 and Val 1259 are an important factor for inhibitor affinity toward the XO enzyme. Our proposed binding model might be beneficial for the discovery of new active 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline-based inhibitors of XO enzyme.Ksantin oksidaza (XO) je metaloflavoproteinski enzim, koji je najpoznatiji po svojoj ulozi ograničavanja brzine razgradnje purinskih nukleotida. Terapijska inhibicija XO zasniva se na njenoj ulozi u brojnim bolestima, koje su povezane bilo sa hiperprodukcijom mokraćne kiseline ili hiperprodukcijom reaktivnih kiseoničnih vrsta. U ovom radu izvrÅ”eno je ispitivanje sposobnosti inhibicije XO 24 derivata 1,2,3,4-tetrahidroizohinolina, od kojih je jedinjenje 16 pokazalo IC50 vrednost od 135,72 ĀµM Ā± 2,71 ĀµM. Interakcija jedinjenja 16 sa XO enzimom simulirana je koriŔćenjem Site Finder modula molekularnog dokinga i molekularne dinamike. Molekulsko modelovanje ukazuje na to da su interakcije sa Met 1038, Gln 1040, Thr 1077, Gln 1194 i Val 1259 važan faktor postojanja afiniteta inhibitora prema XO enzimu. NaÅ” predloženi model vezivanja mogao bi biti od značaja za razvoj novih aktivnih inhibitora XO zasnovanih na 1,2,3,4-tetrahidroizohinolinskom heterociklusu

    Spatial distribution and source apportionment of DTPA-extractable metals in soils surrounding the largest Serbian steel production plant

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    Despite presenting a practical approach for the characterization of the environmental risk of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) derived from steel production facilities, the analysis of the spatial distribution of bioavailable PTEs concentrations in the soil is frequently overlooked in the management of polluted sites. In this study, the diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)-extractable forms of PTEs were investigated in soils surrounding the largest Serbian steel production plant. The correlation and geostatistical analysis indicated their pronounced variability suggesting the anthropogenic origin of most investigated elements, apparently from the steel production facility. The detailed visualization of variables and observations derived by self-organizing maps (SOMs) revealed the homologies in PTEsā€™ distribution patterns, implying the common origin of some elements. These observations were confirmed by principal component analysis (PCA) and positive matrix factorization (PMF). The Š°pplied approach supports a comprehensive assessment of contaminated sites' ecological and health risks and provides a basis for soil remediation

    Utilization of remote sensing and nuclear techniques for detailed modeling and quantitative assessment of gully erosion within the forested area of the Malčanska river basin, eastern Serbia

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    The gully erosion is one of the most significant land degradation processes. Although gully erosion significantly threatens agricultural productivity and natural ecosystems, European land management strategies frequently need more reliable data on environmental conditions governing this process. This study presents a methodology that integrates remote sensing and nuclear techniques for examining gully erosion (Đokić et al., 2023). It introduces a novel approach to erosion research by employing 360-degree camera photogrammetry to characterize gullies morphometrically. The main objectives of this approach are to evaluate the applicability of unmanned aerial vehicles and terrestrial photogrammetry for modeling gullies, to study small-scale erosion processes within gullies, compare erosion intensity between adjacent gullies, and determine the most effective and cost-efficient method for monitoring gullies. A total of 39 soil samples were taken in three studied gullies. The results revealed an average soil redistribution rate of 16.2 t haāˆ’1 yrāˆ’1 and coefficients of variation of 32%, 59%, and 91% for the gullies. The estimated erosion rate varies from a minimum of 0.1 t haāˆ’1 yrāˆ’1 to a maximum of 34.3 t haāˆ’1 yrāˆ’1. Soil deposition was identified at only two sampling sites, 1.1 and 2 t haāˆ’1 yrāˆ’1. Highly detailed 3D models of the gullies were created using 360-degree photogrammetry. The micro-relief obtained through modeling proved to be an essential aspect of advanced erosion research

    Fluoroza zuba u SR Srbiji

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    Dentofacial changes after treatment with prefabricated functional appliance T4CII

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    Introduction. Functional maxillary orthodontics has a large number of different mobile devices with different effects on craniomandibular system and great capabilities in solving many orthodontic problems. The aim of this article was to show the effects of 9-month treatment of malocclusion class II, division 1 in a 14-year-old female patient using pre-fabricated functional appliance Trainer T4CII. Case Outline. Skeletal distal relation, deep bite, increased overjet, narrowness and irregular position of upper and lower frontal teeth are indicated for orthodontic treatment with fixed appliance. After refusal of fixed appliance therapy, a female patient was proposed treatment with mobile orthodontic appliance. A pre-fabricated functional appliance Trainer T4CII was delivered to the patient. She was motivated and she was wearing appliance at night and 2-3 hours during the day. After 9 months of treatment there was a significant improvement in the position of upper and lower frontal teeth and reshaping of upper and lower dental arch, yet overbite and overjet were corrected. Conclusion. Surprisingly good and fast improvement of all problems within class II, division 1 in a 14-year-old patient was achieved with prefabricated functional appliance Trainer T4CII