115 research outputs found

    Evidence before the International Court of Justice

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    Докторска дисертација Доказивање пред Међународним судом правде је студија из области међународног јавног права (права међународног правосуђа). Основни циљ дисертације је формулисање тероије о доказивању по узору на Међународни суд правде, као и да се кроз призму начела и правила о доказивању у међународном правосуђу сагледа место и улога Међународног суда правде у контексту пролиферације међународних судова и трибунала, и посебно његов однос са међународним кривичним судовима и трибуналима. Предмет истраживања салгедан је пре свега de lege lata, у настојању да се утврде начела и правила међународног права која су обухваћена предметом истраживања. Тамо где смо сматрали да је то корисно, и с обзиром на могућности имплементације предложених решења, коришћен је и de lege ferenda приступ. За овакав приступ смо се определили из разлога што су елемети позитивноправне садежине предмета истраживања спорни или недовољно истражени, те да је предуслов за de lege ferenda разматрања темељно истраживање и разумевање позитивног права. Извори начела и правила о доказивању. Инхерентна карактеристика судсног начина решавања спорова је не само та да суд или трибунал решава спор који је пред њега изнет применом међународног права, већ и да је сам начин решавања спора правно регулисан.. Извори начела и правила међунардног правосуђа су нужно извори међунаодног права. Међународни судови и трибунали нису везани процесним правилима (укључујући ту и правила о доказивању) ма ког унутрашњег правног поретка. Питање хијерархијског односа извора права у материји међународног правосуђа је комплексно питање, и за разлику од унутрашњег права у коме форма акта често детерминише и позицију правила која су у њему садржана, у међународном праву се са терена формалне снаге извора, тежиште пребацује на суштински (матријални) значај конкретне норме. Конститутивни акти међународних судова и трибунала, по правилу, веома штуро регулишу питања у вези са извођењем доказа и утврђивања чињеница

    Phenotypic and genotypic Characterization and clonal Relatedness of pharyngeal Isolates of group a Streptococci resistant to Macrolides in Serbia

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    Uvod: S. pyogenes je najčešći bakterijski uzročnik akutnih tonzilofaringitisa. Iako su penicilinski preparati prva terapijska linija u lečenju streptokoknih faringitisa, u slučajevima preosetljivosti na penicilin, propisuju se makrolidi. Početkom 21. veka, uočen je porast rezistencije grupe A streptokoka (GAS) na eritromicin, širom sveta. Dva glavna mehanizma rezistencije S. pyogenes na makrolide su aktivni efluks antibiotika i izmena ciljnog mesta delovanja. Gen mefA, kodira proteine efluksne pumpe, koji dovode do umerenog stepena rezistencije na 14-člane i 15-člane makrolide (M fenotip). Drugi mehanizam rezistencije je metilacija ciljnog mesta delovanja makrolida. On se odlikuje ukrštenom rezistencijom na makrolide, linkozamide i streptogramine (MLS fenotip). Inducibilan MLS fenotip (iMLS) najčešće determiniše ermA, a konstitutivan MLS fenotip (cMLS) ermB gen. Najčešće korišćena metoda za tipizaciju GAS je emm tipizacija. Ova metoda se zasniva na sekvenciranju hipervarijabilnog dela emm gena, koji kodira M protein, glavni faktor virulencije GAS. MLST (engl. multilocus sequence typing) je metoda genotipizacije, koja se bazira na umnožavanju i sekvenciranju 7 visoko konzerviranih, tzv. „house-keeping” gena, koji kodiraju enzime od vitalnog značaja. RAPD (engl. random amplified polymorphic DNA) metoda se bazira na nasumičnom umnožavanju fragmenata DNK i elektroforetskom razdvajanju dobijenih produkata. Cilj ove studije je bio da se proceni učestalost rezistencije grupe A streptokoka na makrolide u Srbiji, da se odrede fenotipovi rezistencije na makrolide, da se odredi distribucija gena koji kodiraju rezistenciju na makrolide i tetracikline, da se utvrdi klonska distribucija i eventualna klonska veza među sojevima GAS rezistentnih na makrolide (MRGAS), kao i da se proceni osetljivost MRGAS sojeva na druge klase antibakterijskih lekova. Materijal i metode: Analizirani su podaci o rezistenciji 3893 sojeva izolovanih od pacijenata sa faringitisom, širom Srbije, u periodu od decembra 2007. do decembra 2008. godine. Sedamdeset sedam MRGAS izolata je poslato u Nacionalnu referentnu laboratoriju za streptokok radi daljih ispitivanja. Identifikacija je vršena na osnovu mikroskopskih, kulturelnih i biohemijskih osobina. Konzervacija je vršena u Todd Hewitt bujonu sa 10% sadržajem glicerola na -80°C...Introduction: S. pyogenes is the most common causative agent of bacterial tonsillopharyngitis. Penicillin is a first choice therapy for infections caused by GAS, since penicillin resistance in streptococci has not yet emerged. Macrolides are preferred for treatment of GAS infections in patients with beta-lactam hypersensitivity. At the beginning of 2000s, significant increase in macrolide resistance has been reported from many countries. Two main well-described molecular mechanisms are responsible for macrolide resistance among streptococci: target site modification and antibiotic efflux. Target site modification due to methylase activity has been linked to the presence of erm gene. This mechanism confers cross-resistance to macrolides, lincosamides and streptogramin (MLS resistance). It can be constitutive (cMLS), usually mediated by the ermB gene or inducible (iMLS), mediated by the ermA gene. The other mechanism of resistance, macrolide efflux is encoded by mefA gene and confers low-level resistance to 14- and 15-membered macrolides. The most common tool used to characterize isolates of S. pyogenes today is emm typing, which is based on sequence at the 5’ end of emm gene that encode M protein, one of the major virulence factor in GAS. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) is genotyping scheme based on nucleotide sequences of internal fragments of seven selected housekeeping loci. Randomly amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis is genotyping gel based method, with relatively high discriminatory index. The aim of this study was to asses prevalence of macrolide resistance group A streptococci (MRGAS) in Serbia, to determine genotypes and phenotypes of macrolide resistance, as well as to evaluate resistance to tetracycline and to determine tetracycline resistance genes. We were also investigated the clonal relatedness of macrolide resistance strains and their susceptibility to other antimicrobial agents. Material and methods: We evaluated resistance rate of MRGAS in Serbia by analyzing data of 3893 pharyngeal isolates of GAS. A total of 77 MRGAS isolates, originated from patients with pharyngitis, were collected from 7 regional laboratories between December 2007 and 2008. Strains were sent to the National Reference Laboratory for streptococci for further testing..

    Multidisciplinary analysis of steel plate of variable thickness in view of optimal design

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    The paper shows the indentification of deformational-stress state of partially loaded plates composed of two elements of different thicknesses. We analyzed metallurgical processes that characterize the technology of welding steel structures. The mathematical interpretation of the local stress state, through the developed software, enables an optimal design of geometric parameters of plate or supporting elements of construction according to the stress criteria. Comparative analysis of deflection and equivalent stress obtained by the analytical method and Finite elements method (FEM), using ANSYS 12 software package, the high agreement of results in terms of values and distribution trends is noticed. The application of the results of this paper is particularly important for the optimal design of steel girders

    Appearance of Eutypa lata (Pers.: Fr.) Tul., A causative agent of bacterial cancer and dying out of vine plant ("Eutypiosis") of wine grape in serbia and the possibilities of its suppression

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    Tijekom posljednjih pet godina (2003.-2007.) u pojedinim vinogradima na području Kruševca, Varvarina, Ražnja, Negotina, Vršca i okoline Novog Sada uočeni su pojedinačni čokoti, pa i do 20% njih, s izraženim specifičnim simptomima izumiranja i propadanja. Simptomi su posebno bili izraženi na sortama Talijanski rizling, Rajnski rizling i Sauvignon bijeli. Na oboljelim čokotima „karakteristični“ simptomi su se pokazali u vidu kloroze i peharastog uvijanja lišća, koje je obično postajalo sitnije od zdravog, te pojavom mladica s bitno skraćenim internodijama, dok se na poprečnom presjeku često uočavala nekrotična zona drvenastog dijela tkiva u obliku slova “V“. Na osnovi proučavanja patogenih, morfoloških i uzgajivačkih odlika izoliranog patogena, kao i primjenom molekularnih metoda, utvrđeno je da je uzročnik uočenih simtoma bolesti fitopatogena gljiva Eutypa lata. U radu je opisan značaj navedene vrste, simptomi koje ona uzrokuje i domaćini koje napada, kao i ciklus razvoja, s posebnim naglaskom na mjere za njeno suzbijanje.During the last five years (2003-2007) in certain vineyards in the area of Kruševac, Varvarin, Ražanj, Negotin, Vršac and the surroundings of Novi Sad, there were noticed individual vine plants with specific symptoms of dying out and rotting, even up to 20% of them. The symptoms were especially expressed on the sorts Italian Riesling, Rhine Riesling, and Sauvignon Blanc. “Characteristic” symptoms on the diseased vine plants were expressed in the form of chlorosis and curling of the leaves in the form of a goblet, which usually became smaller than the healthy ones, then the appearance of lastar with significantly shortened internodes, whereas on the cross- section there was often noticed a necrotic zone of the woody part of the tissue in the shape of the letter “V”. Based on the research of pathogen, morphological and cultivating characteristics of the isolated pathogen, as well as by applying molecular methods, it has been found out that the causative agent of the noticed symptoms of disease is a phytopathogenic fungus Eutipa lata. The paper describes the significance of the mentioned species, symptoms which it causes and hosts which it attacks, as well as the cycle of development, with special emphasis on its suppression

    Systems of Hess-Appel'rot Type and Zhukovskii Property

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    We start with a review of a class of systems with invariant relations, so called {\it systems of Hess--Appel'rot type} that generalizes the classical Hess--Appel'rot rigid body case. The systems of Hess-Appel'rot type carry an interesting combination of both integrable and non-integrable properties. Further, following integrable line, we study partial reductions and systems having what we call the {\it Zhukovskii property}: these are Hamiltonian systems with invariant relations, such that partially reduced systems are completely integrable. We prove that the Zhukovskii property is a quite general characteristic of systems of Hess-Appel'rote type. The partial reduction neglects the most interesting and challenging part of the dynamics of the systems of Hess-Appel'rot type - the non-integrable part, some analysis of which may be seen as a reconstruction problem. We show that an integrable system, the magnetic pendulum on the oriented Grassmannian Gr+(4,2)Gr^+(4,2) has natural interpretation within Zhukovskii property and it is equivalent to a partial reduction of certain system of Hess-Appel'rot type. We perform a classical and an algebro-geometric integration of the system, as an example of an isoholomorphic system. The paper presents a lot of examples of systems of Hess-Appel'rot type, giving an additional argument in favor of further study of this class of systems.Comment: 42 page

    Ispitivanje kvaliteta podzemnih, izvorskih i rečnih voda sa područja jugoistočne Srbije

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    The study deals with mineral characterisation of natural waters from South-East Serbia. The contents of aluminium, arsenic, calcium, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, cooper, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, nickel, lead and zinc were analysed in spring, ground and river waters by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICPAES) technique. The study area was in the Southern Serbia, and included slopes of Rtanj, Ozren, Bukovik, Vrdenik and Čemernik mountains, and the valley of South Morava. Obtained contents were compared with Serbian regulations on the quality of water for human use, and directive of World Health Organization (WHO) for maximum allowed concentrations of chemical substances. High contents of macro-elements, namely calcium, magnesium and potassium, were detected in several spring and ground water samples which are believed to be due to direct influence of rock minerals. Some water samples contained iron, manganese and copper in concentration up to 168.3, 8.10 and 14.9 μg dm-3, respectively, but within the permissible limits. Other heavy metals were not detected in analysed samples. Based on the derived results, tested ground and spring water samples have significant potential to be used as sources for the production of bottled water, but further investigations are necessary. Additional investigations have to be focused on complete physical, chemical and microbiological assessments of water resources. Systematic hydrogeological assessment also should be performed in all seasons. In the meantime, precautionary measures should be immediately taken to protect and preserve these water resources.Ovaj rad predstavlja analizu kvaliteta prirodnih voda iz jugoistočne Srbije. Sadržaj arsena, aluminijuma, kalcijuma, kadmijuma, kobalta, hroma, bakra, gvožđa, kalijuma, magnezijuma, mangana, natrijuma, nikla, olova i cinka je određivan u izvorskim i podzemnim vodama, kao i u rečnoj vodi. Analiza navedenih elemenata je izvedena ICP-AES tehnikom. Analizirani su uzorci voda iz oblasti jugoistočne Srbije, uključujući područja planine Rtnja, Ozrena, Bukovika, Vrdenika i Čemernika, kao i područje doline reke Južne Morave. Određeni sadržaji analiziranih elemenata su poređeni sa važećim pravilnicima Republike Srbije i preporukama Svetske zdravstvene organizacije (SZO). Visoki sadržaj makro-elemenata, odnosno kalcijuma, magnezijuma i kalijuma uočeni su u izvorskim i nekoliko uzoraka podzemnih voda, što može biti posledica direktnog uticaja magmatskih stena. Pojedini uzorci voda su sadržali nešto više sadržaje gvožđa, mangana i bakra u koncentraciji do 168,3, 8,10 i 14,9 μg dm-3, redom, ali u granicama propisanim Pravilnikom i u skladu da preporukama SZO. Ostali teški metali nisu detektovani u ispitivanim uzorcima. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata se može zaključiti da testirani uzorci podzemnih i izvorskih voda imaju značajan potencijal u smislu proizvodnje flaširane vode, uz neophodna dodatna istraživanja. Dodatna istraživanja bi trebalo usmeriti na kompletnu hemijsku analizu i ispitivanje fizičkih i mikrobioloških karakteristika uzoraka voda. Pored toga, neophodno je sprovesti sistematsko hidrogeološko ispitivanje izdašnosti podzemnih i izvorskih voda tokom svih godišnjih doba. U međuvremenu treba preduzeti mere predostrožnosti kako bi se ovi vodeni resursi zaštitili i očuvali

    Meteorological parameters in the design of thermal protection of buildings

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    Analizirani su relevantni meteorološki parametri za 15 lokacija u Hrvatskoj za razdoblje 1961-1990. To su: srednje mjesečne, sezonske i godišnje temperature zraka, najniža i najviša srednja dnevna temperatura zraka s podacima o prekoračenju u danima, standardna vanjska temperatura zraka, globalno zračenje, difuzno zračenje, maksimalne dnevne količine oborina, srednje mjesečne, sezonske i godišnje količine oborina te vrijednosti relativne vlažnosti zraka i tlaka vodene pare.Relevant meteorological parameters for 15 locations in Croatia are analyzed for the 1961 - 1990 period. These parameters are: mean monthly, seasonal and annual air temperatures, minimum and maximum average daily air temperature with overstepping values in days, standard outside air temperature, global radiation, diffuse radiation, maximum daily precipitation, mean monthly, seasonal and annual precipitation, relative humidity of air and water vapor pressure

    All-angle left-handed negative refraction in Kagome and honeycomb lattice photonic crystals

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    Possibilities of all-angle left-handed negative refraction in 2D honeycomb and Kagome lattices made of dielectric rods in air are discussed for the refractive indices 3.1 and 3.6. In contrast to triangular lattice photonic crystals made of rods in air, both the honeycomb and Kagome lattices show all-angle left-handed negative refraction in the case of the TM2 band for low normalized frequencies. Certain advantages of the honeycomb and Kagome structures over the triangular lattice are emphasized. This specially concerns the honeycomb lattice with its circle-like equifrequency contours where the effective indices are close to -1 for a wide range of incident angles and frequencies.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, pd