164 research outputs found

    Stromal-Epithelial Interactions during Mammary Gland Development

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    Mammary gland is an organ, which undergoes the majority of its development in the postnatal life of mammals. The complex structure of the mammary gland comprises epithelial and myoepithelial cells forming the parenchymal tissue and adipocytes, fibroblasts, vascular endothelial cells, and infiltrating immune cell composing the stromal compartment. During puberty and in adulthood, circulating hormones released from the pituitary and ovaries regulate the rate of development and functional differentiation of the mammary epithelium. In addition, growing body of evidence shows that interactions between the stromal and parenchymal compartments of the mammary gland play a crucial role in mammogenesis. This regulation takes place on a paracrine level, by locally synthesized growth factors, adipokines, and cytokines, as well as via direct cell-cell interactions. This chapter summarizes the current knowledge about the complex nature of interactions between the mammary epithelium and stroma during mammary gland development in different mammalian species

    Trunked Radio Solutions for Special Applications

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    In the paper modern concepts of radio communication trunking-dispatch systems for special applications are presented. Basic standards of TETRA, DMR, and cdma2000 are mentioned. The aim of the paper is to present innovative trunking solutions based on the LTE system working both in FDD and TDD mode. The architecture of LTE trunked radio is shown as well as new services possible to implementation are described. The way of TETRA and LTE integration is characterized

    Nowotwory złośliwe macicy u kobiet leczonych z powodu mięśniaków metodą embolizacji tętnic macicznych – opis trzech przypadków

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    Abstract Leiomyomas are the most common tumors of the uterus. Uterine artery embolization has been accepted as an alternative method for myomectomy or hysterectomy. However, lack of histologic conformation carries the risk of misdiagnosis of cancer so a thorough diagnostic testing is needed. Leiomyosarcomas are rare but very aggressive tumors of the uterine tract. The risk of leiomyosarcoma in myomata is very low, but it is necessary to remember about it, especially when we have no tissue for histological examination. Our report presents three cases of women diagnosed with leiomyosarcomas or endometrial cancer after uterine artery embolization for suspected symptomatic uterine fibroids. .Mięśniaki gładkokomórkowe są najczęściej stwierdzanymi nowotworami macicy. Embolizacja tętnic macicznych stosowana w leczeniu mięśniaków jest alternatywną metodą do klasycznych metod chirurgicznych. Brak materiału do badania histopatologicznego wymaga przeprowadzenia bardzo dokładnej diagnostyki przedoperacyjnej, w celu wykluczenia nowotworu złośliwego. Mięsaki trzonu macicy należą do rzadkich ale bardzo agresywnych nowotworów tego narządu. Jakkolwiek ryzyko występowania mięsaka w macicy mięśniakowatej jest niskie, to należy o tym pamiętać szczególnie wtedy, gdy po leczeniu nie uzyskuje się materiału do badania mikroskopowego. W pracy przedstawiono opis przypadku trzech kobiet, u których po embolizacji tętnic macicznych rozpoznano raka lub mięsaka trzonu macicy, pomimo przeprowadzonej dokładnej przedoperacyjnej diagnostyki

    Ocena lęku ogólnego jako predyktora lęku stomatologicznego

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    Wstęp. Uczucie lęku towarzyszące leczeniu stomatologicznemu jest znanym zjawiskiem. Niektóre badania wykazują związek pomiędzy lękiem stomatologicznym a strachem czy innymi dysfunkcjami psychologicznymi. Cel badania. Celem badania było określenie związku pomiędzy lękiem stomatologicznym a lękiem jako cechą i stanem. W badaniu uwzględniono również parametry socjodemograficzne. Materiał i metody. 138 dorosłych pacjentów (65 kobiet i 73 mężczyzn) zostało włączonych do badania w Uniwersyteckiej Klinice Stomatologicznej w Krakowie. Badanie ankietowe składało się ze Skali Lęku Stomatologicznego Coraha (DAS) oraz Inwentarza do Pomiaru Lęku jako Stanu i Cechy (STAI). Do analizy statystycznej wykorzystano współczynnik alfa Cronbacha oraz współczynnik korelacji Pearsona. Poziom istotności statystycznej wynosił p=0,05. Wyniki. Lęk stomatologiczny korelował z lękiem jako stanem (0,9016) oraz lękiem jako cechą (0,8643). Silna korelacja wystąpiła pomiędzy lękiem stomatologicznym a badanymi parametrami socjodemograficznymi: wiek (0,2093), płeć (0,2216), wykształcenie (-0,3814). Wnioski. Lęk stomatologiczny ma związek z ogólną tendencją do odczuwania stanów lękowych. Odpowiednia opieka nad pacjentem z objawami lęku może znacznie wpłynąć na poprawę jakości jego życia.Introduction. Feeling of anxiety related to dental treatment is a fairly common phenomenon. Some studies have shown that there is an association between dental anxiety and general fears, neuroticism and general psychological disorders. Aim of the study. To examine the relationship between the dental, state and trait anxiety. Also the socio-demographic variables were considered in the study. Materials and Methods. The survey included 138 adult patients (65 women and 73 men) with the mean age (± standard deviation) of 39.3 (±14) years that were admitted to the University Dental Clinic in Cracow, Poland. The Polish version of Corah’s Dental Anxiety Scale (DAS) and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) were used for the assessment of dental, state and trait anxiety. For statistical analysis the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise progressive regression were applied. The cutoff level of significance was taken as p=0.05. Results. Dental anxiety was significantly correlated to the state (0.9016) and trait anxiety (0.8643). Strong relation was found between dental anxiety and the socio-demographic variables: age (0.2093), sex (0.2216), education (-0.3814) and the date of the last dental appointment (0.8134). Conclusions. Dental anxiety is related to the general tendency to be apprehensive and to manifest anxiety. It seems reasonable to manage patient’s dental anxiety symptoms properly, as this might increase their quality of life

    Salvia for sweating in advanced cancer patient

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    Nadmierne pocenie się jest częstym objawem u pacjentów z zaawansowaną chorobą nowotworową, prowadzącym do obniżenia jakości życia chorego. Zalecane leczenie farmakologiczne nie zawsze przynosi oczekiwane efekty, a często wiąże się z występowaniem objawów niepożądanych stosowanych leków. Metodą niefarmakologiczną zmniejszającą nadmierną potliwość jest picie naparu z szałwii. Dotychczas nie wyjaśniono mechanizmu jej działania. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono przypadek chorej na zaawansowanego raka płuca, u której nadmierne pocenie się skutecznie złagodzono, stosując napar z szałwii.Sweating is a frequent symptom in patients with malignant disease, which may significantly decrease quality of life. Pharmacological treatment is not always successful and often leads to intolerable side effects. Salvia seems to be a very attractive non-pharmacological treatment, even so its mechanism of action is unknown. In this article we present a case of advanced lung cancer patient, whose sweating was successfully reduced by drinking salvia infusion

    The Polish Version of the Alberta Infant Motor Scale: Cultural Adaptation and Validation

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    The Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) is a diagnostic tool for the assessment of the motor performance of infants from the time of birth, to the period of independent walking (0–18 months). This study aims to derive a Polish version of the AIMS through its cultural adaptation and validation. The study included 145 infants aged 0–18 months, who were divided into four further age groups: 0–3 months, 4–7 months, 8–11 months, and older than 12 months. The validation was based on an analysis of intrarater and interrater reliability values, as well as concurrent validity, using the gross motor scale of Peabody Developmental Motor Scales-2 (PDMS-2). The total Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) for intrarater reliability was 0.99 (ICC range in positions was 0.87–0.99, in subgroups was 0.91–0.99), while in particular positions, the ICC ranges were as follows: prone 0.97–0.99, supine 0.94–0.99, sitting 0.95–0.99, and standing: 0.63–0.99. The total ICC for interrater reliability was 0.99 (ICC range in positions was 0.98–0.99, in subgroups was 0.91–0.99), while in particular positions, the ICC ranges were as follows: prone 0.95–0.99, supine 0.93–0.96, sitting 0.93–0.98, standing 0.91–0.98. Only the standing position was analyzed for the subgroup of participants over 12 months old. The Spearman correlation between the Polish version of the AIMS and the gross motor scale of PDMS-2 was significant in the total population (r = 0.97, p < 0.0001) and in subgroups (r = 0.79–0.85, p < 0.0001). The results of our study confirm that the Polish version of the AIMS is reliable for infants aged 0–18 months and can be applied to this population for clinical and scientific purposes.Trial RegistryClinicalTrials.gov ID NCT05264064, URL https://clinicaltrials.gov/ ct2/show/NCT05264064

    Are the patients afraid of opioids? Pilot study of the patients with chronic cancer and non-malignant pain

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    Background. Chronic pain is a major public health issue. Opioids have an important role in the management of chronic cancer and non-cancer pain. Unfortunately, beliefs and myths about opioids are a serious obstacle to using them in pain relief. Material and methods. The study involved 28 patients who suffered from chronic cancer or non-cancer pain. The functional status was measured using Karnofsky Performance Scale and Edmonton Symptom Assessment System. Each patient was asked to complete a survey consisting of three parts, which determined patients medical characteristics, knowledge of analgesic drugs and the fears of using opioids. Results. Our study showed that over half of the surveyed patients (53%) had doubts about starting the opioids treatment. They were afraid of taking morphine and the patients who used tramadol feared of changing it into morphine. The most common reason given by the patients was the fear of addiction and death, which were believed to be associated with using opioids. Other reasons included: the fear of side effects and/or unsatisfactory result of pain relief. Conclusion. Our research suggests that patients are afraid of taking opioids, especially morphine. The results of this pilot study vote for the need of larger survey on patients' attitude to the treatment with opioids for pain management.Background. Chronic pain is a major public health issue. Opioids have an important role in the management of chronic cancer and non-cancer pain. Unfortunately, beliefs and myths about opioids are a serious obstacle to using them in pain relief. Material and methods. The study involved 28 patients who suffered from chronic cancer or non-cancer pain. The functional status was measured using Karnofsky Performance Scale and Edmonton Symptom Assessment System. Each patient was asked to complete a survey consisting of three parts, which determined patients medical characteristics, knowledge of analgesic drugs and the fears of using opioids. Results. Our study showed that over half of the surveyed patients (53%) had doubts about starting the opioids treatment. They were afraid of taking morphine and the patients who used tramadol feared of changing it into morphine. The most common reason given by the patients was the fear of addiction and death, which were believed to be associated with using opioids. Other reasons included: the fear of side effects and/or unsatisfactory result of pain relief. Conclusion. Our research suggests that patients are afraid of taking opioids, especially morphine. The results of this pilot study vote for the need of larger survey on patients' attitude to the treatment with opioids for pain management

    Investigation of "Acinetobacter baumannii" activity in vascular surgery units through epidemiological management based on the analysis of antimicrobial resistance, biofilm formation and genotyping

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    Background/Objectives: The genus Acinetobacter demonstrates resistance to antibiotics and has been shown to spread in the hospital environment causing epidemic outbreaks among hospitalized patients. The objectives of the present study was to investigate the antibiotic resistance, biofilm formation, and clonality among Acinetobacter baumannii strains. Materials and Methods: The study involved 6 (I Outbreak) and 3 (II Outbreak) A. baumannii strains isolated from patients hospitalized in vascular surgery unit. Results: All tested A. baumannii strains were extensively drug resistant (XDR) and all the isolates were carbapenem-resistant and among them, all carried the blaOXA-51 gene, the blaOXA-24 gene, as well as the blaOXA-23 gene. All of the investigated strains had the ability to form a biofilm, but all of them produced less biofilm than the reference strain. Multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) showed that all strains belonged to the ST2 clone. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) divided the tested outbreak strains into two clones (A and B). Conclusion: This study shows a nosocomial spread of XDR A. baumannii ST2 having the blaOXA-51 gene, the blaOXA-24 gene, as well as the blaOXA-23 gene, low biofilm formers, that was prevalent in the vascular surgery unit. To identify the current situation of vascular surgery departments targeted epidemiological investigation was needed. Effective implementation of infection control prevented the spread of the epidemic outbreaks

    Kontrola i przeszukanie Prezesa UOKiK. Pięć lat doświadczeń po rozdzieleniu instytucji – już osobno czy nadal razem?

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    Celem artykułu jest porównanie kontroli i przeszukania1, dwóch procedur stosowanych przez Prezesa UOKiK w celu pozyskiwania dowodów dopuszczenia się praktyk ograniczających konkurencję. Publikacja nie tyle zawiera wyczerpującą charakterystykę tych dwóch instytucji, ile ukazuje je z punktu widzenia istotnych podobieństw i różnic. Analiza ograniczona jest do spraw z zakresu ochrony konkurencji, gdzie omawiane narzędzia odgrywają nieporównywalnie większą rolę niż w sprawach konsumenckich, w których ich zastosowanie jest sporadyczne