1,925 research outputs found

    Methods of Risk Protection Used by Polish Farmers

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    To answer the research question: what methods of protection against risk do Polish farmers use depending on the farm type, the sample was divided into clusters depending on farm characteristics. The results show that small farms use completely different risk management tools than medium and large farms, no matter what their main product is. There is also a significant difference between farms that have relatively large share of off-farm income and the remaining ones. Summing up, policy makers should prepare a diversified offer of risk management tools for farmers, depending on their needs.risk in agriculture, risk management, family farms,

    Postmemory in the popular culture on the example of the comic novel “Achtung Zelig! The Second War” by Krzysztof Gawronkiewicz & Krystian RosenbergPostmemory in the popular culture on the example of the comic novel “Achtung Zelig! The Second War” by Krzysztof Gawronkiewicz & Krystian Rosenberg

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    Postmemory in the popular culture on the example of the comic novel “Achtung Zelig! The Second War” by Krzysztof Gawronkiewicz & Krystian Rosenberg The comic book is a product of popculture. It got deeply rooted in American and Western European popular culture in the 1970s. In France, this type of sequential art told in pictorial stories was presented in daily papers and developed humorously-told threads of the plot. In the UK it won juvenile audience with its simple jokes, genre scenes and shortened and abridged versions of fables. In the United States, in turn, crude science fiction, horror or joke graphic stories were most popular. However, in the late 1990s these depictions increasingly started to develop into something of much different nature. On the one hand, popular culture embraced more and more different creative areas, wrestled with subject and themes that so far had been tackled only by more sophisticated literature (for example, war themes). On the other hand, the Polish reader had a better chance to experience new titles and pictorial stories from the West or other far-away cultures that represented high artistic skills and offered original and remarkable stories. This, in turn, created a new situation in which adult readers turned to comic books. Moreover, comic books became a subject of interests for academics beyond those who were professionally involved in documenting and understanding popular culture, i.e. for methodologists of history, modern culture anthropologists, researchers in literature and art historians. A particular type of comics is the one that presents historical and memory contents. Works of brilliant artists from different cultures such as, for example: Maus by Art Spiegelman, Persepolis by Mariane Satrapi, Achtung Zelig! by Krzysztof Gawronkiewicz and Krystian Rosenberg or Marzi by Marzena Sowa and Sylvain Savoia have become available on the Polish publishing market and have been widely reviewed and discussed academically. In the present article I am concentrating on the phenomenon postmemory. Analysing Achtung Zelig! by Gawronkiewicz and Rosenberg I am trying to show main trademarks postmemory: borrowing another person’s stories, phenomen of secondary memory, fetishization of the past.  The comic book is a product of popculture. It got deeply rooted in American and Western European popular culture in the 1970s. In France, this type of sequential art told in pictorial stories was presented in daily papers and developed humorously-told threads of the plot. In the UK it won juvenile audience with its simple jokes, genre scenes and shortened and abridged versions of fables. In the United States, in turn, crude science fiction, horror or joke graphic stories were most popular. However, in the late 1990s these depictions increasingly started to develop into something of much different nature. On the one hand, popular culture embraced more and more different creative areas, wrestled with subject and themes that so far had been tackled only by more sophisticated literature (for example, war themes). On the other hand, the Polish reader had a better chance to experience new titles and pictorial stories from the West or other far-away cultures that represented high artistic skills and offered original and remarkable stories. This, in turn, created a new situation in which adult readers turned to comic books. Moreover, comic books became a subject of interests for academics beyond those who were professionally involved in documenting and understanding popular culture, i.e. for methodologists of history, modern culture anthropologists, researchers in literature and art historians. A particular type of comics is the one that presents historical and memory contents. Works of brilliant artists from different cultures such as, for example: Maus by Art Spiegelman, Persepolis by Mariane Satrapi, Achtung Zelig! by Krzysztof Gawronkiewicz and Krystian Rosenberg or Marzi by Marzena Sowa and Sylvain Savoia have become available on the Polish publishing market and have been widely reviewed and discussed academically. In the present article I am concentrating on the phenomenon postmemory. Analysing Achtung Zelig! by Gawronkiewicz and Rosenberg I am trying to show main trademarks postmemory: borrowing another person’s stories, phenomen of secondary memory, fetishization of the past

    Perwersje archiwum

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    Perversions of the archive In the article, the author discusses the problematic status of an archival document,taking into account the concepts of perverse historiography and the methodological indicators of the apartheid archive. Documents stored in IPN (Institute of National Remembrance) have been used to show the challenges faced by the people investigating the documents stored there and attempting to unify the material found in the archive. The analysis of Autor Solaris, a 2016 biographical documentary film about Stanisław Lem, is preceded by reflections on the involvement of the archive researchers in politics and their reproductions of clichés and stereotypes about the past, which the author sees as directly leading to blurring and erasing of the victims’ testimonies. In doing so, the author uses critical analyses of the pornographic aspects of the presentation of mass murder victims. Relating to a concept proposed by one of the critics indicating that using archival sources in modern art leads to a mass amnesia, the author points to thedangers of using Nazi propaganda films in contemporary documentary film.Perversions of the archive In the article, the author discusses the problematic status of an archival document,taking into account the concepts of perverse historiography and the methodological indicators of the apartheid archive. Documents stored in IPN (Institute of National Remembrance) have been used to show the challenges faced by the people investigating the documents stored there and attempting to unify the material found in the archive. The analysis of Autor Solaris, a 2016 biographical documentary film about Stanisław Lem, is preceded by reflections on the involvement of the archive researchers in politics and their reproductions of clichés and stereotypes about the past, which the author sees as directly leading to blurring and erasing of the victims’ testimonies. In doing so, the author uses critical analyses of the pornographic aspects of the presentation of mass murder victims. Relating to a concept proposed by one of the critics indicating that using archival sources in modern art leads to a mass amnesia, the author points to the dangers of using Nazi propaganda films in contemporary documentary film

    Wasted lives and expulsions. A study of Beasts of the Southern Wild by Benh Zeitlin

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    The author analyzes the mutual determinants of the ecological and social crisis. The starting point is Zygmunt Bauman’s concept of wasted lives and the concept of expulsions proposed by Saskia Sassen, referring both to activities destroying specific areas and the communities inhabiting them. This frame includes films showing various scenarios of a dystopian future in which individual characters or entire groups have been consumed and expelled by the aggressive Capithalocene and doomed to live in the dustbin of contemporary civilization. The article focuses on the production Beasts of the Southern Wild directed by Benh Zeitlin. The author looks at the reality and, at the same time, the symbolism of the film’s wall/dam; communities living on both sides of it, relationships between nature and culture, or rather (in posthumanist terms it is written as one word – natureculture); the methods and consequences of excluding and expelling human and non-human beings used by the mechanisms of late capitalism

    The Emergence of a European Labour Protest Movement?

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    This article considers what a transnational, and specifically European labour movement, would mean in the context of European integration, and whether there are prospects for its development. There are certainly structures and sporadic actions, so the question is whether they can develop further into a movement. I will summarize the literature on the integration of labour in the EU, which commonly argues that it is divided and incapable of action. These obstacles can be considered in a different light when the strand of social movement approaches is applied. Then I will present two cases of transnational European collective action with a focus on the managing of difference and on developing into a social movement. To summarize I will assess the future of labour mobilization in transnational context and conclude with a tentative explanation

    Stromal-Epithelial Interactions during Mammary Gland Development

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    Mammary gland is an organ, which undergoes the majority of its development in the postnatal life of mammals. The complex structure of the mammary gland comprises epithelial and myoepithelial cells forming the parenchymal tissue and adipocytes, fibroblasts, vascular endothelial cells, and infiltrating immune cell composing the stromal compartment. During puberty and in adulthood, circulating hormones released from the pituitary and ovaries regulate the rate of development and functional differentiation of the mammary epithelium. In addition, growing body of evidence shows that interactions between the stromal and parenchymal compartments of the mammary gland play a crucial role in mammogenesis. This regulation takes place on a paracrine level, by locally synthesized growth factors, adipokines, and cytokines, as well as via direct cell-cell interactions. This chapter summarizes the current knowledge about the complex nature of interactions between the mammary epithelium and stroma during mammary gland development in different mammalian species

    Analysis of Market Rental Property Selected Fragment in Krakow Premises in Terms Sector Student

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    Krakow is considered to be one of the top academic centres in Poland. In the local universities nearly 200 thousand students acquire knowledge. Only a few of them are permanent inhabitants of Krakow. For this reason, also, annually the market of apartments rent in the capital city of Małopolska in the period of holiday observes fluctuations of prices. At the same time students (or their parents) prefer the proximity of the chosen academic centre or the communication accessibility over the standards of the premises. This allows to sustain the prices of rent of apartments in this neighbourhood and constitutes a stable source of income for real estate owners that could not be attractive for the remaining social groups. For the purpose of supplying information concerning the apartments preferred by the students a study was conducted, in which questions were asked to individuals who now or in recent years rented an apartment in Krakow and they are or have been students of the AGH University of Science and Technology. The post was chosen because of the compact structure of educational institutions, proximity attractive zones, and thus expensive, and the ease of obtaining information from respondents as a result of the conducted studies it is possible to consider that among the surveyed most often rent contracts were concluded for apartments with two rooms nearby, or with a good connection to the universities. It was also noticed that the most important factor having impact on the average price for the rent is the location, in the particular urban units of the city of Krakow it differs from the average by a few hundred PLN. Another, relatively obvious criterion determining the height of the rate is the technical condition and furnishing standard of the apartment. The terms on which the rent of the apartment is profitable for its owner were verified. Finally, it was noticed that the benefits arising from the rent of the premises to students are disproportionate for different parties. The information obtained by means of the conducted studies and completed analyses is helpful both for people willing, in the future, to take advantage of the benefits from leasing an apartment, as well as for thousands of students who each year are struggling against the fundamental choice of the place where they will spend the nearest months or years.AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering, Department of Geomatics, Krakow, PolandElżbieta Jasińsk