25 research outputs found

    Synanthropic spider fauna of the Carpathian Basin in the last three decades

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    This paper reviews the scientific literature published on synanthropic spiders in three Carpathian Basin countries—Hungary, Slovakia and Romania. A total number of 204 spider species have been reported from human constructions. Most of the 204 spider species (165 species) found in buildings were only occasional visitors, so-called asynanthropic species with typically low abundance. On average, eusynanthropic (23 species) and hemisynanthropic (16 species) species accounted for 80% of the specimen number. We have discovered that the number of hemisynanthropic faunal elements have remained unchanged in the past three decades. At the same time 14 new eusynanthropic species have been observed in the region, roughly one new species in every 2 years. Some of them have been introduced from the tropics, but some species originates from southern Europe, which may be related to climate change. This hypothesis was also confirmed by the seasonal summer outdoor appearance of these eusynanthropic species. True tropical spiders could only be settled permanently in greenhouses with special climate (such as botanical gardens). We still do not have data of any synanthropic species posing a health risk in this region

    Rodolphe Kreutzer életműve, 42 etűdjének elemzése

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    Szakdolgozatom témájául Rodolphe Kreutzer 42 etűdjének elemzését választottam. Úgy gondolom, minden hegedűn és mélyhegedűn tanuló diák találkozik ezzel a kötettel tanulmányai folyamán, azonban igencsak elenyésző azoknak a száma, akik jobban elmélyednek ennek a zseniális műnek a rejtelmeiben. Irományomban főként az etűdök módszertani hátterét vettem górcső alá, hiszen nagyon fontosnak tartom, hogy a gyakorlás folyamata tudatosan épüljön föl, ugyanis ezáltal fejleszthetjük a hangszerjátékkal kapcsolatos készségeinket. A kötet részletesebb tanulmányozása ráébresztett arra a megannyi problémára, amellyel nap, mint nap találkozunk gyakorlás során, mégsem fordítunk rá elegendő időt.Ezen nehézségekre próbáltam minél jobb megoldásokat találni. Dolgozatomban nem csak elemzem a darabokat,hanem kitérek arra is hogyan érdemes gyakorolni őket.egységes, osztatlanMélyhegedűtanármagyarnappal

    Peripheral thickening of the sarcomeres and pointed end elongation of the thin filaments are both promoted by SALS and its formin interaction partners

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    During striated muscle development the first periodically repeated units appear in the premyofibrils, consisting of immature sarcomeres that must undergo a substantial growth both in length and width, to reach their final size. Here we report that, beyond its well established role in sarcomere elongation, the Sarcomere length short (SALS) protein is involved in Z-disc formation and peripheral growth of the sarcomeres. Our protein localization data and loss-of-function studies in the Drosophila indirect flight muscle strongly suggest that radial growth of the sarcomeres is initiated at the Z-disc. As to thin filament elongation, we used a powerful nanoscopy approach to reveal that SALS is subject to a major conformational change during sarcomere development, which might be critical to stop pointed end elongation in the adult muscles. In addition, we demonstrate that the roles of SALS in sarcomere elongation and radial growth are both dependent on formin type of actin assembly factors. Unexpectedly, when SALS is present in excess amounts, it promotes the formation of actin aggregates highly resembling the ones described in nemaline myopathy patients. Collectively, these findings helped to shed light on the complex mechanisms of SALS during the coordinated elongation and thickening of the sarcomeres, and resulted in the discovery of a potential nemaline myopathy model, suitable for the identification of genetic and small molecule inhibitors

    Using biofertilizer to improve seed germination and early development of maize

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    In this study, the effect of a living bacteria ( Bacillusmegateriumvar . phosphaticum, Azotobacter chroococcum) containing biofertilizer, made in Hungary, was investigated on the germination and dry matter production of maize seedlings in germination tests. The biofertilizer was applied in concentrations of 1 ml·L-1and 3.5 ml·L-1. Seed and filter paper treatments were used in the experiments, completed with autoclaved biofertilizer treatment. Germination and weight of shoots and roots were evaluated. It was observed that theseed-and-filter paper treatments with biofertilizer significantly increased – by more than 20% – the numbersof the germinated seeds in comparison to the untreated control. The dry weight of the shoot and root was high-er by more than 7% than the control in the case of treatments with biofertilizer. Based on this result, it wasconcluded that there is a positive effect of PGPB on germination, as well as it is supposed, that the applied biofertilizer treatments stimulated the germination and growth of maize by reason of excreting phytohormonesand enhancing the nutrient mobilization from the seed

    Using biofertilizer to improve seed germination and early development of maize

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    In this study, the effect of a living bacteria containing biofertilizer was investigated on the germination and dry matter production of maize seedlings in germination tests. The biofertilizer was applied in the concentrations 1 ml L-1 and 3.5 ml L-1. Seed and filter paper treatments were used in the experiments, completed with autoclaved biofertilizer treatment. Germination and weight of shoots and roots were evaluated. It was observed that the seed-and filter paper treatments with biofertilizer significantly increased - by more then 20% - the numbers of the germinated seeds in comparison the untreated control. The dry weight of the shoot and root was higher by more than 7% than the control in the case of treatments with biofertilize