61 research outputs found

    Earnings quality and firm valuation: international evidence

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    This study uses a sample of over 7000 firms in 38 countries to investigate the relation between firm valuation and earnings quality. We find a positive and significant relation between firm valuation and an aggregate earnings quality measure based on seven earnings attributes (accruals quality, persistence, predictability, smoothness, value relevance, timeliness, and conservatism). This relation is particularly strong for firms with greater investment opportunities and more need for external finance, and for firms in low investor protection countries. Thus, firms are able to compensate for a weak legal environment by adopting higher earnings quality standards, particularly when they need to gain access to global capital markets. Overall, our findings suggest that firms with higher earnings quality are valued more highly in stock markets, supporting the idea that investors require a premium for the information risk associated with lower-quality earnings.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Corporate governance and earnings quality : international evidence

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    We examine the relationship between corporate governance and earnings quality worldwide. Results suggest a substitute relationship between corporate governance and earnings quality. We find that the country effect is extremely relevant in shaping this relationship. Indeed, this relation is more pronounced in developed countries, in countries with strong investor protection. Our findings are consistent with the view that poor accounting information may force firms to adopt costlier corporate governance mechanisms, in particular in environments in which they are effective. Likewise, in such environments, firms with better quality accounting information may not need to invest so much in costly governance mechanisms.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Are large firms more profitable than small and medium firms in the European Union?

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    This study comparatively analyses the profitability between large enterprises (LE) and small and medium enterprises (SME) in the European Union in order to understand which group of companies is more profitable. The analysis is also segmented by groups of countries and industries. Furthermore, we study the impact of the financial crisis on profitability. The sample includes 54,654 firms from 21 EU countries and from 17 industries during the period between 2004 and 2013. Two measures of profitability are used: (1) Return on Assets (computed both with earnings before interest and taxes and net profit), and; (2) Return on Equity. The results suggest that LE are, on average, more profitable than SME. This finding holds across all industries except one. However, there is additional evidence that SME in Eastern Europe are more profitable than LE and are also more profitable than SME in Western Europe. Finally, the results also suggest that the financial crisis negatively impacted firms’ profitability, particularly in SME.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gender diversity on the board and firms’ corporate social responsibility

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    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has progressively assumed a strategic role in corporate business. In this sense, the board of directors (Board) assumes a preponderant role, since they make decisions about business strategy. One considerably debated characteristic of Board diversity is gender, since women differ from men in terms of personality, communication style, and values. Therefore, this study analyzes the relationship between CSR and gender diversity on Boards, in a sample of European public firms. Results indicate that firms with a higher percentage of women in the Board have higher CSR practices, suggesting that the presence of women can play an important role in terms of CSR decisions, contributing to more social and sustainable firms. Results also suggest that management teams with a higher female percentage associate with better CSR scores, and firms that exhibit both a higher percentage of women on the Board and on the management team improve CSR scores. From an ethical perspective, more socially responsible firms present more trustworthy financial information, and more sustainable economic performance, which decreases risk assessment from their business partners and remaining stakeholders. Thus, results may be of interest to different stakeholders, such as policymakers, investors, and business partners, in order to increase firms’ involvement in CSRinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Are state-owned firms less profitable than non-state-owned firms? European evidence

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    Prior research suggests that state-owned enterprises (SOE) have lower performance levels than non-state-owned enterprises (NSOE). The main goal of this study is to analyse the impact of State ownership on profitability, using two major measures of performance: Return on Equity and Return on Assets, and a broader sample of about 11,000 firms, from 37 countries, between 2003 and 2011. Our main results suggest that SOE are less profitable than NSOE for both performance measures. This finding remains equal in the crisis periods and for Western and Eastern Europe countries. We also find a negative relationship between State control and SOE´s profitability levels. Additional results indicate that, in general, SOE from Western Europe are more profitable than SOE from Eastern Europe.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Políticas públicas de saúde e o agente comunitário de saúde: reflexões com base na experiência de Florianópolis

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    Dissetação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Pragrama de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem.O presente trabalho busca refletir acerca do Programa de Agentes Comunitários de Saúde - PACS, na experiência do município de Florianópolis - Santa Catarina. O PACS é um programa do Ministério de Saúde, implantado à partir de 1992, com o objetivo de reduzir a mortalidade infantil e controlar as doenças diarreicas e a desnutrição no nordeste do país. Após 8 anos de implantação, o PACS faz parte da estratégia do governo de descentralizar as ações básicas de saúde, proporcionando o acesso e a universalização do atendimento à saúde, priorizando alguns marcadores como crianças de 0 a 5 anos, gestantes, além de portadores de doenças como a hipertensão, a diabete, a hanseníase e a tuberculose. A reflexão proposta partiu da necessidade de aprofundar o papel do Agente Comunitário de Saúde - ACS, assim como sua formação e atuação junto com a equipe de saúde e a comunidade. Florianópolis conta hoje com 561 ACS distribuídos nas cinco regionais de saúde que compõem o município. Destes 249 ACS estão participando do curso de qualificação profissional como Auxiliar de Enfermagem. A metodologia adotada para este estudo foi o de uma abordagem qualitativa em um estudo descritivo-analítico. Participaram deste estudo um total de 13 ACS distribuídos nas diferentes regionais do município. Levou-se em consideração que dentre os participantes de cada área, estivessem ACS que estão participando do curso de Auxiliar de Enfermagem. Na experiência de Florianópolis, o estudo revela alguns fatos que devem ser levados em consideração, destacando-se aqui os principais: Os ACS não se sentem preparados para atuarem na comunidade; a formação ainda é insuficiente para sua atuação efetiva; há problemas de relacionamento e espaço de trabalho entre os ACS e a equipe de saúde; a desvalorização salarial desmotiva os ACS. Também foi revelado pelos sujeitos de estudo, a visão do ACS sobre o seu papel, que relataram ser o elo entre a comunidade e o serviço de saúde, ser o psicólogo da comunidade, que controlam a comunidade, trabalham com os mais pobres e realizam o censo. Relataram ainda que a escolha pelo trabalho em saúde como ACS se deu principalmente pela falta de outro emprego, por uma questão de sobrevivência e para ajudar a comunidade com um trabalho solidário. Este estudo proporcionou realizar uma reflexão do PACS e a formação do ACS para desempenhar seu papel com segurança e qualidade. Deixando aqui algumas sugestões, com o intuito de contribuir para a melhoria de assistência integral da população com a implementação do PACS

    Social Responsibility and Financial Performance: The Case of STOXX Europe Index

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    The main objective of this study is to analyze whether companies that pursue corporate social responsibility (CSR)-based policies have a higher level of financial performance compared to those that do not. Additionally, we study the effect of the last financial crisis on the relationship between CSR and financial performance in order to figure out whether or not companies sharing these environmental and social concerns had higher financial performance than their peers. To do so, three empirical models are designed, combining both traditional accounting measures (return on equity and return on assets) and a measure sensible to market values (Tobin’s Q) to assess the financial performance. A sample of 266 listed companies, from 15 European countries and 14 industries, listed on the STOXX Europe 600, is analyzed. Results suggest that companies pursuing CSR policies financially outperform their peers, and these results are supported even during the financial crisis period. This study highlights the idea that companies pursuing CSR policies put a considerable effort on building a stronger corporate reputation which in turn generates short- and long-term benefits, leaving behind the idea of the traditional companies that focused only on financial performance


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    Esta pesquisa apresenta uma análise crítica da contabilidade gerencial, a partir da ótica dos profissionais contábeis que desempenham suas atribuições junto às indústrias sucroalcooleiras instaladas no interior do estado de São Paulo O objetivo deste estudo consiste em demonstrar a visão destes profissionais sobre a importância do uso da contabilidade gerencial no processo de gestão e tomada de decisão. A metodologia empregada na elaboração desta pesquisa caracteriza-se como empírico-analítica de caráter descritivo, e a premissa adotada para a coleta de dados consistiu na aplicação de um questionário eletrônico (survey). Como resultados principais a pesquisa aponta que 80% dos participantes responsabilizam a falta de informações contábeis como causa do insucesso organizacional, e 100% concordam total e parcialmente que prejuízos crescentes e baixa competitividade estão atrelados ao uso incorreto das informações contábeis no processo de tomada de decisão nas empresas atuantes no setor. O trabalho contribui com a pesquisa na área, por demonstrar a importância da contabilidade gerencial na percepção dos profissionais como essencial à gestão dos negócios e à sobrevivência das organizações e por apresentar um perfil de profissional no setor, a maioria é pós-graduado e do gênero masculino