149 research outputs found

    Symplectic fermions and a quasi-Hopf algebra structure on Uˉisl(2)\bar{U}_i sl(2)

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    We consider the (finite-dimensional) small quantum group Uˉqsl(2)\bar{U}_q sl(2) at q=iq=i. We show that Uˉisl(2)\bar{U}_i sl(2) does not allow for an R-matrix, even though U⊗V≅V⊗UU \otimes V \cong V \otimes U holds for all finite-dimensional representations U,VU,V of Uˉisl(2)\bar{U}_i sl(2). We then give an explicit coassociator Φ\Phi and an R-matrix RR such that Uˉisl(2)\bar{U}_i sl(2) becomes a quasi-triangular quasi-Hopf algebra. Our construction is motivated by the two-dimensional chiral conformal field theory of symplectic fermions with central charge c=−2c=-2. There, a braided monoidal category, SF\mathcal{SF}, has been computed from the factorisation and monodromy properties of conformal blocks, and we prove that Rep (Uˉisl(2),Φ,R)\mathrm{Rep}\,(\bar{U}_i sl(2),\Phi,R) is braided monoidally equivalent to SF\mathcal{SF}.Comment: 40pp, 11 figures; v2: few very minor corrections for the final version in Journal of Algebr

    Algebraic Bethe ansatz for the quantum group invariant open XXZ chain at roots of unity

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    For generic values of q, all the eigenvectors of the transfer matrix of the U_q sl(2)-invariant open spin-1/2 XXZ chain with finite length N can be constructed using the algebraic Bethe ansatz (ABA) formalism of Sklyanin. However, when q is a root of unity (q=exp(i pi/p) with integer p>1), the Bethe equations acquire continuous solutions, and the transfer matrix develops Jordan cells. Hence, there appear eigenvectors of two new types: eigenvectors corresponding to continuous solutions (exact complete p-strings), and generalized eigenvectors. We propose general ABA constructions for these two new types of eigenvectors. We present many explicit examples, and we construct complete sets of (generalized) eigenvectors for various values of p and N.Comment: 50pp, 2 figures, v2: few typos are fixed, Nucl. Phys. B (2016

    Counting solutions of the Bethe equations of the quantum group invariant open XXZ chain at roots of unity

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    We consider the sl(2)_q-invariant open spin-1/2 XXZ quantum spin chain of finite length N. For the case that q is a root of unity, we propose a formula for the number of admissible solutions of the Bethe ansatz equations in terms of dimensions of irreducible representations of the Temperley-Lieb algebra; and a formula for the degeneracies of the transfer matrix eigenvalues in terms of dimensions of tilting sl(2)_q-modules. These formulas include corrections that appear if two or more tilting modules are spectrum-degenerate. For the XX case (q=exp(i pi/2)), we give explicit formulas for the number of admissible solutions and degeneracies. We also consider the cases of generic q and the isotropic (q->1) limit. Numerical solutions of the Bethe equations up to N=8 are presented. Our results are consistent with the Bethe ansatz solution being complete.Comment: 34 pages; v2: reference added; v3: two more references added and minor correction

    Testing of QED: Natural broadening of spectral lines

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    The difficulties associated with surface divergences, of a consistent QED theory in describing of the natural broadening (NB) of atomic systems are studied. This problem seems to be clearly and sensetively (in experimental meaning) appeared in the case of heavy muhicharged ions. To overcome this difficulty we have used a quantity of elementary interaction length, an analogy of the length of coherence. We have obtained that the NB contains a linear 1-divergence besides of a logarifmic one arrising in standard QED calculations. A Z-dependence has allowed us to suggest earring out the experimental testing of QED in the highly ionised atoms with the aid of more accurate technologies

    Kazhdan--Lusztig-dual quantum group for logarithmic extensions of Virasoro minimal models

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    We derive and study a quantum group g(p,q) that is Kazhdan--Lusztig-dual to the W-algebra W(p,q) of the logarithmic (p,q) conformal field theory model. The algebra W(p,q) is generated by two currents W+(z)W^+(z) and W−(z)W^-(z) of dimension (2p-1)(2q-1), and the energy--momentum tensor T(z). The two currents generate a vertex-operator ideal RR with the property that the quotient W(p,q)/R is the vertex-operator algebra of the (p,q) Virasoro minimal model. The number (2 p q) of irreducible g(p,q)-representations is the same as the number of irreducible W(p,q)-representations on which RR acts nontrivially. We find the center of g(p,q) and show that the modular group representation on it is equivalent to the modular group representation on the W(p,q) characters and ``pseudocharacters.'' The factorization of the g(p,q) ribbon element leads to a factorization of the modular group representation on the center. We also find the g(p,q) Grothendieck ring, which is presumably the ``logarithmic'' fusion of the (p,q) model.Comment: 52pp., AMSLaTeX++. half a dozen minor inaccuracies (cross-refs etc) correcte

    Some possible techniques for improving the strength characteristics of folded cores from sheet composite materials

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    We consider some general problems of improving the strength characteristics of folded cores as well as the corresponding techniques for modifying the core material polymer surfaces with the use of nanotechnologies and the "mass-strength" criteria. © Allerton Press, Inc., 2009
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