41 research outputs found

    Meteorological and water quality changes in Lake Trasimeno (Umbria, Italy) during the last fifty years

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    This paper illustrates the results of an analysis performed on historical data of the main meteorological and water quality variables collected during the last fifty years in the basin of Lake Trasimeno, a shallow lake subjected to important water level fluctuations. The results reveal a significant increase of the annual mean of minimum and maximum air temperature, water temperature and solar radiation, and a significant reduction of precipitation and cloud cover, which have mostly occurred during the last twenty years. The decadal rate of warming observed in the last twenty years for air temperature (0.33 °C decade-1) is consistent with the estimate reported by the IPCC for the land-surface temperature in the Northern Hemisphere, whereas the surface water temperature in Lake Trasimeno shows a more marked increase (0.65 °C decade-1), comparable to that observed in other lakes of Mediterranean areas. On a monthly scale, the most significant variations are observed in late-spring and early summer months for temperature and solar irradiation, and in winter and spring months for rainfall, which result in an appreciable modification of the seasonal progression. The alterations of the thermal and hydrological balance of the lake have caused a progressive lowering of the water level and the emergence of evaporative conditions. As a consequence of the drought, a progressive accumulation of dissolved salts (3.5 106 kg y-1) is observed, which is partially explained by meteoric loading. The analysis also shows that an increase in the total alkalinity has occurred during the main drought phases of the last forty years, which has been shown to be consistent with what expected on the basis of the changes in the ionic composition of the waters. With decreasing water levels, a strong reduction in water transparency has also been observed, which does not appear to be connected with a change in the trophic state of the lake, but rather with the increase of suspended solids from bottom sediments, in agreement with the predictions based on resuspension models in shallow waters. On putting the results into the future scenario of climate change, an accelerating drought and progressive worsening of the water quality can be predicted for Lake Trasimeno in the near future

    The eggs of Afronurus LESTAGE, 1924 (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae): a cue for phylogenetic relationships

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    Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) investigation carried out on the eggs of Afronurus scotti, A. harrisoni, A. peringueyi, and A. ugandanus, has provided some chorionic details useful for a comparison between these species. In all the species, the egg chorion is decorated with sparse granules and shows two kinds of knob-terminated coiled threads (KCTs). The first kind is represented by small KCTs (5-7 ?m in diameter) densely concentrated at each egg pole; the second kind encompasses large KCTs (60- 80 ?m in length) situated equatorially. The micropyle has an oval to round sperm guide (15-20 ?m long; 12- 18 ?m wide), and a well-defined rim. The polar KCTs expand towards the equatorial KCTs in A. scotti, A. harrisoni, and A. peringueyi, but in A. ugandanus there is a large clear area between polar and equatorial KCTs. A chorionic pattern very close to that of these Afronurus species is shared only by species belonging to the Asiatic genus Cinygmina. In addition, examination of the labrum of the nymphs belonging to both genera, indicates a very similar morphology, in the curved sclerification in the basal region of the labrum, a feature that contrasts with the almost straight shape presented by other heptageniid genera (e.g. Electrogena species). Egg and labrum characteristics are advocated to hypothesise a close phylogenetic relationship between the South-African Afronurus and the Asiatic Cinygmina genera

    Structure and dynamics of a benthic trophic web in a Mediterranean seasonal stream

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    In this work we present the results of a study conducted on the benthic macroinvertebrate community of a Southern Spain seasonal stream over a year. We constructed the food web focusing on the benthic fauna and we studied the ecology and dynamics of the community in terms of trophic resources. The benthic trophic web was composed by 35 families; these were not all present at the same time, but were incorporating and disappearing throughout the study period. Connectance between trophospecies varied from 0.24 to 0.59. The functional feeding group (FFG) composition of the community turned out to be fairly constant with time with a predominance of scrapers and collector-gatherers. Furthermore, data obtained from the Bray-Curtis measure and the niche overlap study, evidence the stability of the stream from a trophic point of view. Rather widespread is omnivory that plays an important role in the survival of some families. We compared the results of the trophic web study with those of other temporary streams of the same region of Southern Spain

    Use of Larval Morphological Deformities in Chironomus plumosus (Chironomidae: Diptera) as an Indicator of Freshwater Environmental Contamination (Lake Trasimeno, Italy)

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    The mentum deformity incidence in Chironomus plumosus larvae to assess the environmental contamination level in Lake Trasimeno, Central Italy, was investigated. The survey lasted from May 2018 to August 2019. Fifty-one samplings were carried out: 34 in the littoral zone and 17 in the central zone. The deformity assessment was based on 737 and 2767 larval specimens of C. plumosus collected from the littoral and central zones, respectively. Comparison of the larval morphometric variables between normal and deformed specimens highlighted that the deformities did not cause alterations of the larval growth. The deformity incidence amounted to 7.22% in the whole Trasimeno's ecosystem, reaching 8.28% in the littoral zone and 6.94% in the central zone. Among the different seasonal cohorts, the spring cohort had overall the highest deformity value (11.41%). The deformity type assessment protocol highlighted that the most common deformity type was "round/filed teeth" (64%). The results of this 2018–2019 survey revealed a low deformity incidence, within the background range of relatively low-impacted freshwaters. Comparison with previous investigations (2000–2010) of the same habitat showed a clear decrease of the deformity incidence. This study further contributes to the evaluation of the mentum deformity in chironomids that represent an indicator endpoint of the anthropogenic contamination level in freshwaters

    Reproduction of the Intertidal Sponge Hymeniacidon perlevis (Montagu)Along a Bathymetric Gradient

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    Gli efemerotteri delle Alpi Liguri

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