45 research outputs found

    Production process of metal-diamond compositions (mdc) for cutting tools by extrusion

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    There the powder metal-diamond composition has been studied. The study purposes are the experimental-teoretical study of MDC structure-formation process at the extrusion, to explore the structure and the properties and also to develop the production process of diamond-containing members. The advantage of extrusion application for the production of porousless MDC has been studied, and the production process of diamond tools by the extrusion, which is new in the main has been developed. The production process of diamond members with the different shapes by the extrusion methods, which is new in the main has been developed. The production process of diamond members with the different shapes by the extrusion methods has been sent to the enterprises of the Commonwealth of Independent States for the introduction. The application fields are the tool production, the stone working and othersAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Near-Field Interference Microwave Diagnostics of Cultural Plants and Wood Materials

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    A schematic solution of the near-field interference microwave microscopy technology is discussed. This solution is implemented in the form of a maximally simplified microscope structure. Testing was con-ducted to determine the capabilities of this microscope. It is shown that technology can be used to solve a number of hygroscopy and defectoscopy problems


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    The work covers the temperature distribution and physical parameters of the continuous dielectric media. The aim of the work is to solve the inverse problems for remote detection of temperature distribution and continuous media parameters according to own heat r.f. emission and refraction of external sources. The combined decision of the heat r.f. emission and heat conduction transfer equations has been obtained, the algorithms decising the inverse problems on base of the A.N. Tikhonov's theory have been developed. The methods for remote detection of the temperature profile and heat flow in atmosphere, aqueous medium, ground and man's body and also radiometrical method for detection of the thickness and water-content rate in the oil film from helicopter board have been developed. The thermometry of atmosphere and ground has been performed. The oil contamination scale in the oil production region near c. Nijnevartovsk has been determinedAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Two-dimensional image retrieval

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    Tikhonov's method is applied for the solution of image deconvolution inverse problem in two-dimensional case. It appeared possible to improve the resolution beyond the aperture limit. The case of many-beam synthetic aperture radiometers (SAR) measurements is also considered. The method is applied to improve the resolution of radiobrightness image of oil spills on lakes. Data have been obtained from helicopter-borne radiometer measurements of thermal radio emission. The problem of the retrieval of true radiobrightness distribution by two-dimensional distribution of measured antenna temperature is very important in radioasrtonomy as well as in remote sensing, especially in the case of SAR measurements. The antenna temperature distribution is a two-dimensional convolution of radiobrightness distribution and antenna pattern as a kernel of the integral. If the kernel is a known function, it is possible to formulate the deconvolution inverse problem to retrieve the true radiobrightness image by measured antenna temperature distribution.The deconvolution inverse problem consists of the solution of Fredholm integral equation of the 1-st kind, and it is well known that this problem is ill-posed. To solve such a problem it is necessary to use additional (a priori) information about the exact solution. This information determines a regularization method. There are various approaches: statistical (maximum entropy) [1], iterative [2], singular systems analysis [3]. In the present paper Tikhonov's method of generalized discrepancy is applied, which uses the common information about the exact solution as a function [4]. It is supposed that the exact solution belongs to the set of square-integrable functions with square-integrable derivatives. The results of numerical simulation give us the retrieval accuracy at various levels of the refraction error

    Dynamics of news events and social media reaction

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    Numerical Modeling and Experimental Investigation of the Breadboard Model of a Near-Field Interference Microscope

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    A circuit design for technology of near-field interference microwave microscopy using evanescent fields of several active radiators (probes) is suggested and substantiated. The feasibility of providing the spatial overlap of the evanescent fields of two probes representing expanding coaxial conical horns is demonstrated. It is shown that the structure of the electromagnetic field in the region of overlap can effectively be controlled by changing the phase difference of oscillations arriving at inputs of the probes. This technology can be used for diagnostics of liquid media comprising dielectric inhomogeneities, flaw detection, and hygroscopy