14 research outputs found


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    Straipsnyje analizuojamas racionalus profesijos pasirinkimas paauglystėje, kaip individosėkmingos karjeros prielaida. Kadangi Lietuvoje atliktuose profesijospasirinkimo tyrimuose neskirta pakankami dėmesio specifinei vaikų grupei –globos namų auklėtiniams, šiame straipsnyje analizuojamos globos namuosegyvenančių paauglių profesijos pasirinkimo problemos. PAGRINDINIAI ŽODŽIAI: globos namų auklėtiniai, paaugliai, profesijos pasirinkimas

    Rural women's (intellectuals) exercising motives and possibilities for physical activity

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    Nors laikomasi nuostatos, kad kūno kultūra yra viena iš pagrindimą emocinės gerovės sąlygų, ir yra atliekami įvairūs tyrimai šioje srityje, tačiau Lietuvos kaime tani dar nėra skiriama pakankamai dėmesio. Tik turint informacijos apie kaimo žmonių gyvensenos ypatumus, i ėliau galima kurti ir taikyti įvairias kaimo žmonėms skirtas kūno kultūros veiklos programas. Tai ir lėmė mūsų tyrimą, kurio tikslas buvo nustatyti kaimo moterų mankštinimosi motyvų ir galimybių ypatumus. Tiriamąją imtį sudarė 405 kaimo moterys, paklausančios Lietuvos ūkininkių draugijai ir atsitiktiniu tikimybiniu būdu parinktos iš visos Lietuvos apskričių. Tyrimai vyko anketinės apklausos būdu pagal mūsų parengtą klausimyną, kuriame buvo pateikti 54 klausimai apie požiūrį į kūno kultūrą, galimybes užsiimti šia veikla laisvalaikiu. Gauti rezultatai parodė, kad daugiau kaip pusė visų tiriamųjų domisi kūno kultūra. Svarbiausi nurodyti mankštinimosi motyvai yra: sveikatos gerinimas ir noras sustiprėti fiziškai. Tačiau motyvų išskyrimo svarbą diferencijavo ir socialiniai bei demografiniai rodikliai. Jaunesnės tiriamosios dažniau nurodė išvaizdos gerinimo ir svorio kontrolės motyvus, o vyresnės - norą gerinti sveikatą, sustiprėti fiziškai bei atsipalaiduoti nuo darbų. Be to, nustatyta, kad didelį poveikį tiriamosioms darytų tai, jog kūno kultūros veikla kartu užsiimtų kiti šeimos nariai ir draugai.One can find an attitude in our society that physical culture is one of the most important conditions for personality's emotional welfare. There was also some research carried out, but in Lithuanian villages there is still not enough consideration about physical culture. Research can create and help to applic various programs of physical activity only in case it is enough information about peculiarities of life of rural inhabitants. We feel shortage of theoretical and empirical research in this field, thus the aim of our research was to identify motives and possibilities of rural women for exercising. We interviewed 405 rural women, who are members of Association of female farmers. Using questionnaire (54 questions) survey, the standpoint of rural women and their possibilities for exercising during leisure time were investigated. According to the results of research more than half of interviewed women are interested in physical activity because of health motives. The difference was determined by peculiarities of social and demographics factors -junior respondents prefer exterior and weight loss motives for exercising, senior women - robust health and relaxation motives. Purposeful support from family members or even exercising together supposed to have a great influence for respondents

    Comparative analyses of attitudes towards purposeful prenatal baby education of pregnant women from Kaunas and Milan Rho

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    According to R. T. Mercer (2001), motherhood of all social roles covers the widest scale of social attitudes, expectations and behavior models and reflects stages of human development...[Visą santraukos tekstą skaitykite spustelėję interneto prieigos nuorodą]

    Comparative analyses of attitudes towards purposeful prenatal baby education of pregnant women from Kaunas and Milan Rho

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    Straipsnyje atskleidžiamas būsimosios mamos emocinis, psichologinis, fizinis santykis su vaiku įsčioseAccording to R. T. Mercer (2001), motherhood of all social roles covers the widest scale of social attitudes, expectations and behavior models and reflects stages of human developmentLietuvos sporto universiteta

    Health-related physical activity of 5—11th grade students from Lithuanian cities

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    Research aim was to establish the spread of health-related physical activity among the 5—11th grade students living in Lithuanian cities. The research was carried out in April, 2005, in five Lithuanian cities (Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai, and Panevėžys). The sample size in the gender and age groups of 11—18 year old students was calculated according to the data of Lithuanian population census of 2001. The schools were selected at random. The students according to the grades at schools were selected applying the convenience sampling. Thus, the sample for the analysis of health-related fitness consisted of 1636 students. Physical activity (PA) of students was established using the modified international physical activity questionnaire (IPAQ). Students experiencing health enhancing physical activity were those who were involved in moderate physical activity, the duration of which was 60 minutes, and the frequency — every day. Due to insufficient physical activity other students were at risk of being in poor health (WHO, 2003). The questionnaire survey was carried out by five groups of researchers with special qualifications. Methods of statistical analysis: frequency and percentage of variables, means of variables, standard deviations, t criterion, chi square criterion, confidence intervals, Spearman’s correlation coefficient of ranks, Somers’s d coefficient. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS and Excel programs. Conclusions: Health-related physical activity... [to full text

    Alternation of teenagers' opinion about parents' attitude toward children's physical activity in age aspect

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    Teenagers’ opinions about parents’ attitudes to children’s physical activity (PA) researche is important and help eliminate the causes which restrict their physical activity. The aim of the research was to determine alternation of the 11-17-year-old teenagers’ opinion about parents’ attitudes to children’s physical activity. The research was carried out in five biggest Lithuanian cities (Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai and Panevėžys). The selection of pupils according to school and classes was random. 1704 pupils were tested during the final testing in the biggest Lithuanian cities. Questionnaire (parents’ attitudes toward children’s physical activity) were prepared and approved by the study authors (Gaižauskienė et al., 2008). The results showed that there were significant differences between different-ages pupils’ views to their parents’ attitudes toward their PA in their free time. It appeared that younger (11-14 y.) pupils were encouraged to be physically active and they were explained the PA effects on health by their parents more often whereas older (15-17 y.) pupils only partially supported this assertion (p < 0.001).Comparing 11-14-year-old pupils’ opinions with 15-17-year-old ones’, younger children claimed that parents mostly encouraged children to be PA by buying the necessary equipment (p < 0.001), encouraging to be in the fresh air (p < 0.001), spending more money on various sports sections (p < 0.001) and showing their personal example (p < 0.001). According to teenagers, the reasons limiting family PA were those: lack of desire (p < 0.001) and lack of money (p < 0.001). It was more often mentioned by 15-17-year-old teenagers than 11-14-years-old ones

    Tėvų auklėjimo stiliaus skirtumai atsižvelgiant į paauglių lytį ir amžių

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    Every family has its own parenting style that transfers to the child values, behavior models, social skills, etc. The data shows that children's adaptation to the social environment depends on parents' behaviour with him. R. Žukauskienė (2003) reported that through rearing style parents convey their attitude to their child. The study examines if there are any differences among mother's and father's parenting styles (emotional warmth, over-protection and rejection) depending on adolescents' gender and age. In the study 2916 schoolchildren from grades 5 to 10 participated. The sample was made of pupils from major cities of Lithuania: Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai, Panevėžys. Parental rearing was assessed using the Lithuanian version of EMBU ("My memories of upbringing", Arrindell, Sanavio, Aguilar et al., 1999). The carried out research shows that there are differences between parenting style evaluations and genders of respondents. It came out that emotional warmth of mother and father manifests more for girls than boys. Results showed that boys more ofen suffer emotional rejection and over-protection from mother and father than girls do

    Aštuonių - vienuolikos metų amžiaus vaikų, turinčių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių, emocijų ir elgesio savybių raiškos vertinimas jų pačių, tėvų ir mokytojų požiūriu

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    The article analyses emotional and behavioural characteristics of 8-11 year-old children with special education needs integrated into general education schools in Raseiniai region from their own, their parents and teachers viewpoint. The survey involved 112 pupils with special education needs aged 8-11, their parents and teachers. Emotional and behavioural characteristics of the subjects were evaluated using Parent Rating Scales, Teacher Rating Scales and Self- Report of Personality for Ages 8-11 of Behaviour Assessment System for Children BASC-2 (Reynolds, R. Kamphaus, W., 2004). The following scales were scored: School problems, Internalizing problems, Inattention/Hyperactivity, and Personal Adjustment. The study results revealed that self-reporting scores of emotional and behavioural characteristics of surveyed children with special needs were within the limits of the average, i.e. they correspond with the typical condition specific to the majority of children of this age group. Parent and teacher rating scores in all assessed areas were far more negative than the scores of children

    Assessment of emotional and behaviour disorders of girls living in restricted environment and intervention strategies through physical activity

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    Background. Students with emotional and behavioural disorders (EBD) represent one of the most challenging groups not only to provide effective educational services, but often present complex challenges for schools, families, and society. There is a lack of information about concrete research-based interventions and practices which could be helpful for delinquent students with EBD to cope with problem behaviour more effectively. The aim of the study was to assess the emotional and behaviour disorders of girls living in socialization centres and to review intervention strategies for changing behaviour through physical activity. Methods. The study was conducted in two Children Socialization Centres where 50 girls aged 12–18 are housed following the decision of Child Welfare Commission. Behaviour Assessment System for Children (BASC-2), a Self-Report Personality Scale was used to find out emotional and behavioural disorders of girls. Results. Analysis of our study results reveals that the girls with delinquent behaviour living in CSC show the risk of having problems in school, high level of social stress, anxiety, sense of inadequacy, atypicality, attention problems, hyperactivity and lower levels of self-esteem, self-reliance, interpersonal relations. The results support the conclusions of other studies which found significant relations between EBD students and weak levels of social skills, self-esteem and self-efficacy, cooperation. Conclusion. Sport and physical activity settings are effective intervention setting for creation, practicing and maintenance of pro-social behaviour and emotion managing; furthermore those skills could be transferred to community settings in everyday life. The best education setting for EBD students could be provided in inclusive environment, where the positive behaviour skills could be copied and maintained