75 research outputs found

    Welcoming a UN special rapporteur to the Online Human Rights Choir

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    The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) will soon appoint a special rapporteur to investigate the right to privacy in the digital age. LSE alumna Anri van der Spuy, now a fellow at the UN Secretariat of the IGF and her colleague Carl Gahnberg (who both write here in a personal capacity that does not reflect the views of the IGF) evaluate the contemporary relevance of this thematic mandate in light of a sampling of other recent developments that may have a bearing on the future of the Internet and human rights

    Syskonordning och personlighet : En kvantitativ studie relaterad till femfaktormodellen

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    Syskonrelationer Àr ett Àmne som de flesta individer kan relatera till. Det vanligaste antalet syskon i Sverige Àr tvÄ till tre. Enligt tidigare forskning gynnas förstfödda av sin position i syskonskaran nÀr det gÀller socioekonomiska utfall. Vidare ses förstfödda genom sin position förvÀrva högre grad av intelligens, men ocksÄ personlighetsdrag som anses vara eftertraktade pÄ arbetsmarknaden till exempel social förmÄga, uthÄllighet och initiativförmÄga. Denna studie undersöker om en individs position i syskonskaran har en pÄverkan pÄ mekanismen personlighet. Studien undersöker om skillnader föreligger mellan förstfödda och senare födda i personlighet enligt femfaktormodellens mÄtt; grad av öppenhet, grad av utÄtriktning, grad av samarbetsvillighet, grad av samvetsgrannhet och grad av emotionell instabilitet. Endast ett fÄtal studier har undersökt syskonordning och personlighet enligt femfaktormodellen och dÀrmed bidrar denna undersökning till forskningen. Studien baseras pÄ ett nationellt stickprovsdata frÄn LevnadsnivÄundersökningen 2010, med ett urval om 2157 individer. Individerna ingÄr i en syskonskara om tvÄ till tre och utgör ett avgrÀnsat urval.   Resultaten indikerar att det inte förekommer nÄgra signifikanta skillnader mellan förstfödda och senare födda individer i personlighet baserat pÄ positionen i syskonskaran

    Conditions for a European Public Sphere

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    A concern about the democratic legitimacy of the European Union is a frequent topic when discussing European integration. How can democratic principles be withheld when political power is delegated from the nation-state to a supranational level? Can democracy be secured beyond the nation-state? This thesis derives from a deliberative perspective, which emphasises the need for debate in democratic societies. From a deliberative perspective, the debate about the legitimacy of the European Union has had the wrong focus. From this view, the problem cannot be solved primarily trough the institutions. The solution is not of an institutional character but the development of a fundamental ingredient of democratic politics: a viable public sphere. The aim of this thesis is therefore to contribute to this research by assessing the conditions for the development of a European public sphere. This study focuses on opinion-makers capacity to affect the nature of the debate, specifically the role of political parties. The starting point is that political parties in their role of opinion-makers can affect the nature of the debate by how the EU is conceptualized. Using idealtypes, an analytical framework is developed and applied to Swedish political parties election platforms and manifestos in the 2009 European Parliament Election. The analysis shows that there are two various conceptualisations of the EU among the Swedish political parties. Based on the assumption that these conceptualisations affect the incentives for transnational debate I conclude through these results that there are obstacles for this to occur

    Ett tandvĂ„rdsperspektiv pĂ„ förebyggande och hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande verksamhet – exempel pĂ„ kariesprevention frĂ„n VĂ€stra Götaland

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    Under 1900-talet har utvecklingen gÄtt frÄn att i stort sett alla hade karies till att mÄnga idag Àr helt friska. TyvÀrr har ocksÄ en ojÀmn fördelning av kariessjukdomen blivit allt tydligare. Denna positiva utveckling av munhÀlsan Àr ett resultat av framgÄngsrika insatser men har ocksÄ pÄverkat tandvÄrdens verksamhet. FrÄn att siktet varit instÀllt pÄ att borra bort sjukdomen har ett preventivt och hÀlsofrÀmjande synsÀtt kompletterat synen pÄ symtomatisk behandling. Exempel pÄ förebyggande insatser beskrivs utifrÄn olika Äldrar. Vikten av register för att följa hÀlsoutvecklingen och kunna utvÀrdera insatta ÄtgÀrder lyfts fram. I framtiden Àr samverkan mellan olika professioner inom hÀlso- och sjukvÄrden samt inom skola och omsorg angelÀgen. Samverkan kan med fördel riktas till utsatta grupper med ett holistiskt och salutogent anslag.  During the 20th century, the incidence of dental caries changed dramatically; from almost a 100 percent prevalence to a majority of people being caries-free. However, what has become evident is the uneven distribution of the disease. This development towards a population with less dental caries influences how the dental care sector is organized but is also a result of successful efforts within the sector. The thought that caries could be cured by drilling has been replaced by a preventive and health promotive way of thinking. Preventive actions aimed towards different age groups is here described, and the importance of assessing and evaluating the interventions is highlighted. In the future, an interprofessional cooperation between the health, school and care sector is important and could preferably be aimed towards groups with low socioeconomic status using holistic and salutogenic approaches

    Institutional path dependence: The price of Fairtrade?

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    Fairtrade has become a familiar trademark for most consumers in the developed world and represents an option for the buyer to purchase a product that has been certified to follow the ethical standards of ”fair” trade. This branding has received much critique over the last years concerning Fairtrade's ability to improve the lives of small producers in the developing world. This thesis derives from the theories developed within New Institutional Economics (NIE), which emphasizes the understanding of institutions development as a key factor for analyzing long-term economic growth. By constructing an analytical framework of institutional change this thesis theoretically analyses the impact of Fairtrade’s policies on local credit markets. It concludes that the impact of Fairtrade is highly dependent on the initial conditions and could both increase and lower the incentives of changing the institutional framework
