17 research outputs found

    Access and retention of girls in basic education in Rwanda: an exploration of stakeholder’s views and perspectives

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    The focus of this work is an exploration of issues related to poor access and retention of girls across the Nine Year Basic Education (9YBE) level in Rwanda. This was accomplished through analysis of stakeholders’ views and perspectives, informed by a constructivist ontological perspective and interpretative methodological stance. Specifically, through interviews and conversations, the research, sought to explore different experiences, ideas, attitudes and views held by stakeholders in the educational up-take by girls. These stakeholders groups included the educationist group (Headteachers, Teachers, and Education Officers), NGO group (FAWE and Community Women Organizations - CWO), Parent group (Parents in general and Parents on schools’ PTAs), Learner group (pupils in school) and Girl dropout group (girls who had dropped out of school). This study sought to explore the stakeholders’ perspectives on the main barriers to girls’ access and retention across the 9YBE, where accountability lay for keeping girls in school, and proposed strategies for ensuring gender equity in education. The thesis is introduced from a geographical and an historical perspective as the context of the education provision in Rwanda. A literature review considers the challenges and solutions to girls’ education provision and through this a conceptual framework is developed around equity and equality issues from which the research questions are formulated with respect to Rwanda. Following this the research design, methodology, data collection techniques and analysis are discussed. My constructivist methodology and interpretive-epistemological stance highlights the use of qualitative data mainly based on interviews. In findings I show that issues regarding poor access and retention of girls in school revolve around economic challenges and associated household poverty, school based challenges, traditional and cultural gendered beliefs and the positioning of girls in the Rwandan society and argue that these challenges have been accentuated by effects of the 1994 genocide that are still manifest today. I also argue that there is a serious lack of accountability for keeping girls in school, and that the decentralised education provision has sustained gender discrimination which is heightened among the poor. This signals the emergence of a class divide between those who are lucky enough to go to school, study and complete and those who do not. My analysis also indicates that issues of girls’ poor access and retention in education revolve also around the lasting effects of war and genocide that Rwanda experienced 18 years ago. This has been accentuated by deep rooted family poverty that informs gendered choices on who goes to school under difficult circumstances. I show the implications of the conflict for current educational up-take and argue that in the Rwandan context there is a need for more informed and innovative work to solve the problems in addition to solutions suggested by interviewees that are mainly centred on the urgent need for government to eradicate poverty seen as a major setback to girls’ education uptake. This study contributes to the contemporary debates in Rwanda, about whether or not the government is doing enough to ensure girls’ access and full participation in 9YBE. It also illuminates stakeholder perspectives on this contested debate on how best girls’ education may be provided to solve the current low uptake and the ways forward. As this research was conducted in Rwanda, a post-conflict country, it also contributes to an understanding of issues that face girls’ schooling in post genocide conditions. Further, this study makes an addition to the limited stock of educational research in Sub-Saharan African nations

    The socio-economic impacts of the genocide and current developments in Rwanda : case studies of the towns of Butare and Cyangugu.

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    Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2008.World history has been punctuuted by cycles of violence, regardless of time, region or race. Genocide. which is the worst form of violence has always led to horrible impacts of a social, economic and environmental nature. The last decade of the 20th Century was the most turbulent Rwanda has ever seen. The country was ravaged by civil war,genocide, mass migration. economic crisis. diseases, return of refugees and deforestation. Almost all Rwandan families were affected wherever they were and at multiple levels, by outcomes such as death, disease, disability, poverty, loss of dignity and imprisonment. Fortunately, the people of Rwanda have chosen the path of peace. but arc still faced with a huge task of dealiing with the impacts or the genocide and prior conflicts in the region. This dissertation attempts to investigate the socio-economic impacts of the genocide on current development in Rwanda using primClry and secondary data obtained from fieldwork undertaken in Cyangugu and Rutare Towns. The conceptual basis for the study was the Geography of Conflict, The general conclusion reached was that the causes and consequences of the Rwandan genocide are multidimensional. The Rwandan genocide did not originate from the "ancient hatred" between Hutu and Tutsi ethnic groups, but from the manipulation of history and bad leadership. Also. the main impacts of genocide in Rwanda are the destruction of human resources. social and cultural structures in the country, especially the relationship between the Hutus and Tutsis ethnic groups. In the same way the genocide resulted in destruction of infrastructure. development facilities and natural resources, However. the effort for reconstruction and development undertaken after the genocide shows that rcconciliation is possible in long term despite what happened. The lasting solution for Rwanda is definitely national reconciliation and its success will depend mainly on good governance, human resource development and poverty alleviation

    Environmental causes and impacts of the genocide in Rwanda: Case studies of the towns of Butare and Cyangugu

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    The history of the world has always been punctuated by cycles of violence,regardless of time, region or race. Genocide, which is one of the worst forms of violence, has always led to horrific socio-economic and environmental impacts. The last decade of the 20th century was the most turbulent Rwanda has ever experienced in its history. The country was ravaged by civil war, genocide, mass migrations, economic crisis, diseases, return of refugees and environmental destruction. Rwandan families were affected by and are still dealing with impacts such as death, disease, disability, poverty, loss of dignity and imprisonment. This paper uses a geographical perspective, more specifically the geography of conflict, to assess the environmental causes and impacts of the genocide in Rwanda, more than a decade after the genocide. Primary data used in this article were obtained from fieldwork undertaken in Cyangugu and Butare Towns, case studies chosen not only because of their particular history before,  during and after the genocide but also because of their heterogeneous population and physical landscapes. Empirical evidence obtained and secondary data sources indicate that the genocide in Rwanda destroyed not only human resources and social and cultural structures but also infrastructure, development facilities and natural resources which had serious negative consequences on the total environment

    Marketing development: from profit to no profit

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    reservedIl marketing ù oramai una costante in continuo sviluppo in qualsiasi genere di attività, da quelle con dei ritorni economici importanti, fino alle organizzazioni di ente benefica. Per questo ù interessante capire come si sia formato ed evoluto il marketing nell'era digitale e come sono cambiate le tecniche di vendita prendendo in considerazione la relazione che intercorre tra le organizzazioni con scopo di lucro e gli enti benefici. Questo elaborato tratta esattamente questi temi: capire quali sono le differenze tra organizzazioni profit e no profit; quali tecniche di vendita vengono applicati in entrambi i settori; capire se le regole di marketing cambiano in base al tipo di obiettivo aziendale; verrà inoltre spiegato il tipo di legame presente tra organizzazioni profit e no profit (Cause Related Marketing) e quali sono i suoi vantaggi; per finire l’elaborato presenterà alcune interviste mirate ad avere un’ottica interna al settore.Marketing is now an ever-developing constant in all kinds of businesses, from those with significant financial returns to charitable organizations. That is why it is interesting to understand how marketing has formed and evolved in the digital age and how sales techniques have changed by considering the relationship between for-profit and charitable organizations. This paper deals with exactly these issues: understanding what are the differences between for-profit and nonprofit organizations; what sales techniques are applied in both sectors; understanding whether marketing rules change according to the type of business objective; the type of link present between for-profit and nonprofit organizations (Cause Related Marketing) and what are its advantages will also be explained; and finally the paper will present some interviews aimed at having an inside view of the sector

    Analisys on the role of hygrogen in the decarbonisation of harder to abate sectors

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    openVerrĂ  trattato come e se convenga decarbonizzare vari settori con l'idrogen

    Building trust in multi-stakeholder collaborations for new product development in the digital transformation era

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    Purpose: The study aims to explore the critical approaches adopted by innovative organizations and to build an environment of trust between the multiple stakeholders collaborating for new product development (NPD). Design/methodology/approach: A qualitative research approach is adopted in this study. Fifteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with experts from the wood product industry in Quebec, Canada. These organizations have successfully adopted the latest technological developments and have developed a strong collaboration with their stakeholders. Findings: The study identified eleven strategies for the innovative organizations that included early involvement of the stakeholders in the design process, developing long-term relationships and fostering a transparent environment using Industry 4.0 technologies. A novel framework for using this strategy is presented with three stages of application, namely, planning, enactment and review. Practical implications: Inter-organizational collaborations in NPD are more successful when imbued with trust. The NPD strategies must allow innovative organizations to achieve a balanced ecosystem in which value created through the adaption of new technology can be thoroughly captured through commercialization on time with no field failure. Originality/value: The study adds to the body of knowledge in stakeholder theory and NPD research and practice. 2020, Emerald Publishing Limited.Scopu