405 research outputs found

    The avian olfactory system and hippocampus: Complementary roles in the olfactory and visual guidance of homing pigeon navigation

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    : The homing pigeon is the foundational model species used to investigate the neural control of avian navigation. The olfactory system is critically involved in implementing the so-called olfactory map, used to locate position relative to home from unfamiliar locations. The hippocampal formation supports a complementary navigational system based on familiar visual landmarks. Insight into the neural control of pigeon navigation has been revolutionised by GPS-tracking technology, which has been crucial for both detailing the critical role of environmental odours for navigation over unfamiliar areas as well as offering unprecedented insight into the role of the hippocampal formation in visual landscape/landmark-based navigation, including a possible, unexpected role in visual-spatial perception

    Imaging of inner ear malformations: a primer for radiologists

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    In the multidisciplinary management of patients with inner ear malformations (IEMs), the correct diagnosis makes the differences in terms of clinical and surgical treatment. The complex anatomical landscape of the inner ear, comprising several small structures, makes imaging of this region particularly challenging for general radiologists. Imaging techniques are important for identifying the presence and defining the type of IEM and the cochlear nerve condition. High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences and high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) are the mainstay imaging techniques in this area. Dedicated MRI and HRCT protocols play an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with inner ear disease. The most suitable technique should be selected depending on the clinical setting. However, in cases of congenital malformation of the inner ear, these techniques should be considered complementary. Since prompt intervention has a positive impact on the treatment outcomes, early diagnosis of IEMs is very important in the management of deaf patients. This article reviews the key concepts of IEMs for clinical radiologists by focusing on recent literature updates, discusses the principal imaging findings and clinical implications for every IEM subgroup, thus providing a practical diagnostic approach

    Finding home: the final step of the pigeons' homing process studied with a GPS data logger

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    Experiments have shown that homing pigeons are able to develop navigational abilities even if reared and kept confined in an aviary, provided that they are exposed to natural winds. These and other experiments performed on inexperienced birds have shown that previous homing experiences are not necessary to determine the direction of displacement. While the cues used in the map process for orienting at the release site have been extensively investigated, the final step of the homing process has received little attention by researchers. Although there is general agreement on the relevance of visual cues in navigation within the home area, there is a lack of clear evidence. In order to investigate the final step of the homing process, we released pigeons raised under confined conditions and others that had been allowed to fly freely around the loft and compared their flight paths recorded with a Global-Positioning-System logger. Our data show that a limited view of the home area impairs the pigeons' ability to relocate the loft at their first homing flight, suggesting that the final step of the homing process is mediated via recognition of familiar visual landmarks in the home area

    Homing Pigeons Only Navigate in Air with Intact Environmental Odours: A Test of the Olfactory Activation Hypothesis with GPS Data Loggers

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    A large body of evidence has shown that anosmic pigeons are impaired in their navigation. However, the role of odours in navigation is still subject to debate. While according to the olfactory navigation hypothesis homing pigeons possess a navigational map based on the distribution of environmental odours, the olfactory activation hypothesis proposes that odour perception is only needed to activate a navigational mechanism based on cues of another nature. Here we tested experimentally whether the perception of artificial odours is sufficient to allow pigeons to navigate, as expected from the olfactory activation hypothesis. We transported three groups of pigeons in air-tight containers to release sites 53 and 61 km from home in three different olfactory conditions. The Control group received natural environmental air; both the Pure Air and the Artificial Odour groups received pure air filtered through an active charcoal filter. Only the Artificial Odour group received additional puffs of artificial odours until release. We then released pigeons while recording their tracks with 1 Hz GPS data loggers. We also followed non-homing pigeons using an aerial data readout to a Cessna plane, allowing, for the first time, the tracking of non-homing homing pigeons. Within the first hour after release, the pigeons in both the Artificial Odour and the Pure Air group (receiving no environmental odours) showed impaired navigational performances at each release site. Our data provide evidence against an activation role of odours in navigation, and document that pigeons only navigate well when they perceive environmental odours

    Conventional MRI-Derived Biomarkers of Adult-Type Diffuse Glioma Molecular Subtypes: A Comprehensive Review

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    The introduction of molecular criteria into the classification of diffuse gliomas has added interesting practical implications to glioma management. This has created a new clinical need for correlating imaging characteristics with glioma genotypes, also known as radiogenomics or imaging genomics. Although many studies have primarily focused on the use of advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques for radiogenomics purposes, conventional MRI sequences remain the reference point in the study and characterization of brain tumors. A summary of the conventional imaging features of glioma molecular subtypes should be useful as a tool for daily diagnostic brain tumor management. Hence, this article aims to summarize the conventional MRI features of glioma molecular subtypes in light of the recent literature

    Clinical and brain imaging findings in a child with vitamin B12 deficiency

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    Vitamin B12 (Vit-B12) deficiency is a rare and treatable cause of failure to thrive and delayed development in infants who are exclusively breastfed. Apart from genetic causes, it can be related to a malabsorption syndrome or when the mother follows a strict vegetarian or vegan diet, causing a low hepatic storage of Vit-B12 in the infant at birth. As the neurological symptoms are nonspecific, a brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) exam is usually performed to rule out primary causes of neurodevelopmental delay. Findings related to brain atrophy are usually observed. A favorable response is achieved with Vit-B12 therapy, and neurological symptoms dramatically improve within a few days after the treatment. We present the case of an infant with severe Vit-B12 deficiency, exclusively breastfed by his young vegan mother, and whose clinical symptoms together with MRI findings improved after treatment. Brain atrophy recovery after Vit-B12 therapy has been seldom documented

    Isolated, subtle, neurological abnormalities in neurologically and cognitively healthy aging subjects

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    The aim of this study is to describe the frequency of isolated, subtle, neurological abnormalities (ISNAs) in a large population of neurologically and cognitively healthy subjects and to compare ISNAs to various types of MRI-detected cerebrovascular lesions and subcortical brain atrophy in different age classes. 907 subjects were selected from a large, prospective hospital-based study. At baseline neurological examination, 17 ISNAs were selected. Primitive reflexes were the most common ISNAs (35.8 %), while dysphagia was the most rarely encountered (0.3 %). Measures of small vessel disease, i.e., deep and subcortical white matter hyperintensity and lacunar infarcts as well as subcortical atrophy, were variously associated with ISNAs. In the adult group, the ISNAs were associated with hypertriglyceridemia, TIA, and subcortical lacunar infarcts, while in the elderly-old group they were associated with arterial hypertension, subcortical white matter hyperintensity, and subcortical atrophy. An increased risk of ISNAs was associated with lacunae and white matter hyperintensity in the parietal region. This study shows that white matter hyperintensity, lacunae, and subcortical atrophy are associated with an increased risk of ISNAs in cognitively and neurologically healthy aging subjects. ISNAs are not benign signs. Therefore, adults and elderly people presenting with ISNAs should have access to accurate history and diagnosis to prevent progression of small vessel disease and future neurological and cognitive disabilities

    Olfactory lateralization in homing pigeons: a GPS study on birds released with unilateral olfactory inputs

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    A large body of evidence has shown that pigeons rely on an olfactory-based navigational map when homing from unfamiliar locations. Previous studies on pigeons released with one nostril occluded highlighted an asymmetry in favour of the right nostril, particularly concerning the initial orientation performance of naïve birds. Nevertheless, all pigeons experiencing only unilateral olfactory input showed impaired homing, regardless of the side of the occluded nostril. So far this phenomenon has been documented only by observing the birds’ vanishing bearings. In the present work we recorded the flight tracks of pigeons with previous homing experience equipped with a GPS data logger and released from an unfamiliar location with the right or the left nostril occluded. The analysis of the tracks revealed that the flight path of the birds with the right nostril occluded was more tortuous than that of unmanipulated controls. Moreover, the pigeons smelling with the left nostril interrupted their journey significantly more frequently and displayed more exploratory activity than the control birds, e.g. during flights around a stopover site. These data suggest a more important involvement of the right olfactory system in processing the olfactory information needed for the operation of the navigational map

    GPS tracking technology and re-visiting the relationship between the avian visual Wulst and homing pigeon navigation

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    : Within their familiar areas homing pigeons rely on familiar visual landscape features and landmarks for homing. However, the neural basis of visual landmark-based navigation has been so far investigated mainly in relation to the role of the hippocampal formation. The avian visual Wulst is the telencephalic projection field of the thalamofugal pathway that has been suggested to be involved in processing lateral visual inputs that originate from the far visual field. The Wulst is therefore a good candidate for a neural structure participating in the visual control of familiar visual landmark-based navigation. We repeatedly released and tracked Wulst-lesioned and control homing pigeons from three sites about 10-15 km from the loft. Wulst lesions did not impair the ability of the pigeons to orient homeward during the first release from each of the three sites nor to localise the loft within the home area. In addition, Wulst-lesioned pigeons displayed unimpaired route fidelity acquisition to a repeated homing path compared to the intact birds. However, compared to control birds, Wulst-lesioned pigeons displayed persistent oscillatory flight patterns across releases, diminished attention to linear (leading lines) landscape features, such as roads and wood edges, and less direct flight paths within the home area. Differences and similarities between the effects of Wulst and hippocampal lesions suggest that although the visual Wulst does not seem to play a direct role in the memory representation of a landscape-landmark map, it does seem to participate in influencing the perceptual construction of such a map
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