1,885 research outputs found

    Narrativas turísticas de paisagens escravistas: práticas de memória na interpretação do patrimônio cultural do Vale do Paraíba, SP

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    This text analyzes the tourist narratives as remembrance practices, discussing their relevance in the acknowledgement of the role of the enslaved African population in the social construction of Brazilian historical cities and its heritage. The present study is concentrated on the Historic Valley, located between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, whose history is marked by the coffee plantations and the massive presence of enslaved Africans and their descendants in the 19th century. By analyzing visits offered by coffee farms converted into tourist sites, it can be observed how the slavery institution and the presence and individuality of the enslaved are either minimized or invisibilized in these tourist programs, notwithstanding the extension, the productivity and the number of enslaved Africans being enormous in this region. The work is related to the project Tourism, Heritage and Social Development in the Paulista Historic Valley, São Paulo, developed at the University of São Paulo and funded by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq.O texto analisa as narrativas turísticas como práticas de memória, discutindo sua relevância no reconhecimento do papel dos negros escravizados na construção social de cidades históricas brasileiras e seus patrimônios. O estudo se concentra no Vale Histórico, localizado entre Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo, cuja história esteve marcada pela lavoura cafeeira e pela presença maciça de escravizados africanos e seus descendentes no século XIX. A partir da análise de visitas oferecidas em fazendas cafeeiras convertidas para uso turístico, observa-se como a instituição da escravidão, a presença e a individualidade dos escravizados são minimizadas ou invisibilizadas nestes programas turísticos, não obstante a extensão, a produtividade e o contingente de negros escravizados tenham sido enormes nessa região. O trabalho é um recorte dos resultados da pesquisa Turismo, Patrimônio e Desenvolvimento Social no Vale Histórico Paulista, desenvolvida na Universidade de São Paulo e financiada pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)

    Helicobacter pylori and Epstein-Barr virus infection in gastric diseases: Correlation with IL-10 and IL1RN polymorphism.

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    Introduction: Helicobacter pylori and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection have recently 23 been shown to be associated with gastric diseases. Polymorphisms in genes encoding 24 cytokines such as interleukin 10 (IL-10) and interleukin 1 Receptor (IL-1RN) influence 25 cytokine secretion levels and appear to contribute to the risk of developing gastroduodenal 26 diseases. 27 To our knowledge, this is the first preliminary study to address the association of 28 coinfection with H. pylori and EBV and their correlation with genetic predisposition in the 29 development of gastric diseases. 30 Methods: Gastric biopsy samples of 96 patients with different gastric diseases were used. 31 Results: Our results showed that the rate of co-infection was higher in patients with 32 gastric cancer than in patients with normal gastric mucosa, active chronic gastritis and 33 MALT lymphoma. As regards the characterization of H. pilory strains, the 34 polymorphism s1m1i1 of vacA gene was more frequent in patients with MALT 35 Lymphoma in comparison to others, while the polymorphism s2m2i2 was most 36 frequent in patients with normal gastric mucosa. In addition, patients who tested 37 positivefor the cagA gene were more frequently those affected with gastric cancer than 38 those with inactive chronic gastritis. Similarly, the patients with oipA gene ON were more 39 frequently those with gastric cancer than those with inactive chronic gastritis. 40 Conclusion: According to our analysis, there was no correlation between coinfection 41 and polymorphisms in genes encoding IL-10 and IL-1RN. We conclude that various 42 factors can be involved in the development of gastric diseases

    Resonant electron heating and molecular phonon cooling in single C60_{60} junctions

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    We study heating and heat dissipation of a single \c60 molecule in the junction of a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) by measuring the electron current required to thermally decompose the fullerene cage. The power for decomposition varies with electron energy and reflects the molecular resonance structure. When the STM tip contacts the fullerene the molecule can sustain much larger currents. Transport simulations explain these effects by molecular heating due to resonant electron-phonon coupling and molecular cooling by vibrational decay into the tip upon contact formation.Comment: Accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    Custo de produção do milho de verão adubado com lodo de esgoto

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi calcular o custo de produção do milho de verão fertilizado com lodo de esgoto. O milho foi cultivado com preparo reduzido de solo em experimento instalado no ano agrícola 2001/2002 na Fazenda de Ensino e Pesquisa da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias/UNESP, Câmpus de Jaboticabal, em área de 1/16 de hectare e solo LVef. Aplicou-se 10 t ha-1 de lodo de esgoto obtido por tratamento com polímero. A matriz econômica foi montada de acordo com o modelo de custos de produção adotado pelo Instituto de Economia Agrícola da Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento do Estado de São Paulo. Para os cálculos, utilizaram-se os preços vigentes no mercado no ano agrícola correspondente. Com o emprego do Excel foram obtidos os custos operacionais, efetivo (COE) e total (COT). O COE do milho de verão adubado com lodo de esgoto foi de RR R80,90 e o COT foi de R96,76paraaaˊreaexperimental.Inthisstudy,weevaluatedthecostofcornproductionfertilizedwithsewagesludge.Thecornwascultivatedonaminimaltillagetreatmentinafieldexperiment.Thetrialwascarriedoutduring2001/2002,setuponanoxisolareaof1/16ha(Jaboticabalcity,Lat:21.15SLong:48.17W).Theamountof10t.ha1ofsewagesludgewasappliedup,whichwasobtainedbypolymertreatment.TheeconomicmatrixwaspreparedaccordingtoproductioncostsmodeladoptedbyInstitutodeEconomiaAgrıˊcolaofSecretariadeAgriculturaeAbastecimentodoEstadodeSa~oPaulo.Thecalculationswerebasedonthemarketpricesfortheabovemetionedyears,andthevaluesoftheeffectiveoperatinalcostandthetotaloperatinalcostwereR96,76 para a área experimental. In this study, we evaluated the cost of corn production fertilized with sewage sludge. The corn was cultivated on a minimal tillage treatment in a field experiment. The trial was carried out during 2001/2002, set up on an oxisol area of 1/16 ha (Jaboticabal city, Lat: 21.15S - Long: 48.17W). The amount of 10 t.ha-1 of sewage sludge was applied up, which was obtained by polymer treatment. The economic matrix was prepared according to production costs model adopted by Instituto de Economia Agrícola of Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento do Estado de São Paulo. The calculations were based on the market prices for the above-metioned years, and the values of the effective operatinal cost and the total operatinal cost were R 80.90 and R$ 96.76, respectively, for field experiment.chave: custos operacionais, biossólido, fertilização, operational costs, biosolid, fertilizer, Crop Production/Industries,

    Conociendo al perro cimarrón uruguayo

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    La publicación de este libro fue realizada con el apoyo de la Comisión Sectorial de Investigación Científica (CSIC) de la Universidad de la República. El trabajo que se presenta fue seleccionado por el Comité de Referato de Publicaciones de la Facultad de Veterinaria integrado por Luis Barros, José Luis Repetto y Celia Tasende.Capítulo 1. Primeros estudios de genética molecular en el perro cimarrón uruguayo / Silvia Llambí Dellacasa -- Capítulo 2. Estructura poblacional en el perro cimarrón uruguayo / Rosa Gagliardi, Silvia Llambí -- Capítulo 3. Caracterización racial del perro cimarrón / Gabriel E. Fernández de Sierra, Beatriz E. Mernies Falcone -- Capítulo 4. Estudios genealógicos en la raza canina cimarrón uruguayo / Mónica Martínez, Eileen Armstrong -- Capítulo 5. Etología clínica canina, agresividad y el cimarrón uruguayo / Juan Pablo Damián, María Belino, Ruben Rijo, Paul Ruiz -- Capítulo 6. Estacionalidad y carácterísticas reproductivas en perras cimarronas, Danilo Fila -- Capítulo 7. Diagnóstico genético de las anomalías del desarrollo sexual en caninos / Rody Artigas, María Montenegro, Silvia Llambí -- Capítulo 8. Estudio ecocardiográfico en la raza cimarrón / Benech, Pisón, Sehabiaga, Jiménez, Rossi -- Capítulo 9. Estudios farmacogenéticos en el perro cimarrón uruguayo / Rosa Gagliardi, Silvia Llambí -- Capítulo 10. Razas caninas españolas / M. Victoria Arruga Laviña, José Ignacio Bonafonte Zaragozano

    Estudios preliminares de la estructura genética del perro cimarrón uruguayo usando microsatélites

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    Analizar la estructura poblacional en una muestra de perros “Cimarrón Uruguayo” usando marcadores moleculares tipo microsatélites. Materiales y métodos. Se analizaron treinta caninos de diferentes zonas de Uruguay con un set de nueve marcadores moleculares microsatélites empleando PCR. La estructura poblacional se analizó con el software de distribución libre “Structure”. Resultados. Según nuestros datos, los resultados preliminares muestran que no es posible establecer una subdivisión entre los animales de la muestra. Conclusiones. El estudio realizado apoya la hipótesis de que los perros que existen en la actualidad derivan del núcleo fundador que se refugió en la región noreste del país. La distribución de la raza entre las distintas áreas de Uruguay continúa hoy en día, no existe aislamiento entre los diferentes grupos de animales y el intercambio es constante

    PCDH19 mutations in female patients from Southern Italy

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    AbstractPurposeMutations in PCDH19, encoding protocadherin 19 on chromosome X, cause familial epilepsy and mental retardation limited to females or Dravet-like syndrome. We wished to explore the causative role of PCDH19 gene (Xq22) in female patients with epilepsy, from Southern Italy.MethodsDirect sequencing of PCDH19 gene was conducted in 31 unrelated female patients with early onset (<1 year of age) epilepsy and a wide spectrum of phenotypes including febrile seizures, focal and generalized forms, with either sporadic or familial distribution.ResultsWe identified two de novo heterozygous novel mutations of PCDH19 gene (p.Arg550Pro, Ile508ProfsX59) in two of 31 unrelated female patients. We also identified a novel silent mutation p.Ser856=.ConclusionsThe present findings confirm that PCDH19 is a major causative gene for infantile onset familial or sporadic epilepsy in female patients with or without mental retardation

    Acción de la 5'azacitidina en cromosomas de células linfocitarias de bovinos

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    La azacitidina (5–azaC) es una sustancia que actúa inhibiendo la metilación del ADN, es utilizada en experiencias de clonación, transgénesis por transferencia nuclear y estudios de fragilidad cromosómica. Se ha observado la manifestación de diversas patologías en animales domésticos nacidos de experiencias de clonación. Ellas estarían asociadas a una inexacta reprogramación nuclear relacionada con fenómenos epigenéticos de metilación del ADN. En el presente trabajo se realizó una curva de inducción con diferentes concentraciones finales de 5–azaC (0 uM, 5 uM, 10 uM, 20 uM, 50 uM y 70 uM) con el objetivo de estudiar los efectos sobre la estructura cromosómica en cultivos linfocitarios bovinos. Se utilizó la técnica de macrocultivo para análisis cromosómico a partir de sangre de un bovino macho (Bos taurus, Holstein Friesian). Se analizó un total de 50 placas metafásicas por tubo de cultivo y se encontraron diferencias significativas (p and lt;0.01) en cuanto a las fracturas del cromosoma X en el cultivo control frente al cultivo con mayor concentración de 5–azaC. El cromosoma Y no presentó fracturas. En los cultivos con concentraciones de 50 uM y 70 uM se observó descondensación cromosómica (12% y 16%) y fracturas centroméricas en autosomas (2% y 4%).Azacytidine (5–azaC) is a substance that inhibits the metilation of DNA, being used in cloning experiments, nuclear transference transgenesis and in chromosomal fragility studies. The manifestation of diverse pathologies has been observed in domestic animals born from cloning experiments. These would be associated to an incorrect nuclear reprogramation related to epigenetic metilation phenomena of the DNA. In the present work an induction curve with different final concentrations of 5–azaC (0 uM, 5 uM, 10 uM, 20 uM, 50 uM and 70 uM) were carried out, with the objective of studying the effects on chromosome structure in bovine lymphocyte cultures. The macroculture technique was used for chromosomic analysis, from a blood sample of a male bovine (Bos taurus, Holstein Friesian). A total of 50 metaphases were analyzed from each culture. Significative differences (p and lt;0.01) were found regarding the break points of chromosome X in the control culture with respect to the culture with higher concentration of 5–azaC. Chromosome Y did not show break points. The cultures with higher concentration of 5–azaC (50 uM and 70 uM) presented chromosomic decondensation (12% and 16%) and autosomic centromeric break points (2% and 4%)

    Regional monitoring plan for the detection of allergens in food from Campania Region. First year monitoring results

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    Food allergens are substances able to induce an abnormal immunological response in sensitive individuals. The presence of allergens in food must be reported in tables (Directive 2003/89/EC). In this study we report the data of a monitoring plan carried out in the Campania Region during the 2012 for the detection of allergens (ovoalbumin and β-lattoglobulin) in food of different origin. The analisys were performed by means of ELISA assays. The percentage of analyzes with the presence of allegens not declared on the label is 4.3%, out of a total of 208 analyzes. It is therefore important to continue monitoring activities by the competent Authorities

    Analysis of mdr1-1Δ mutation of MDR1 gene in the “Cimarron Uruguayo” dog

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    ABSTRACT Objective. The aim of this paper is to analyze the frequency of the mdr1-1D mutation of the MDR1 gene in a dog sample of the Uruguayan Cimarron breed with the objective of increasing the knowledge of this breed’s genome. Materials and methods. Thirty-six animals of this breed were analyzed. The MDR1 gene region, which includes the location where the mutation would be present, was amplified by PCR. Results. The mutation was not detected in any of the analyzed Uruguayan Cimarron. Conclusions. The lack of described ivermectin intoxication cases in veterinary clinic in this breed is explained by the lack of the mutation object of this study. The sequence studied in Cimarron dogs is kept compared to other breeds, except Collies and related breeds (Border Collie, Bearded Collie, Old English sheepdog)