6 research outputs found
New records of lichens and allied fungi from the Leningrad Region, Russia. VI
Eighteen species of lichens and five lichenicolous fungi are reported here for the Leningrad Region or Saint Petersburg. Of them, the lichens Absconditella delutula, Calogaya pusilla, Flavoplaca flavocitrina and Rinodina colobina are new for the North-Western European Russia, and the lichenicolous species Abrothallus parmeliarum, Diploschistes muscorum, Lichenochora cf. polycoccoides and Nieslia peltigericola – for the Leningrad Region; Cladonia novochlorophaea and Lichenodiplis lecanorae are reported for the first time for Saint Petersburg. The most noteworthy records are briefly discussed
The lichens of the northern shore of the Gulf of Finland in the limits of St. Petersburg, Russia – diversity on the edge of the megapolis
We present a lichen checklist for the northern shore of the Gulf of Finland in the limits of St. Petersburg, Russia. This area has diverse lichen biota within the city limits, and has been comprehensively studied since 1893, which gives a good base for analysis of historical changes in lichen diversity. The documented lichen biota comprises 469 species (430 lichenized, 24 lichenicolous, 3 facultatively lichenicolous, and 12 non-lichenized saprobic fungi), of them 191 species are known from herbaria and literature for the period before 1991, and 436 species were recorded since 1991 to 2019. Thirty-three taxa were excluded from the lichen list of the study area as erroneous or dubious records. Altogether 48 species are new to St. Petersburg, including: Lecidea malmeana and Micarea czarnotae – new to Russia; Caloplaca lucifuga, Gyalecta nigricans, Micarea soralifera – new to European Russia; Agonimia flabelliformis, Endococcus verrucosus, Lecania turicensis, Micarea fallax, M. tomentosa, Xanthomendoza huculica – new to Northwestern European Russia; Lichenoconium lichenicola, Ramalina europaea, Sarcogyne hypophaea – not known also from the Leningrad Region. The studied lichen biota is moderately rich compared to other city territories. The history of economic development of the region has caused its serious transformation, degradation of natural habitats and therefore partial loss of lichen diversity. At the same time, human-made substrates and anthropogenic plant communities are inhabited by lichens, including species unknown in the natural habitats of the study area. However, 44 species recorded in the study area are red-listed in St. Petersburg, with 13 of them known only from historical collections. Forest communities, as well as historical parks, in NW part of St. Petersburg are important source of biodiversity on regional level nowadays and hopefully in future, and deserve protection
New and rare lichens and allied fungi from the Novgorod Region, Russia
44 species of lichen-forming, lichenicolous and non-lichenized fungi are reported from the Novgorod Region, 34 of them are new to the region. Leptogium biatorinum is new to European Russia. Nephromopsis laureri is red-listed in Russian Federation and should be included in the Red Data Book of the Novgorod Region. Most noteworthy records are briefly discussed. Two species – Collema callopismum and Hertelidea botryosa – are excluded from the lichen list of the Novgorod Region
A new Nalassus Mulsant, 1854 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) from Transcaucasia with a key to species from the Greater Caucasus and notes on the taxonomy, distribution, bionomics and trophic relations
A brief well-illustrated review of the tenebrionid genus Nalassus Mulsant, 1854 from the Greater Caucasus is presented. A new species, N. (Caucasonotus) negrobovi Nabozhenko, sp. n. is described from the alpine zone of Abkhazia. This species is similar to N. dombaicus (Nabozhenko, 2000), N. adriani (Reitter, 1922) and N. alanicus (Nabozhenko, 2000), but differs in the structure of eyes, antennae, pronotum and elytral interstriae. The following new synonyms are proposed after examination of a series of beetles and type specimens: NalasÂsus dissonus Nabozhenko, 2001 = Nalassus lutshniki Nabozhenko, 2001, syn. n.; Nalassus colchicus madlenae Nabozhenko, 2013 = Nalassus kartvelius Nabozhenko, 2013, syn. n.; Helops cambyses Seidlitz, 1895 = Cylindronotus ahngeri Medvedev, 1998, syn. n. Keys to species from the Greater Caucasus on males and females are given. New data on bionomics, landscape and habitat distribution and trophic relations are given. Interesting patterns are observed at the level of ecological groups: forest species feed mainly on corticolous foliose lichens from the family Physciaceae Zahlbr., while alpine Nalassus use saxicolous foliose lichens from the family Parmeliaceae Zenker; steppe species feed on terricolous foliose lichens at least from the family Cladoniaceae Zenker
New records of lichens and allied fungi from the Leningrad region, Russia. VII
Fourteen species of lichens, fifteen lichenicolous fungi and one saprobic fungus are reported for the first time for St. Petersburg, Western or Eastern Leningrad Region. The lichen Lecidella meiococca and the lichenicolous fungus Tremella phaeophysciae are reported as new to Russia, the lichen Lecania sambucina and the lichenicolous fungus Endococcus tricolorans are new for the European Russia, the lichens Buellia arborea, Chaenotheca cinerea, Bellemerea sanguinea, resinicolous calicioid fungus Chaenothecopsis mediarossica and lichenicolous fungi Arthonia molendoi, Lichenochora obscuroides, Pronectria leptaleae, Sphaerellothecium cladoniae are new for the North-Western European Russia. The most interesting records are briefly discussed
Ninety-one species of lichens and allied fungi new to Latvia with a list of additional records from Kurzeme
The results of lichenological excursions of the 19th Symposium of Baltic Mycologists and Lichenologists (BMLS) in Latvia, Kurzeme region, 22–26 September 2014, are reported. A list of 290 species is presented, of which 238 are lichenized, 43 lichen-inhabiting, and nine saprotrophic fungi: ninety-one species are new to Latvia, twelve of which (Caloplaca duplicata, Cresporhaphis wienkampii, Ellisembia lichenicola, Gallowayella weberi, Gregorella humida, Lichenochora weillii, Parmelia serrana, Polycauliona phlogina, Reconditella physconiarum, Stictis brunnescens, Thelocarpon superellum, and Verrucaria tectorum) are also new for the Baltic States. Athallia alnetorum is reported here for the first time in northern Europe. The presence of Ochrolechia androgyna s. str., Athallia holocarpa and A. pyracea is confirmed for Latvia, and Parmelia submontana is reported as a new host for Homostegia piggotii