20 research outputs found

    Microstrip Coupled Band Pass Filter using Parallel Coupled Lines used for EMI Reduction

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    The use of BPF is in telecommunications wireless systems. The signal to be transmitted and which they are received are filtered at a center frequency having some significant bandwidth. This paper comprises a brief knowledge related to designing of a band pass filter (BPF) using microstrip parallel coupled line structure for reduction of noise and EMI. The band pass filter has a center frequency of 2.45GHz having less insertion loss and more than 20dB return loss in its pass band having more than 5% moderate bandwidth is successfully designed.The center frequency is selected such that it is mainly used in WLAN network or high speed wireless broadband is configured to transmit data voice and video IP because system requires more bandwidth. The layout is designed such that centre frequency is 2.45GHz with a fractional bandwidth of 200MHz and impedance resonator length of each coupled line is seperated such that impedance is adjusted to 50Ω exactly.Two sections are mainly given in design: two coupled lines distinguished by a non-uniform line resonator.The impedance resonators gives a separate resonance to obtain the passband region or response.The simulation is perform out on a HFSS software

    Study of infective morbidity following gynecological surgeries

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    Background: Post-operative wound infection is a common nosocomial infection all over the world. It is responsible for increase in physical and psychological stress to the patient. It also increases the cost of treatment due to prolonged hospitalization. Present study was carried to find out the post-operative wound infection, morbidity and the risk factors.Methods: Prospective cross sectional study was carried out at tertiary care teaching hospital for a period of six months. Consecutive 57 cases of surgical site infections (SSI) following obstetric and gynecological abdominal surgery were analyzed.Results: It was observed that the incidence of SSI was 2.8 percent. Overweight, previous laparotomy scars, emergency surgery and prolong labour were the common risk factors associated with the development of SSI. Certain epidemiological and environmental factors like under nutrition, rural  area residence, poverty, illiteracy, ignorance, poor general hygiene, Surgical site infections(SSI) were more commonly observed following emergency operations; laparotomies performed for large ovarian tumours, malignancies and ruptured ectopic pregnancies. Caesarean sections performed for prolong labour, prolong premature rupture membranes, prolonged second stage had more likelihood of development of sepsis. Occurrence of SSI resulted in significant prolongation of hospital stay.Conclusions: The incidence of SSI in the present study was within acceptable limits. Regular surveillance for SSI in the hospital and sensitization of staff regarding consequences of SSI would go a long way in further reduction in the rate of SSI

    Comparative study of peri-operative outcome following laparotomy versus laparoscopic technique of abdominal hysterectomy for benign gynaecological lesions

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    Background: Laparoscopic technique of hysterectomy is becoming increasingly popular in developing and developed world. Laparoscopic hysterectomy is a minimal access procedure that allows patients to recover faster. The study was undertaken to assess the impact of two abdominal techniques (laparoscopic and conventional laparotomy) on various variables like operative time, hospital stay, complications and convalescence period.Methods: An observational longitudinal study was carried out at tertiary care centre. Two hundred and ten women, as per inclusion and exclusion criteria, who had undergone abdominal hysterectomy for benign uterine pathology, either by laparotomy (Group A) or by laparoscopic technique (Group B) during study period were included. Data was analyzed and compared by using different variables between two methods of hysterectomy, using percentages and Chi square test for normal distribution. P value less than 0.05 was considered significant.Results: The mean duration of surgery was 100 minutes in group A and 175 minutes in Group B. There were two cases (1.90%) of minor injury to urinary bladder in Group A and one case (0.95%) of thermal injury to urinary bladder in Group B. The mean blood loss was around 240 ml and 70 ml in Group A and B respectively. The need for postoperative analgesia was observed in 100% cases from Group A and 38.09% from group B. The average duration required for out of bed ambulation was 25 hours and 14 hours in Group A and B respectively. The mean hospital stay in group A and B was 7.5 days and 3.5 days respectively.Conclusions: Following laparoscopic hysterectomy, women had less morbidity, less need for post-operative pain relief, had early ambulation, short hospital stay and early resumption of routine activities at home as compared to women who had undergone abdominal hysterectomy by conventional method

    Changing pattern of birth weight over a decade in rural India

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    Background: Birth weight is one of the important determinants of neonatal wellbeing. Birth weight has many determinants that mainly include maternal nutritional status and the term of gestation. Low birth weight is associated with high neonatal and childhood mortality and morbidity. Over the years the birth weight is showing the increasing trend in developing countries like India. The study aimed at finding out the changing pattern of birth weight over a decade in rural India.Methods: A retrospective analysis of over 45,000 births that took place in Tertiary care hospital from year 2008-2017was undertaken. The socio economic determinants of birth weight were studied.Results: The incidence of low birth weight declined from 47 percent to 35 percent over ten years. The mean rise in birth weight in ten years was observed in both male (176 grams) and female (151grams).The incidence of very low birth and extremely low birth was found declined. There was positive co relationship between improved birth weight and improved socio economic status, delay in age at marriage, higher maternal weight gain during pregnancy, improved pre pregnancy nutritional status of women.Conclusions: There is steady decline in incidence of low birth weight over last ten years in study area. Improved maternal health, better nutrition, improved quality of antenatal care and various efforts and actions from the government side have contributed in improving the birth weight

    Pattern of utilization of blood and blood components in obstetrics at tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Obstetric emergencies occur suddenly and unexpectedly. Blood transfusion becomes one of the live saving measures in such situations. Severe anaemia due to nutritional deficiency, obstetric haemorrhage either during pregnancy, labour or in postpartum period are the commonest indications for blood transfusion worldwide. Blood bank services play important role in saving lives in obstetric emergencies. Health institutions must carry out internal blood transfusion audits to reassure optimal and judicious use of blood and blood components.Methods: Analysis of 755 Obstetric patients requiring blood transfusion in eighteen months period was done to find out the incidence and indications for blood transfusion at tertiary care hospital.Results: Overall, 5.33% of obstetric admissions required transfusion of blood or its components. Severe anaemia (36.55%), accidental haemorrhage (20.92%), postpartum haemorrhage (8.34%), placenta praevia (5.03%) and caesarean section (10.33%) were the common indications for blood transfusion. In more than 65% cases, two or three unit of blood were transfused. In majority of cases (96%) components were used.Conclusions: Blood transfusion helped to save many lives in the present study. Severe anaemia and obstetric haemorrhage of varied aetiology were the common indications for blood transfusion. Component therapy helped to correct specific deficiency. Voluntary blood donation should be encouraged in the younger generation to keep adequate stock of blood in blood bank for emergency use. Preventive measures like improving dietary iron intake and prophylactic iron therapy will go a long way in reducing the need for blood transfusion in Obstetrics


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    Nowadays, due to effects of global warming, green building concept will be proved the key to encountered the problems  of global warming and to enhance the human life. Green building is the part of global response to increasing awareness of role of human activity in the global climate change. The Green building is a system which deals with the various factors such as environment, water conservation, economical use of electricity, energy efficient material and its planning. As well as “Green building” is defined as “a building constructed with design and construction processes which significantly reduce or eliminate negative impact of buildings on the environment and occupants.”           It is necessary to study the impact of green building on environment in comparison with conventional building, in this paper we are going for the same. For that purpose we make the study of green building with respect to parameters like energy saving, water conservation, waste control etc. and further calculation  were made and  its proved that green building system not only enhance the environmental property but also saves money in the conservation of above parameters

    Study of infective morbidity following gynecological surgeries

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    Background: Post-operative wound infection is a common nosocomial infection all over the world. It is responsible for increase in physical and psychological stress to the patient. It also increases the cost of treatment due to prolonged hospitalization. Present study was carried to find out the post-operative wound infection, morbidity and the risk factors.Methods: Prospective cross sectional study was carried out at tertiary care teaching hospital for a period of six months. Consecutive 57 cases of surgical site infections (SSI) following obstetric and gynecological abdominal surgery were analyzed.Results: It was observed that the incidence of SSI was 2.8 percent. Overweight, previous laparotomy scars, emergency surgery and prolong labour were the common risk factors associated with the development of SSI. Certain epidemiological and environmental factors like under nutrition, rural  area residence, poverty, illiteracy, ignorance, poor general hygiene, Surgical site infections(SSI) were more commonly observed following emergency operations; laparotomies performed for large ovarian tumours, malignancies and ruptured ectopic pregnancies. Caesarean sections performed for prolong labour, prolong premature rupture membranes, prolonged second stage had more likelihood of development of sepsis. Occurrence of SSI resulted in significant prolongation of hospital stay.Conclusions: The incidence of SSI in the present study was within acceptable limits. Regular surveillance for SSI in the hospital and sensitization of staff regarding consequences of SSI would go a long way in further reduction in the rate of SSI

    One-Pot Synthesis of Ammonia–Borane and Trialkylamine–Boranes from Trimethyl Borate

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    A one-pot procedure for the preparation of ammonia borane from trimethyl borate in 90% yield and >99% purity has been reported. This methodology has been modified to prepare a series of trialkylamine–boranes in 70–82% yields from trimethyl borate and lithium hydride/aluminum chloride in the presence of the corresponding trialkylamine