354 research outputs found

    Peran Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Dalam Perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia Terkait Penyelenggaraan Pemilu

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    Constitution, as the supreme law, is created to protect human rights. Constitution contains basic principles of state administration and citizens rights that have to be protected. In relation to the citizens political rights, election is related to Human Rigts matters. Election administration constitutes manifest acknowledgement of human rights in the life of the nation. Democratic election can be carrried out if there protection of human rights is guaranteed. One of the holders of judicial power that plays roles in providing human rigths protection through its decision is Constitutional Court (CC). The Court carries out the function as the guardian of the constitution, the final interpreter of the constitution. Besides, the Court also functions as the guardian of democracy, the protector of citizens\u27 constitutional rights and the protector of human rights. The function of the Court as the protector of human rights constitute consequence of the incorporation of Human Rights as the substance of the constitution. The endeavour of the Court to protect human rights can be perceived from some of its decisions either in the case of judicila review of laws or settlement of local election disputes which are, inter alia, restoration of the right to vote for the former members of Indonesian Communist Party, the right to vote for certain ex-prisoners, the granting of rights to be candidate for parties that do not have seat in the parliament, the right to be candidate for individual independent citizen in local election, protection of rights for incumbents, the right to vote that is free from threat and terror, protection of the right to be candidate thta is free from the act of impediment and recognition of mechanisms that are recognized in customary law

    Guru Sebagai Profesi

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    Posisi dan peran guru dalam proses pendidikan di Indonesia merupakan permasalahan pendidikan nasional yang penuh kontroversi dan tidak pernah selesa dai masa ke masa. Apakah posisi dan peran guru dalam proses pendidikan nasional Indonesia itu sentral sehingga menentukan mutu dan keberhasilan proses pendidikan nasional? Kalau memang sentral, apakah tugas guru itu merupakan tugas profesional yang tidak dapat d iceijakan oleh siapa saja? Kalau tugas itu menuntut persyaratan professional tertentu, apakah guru diakui sebagai sebuah profesi yang menuntut penghargaan sebagaimana layaknya sebuah profesi penting dalam upaya mencerdaskan bangsa

    Sikap Kritis Negara Berkembang Terhadap Hukum Internasional

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    International law is a political instrument of developed states to intervene developing states. Law can function for numerous interests such as, inter alia, a political instrument. Intervention of developed countries to developing states can happen in two ways which both ways cannot be regarded as violation of International law. The involvement of a state in an International agreement denotes that the country intentionally burdens itself to carry out obligation that has been agreed upon as stated in the agreement. One of the obligations is to transform the contents of the agreement to its national law. The involvement of developing countries in International law is an intention to create breakthrough to face competition with developed states. With the existence of WTO, developing states can defend their rights which are violated and can force developed states to negotiate. The availability of legal remedy provide strength to developing states to force developed states in particular cases

    Regular number of Middle graph of a graph

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    For any (p ,q) graph G, the middle graph of a graph G, is denoted by M(G), is a graph whose vertex set is V(G)?E(G), and two vertices are adjacent if they are adjacent edges of G or one is a vertex and other is an edge incident with it. The regular number of the M(G) is the minimum number of subsets into which the edge set of M(G) should be partitioned so that the subgraph induced by each subset is regular and is denoted by r_M (G). In this paper some results on regular number of r_M (G) were obtained and expressed in terms of elements of G

    Peningkatan Minat Belajar Peserta Didik Melalui Penerapan Model Project Based Learning (PjBL)

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    Penggunaan model pembelajaran yang tepat dapat mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa. Model belajar harus disesuaikan dengan karakteristik peserta didik. Model Project Based Learning (PjBL) adalah model pembelajaran yang bersifat kontekstual dengan menggunakan proyek sebagai media, sehingga diharapkan dapat merubah cara belajar peserta didik secara mandiri dengan meningkatkan minat belajar peserta didik. Penelitian bertujuan untuk meningkatkan minat belajar melalui implementasi model pembelajaran berbasis proyek yaitu model Project Based Learning (PjBL) pada peserta didik kelas V SD. Penelitian ini merupakan action research (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas) yang terdiri dari dua siklus. Model pembelajaran ini dilakukan dengan langkah-langkah; merancang pertanyaan mendasar, menyusun rencana pembuatan proyek, menjalankan kegiatan proyek, memantau perkembangan proyek, membuat penilaian terhadap proyek, dan mengevaluasi. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa model Project Based Learning (PjBL) telah terbukti dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar peserta didik sebesar 6% yaitu 78% pada siklus 1 dan meningkat 84% pada siklus 2. Oleh karena itu, model Project Based Learning (PjBL) disarankan untuk diterapkan dalam pembelajaran

    Analisis Stabilitas Hasil dengan Model Eberhart-russel\u27s dan Biplot pada Uml Jagung Qpm

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    Sta bility is one of the statist ical model for desirable properties to released a variety under wide cul tivat ion. The m odel of Eberhart -Russel\u27s and Biplot ha s been applied t o ana lyze of QPM as candidate new ICERI (Indonesian Cereals Research Institute) variety, there are 14 genotypes F1 (single cross) fr om in bred lines S3-S4 of populat ion MSQ.K1C0 x tester MR14Q an d 2 opv. (open pol linat ed var iety) were conducted in seven environment un der central maize production in Indonesi a i.e. Sout h Sul awesi (Mar os e1, Bajeng-Gowa, e2), Central Sulawesi (Donggala, e3), East Java (Muneng-Probol ingg, o, e4), South Ka liman tan (Ba njarba ru, e5, and Pala ihari, e6), and Riau (Pakanbaru, e7). QPM is high lysine and tryptophane in endosperm maize. The exper iment in each environment wer e con ducted by r cbd (r andomi zed complete block design) with four replication in rainy sea son 2007, t he sta bilit y to studied by Eberha rt-Russel\u27s with mode l Y ij =μ+βiIj+δij, ij(Y: yiel d,μ:mean,β:regression coeffi cien t, I: envir onmen tal index and : δ0,=ΣIj deviation from regression), and sta bilit y par ameter j2jii/IIY=b,df of pool eddeviation and pooled err or computed by g(e-2)=80 and eg(r-1)=336, g: 16 of candidate QPM, e:7 environments. The result source of variation by rcbd that ther e are signi ficant of genotypes in all environm ents a nd in pool ed an alysi s by E berha rt-Russel\u27s were founded in teraction of gxe as significant. In bi plot x, y shown that single cr oss MSQ.K1C0.61-1-1xMR14Q was stable genotypes in seven environm ent an d could be recom mended as new candi date hybrids with aver age yi eld 6.673 t/ha. Positive inter action effect was founded on three candidate hybrids MSQK1C0.8-1-1xMR14,MSQ.K1C0.22-1-1xMR14Q, and MSQ.K1C0.61-1-1x MR14Q in Muneng-Pr obolin ggo, Donggala, and Banjarbaru. with yielded 5.384-6.988 t/ha

    Penerapan Teknologi Pembelajaran Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Warga Belajar Dalam Menangulangi Penularan Covid-19 Pada Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Nonformal

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang penerapan teknologi pembelajaran yang terdiri dari pemanfaatan sumber belajar dan media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi dalam meningkatkan kemampuan warga Belajar dalam menanggulangi penularan Covid-19 pada program pendidikan nonformal di Kabupaten Takalar, Gowa, dan Maros. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui berbagai jenis Sumber belajar dan media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi yang sering digunakan oleh tutor dan seberapa besar pengaruhnya terhadap kemampuan warga belajar dalam menaggulangi penularan covid-19. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 100 Warga Belajar dan yang menjadi sampel penelitian sebanyak 30 Orang dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling. Teknik analisis data penelitian yang digunakan adalah teknik deskriptif kuantitatif dan regresi sederhana. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan penerapan teknologi pembelajaran dalam meningkatkan kemampuan warga belajar dalam menaggulangi penularan covid-19.Kata Kunci: Sumber belajar, Media Pembelajaran

    Role of Global Leadership and Capacity Building in Increasing Teacher’s Profession Commitment

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    The purpose of this study is to describe efforts to increase the commitment of the teaching profession through the role of global leadership and capacity building in State Senior High Schools (SMA) in Bogor Regency. This study employs a descriptive qualitative approach and collected data via: interviews; observation; and documentation study. Data analysis in this study uses data reduction, data presentation and verification or conclusions. The results showed that increasing the professional commitment of teachers can be done through teacher training (capacity building) and the role of global leadership as the development of people and motivation of people. Keywords: teacher’s professional commitment, global leadership, capacity buildin

    Heavy Metal Concentrations of Chromium (Cr) and Copper (Cu) Based on Particle Size and Sediment Depth Variation in Paotere Port Waters, Makassar

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    Analisis kandungan logam berat Cr dan Cu berbagai ukuran partikel sedimen di perairan Pelabuhan Poatere Makassar telah dilakukan. Sampel sedimen diambil dengan menggunakan pipa polietilen yang panjangnya 30 cm. Sampel diayak menggunakan ayakan mekanik ukuran 1000, 250 dan 63 µm. metode analisis yang digunakan adalah AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy) yang diawali dengan penambahan HNO3 lalu didestruksi menggunakan microwave. Sebaran ukuran partikel sedimen permukaan pada perairan Pelabuhan Paotere yaitu untuk ukuran partikel 250 – 1000, 63 – 250 dan 63 µm berturut-turut adalah 36,04%; 29,51% dan 10,07%. Ukuran partikel sedimen berbanding terbalik dengan konsentrasi logam berat. Konsentrasi Cu dalam sedimen berukuran 63 µm adalah 141,55 mg/kg; 250 µm adalah 56,52 mg/kg dan 1000 µm adalah 51,50 mg/kg. Konsentrasi Cr dalam sedimen berukuran 63 µm adalah 36,68 mg/kg; 250 µm adalah 18,65 mg/kg dan 1000 µm adalah 8,78 mg/kg. Konsentrasi logam semakin kecil seiring dengan bertambahnya kedalaman sedimen. Konsentrasi Cu dalam sedimen kedalaman 0 - 10 cm adalah 93,46 mg/kg; 10 - 20 cm adalah 77,51 mg/kg dan 20 - 30 cm adalah 76,28 mg/kg. Konsentrasi Cr dalam sedimen kedalaman 0 - 10 cm adalah 22,04 mg/kg; 10 - 20 cm adalah 21,68 mg/kg dan 20 - 30 cm adalah 20,87 mg/kg
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