8 research outputs found

    The Implementation of Picture Series as Learning Media to Improve Students' Writing Ability Related to Historical Events in Recount Text

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    The objectives of this research are: (1) to find out the class situation during the implementation of picture series in teaching writing, and (2) to determine the improvement of students' ability to write recount text using picture series. The research used a qualitative. The classroom action research design used in this research consisted of two cycles. The data were collected from observation, field notes, and interviews. The research participants are 34 students in the tenth grade of SMA YKM Tanjungsari. The results showed that picture series could improve studentsā€™ ability to write recount text, create a fun learning atmosphere, and increase studentsā€™ writing interest. In the first cycle, the percentage of learning activities was 18%; in the second cycle, 80% of students got excellent categories. The two cycles could effectively improve students' writing ability in recounting text. The students could develop their ideas to make a story and were active and enthusiastic in the teaching-learning process. It demonstrates that writing a recount text using picture series as learning media for X MIPA 1 student at SMA YKM Tanjungsari has been improved


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    This study purpose to (1) to find out the learning process activity in improving the ability to write Recount Text for grade VIII students of SMPN 53 Bandung using the react strategy. (2) To find out the improvement in the ability to write Recount Text Self-Experiences for grade VIII students of SMPN 53 Bandung in writing recount text self -experiences using the react strategy. This type of research is descriptive research using a qualitative approach. Participants in the study were class VIII F SMPN 53 Bandung, totaling 33 students. This research was conducted in two cycles and data collection techniques used were Observation, Interviews and Field notes. The results of the data analysis show that the react strategy can be used to improve students' ability to write Recount Text Self-Experiences, this can be seen from the results of the achievement of the 1 and 2 cycle value, students give a very good response regarding the use of the react strategy. In addition, it also encourages students to actively follow the learning process and this react strategy to create a pleasant learning atmosphere. This strategy must be used continuously for better learning outcomes, especially in learning to write Recount Text of Self-Experience

    Guidance and Counseling Management on Personal, Social, Learning and Career Development of SMK 19 Bandung Students During Covid-19 Pandemics

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    Education in schools does not only teach subjects but is also given guidance and counseling. Guidance and counseling is a service to students individually or in groups to be able to be independent and develop optimally in personal, social, learning, and career aspects. During the Covid-19 pandemic, learning activities were carried out online or called Learning From Home (LFH). This study explored guidance and counseling management on the personal, social, learning, and career development of SMKN 9 Bandung students during the Covid-19 pandemics. This study used a descriptive method through a qualitative approach. Based on the results, (1) at the planning stage, the school counselor completed the needs assessment, processed, and identified the results. In addition, the school counselor planned the guidance and counseling planning containing the objectives; methods, tools, media; procedures, and evaluation, (2) at the implementation stage, the school counselor has provided services in accordance with the guidance and counseling planning prepared previously, (3) at the evaluation stage, the school counselor completed evaluation on the service results, (4) the constraints or problems faced were students are bored with distance learning, lack of parental guidance and assistance when studying at home, and lack of understanding on IT (internet), (5) as an effort to overcome constraints, the school counselor motivates students to continue to be enthusiastic about learning through online learning materials, instructing parents to pay attention to studying from home, and try as optimally as possible (in these difficult conditions) to provide online services to students

    Managing Classroom Activities for Autistic Students in Improving English Vocabularies by Using Total Physical Response

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    English is one of the subjects studied in special education schools, and until now, are still many problems faced in the process of teaching this foreign language. Teachers' understanding of classroom management and appropriate learning strategies is a solution to overcome the problems that occur in learning English for children with autism. The application of the Total Physical Response (TPR) method is one of the effective methods used to learn English. The purpose of this study is to explore more information about classroom management activities and the application of the Total Physical Response (TPR) method at Satria Galdin Junior High School. The research approach used by the author is a qualitative method with a descriptive research design. Sources of data collection using interviews and observations. To analyze the data, the author uses descriptive techniques to present data based on the results of observations and interviews. The participants were selected using a purposive sampling technique. The participants of this study were students in the 2022/2023 school year, especially class VII of Satria Galdin Junior High School, as many as 20 people.Ā  The results of this study can conclude that good classroom management supported by the application of the Total Physical Response (TPR) method in teaching English vocabulary is proven to be effective for student's mastery of English vocabulary and helps students maximize and explore their abilities. The effectiveness is seen in autistic students at Satria Galdin Junior High School.

    Management of Digital Literacy-Based Work Practice Training in The Boarding School Environment

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    The purpose of the study which became the focal point was the management of work practice training based on digital literacy in the boarding school environment. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method of data collection is done by triangulation techniques using interviews, document studies, and field observations. With the object of research at the community work Training Center (BLKK) vocational Information Technology and Al-Mizan Islamic boarding school, Jatiwangi District, Majalengka Regency, West Java province. The results showed that: 1) the planning of training programs in BLKK Al-Mizan that focuses on identifying training needs has been carried out in accordance with SOP or rules, regulations of the Ministry of manpower. 2) the development of training programs in BLKK Al-Mizan which focuses on internal training cooperation still occurs in the dichotomy of departments and sectoral egos and external cooperation with less developed companies and even tiered apprenticeship program cooperation no longer exists. 3) the implementation of the training Program at BLKK Al-Mizan focusing on the implementation of competency-based training (CBT) has not been fully implemented. 4) evaluation of training at BLKK Al-Mizan showed that the assessment of training services has been carried out but the results are limited to the basis for recognition of students and the Al-Mizan Islamic boarding school environment. 5) support the function and use of training management at BLKK Al-Mizan to the function of improving digital literacy in the Al-Mizan Islamic boarding school. The researcher concluded that the management of digital literacy-based work practice training in the boarding school environment runs effectively and equips students to be technologically literate, this is also reflected in the students themselves in the use of digital-based books


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    Abstract Low entrepreneurial skills and high unemployment rates are one of the many problems in the education sector, especially non-formal education as a supplier of human resources. This problem is caused by various factors, including PKBM graduates who have so far focused more on getting a diploma than getting skills and have the mindset that entrepreneurship requires large financial capital. Each PKBM has actually understood that in addition to obtaining a diploma, learning residents also need to be given certain skills based on entrepreneurship in order to achieve economic independence. However, in reality, PKBM is constrained in managing the implementation of entrepreneurship training. This study aims to determine (1) planning, (2) organizing, (3) implementation, (4) evaluation, (5) supporting factors, (6) inhibiting factors, and (7) to find solutions and improvement efforts made by PKBM on the management of entrepreneurship training programs. The research is based on management theory and empowerment theory using a qualitative case study type descriptive approach. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation studies. The results of this study indicate that the management of entrepreneurship training carried out in three PKBMs in West Java is: (1) Planning is carried out with a needs analysis, (2) Organizing determines a curriculum that fits the needs, syllabus, and lesson plans as well as a clear division of tasks for each HR, (3) Implementation focuses on optimizing entrepreneurship-based life skills training, (4) Evaluation is carried out by incidental or scheduled monitoring by all parties involved, (5) Several supporting factors include the presence of partners and budgetary assistance from the government and the community, (6) Inhibiting factors are in the form of technical constraints such as access to product marketing, limited tools and materials for learning residents, PKBM infrastructure facilities, etc., and (7) Solutions to obstacles that occur, namely improving communication, optimizing infrastructure and human resources, and facilitating complaints from the learning community. Recommendations from this study, it is hoped that PKBM heads will further optimize the entrepreneurship training program where tutors always improve their competence, so that residents are able to apply and read marketing opportunities for products resulting from the training


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    Abstract The aims of this study are: 1) to find out the teachersā€™ implementation of sentence structure in developing studentsā€™ writing skill, 2) to find out the effect of sentence structure in developing students' writing skills, 3) to find out studentsā€™ responses in producing recount text about personal experiences, 4) to find out the studentsā€™ writing skill in producing recount text about personal experience. This study used qualitative method and used Classroom Action Research (CAR) as the research design. Data are collected through observation, interview, and studentsā€™ work. This study is to developing studentsā€™ writing skill to produce recount text about personal experiences. The population are 25 students in tenth grade of TKJ 1 Class at SMK Al-Amah Sindulang. The data result found the studentsā€™ improvement in producing recount text about personal experiences. There were 84% students who achieved all the components of writing such as: content, vocabulary, grammar and mechanic. The used of implementation of sentence structure to developing studentsā€˜ writing skill in producing recount text about personal experiences at SMK Al-Amah Sindulang has been achieved with the data result stating that 21 students have achieved minimum completeness criterion (KKM), it means 21 students already understand how to produce recount text correctly and 4 others students have shown an increase in writing assessment where the studentsā€™ score is in good category

    Fostering Religious Tolerance Through The Values of An-Nahdliyah

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    A plurality of, is fitroh divine so that mutual respect and keep security as well as guyup pillars, the rule obliges every citizen to embrace one religion that has been specified by the the ministry of religion's existence. The purpose of this research is for dig up information about the educational institutions of the boarding school in investment value-the value of the ahl as-sunnah wal jama'ah through the program religious activities. In this study use a qualitative approach with methods the study of the instrumental case. Based on the results of the research, it is known that: 1) Policies that underlying the program development of tolerance, a) the concept of at-tawasuth, b), the concept of knowing,, c, the concept tawazun, d), the concept of tasamuh, 2) the Fostering, a), Aswaja knowing, b), Aswaja feeling. c), Aswaja Action, 3) Implementation a) Introduce and familiarize students interact with people of other faiths. b) Giving example about the attitude tolerance by the kyai, c) Through learning in Boarding school, 4) Positive impact the form of the impartiality the students in interact 5) the Problems that arise a) lack of supervision b) Most of the students have the activities double, c) lodging at boarding schools already start damaged. Strategy conceptual practical tips is a step to carry out program investment value-the value of the ahl as-sunnah wal-jama'ah to students