5 research outputs found

    Religious Development Management in Forming the Character of Criminers

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    Management of religious guidance in shaping the character of prisoners is a renewal, refinement or effort of action or activity carried out in an integrated, efficient and effective manner to obtain better results. If this guidance activity is carried out on prisoners, then religious guidance will give meaning to the prisoner to be faithful, knowledgeable and have a noble character in life and life. The process of forming good characters must be in accordance with the basis for the formation of good characters itself, namely the Al-Qur'an and the life and life examples of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Al-Qur'an is the Word of Allah SWT in which it provides guidance for humans in various aspects, one of which is about guidelines for behavior so that humans can distinguish between good and bad

    A Learning Development Of Beauty Skill Program At A Vocational School In Preserving Local Wisdom

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    A Learning Development Of Beauty Skill Program At A Vocational School In Preserving Local Wisdom. Objectives: The research is to analyze the learning development of beauty skill program at a vocational school in preserving local wisdom. Methods: to employ a qualitative approach with an analytically descriptive method towards two-state vocational schools in Kabupaten Bandung and Bandung city. Library research, in-depth interviews, a document study and observation were carried out to gather data. Informants were chosen by using a snowball technique, the findings, then, were examined and analyzed by using management theory by Deming, curriculum theory of social reconstruction and learning theory of constructivism by Vygotsky. Findings:  Learning development planning of beauty skill at a vocation school in preserving local wisdom is designed by formulating vision and mission, arranging curriculum, providing more productive teachers and improving learning facilities. Learning development implementation is made by achieving student’s competence, involving experts and industrial and business world. Learning development is supervised by the Department of Education, Branch Department of Education West Java Provincial Government and school superintendent. The problem faced in learning development is the lack of productive subject time allotment, human resources and qualified teachers understanding local wisdom. The improvement is by enhancing industrial and business world cooperation and teaching factory, collaborating with professional, experts and practitioner organization, using subject time allotment and extracurricular activities.  Conclusion: By learning development of beauty skill program in preserving local wisdom, it affects the quality improvement of graduates who have high awareness towards local wisdom, educational service improvement and the achievement of learning development implementation and the learning quality improvement

    Manajemen Pelatihan Berbasis NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) Dalam Mengembangkan Kompetensi dan Profesionalisme Guru

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    Some of the problems that form the basis for carrying out the study on management of training for teachers include teacher figures who are not yet ideal for students, a learning atmosphere that does not support the specified learning outcomes, and the behavior of students who have not fully demonstrated politeness in interacting with their environment. The role of the teacher in the learning process in the classroom so far tends to be a teacher who only functions as a transmitter of knowledge. In fact, the more crucial role of the teacher in education is as an educator, who pays attention to the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects proportionally. An alternative effort that might be done in improving the competence and professionalism of teachers is through intensive training activities held for them. The Neuro-Linguistic Programming-based training that will be developed focuses on changing the teacher’s mindset and perspective on how to communicate, both verbally and non-verbally, effectively and efficiently during the learning process. In an effort to achieve the goals that have been set, this research uses research and development methods in an effort to produce a training model for each competency that can always be developed by teachers in the secondary education environment for the Province of West Java, Indonesia. The result of developing this training based on Neuro-Linguistic Programming is called the Alphawave Model. This training model is specifically intended for teachers who want to improve their knowledge and competence in pedagogic aspects. Based on the results of observations and model trials, the Neuro-Linguistic Programming-based training management model using the Alphawave Model has been shown to significantly improve teachers’ knowledge and skills in pedagogic aspects. Thus, teachers need to take part in training to increase competence and professionalism in order to improve the quality of learning and help students to gain meaningful learning experiences

    Guidance and Counseling Management on Personal, Social, Learning and Career Development of SMK 19 Bandung Students During Covid-19 Pandemics

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    Education in schools does not only teach subjects but is also given guidance and counseling. Guidance and counseling is a service to students individually or in groups to be able to be independent and develop optimally in personal, social, learning, and career aspects. During the Covid-19 pandemic, learning activities were carried out online or called Learning From Home (LFH). This study explored guidance and counseling management on the personal, social, learning, and career development of SMKN 9 Bandung students during the Covid-19 pandemics. This study used a descriptive method through a qualitative approach. Based on the results, (1) at the planning stage, the school counselor completed the needs assessment, processed, and identified the results. In addition, the school counselor planned the guidance and counseling planning containing the objectives; methods, tools, media; procedures, and evaluation, (2) at the implementation stage, the school counselor has provided services in accordance with the guidance and counseling planning prepared previously, (3) at the evaluation stage, the school counselor completed evaluation on the service results, (4) the constraints or problems faced were students are bored with distance learning, lack of parental guidance and assistance when studying at home, and lack of understanding on IT (internet), (5) as an effort to overcome constraints, the school counselor motivates students to continue to be enthusiastic about learning through online learning materials, instructing parents to pay attention to studying from home, and try as optimally as possible (in these difficult conditions) to provide online services to students

    Management Of The Internal Quality Assurance System (Iqas) In Improving The Quality Of Higher Graduates

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    This paper aims to describe the other side of the management of the internal quality assurance system (IQAS) in improving the quality of university graduates. Quality improvement management based on university graduates is a new alternative in education management which emphasizes more on independence and creativity. The development of the quality assurance system management is designed to improve the community's ability to manage educational change in relation to the overall objectives, policies, planning strategies, curriculum initiatives that have been determined by the government and education authorities. Therefore, the output of education demands a change in the attitudes and behavior of all components that involve all people, both the community, in viewing, understanding, helping as well as observers who carry out monitoring and evaluation. This study uses a descriptive analysis method approach. A method approach that is used to analyze, describe and summarize various conditions, and situations from various data collected from observations regarding the problem under study during the research. The problem of the low quality of higher education is the reason for the government to provide a policy by presenting an internal quality assurance system (IQAS) in universities. The internal quality assurance system (IQAS) is managed independently by the university concerned. Then in the management of higher education quality is carried out on an ongoing basis. This study aims to analyze the role of the internal quality assurance system (IQAS) in improving the quality of higher education