10 research outputs found

    Reduction of serum IGF-I levels in patients affected with Monoclonal Gammopathies of undetermined significance or Multiple Myeloma. Comparison with bFGF, VEGF and K-ras gene mutation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Serum levels of IGF-I in patients affected with multiple myeloma (MM) have been scarcely studied. The present study is aimed to explore this point comparing 55 healthy subjects, 71 monoclonal gammopaties of uncertain significance (MGUS) and 77 overt MM patients. In the same subjects, basic FGF and VEGF, have been detected. All three mediators were analyzed in function of K-<it>ras </it>mutation and melphalan response. Concerning IGF-I, two representative monitoring examples have also been added.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cytokine determinations were performed by commercially available ELISA kits, while K12-<it>ras </it>mutation was investigated on genomic DNA isolated from bone marrow cell specimens by RFLP-PCR assay.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Significant reductions of IGF-I levels were observed in MGUS and MM as compared with healthy controls. In addition, MM subjects showed significantly decreased serum IGF-I levels than MGUS. Conversely, increasing levels were observed for bFGF and VEGF, molecules significantly correlated. A multivariate analysis corrected for age and gender confirmed the significant difference only for IGF-I values (P = 0.01). K12-<it>ras </it>mutation was significantly associated with malignancy, response to therapy and with significantly increased serum bFGF levels.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>IGF-I reduction in the transition: Controls→MGUS→MM and changes observed over time suggest that IGF-I should be furtherly studied in future clinical trials as a possible monitoring marker for MM.</p

    Ruolo degli autoanticorpi antitiroide nella poliabortività ricorrente e tireopatie autoimmuni in gravidanza

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    le malattie autoimmuni della tiroide vengono distinte in due tipi: tiroidite autoimmune con gozzo (tiroidite di Hashimoto) o con atrofia ghiandolare e morbo di Basedow. Molte tiroiditi autoimmuni vanno incontro durante la gravidanza ad una fase di remissione con riaccensione della malattia nel post-partum (tiroiditi post-partum). Nella gestante il verificarsi di una tireotossicosi o di un quadro di ipotiroidismo può causare complicanze materne, fetali ed anche neonatali. Materiali e metodi: lo studio ha interessato due gruppi di donne non gravide eutiroidee. Il primo gruppo composto da 84 pazienti con storia di abortività spontanea ricorrente. Il secondo gruppo (caso controllo) da 84 pazienti che avevano portato a termine più gravidanze e che non avevano storia di abortività spontanea ricorrente. Scopo dello studio è stato quello di verificare la presenza di anticorpi antitiroide (anti-TPO, anti-Tg e anti recettore del TSH) in donne con storia di poliabortività spontanea ricorrente ed esaminare la possibile associazione tra anticorpi antitiroide e anticorpi non-organo specifici (anti cardiolipina-ACL e Lupus anticoagulant-LAC) nell’insorgenza degli aborti. Risultati: anticorpi anti-Tg e anti-TPO o entrambi sono stati trovati nel 39% delle donne del primo gruppo e solo nel 7% di quelle del secondo gruppo. Il 21% del primo gruppo è risultato positivo per anti-TPO e il 18% per anti-Tg. Il 3.5% del secondo gruppo è risultato positivo per anti-TPO e un altro 3.5% per anti-Tg. Solo 3 pazienti del primo gruppo sono risultate positive ad entrambi gli anticorpi, mentre nessuna del secondo gruppo ha presentato positività per entrambi gli anticorpi. Il 50% del primo gruppo è risultato positivo per uno o più anticorpi non-organo specifici. Del 39% delle donne del primo gruppo positive agli anticorpi anti-tiroide, 2 donne sono risultate positive per LAC, 4 per ACL, 1 per entrambi e 26 per nessuno dei due. Delle donne del primo gruppo negative per anticorpi anti-tiroide, 8 hanno mostrato positività per LAC, 22 per ACL, 5 per entrambi e 16 per nessuno dei due. Conclusioni: l’aborto spontaneo ricorrente associato alla presenza di anticorpi antitiroide potrebbe essere la spia di una patologia autoimmune più generalizzata, che può condurre all’interruzione di gravidanza. Dal nostro studio non sembra esserci una correlazione tra l’incidenza della presenza di anticorpi anti-tiroide e anticorpi non organo-specifici

    Effective free energies for cholesteric shells

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    We propose a continuum two-dimensional model to describe the molecular alignment in thin cholesteric shells. Effective two-dimensional free energies, aimed at describing the physics of thin cholesteric films deposited on curved substrates, are deduced from the three-dimensional Frank theory for cholesteric liquid crystals. Based on the ratio between the natural helical pitch and the shell thickness, we distinguish between weakly and strongly twisted cholesterics. In the former class of cholesterics, the reduced energy exhibits either chiral and achiral terms. In the latter one, the achiral terms are ruled out. Basically, this enables the manipulation of the helical pitch to control the curvature effects of a soft surface. We also illustrate the molecule alignments on special classes of rigid shells

    Results on L2 Trigger Reconstruction in Single and Di-Muon Topologies

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    A detailed study of the CMS L2 trigger performance in single and di-muontopologies is reported, using the full detector simulation developed in CMSIM and the digitization, L1 trigger simulation and L2 reconstruction code developed in ORCA. The study was performed assuming the high luminosity scenario for the LHC machine (L= 10 nb-1s-1). The resulting single muon and di-muon rates at L2 selection level are reported and compared with the L1 Global Muon Trigger output

    Ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide and Luteolin Supplement Combined with Olfactory Training to Treat Post-COVID-19 Olfactory Impairment: A Multi-Center Double-Blinded Randomized Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial

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    Background: Olfactory training is the only evidence-based treatment for post viral olfactory dysfunction. Smell disorders after SARS-CoV-2 infection have been attributed to neuroinflammatory events within the olfactory bulb and the central nervous system. Therefore, targeting neuroinflammation is one potential strategy for promoting recovery from post-COVID-19 chronic olfactory dysfunction. Palmitoylethanolamide and luteolin (PEA-LUT) are candidate anti-inflammatory/ neuroprotective agents. Objective: To investigate recovery of olfactory function in patients treated with PEA-LUT oral supplements plus olfactory training versus olfactory training plus placebo. Methods: Multicenter double-blinded randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial. Eligible subjects had prior COVID-19 and persistent olfactory impairment >6 months after follow-up SARS-CoV-2 negative testing, without prior history of olfactory dysfunction sinonasal disorders. Participants were randomized to daily oral supplementation with ultramicronized PEA-LUT 770 mg plus olfactory training (intervention group) or olfactory training with placebo (control). Sniffin' Sticks assessments were used to test the patients at baseline and 90 days. Results: A total of 185 patients, including intervention (130) and control (55) were enrolled. The intervention group showed significantly greater improvement in olfactory threshold, discrimination, and identification scores compared to controls (p=0.0001). Overall, 92% of patients in the intervention group improved versus 42% of controls. Magnitude of recovery was significantly greater in the intervention group versus control (12.8 + 8.2 versus mean 3.2 + 3), with >10-fold higher prevalence of anosmia in control versus intervention groups at the 90-day endpoint. Conclusion: Among individuals with olfactory dysfunction post COVID-19, combining PEA-LUT with olfactory training resulted in greater recovery of smell than olfactory training alone. (ITALIAN; Clinicaltrials.gov number: NCT04853836)

    Pluralità identitarie tra bioetica e biodiritto

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    Il C.I.R.B. (Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca Bioetica), cui aderiscono tutte le Università campane, è un organismo di ricerca nel quale – con metodo rigorosamente scientifico, grazie al concorso di qualificati cultori delle varie discipline interessate e in un clima di costante e costruttivo dialogo con i rappresentanti delle diverse posizioni culturali – è possibile delineare le trame di una serena e ponderata riflessione comune su tematiche che coinvolgono l’identità stessa della persona umana e il destino delle generazioni future