2,603 research outputs found

    Trust and Contracting in Agri-Food Hybrid Structures

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    The paper aims at examining the hypothesis that the influence of trust on contract can be thought of as a dynamic factor of organizational choices in supply chains. The relationship between contract and trust is delineated on the basis of institutional environment, contractual incompleteness, safeguards and restrictive provisions. The interaction between individual and system elements in the formation of trust and its influence in hybrid contracting is considered. According to a New Institutional Economics approach and a theoretical framework is proposed. Empirical evidence is provided by a case study regarding an Italian retailer company establishing hybrid structure with its suppliers. Investments in suppliers selection provide the basis for trust supporting relationships which economize on negotiating and litigation costs.hybrid structures, trust, contract, Agribusiness, Q13, D23,

    Trust, Contracting, and Adaptation in Agri‐Food Hybrid Structures

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    The paper considers the relationship between trust and governance structure from a Transaction Cost Economics perspective. The role of trust in the coordinating decisions is variously conceptualized according to the theoretical view adopted by the scholars. The present study adopt the three‐level schema introduced by Williamson (1996) and suggest that determinants of trust may operate both at institutional and governance structure level. The analytical framework depicted maintains that trust may determine a reduction of ex post transaction cost in the adaptation of hybrid structure. As a consequence trust appears to be able to extend the range of existence of the hybrids. The empirical part of the study is dedicated to a case study which illustrates the emerging of conditional trust (Fritz et al., 2008) and the role of trust in the adaptation process.hybrid, conditional trust, adaptation, contractual relationship., Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Food Security and Poverty, Industrial Organization, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    The individual contribution to income inequality: conceptual analysis and empirical investigation

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    The paper aims to study individual contributions to income inequality. The role of individual positions in the analysis of inequality is considered at various levels. The utility of inequality analysis in analysing the variation across a given income distribution is also recognised. The paper elaborates on this perspective and proposes a definition of individual contributions to inequality within a given income distribution. The concept of such an individual contribution is proposed, and its properties are discussed. The paper presents and tests the hypothesis that given the concept of individual contributions, patterns of influence associated with the determinants of inequality can be identified across a given income distribution. An empirical method of investigation and testing is proposed based on the Survey on Household Income and Wealth carried out by the Bank of Italy. The results support the hypothesis and show that the patterns identified are useful in the analysis of inequality.Inequality; person-by-person perspective; quantile regression

    Income inequality within European regions: determinants and effects on growth

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    Economic inequality across Europe has been largely investigated by analysing the determinants and dynamics of the disparities between countries and regions. Similarly, many studies have focused on inequality within European countries. So far, less attention has been devoted to economic inequality within European regions, mainly due to data shortages. The aim of this paper is to shed some light on this level of analysis. After the introductory section, the first part of the paper poses the conceptual bases of the study, examining relevant theoretical and empirical arguments about (i) the determinants of economic inequality, (ii) the relationship between economic inequality and growth, and (iii) the desirability and specificity of regional analysis. The second part of the paper, by means of various econometric approaches, provides evidence of the centrality, for regional inequality levels, of labour market qualitative and quantitative aspects and of some country-level institutional settings. As regards the effects of inequality on growth, outcomes suggest that a positive relationship may exist.Inequality, Regional Systems, Europe, Growth

    Incerteza da qualidade e atribuição de direitos de decisão na designação de origem protegida europeia

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    Se consideran aquí algunos problemas en el gobierno de la denominación de origen protegida (DOP) europea. Los sistemas de DOP resultan de las expectativas de agricultores y consumidores y establecen una relación entre la valoración de los recursos agrícolas y rurales de determinados territorios y la calidad de los productos típicos. Un punto crítico en la gestión de los sistemas DOP está representado por la relación entre las estrategias de calidad y la incertidumbre. En este estudio se argumenta que los sistemas DOP pueden ser vistos como subsistemas estrictamente coordenados, en los que el gobierno ex post desempeña un papel fundamental para hacer frente a la incertidumbre sobre la calidad. Se sugiere que los incentivos de la sociedad crean sistemas organizacionales complejos en los que la asignación de derechos de decisión a organizaciones colectivas de DOP representa un importante papel. Se lleva a cabo un estudio empírico por medio del análisis de diez sistemas DOP italianos, con el fin de identificar los derechos de decisión asignados.Neste artigo, consideram-se alguns problemas na governança da denominação de origem protegida (DOP) europeia. Os sistemas de DOP resultam das expectativas de agricultores e consumidores e conectam a valorização dos recursos agrícolas e rurais de determinados territórios com a qualidade de produtos típicos. Um ponto crítico na gestão dos sistemas DOP é representado pela conexão entre as estratégias de qualidade e a incerteza. Argumenta-se que os sistemas DOP podem ser pensados como subsistemas estritamente coordenados, nos quais ex post a governança desempenha um papel fundamental para lidar com a incerteza da qualidade. No estudo sugere-se que os incentivos da sociedade criam sistemas organizacionais complexos, nos quais a atribuição de direitos de decisão para organizações coletivas de DOP desempenha papel importante. A análise empírica é realizada por meio da análise de dez sistemas DOP italianos, a fim de identificar os direitos de decisão alocados.The paper considers some issue in the governance of the European Protected Designation of Origin (PDO). The PDO systems are the outcomes of both farmers and consumers expectations and connect the valorisation of the agricultural and rural resources of given territories to the quality of typical products. A critical point in the governance of the PDO systems is represented by the connection between the quality strategies and the uncertainty. The paper argues that the PDO systems can be thought of as strictly coordinated subsystems in which the ex post governance play a critical role in coping with quality uncertainty. The study suggests that the society's inducements given raise to complex organizational systems in which the allocation of decision rights to PDO collective organizations play a major role. The empirical analysis is carried out by examining ten Italian PDO systems in order to identify the decision rights allocated

    Neįgalūs žmonės, savarankiškas apsisprendimas ir išimtinai asmeninio pobūdžio veiksmai

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    The evolution of medical, social and economic sciences and, more generally, the way of thinking has profoundly changed the relationship between Society and people with disabilities: these persons, from the recipients of social protection and care, have become an active part of Society. Therefore, this publication analyzes the basis and limits of the powers of persons with disabilities in the context of ethical, political, religious and legal values.Medicinos, socialinių ir ekonominių mokslų raida, apskritai pati mąstysena iš esmės pakeitė visuomenės ir žmonių, turinčių negalią, santykius. Socialinės paramos išlaikomi asmenys tapo aktyvia visuomenės dalimi. Atsižvelgiant į tai, šioje publikacijoje etinių, politinių, religinių ir teisinių vertybių kontekste analizuojama problematika, susijusi su neįgaliųjų teisių įgyvendinimo pagrindais ir ribomis

    Adaptation in Food Networks: Theoretical Frame Work and Empirical Evidences

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    The objective of the paper is to contribute to a better understanding of the governance of the food networks focusing on two related aspect: the integration among the agents and the adaptation in the face of emerging disturbances. The paper aims at addressing the problem on what are the role of the adaptation processes in the implementation of sustainable strategies in Food Networks. Adaptation is a central problem of economic organisations (Williamson, 1985, 1991), and its conceptualisation is integrated within complementary theoretical perspectives. Among them, the adaptation theory asks whether integration or non-integration better facilitates ‘adaptive, sequential decision making’ in the sense of Williamson (Gibbon, 2005, p. 205). According to Gibbons (2005) the adaptive, sequential decision-making is modelled in terms of contracting the ex ante allocation of critical decisions rights across firms boundaries to the party who is expected to maximize the total surplus of the relationship. After having elaborated and presented the theoretical framework, the paper illustrates and discusses six cases of governance agreement. Three cases concern with agreement arranged at the Italian National level, three cases regard regional level Food Networks. Beyond the differences in the institutional environments, the cases also differ because of the degree of integration. The field research was carried out by documents analysis and interviews. The paper contributes to the literature by corroborating the theoretical hypothesis (Gibbons, 2005; Wu, 2006) and providing empirical information about the management of Food Networks in the face of emerging disturbances in critical fields: sustainability, quality systems and innovation

    Adaptation in Food Networks: Theoretical Framework and Empirical Evidences

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    The paper concerns the integration in food networks under a governance point of view. We conceptualize the integration processes in terms of the adaptation theory and focus the issues related under a transaction cost economics perspective. We conjecture that the allocation of decisions rights between the parties to a transaction is a key instrument in order to cope with the sources of basic uncertainty in food networks: technological innovation, sustainability strategies, quality and safety objectives. Six case studies are proposed which contribute to corroborate our conjecture. Managerial patters based on a joint decision approach also are documente

    Adaptation in Food Networks: theoretical framework and empirical evidences

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    The objective of the paper is to contribute to a better understanding of the governance of the food networks focusing on two related aspect: the integration among the agents and the adaptation in the face of emerging disturbances. Adaptation is a central problem of economic organisations (Williamson, 1985, 1991), and its conceptualisation is integrated within complementary theoretical perspectives. Arruñada, Garicano & Vàzquez (2005) posit that the assignment of decision rights in long-term relationships provides an opportunity to reduce the associated bargaining costs. Ménard (2004, 2006) offers a generalisation of the adaptation concept for the class of hybrid governance structures. Gibbon (2005) subsumes the theme of adaptation in a complex theoretical structure by framing four elemental theories of the firm. Among them, the adaptation theory asks whether integration or non-integration better facilitates ‘adaptive, sequential decision making’ in the sense of Williamson (Gibbon, 2005, p. 205). The paper aims at addressing the problem on what are the role of the adaptation processes in the implementation of sustainable strategies in Food Networks. After having elaborated and presented the theoretical framework, the paper illustrates and discusses seven cases of governance agreement. Four cases concern with agreement arranged at the Italian National level, three cases regard regional level Food Networks. Beyond the differences in the institutional environments, the cases also differ because of the degree of integration. The field research was carried out by documents analysis and interviews. The focus was on the identification of the five stages mentioned and on the classification of the decision rights the agreements allocated between the parties. The paper contributes to the literature by corroborating the theoretical hypothesis (Gibbons, 2005; Wu, 2006) and providing empirical information about the management of Food Networks in the face of emerging disturbances in critical fields: sustainability, quality systems and innovation

    Expectations, Experiences, Trust in the Case of Short Circuit Food Supply Networks

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    Farmers Markets are receiving an increasing attention by both food chains actors and social scientists. Economic and sociological studies are contributing to the comprehension of these forms of exchange. Both consumers and producers are fostering their expectations about the renewal of a mode of exchange which sustained local production/ consumptions linkages. The main economic function of these organizational structures seems to be the reduction of the price paid by the consumers and the enhancements of allocation of farm products. The basic interpretation of these forms of exchange focuses on market structure, nonetheless the exchange relationships seems to emphasize several dimensions, including economic and cultural aspects. The objective of the paper is of investigating the role of networks among producers and consumers in structuring and making viable the Farmer Markets as structures of short food supply chains. The basic idea is that the strength of Farmer Markets is the ability of satisfying the consumers expectations about a few characteristics of the products, entailing given cultural and economic aspects. The study argues that under this view the Farmer Markets may be thought of as a emerging form of production‐consumption interaction. According to existing evidences it is suggested that the network is also the emerging forms of horizontal relationships among the producers participants to the markets. The paper aims at suggesting that basic types of trust act as key factor in structuring the networks and in promoting the stability of the market