7,262 research outputs found

    Deforming solutions of geometric variational problems with varying symmetry groups

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    We prove an equivariant implicit function theorem for variational problems that are invariant under a varying symmetry group (corresponding to a bundle of Lie groups). Motivated by applications to families of geometric variational problems lacking regularity, several non-smooth extensions of the result are discussed. Among such applications is the submanifold problem of deforming the ambient metric preserving a given variational property of a prescribed family of submanifolds, e.g., constant mean curvature, up to the action of the corresponding ambient isometry groups.Comment: LaTeX2e, 26 pages, to appear in Transform. Group

    Fast scan control for deflection type mass spectrometers

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    A high speed scan device is reported that allows most any scanning sector mass spectrometer to measure preselected gases at a very high sampling rate. The device generates a rapidly changing staircase output which is applied to the accelerator of the spectrometer and it also generates defocusing pulses that are applied to one of the deflecting plates of the spectrometer which when shorted to ground deflects the ion beam away from the collector. A defocusing pulse occurs each time there is a change in the staircase output

    Gustav Radbruch e le origini dell'ermeneutica giuridica contemporanea

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    Questo saggio offre un contributo alia storia deir"Ermeneutica Ciuridica Contemporánea" (ECC), di cui pone in evidenza l'elemento di unità e, al contempo, di distinzione dalle altre forme di ermeneutica giuridica. Determinante al riguardo è il principio storiografico secondo cui la delimitazione dei movimenti di pensiero deve awenire ricostruendo la questione che sta alia base della loro nascita ed evoluzione. In tale prospettiva viene innanzitutto criticata un'opinione diffusa, che raffigura I'ECC come il prodotto dell'adattamento deH'ermeneutica filosófica gadameriana alia sfera giuridica. In alternativa si assume che la questione fondamentale deH'ECC, relativa alia correlazione tra elemento normativo ed elemento fattuale nella sfera del diritto, si sia imposta per la prima volta nell'opera di Gustav Radbruch. Tale ipotesi è sottoposta a verifica nella parte centrale del saggio, mediante la ricostruzione del sistema di pensiero radbruchiano e l'indicazione delle sue principali figure e lacune ermeneutico- giuridiche

    Book Review Of The Ring Written By Koji Suzuki

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    Novel Ring yang ditulis oleh Koji Suzuki ini merupakan novel pertama dari rangkaian trilogi novel selain Spiral dan Loop. Pada novel ini, penulis menyajikan cerita tentang USAha seorang reporter yang bernama Kazuyuki Asakawa dalam mengungkap misteri kematian empat orang anak muda. Novel yang dimulai dengan suasana misterius kematian seorang gadis, Tomoko Oishi, kemudian berlanjut dengan USAha Kazuyuki Asakawa untuk mengungkap apa yang sebenarnya mengakibatkan Tomoko Oishi dan ketiga anak muda lainnya tewas. Sampai akhirnya ia menemukan bahwa penyebab kematian mereka dikarenakan sebuah kaset video. Sesuai dengan judulnya Ring, maka cerita dalam novel ini diibaratkan seperti sebuah ring atau lingkaran tak berujung dikarenakan kaset video yang ditemukan oleh Kazuyuki Asakawa di penginapan Hakone Pacific, mengandung kutukan arwah Sadako Yamamura yang terus meminta orang-orang untuk menontonnya. Kaset video tersebut didominasi oleh adegan-adegan yang dilihat oleh Sadako Yamamura, seorang gadis berkekuatan supranatural yang tewas karena dibunuh. Melalui novel ini kita dapat belajar banyak hal mengenai perjuangan hidup Kazuyuki Asakawa untuk mencapai suatu keberhasilan. Kegigihan, kesabaran, keberanian, serta persahabatan dalam novel ini patut dicontoh oleh generasi muda saat ini untuk menemukan jati diri dan membentuk pribadi yang tangguh dan tidak mudah menyerah

    Regulation of globin gene expression: boxes and borders

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    The experimental work presented in this thesis pertains to the regulation of gene expression and focuses on the regulation of the B globin genes. The expression of the globin genes is restricted to the erythropoietic tissue and is regulated during development. Therefore the study of globin gene expression can yield valuable insights in how organisms regulate their genes in a coordinated tissue and developmental manner. Two main issues will be addressed in the chapters of this thesis. The first concerns the mechanism by which a transcriptionally competent domain is formed in the chromosomal environment. This topic is the subject of Chapter 2. Once transcriptionally competent domains are formed, gene transcription can take place and it is orchestrated by factors that interact specifically with the regulatory elements of the gene itself. This interaction determines tissue specificity and developmental regulation of a gene. The second issue addressed concerns the transcriptional regulation of the ~ globin gene via their CCAAT boxes studied through NFE6, a factor that binds to these elements (Chapters 3 and 4). NF-E6 interaction with its target sequence participates in the change in globin gene expression concomitant with the progressive changes that occur during the development of an embryo to a fetus

    Moderne incertezze sul matrimonio.

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    Material incluido en el volumen especial de la revista del Instituto Martín de Azpilcueta, Universidad de Navarra : Ius Canonicum (1999), en honor de Javier Hervada

    Conocimiento e interpretación del Derecho

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