1,391 research outputs found

    Magnetostratigraphy of a Lower/Middle Triassic boundary section from Chios (Greece)

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    The Marmarotrapeza Formation at Chios Island (northern Aegean Sea, Greece) is renowned for its Lower-Middle Triassic boundary sections in a marine Tethyan setting. Two sections have been sampled bed by bed to develop a magnetostratigraphic framework for the ammonoid and conodont biostratigraphy. The boundary sections occur within a lower normal (A+)-reverse (B-)-upper normal (C+) polarity sequence. The Lower-Middle Triassic boundary, placed at the first occurrence of the ammonoid genera Aegeiceras ugra Diener, Paracrochordiceras spp., Paradanubites depressus Fantini Sestini and Japonites sp., and close to the first appearance of the conodont species Gondolella timorensis Nogami, occurs in normal polarity zone Chios C+. The overall mean direction of the reversal-bearing characteristic component, whose early acquisition is suggested by a tilt test, is D = 271.2°, I = 33.2° (α95 = 11.7°, k = 112.5, N = 3). The inferred paleolatitude of the sampling sites is about 18°N, consistent with either an African or stable European affinity, although the declinations suggest large-scale counter-clockwise rotations with respect to Africa or stable Europe since the Early-Middle Triassic

    Phase behavior of wormlike rods

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    By employing Molecular Dynamics computer simulations, the phase behavior of systems of rodlike particles with varying degree of internal flexibility has been traced from the perfectly rigid rod limit till very flexible particles, and from the high density region till the isotropic phase. From the perfectly rigid rod limit and enhancing the internal flexibility, the range of the smectic A phase is squeezed out by the concomitant action of the scarcely affected crystalline phase at higher density and the nematic phase at lower density, until it disappears. These results confirm the supposition, drawn from previous theoretical, simulational and experimental studies, that the smectic A phase is destabilized by introducing and enhancing the degree of particle internal flexibility. However, no significant changes in the order of nematic--to--smectic A phase transition, which appears always first order, nor in the value of the layer spacing, are observed upon varying the degree of particle internal flexibility. Moreover, no evidence of a columnar phase, which was tought of as a possible superseder of the smectic A phase in flexible rods, has been obtained.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, version accepted in Physical Review

    Tournaisian (Mississippian) brachiopods from the Mobarak Formation, North Iran

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    Following detailed stratigraphic work on the Mississippian marlstone and bioclastic limestone of the Mobarak Formation of the Alborz Mountains in North Iran, forty-eight of the most important brachiopod taxa are here systematically described and illustrated. The ranges of the taxa are given along the Abrendan and Simeh Kuh stratigraphic sections, located north of Damgham. The examined brachiopod species date the base of the Mobarak Formation to the Tournaisian, in absence of age-diagnostic foraminifers. Change in brachiopod settling preferences indicates a shift from high energy, shallow-water settings with high nutrient supply in the lower part of the formation to quieter, soft, but not soppy substrates, with lower nutrient supply in the middle part of the Mobarak Formation. Brachiopod occurrence is instead scanty at its top. The palaeobiogeographic affinity of the Tournaisian brachiopods from North Iran indicates a closer relationship to North America, Western Europe and the Russian Platform than to cold-water Australian faunas, confirming the affinity of the other biota of the Alborz Mountains. This can be explained by the occurrence of warm surface-current gyres widely distributing brachiopod larvae across the Palaeotethys Ocean, where North Iran as other peri-Gondwanan blocks acted as staging-posts

    Experimental and numerical analyses of a masonry arch under base impulse excitation

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    Considering the long-lasting history of the masonry arch theory, the investigation of its dynamic behavior is a relatively recent issue, which is mostly focused on the analytical formulation of the SDOF four-link rigid block mechanism. With the aim of better understanding the seismic response of vaulted masonry structures, the present study is focused on the performance of a scaled arch assembled by dry-joint 3D printed voussoirs. Due to the susceptibility of rigid bodies to base impulse excitation, the tests accounted for a set of windowed sine impulses that allowed computing a failure curve in the frequency-amplitude domain. In order to track the in-plane motion of selected points, a feature tracking based measuring technique was employed. The results have been compared with a finite element model with voussoirs assumed infinitely rigid and friction interface elements, showing an appreciable match. Eventually, the outcomes of impulse base motion tests available in literature were examined, highlighting the differences in terms of failure mechanisms and seismic capacity.(undefined

    Factors affecting B/Ca ratios in synthetic aragonite

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2015. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Chemical Geology 437 (2016): 67-76, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.05.007.Measurements of B/Ca ratios in marine carbonates have been suggested to record seawater carbonate chemistry, however experimental calibration of such proxies based on inorganic partitioning remains limited. Here we conducted a series of synthetic aragonite precipitation experiments to evaluate the factors influencing the partitioning of B/Ca between aragonite and seawater. Our results indicate that the B/Ca ratio of synthetic aragonites depends primarily on the relative concentrations of borate and carbonate ions in the solution from which the aragonite precipitates; not on bicarbonate concentration as has been previously suggested. The influence of temperature was not significant over the range investigated (20 – 40°C), however, partitioning may be influenced by saturation state (and/or growth rate). Based on our experimental results, we suggest that aragonite B/Ca ratios can be utilized as a proxy of [CO32-]. Boron isotopic composition (δ11B) is an established pH proxy, thus B/Ca and δ11B together allow the full carbonate chemistry of the solution from which the aragonite precipitated to be calculated. To the extent that aragonite precipitation by marine organisms is affected by seawater chemistry, B/Ca may also prove useful in reconstructing seawater chemistry. A simplified boron purification protocol based on amberlite resin and the organic buffer TRIS is also described.This work was supported by the Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies. Research conducted at WHOI was supported by NSF grant OCE-1338320. M.H. was supported by an ARC Super Science Fellowship and an NSF International Postdoctoral Fellowship. T.D. was supported by a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. M.M. was supported by a Western Australian Premiers Fellowship and an ARC Laureate Fellowship

    Nitrogen Experiments on a Supersonic Linear Cascade For ORC Applications

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    A novel experiment has been conceived at Politecnico di Milano for the study of the flow within and downstream of supersonic cascades of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) turbines. This paper documents the first phase of the research, focused on the preliminary tests and studies performed by operating the facility with nitrogen as working fluid, to demonstrate the technical relevance of the experiment and the validity of the measurement system in a simplified thermodynamic condition. The set of measured data includes, beside the inlet total thermodynamic state, eight static pressure values obtained via taps manufactured on the test section rear end-wall, both within the bladed and semi-bladed region of the cascade, as well as a total pressure probe to retrieve the cascade performance. A double-passage Schlieren equipment was also employed to visualize the density gradients. Experiments show an outstanding repeatability, indicate a quasi -steady cascade operation during the blow-down process for all the pressure signal considered, and demonstrate a remarkable periodicity among two consecutive channels also in off-design conditions. Experimental data were also compared with CFD simulations, resulting in an excellent agreement for the pressure data acquired both within and downstream of the cascade

    From autism to eating disorders and more: The role of oxytocin in neuropsychiatric disorders

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    Oxytocin (oxy) is a pituitary neuropeptide hormone synthesized from the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei within the hypothalamus. Like other neuropeptides, oxy can modulate a wide range of neurotransmitter and neuromodulator activities. Additionally, through the neurohypophysis, oxy is secreted into the systemic circulation to act as a hormone, thereby influencing several body functions. Oxy plays a pivotal role in parturition, milk let-down and maternal behavior and has been demonstrated to be important in the formation of pair bonding between mother and infants as well as in mating pairs. Furthermore, oxy has been proven to play a key role in the regulation of several behaviors associated with neuropsychiatric disorders, including social interactions, social memory response to social stimuli, decision-making in the context of social interactions, feeding behavior, emotional reactivity, etc. An increasing body of evidence suggests that deregulations of the oxytocinergic system might be involved in the pathophysiology of certain neuropsychiatric disorders such as autism, eating disorders, schizophrenia, mood, and anxiety disorders. The potential use of oxy in these mental health disorders is attracting growing interest since numerous beneficial properties are ascribed to this neuropeptide. The present manuscript will review the existing findings on the role played by oxy in a variety of distinct physiological and behavioral functions (Figure 1) and on its role and impact in different psychiatric disorders. The aim of this review is to highlight the need of further investigations on this target that might contribute to the development of novel more efficacious therapies

    Experimental Observation of Non-Ideal Nozzle Flow of Siloxane Vapor MDM

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    The first experimental results from the Test-Rig for Organic Vapors (TROVA) at Politecnico di Milano are reported. The facility implements an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) where the expansion process takes place within a straight axis convergent-divergent nozzle, which is the simplest geometry representative of an ORC turbine blade passage. In order to reduce the required input thermal power, a batch operating mode was selected for the plant. Experimental runs with air allowed to verify the throttling valve operation and the measurement techniques, which include total pressure and temperature measurements in the settling chamber, static pressure measurements along the nozzle axis. A double-passage Schlieren technique is used to visualize the flow field in the nozzle throat and divergent section and to determine the position of shock waves within the flow field. The first experimental observation of non-ideal nozzle flows are presented for the expansion of siloxane fluid MDM (C8H24O2Si3, octamethyltrisiloxane) for vapor expansion in the close proximity of the liquid-vapor saturation curve, at relatively low pressure of operation. A supersonic flow is attained within the divergent section of the nozzle, as demonstrated by the observation of an oblique shock wave at the throat section, where a 0.1 mm recessed step is located. Schlieren visualizations are limited by the occurrence of condensation along the mirror side of the nozzle. Pressure measurements are compatible with the observed flow field

    Bone marrow-derived cells can acquire cardiac stem cells properties in damaged heart

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    Experimental data suggest that cell-based therapies may be useful for cardiac regeneration following ischaemic heart disease. Bone marrow (BM) cells have been reported to contribute to tissue repair after myocardial infarction (MI) by a variety of humoural and cellular mechanisms. However, there is no direct evidence, so far, that BM cells can generate cardiac stem cells (CSCs). To investigate whether BM cells contribute to repopulate the Kit+ CSCs pool, we transplanted BM cells from transgenic mice, expressing green fluorescent protein under the control of Kit regulatory elements, into wild-type irradiated recipients. Following haematological reconstitution and MI, CSCs were cultured from cardiac explants to generate 'cardiospheres', a microtissue normally originating in vitro from CSCs. These were all green fluorescent (i.e. BM derived) and contained cells capable of initiating differentiation into cells expressing the cardiac marker Nkx2.5. These findings indicate that, at least in conditions of local acute cardiac damage, BM cells can home into the heart and give rise to cells that share properties of resident Kit+ CSCs

    The role of endocannabinoid signaling in the molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by cognitive impairment and mental disorders. The actual cause and cascade of events in the progression of this pathology is not fully determined. AD is multifaceted in nature and is linked to different multiple mechanisms in the brain. This aspect is related to the lack of efficacious therapies that could slow down or hinder the disease onset/progression. The ideal treatment for AD should be able to modulate the disease through multiple mechanisms rather than targeting a single dysregulated pathway. Recently, the endocannabinoid system emerged as a novel potential therapeutic target to treat AD. In fact, exogenous and endogenous cannabinoids seem to be able to modulate multiple processes in AD, although the mechanisms that are involved are not fully elucidated. This review provides an update of this area. In this review, we recapitulate the role of endocannabinoid signaling in AD and the probable mechanisms through which modulators of the endocannabinoid system provide their effects, thus highlighting how this target might provide more advantages over other therapeutic targets
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