11 research outputs found

    A Study on the Tendency of the Environmental Education in Geography Text-book of the World

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    1.帝国書院から翻訳出版された世界地理教科書全30巻を通読し, そのなかから国情の差と世界全域を網羅することを考慮して23ヶ国を選び, 地理教育における環境教育の一側面を捉える試みを行った.2.対象とした各国の教科書は, それぞれの国の教育制度, 教育年限, 教育事情が異なるため, 対象年令が若干異なっているが, 一部を除き大半は中等教育以上の教科書である.次代を教育する教科書という共通の基盤にたつものと理解して, 以下の調査を行い若干の知見を得た.3.各国の地理教科書から環境と人間活動とに係る環境問題に関する記述を抽出してまず記述量を把握し, 次いで記述の対象について13項目に分け, さらに42の細目に分類整理した.その結果は第1図, 第2表, 第4表に示した.4.抽出した記述量は全体で566記述, 単純な一国平均は25記述となり, 最高記述国は56記述のアメリカ合衆国であった.5.さらに記述量が多い項目第1位と第2位を基にして, 各国の特色を把握し第3表のような5グループに分類した.6. 42種に細分した記述からは, 各国それぞれの環境問題に対する関心の領域の広狭をうかがうことができるが, 最も広範にわたって記述している国は記述量でも多いアメリカ合衆国であった.7.記述量と記述細目数とを基にすると地理教育の分野で, 環境教育問題に関心を寄せている国とさほどではない国とに分かれる.関心が高い国と察知されるのは, アメリカ合衆国, フランス, オーストラリアなど10ヶ国であった.8.環境教育問題は, 執筆形式にもよるが, 単元 (章) や節を直接設けている関心が高い国は, 第5表のとおり10ヶ国見られた.9.環境教育の方法, 環境問題の中心に取り上げられている課題あるいは視点は, 国情によってIn this study, we made it clear that tendency of environmental education in the geography textbook of the world. We used textbooks in Japanese translation of each country languages and these textbooks timely published by the Teikoku-Shoin from 1979 to 1980. The method of study is as follows. The environmental problems such as natural conservation and environment, various field of industry, various kinds of industrial pollution, living environment, outdoor recreation and other things are extracted from the discription in textbooks. We counted out the number of extracted data each country and matters for investigation and made a surveyed of its character in the same time. These data was classified into thirteen groups according to the same factor and subdivided into forty two items such as protection and conservation area, pollution, natural resources, living environment, municipal waste, land development and other things. A summary of the survey is shown below. 1) The count of environmental discription in each country range from the most fifty three in U. S. A. to the lowest five in Mexco and Brazil and its average twenty five. 2) As we cannot easily compare with that each country has its own writing style of textbook, it was ten countries that take up a environmental problems by chapter or section on the textbook. 3) Each country it different from politic and economic situation, framework of society, standard of land development and living and so on. The character of each country from a point of view environmental problems and its education can be broadly classified into five group. 4) Moreover, we was classified by character of environmental education as developed country and developing country and the former may be divied into a narrow, overpopulated old country and a wide, abundant in natural resources newer country

    Additional file 4: Table S2. of Genome-wide identification of Drosophila dorso-ventral enhancers by differential histone acetylation analysis

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    Spreadsheet of all distal identified DV enhancers, the assigned gene and its expression in the DV mutants, H3K27ac and transcription factor ChIP enrichment, overlap with known DV enhancers and Vienna Tiles, enrichment for transcription factor motifs, and classification as high confidence enhancers (used in Fig.5). (XLSX 256 kb

    Poised RNA Polymerase II Changes over Developmental Time and Prepares Genes for Future Expression

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    Poised RNA polymerase II (Pol II) is predominantly found at developmental control genes and is thought to allow their rapid and synchronous induction in response to extracellular signals. How the recruitment of poised RNA Pol II is regulated during development is not known. By isolating muscle tissue from Drosophila embryos at five stages of differentiation, we show that the recruitment of poised Pol II occurs at many genes de novo and this makes them permissive for future gene expression. A comparison with other tissues shows that these changes are stage specific and not tissue specific. In contrast, Polycomb group repression is tissue specific, and in combination with Pol II (the balanced state) marks genes with highly dynamic expression. This suggests that poised Pol II is temporally regulated and is held in check in a tissue-specific fashion. We compare our data with findings in mammalian embryonic stem cells and discuss a framework for predicting developmental programs on the basis of the chromatin state

    Habitat preferences of male Corn Buntings Emberiza calandra in north-eastern Germany

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    Agricultural ecosystems have faced dramatic changes during past decades, resulting in a dramatic loss of farmland biodiversity. The Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra is considered a suitable indicator for the conservation value of farmland habitats, and has recently suffered strong declines throughout much of its European range. As a basis for targeted conservation measures, we investigated the habitat preferences of this species in north-eastern Germany by comparing the composition of male territories with randomly chosen control sites. A territory was defined as the area within a radius of 150 meters around the assumed centre of the territory, as the majority of nests is found within this radius. To assess food availability for nestlings, arthropod abundance within the most abundant land use types i.e. crop fields, fallows, grassland as well as within unploughed strips was investigated. In total we found 102 male Corn Bunting territories, which were mainly composed of crop fields (50%), grassland (28%), and fallows (12%). Territories compared with control sites were characterized by a lower proportion of crop fields, a higher proportion of fallows, more diverse land use types, more abundant field boundaries, unploughed strips, and tracks, and a higher availability of song posts. However, neither the number of larger (>= 1 cm), smaller ( 10%) and song posts (> 70 m 'linear song posts' or > 1 solitary post per ha) for the habitat selection of male Corn Buntings. We conclude that measures to halt population declines of Corn Buntings seem to be relatively easy to implement, provided that farmers are granted a fair compensation