14 research outputs found

    Cooking up a Deal: Negotiation Recipes for Success

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    If forced to be concise and pithy, what would a room full of negotiation scholars cook up? The compilation of recipes was in response to the request for each person’s own definition of negotiation effectiveness put in the form of a recipe. Not only is this interesting in terms of seeing the similarities and differences among this leading and diverse group of scholars, the exercise itself is one that can easily be replicated in negotiation or dispute resolution classes. It forces each participant to think about (a) ingredients; (b) amount of each; and (c) the order in which each skill is utilized. Have fun cooking up your own favorite dish

    Three Blind Mice, See How They Run: A Critique of Behavioral Research With Animals

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    Animal research has been a traditionally accepted and respected part of modern psychology from its earliest days. The prevalent view of animals in contemporary psychology has origins far more basic than the scientific method. Its roots are deeply imbedded in Judaeo-Christian culture, a tradition which postulates a wide gulf between humankind and the animal world. The Darwinian revolution and the ethological outlook it fostered, while of immense biological significance, has for the most part been neglected by modern American comparative psychologists in favor of a positivistic-behaviorist orientation with a heavy reliance upon laboratory experimentation. In recent years, opposition to animal research (some of it rational, some not) has experienced a profound resurgence. Psychologists have received a disproportionate share of the criticism considering the relatively small numbers of animals sacrificed in psychology laboratories. In this paper, I propose to review this development, critically examine the response of orthodox psychology to it, and offer suggestions for improvement

    Confrontación epistemológica entre conductismo y psicología cognitiva, y sus repercusiones metodológicas

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