417 research outputs found

    Multi-Temporal multi-scalar modelling of the dynamics of urban landscape changes by remote sensing

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    Hyperspectral recognition of the urban vegetation using spectral library. Example of Kaunas (Lithuania)

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    Au large de Martigues – Pointe Riche

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    À la suite de déclarations en 1991 et 1992 qui faisaient successivement mention de la présence par 14 à 17 m de fond, au Cap Couronne, de débris de tuiles, de poteries, et de pierres de lest d’une part, et d’autre part de gisements de bonbonnes, une opération de prospection fut programmée, en raison de la grande dispersion du mobilier sur le site. Celle-ci est actuellement en cours. Les premiers éléments recueillis permettent d’établir un début de typologie des bonbonnes et bouteilles (6 type..

    Le lieu objet urbain, une singularité morphogénétique ?

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    National audienceImages which are broadcast by satellite represent electromagnetic impulses matrices of the geographic space portions: pixels. These representations are neither the geographic objects themselves, nor their direct "reflections" under the thoughtful shape of brilliance accompanied with a sensation of colour. They are representations of electromagnetic impulses resulting from object recognition. These are localized on the screen by means of a geodesic coordinate systems. On the screen, one sees localized differences between "images". These differences are considered as geographic because they are localized in the surface of the Earth. But is the localization sufficient to justify the "geographic" qualifier term? The question arises as far as several objects can be localized in the same localization. The geographic character does not so like localization but the geographic differentiation. In the case of the geographic space morphogenetic modeling method one observes images of objects the "reflections" are combined. Or more exactly, differences between images of objects which most of the time are not simple but not combined among them and for whom, i.e. the urbanized zones are chaotic singularities. The morph-genetic method does not lean only on the geodesic differentiation of the localizations but also on the geographic differentiation of objects. All objects are considered as having a locus in the surface of the Earth. This method recognizes at first locus localized before the localized objects, that is for which it tries to represent the geographic locus-objects.Les images qui sont retransmises par satellite représentent des matrices d'impulsions électromagnétiques de portions de l'espace géographique : les pixels. Ces représentations ne sont, ni les objets géographiques eux-mêmes, ni leurs reflets directs sous forme de rayonnements réfléchis. Elles sont localisées sur l'écran à l'aide d'un système de coordonnées géodésique. On voit des différences localisées entre des images. Ces différences sont considérées comme géographiques parce qu'elles sont localisées à la surface de la Terre. Mais la localisation est-elle suffisante pour justifier le qualificatif de géographique ? La question se pose dans la mesure où plusieurs objets peuvent être localisés dans une même localisation. Le caractère géographique ne tient donc pas à localisation mais à la différenciation géographique. Dans le cas de la méthode de modélisation morphogénétique de l'espace géographique, on observe des images d'objets dont les reflets sont combinés. Ou, plus exactement, des différences entre les images des objets qui, la plupart du temps, ne sont pas simples mais combinés entre eux et pour lesquels, par exemple, les zones urbanisées sont des excroissances morphogénétiques. La méthode morphogénétique ne s'appuie donc pas uniquement sur la différenciation géodésique des localisations mais, également, sur la différenciation géographique des objets. Tous les objets sont considérés comme ayant un lieu à la surface de la Terre. Cette méthode détecte d'abord les lieux localisés avant les objets localisés, c'est-à-dire, qu'elle cherche à représenter les lieux-objets géographiques

    : Comprehensive Evaluation of the Territory Adjacent to the Road "Kolyma" (on the Example of Central Yakutia)

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    International audienceThe highway "Kolyma" is one of the most promising tourist sites of Yakutia. It crosses a variety of landscapes, has a unique history, available to the public. This article concerns on the evaluation of tourist potential of the territory, "Kolyma", adjacent to the road will highlight attractive from a touristic spot.Автомобильная дорога «Колыма» является одним из наиболее перспективных туристических объектов Якутии. Она пересекает разнообразные ландшафты, имеет уникальную историю, доступна для посещения. Оценка туристско-рекре-ационного потенциала территории, прилегающей к дороге «Колыма» позволит выделить привлекательные с туристической точки участки

    Urban Vegetation Mapping using Hyperspectral Imagery and Spectral Library

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    International audienceThe development and expansion of urbanized areas around the cities, brings new challenging issues about the organization, the monitoring, and the distribution of green spaces within the cities (e.g. grass, trees, shrubs, etc.). Indeed, these spaces brings better life quality for population and preserve biodiversity. This study, aims to 1) investigate the feasibility of urban vegetation mapping by species using multiband imagery and spectral libraries and to 2) determine at what scale the mapping is reliable (e.g. trees scale, group of trees scale, high/short vegetation scale)

    Post-soviet geo-demographic dynamics and metropolisation processes in the Republic of Sakha (Russian Federation)

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    International audienceThe dynamics of metropolisation in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the context of the post-soviet geo-demographic processes, globalisation, territorial integration and global warming are analyzed in the article. These processes are characterised with the emergence of an urban region centred on Yakutsk. The decreasing of population is driving by the economic changes, the lifestyle evolutions of the society, and rural migrations to urban centres. They are impacting the population balances and generating new spatial demographic repartitions

    Monitoring spatial accuracy of oil palm cultivation mapping in southern Cameroon from Landsat series images

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    International audienceStudying and mapping palm grove evolution allow understanding the impact related to its cultivation. Our study aims to map industrial palm grove using Landsat series images and measures the accuracy of the produced maps. It was carried out in SOCAPALM industrial plantation, located in southern of Cameroon. For the mapping and assessment of accuracy, per-pixel classification and confusion matrix method were used, respectively. We obtained an high correlated maps (Kappa =0.92 in 2001 vs 0.86 in 2015). However, some confusions were observed between vegetation and oil palm classes for the two periods, affecting the maps accuracy. These confusions are caused by the presence of mixed pixels resulting from the spatial and spectral characteristics of palm groves, the method used to map and validate the map, and uncertainty related to dada. To increase the accuracy, we suggest (1) to use another mapping method such as super-resolution mapping, (2) develop a classification system of cartographic product

    Environmental Education: The Case of International Double Master Diploma in Tourism between Russian and French Universities

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    International audienceNorthern oriental territories of Russia are characterised by some non exploited high potential of tourism of nature in the specific context of the little territorial development, the needs of diversification of the economic activities at the local level, under the process of regional integration with Asia, the exploitation of mineral ressources, and the global warming. Tourism is considered one of the key economic branch to develop. According to the policy issues of the North-Eastern Federal University of the Repubic of Sakha (Yakutia) to support the economic development, the creation of double diploma programs with the foreign universities is essential due to the need of best practice application and to insufficiency of local competences in this field . The joint master curriculum in tourism and environment built with Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University of France aims to train the future specialists of touristic development of the territory of Yakutia. The questions of distance learning and TIC as well as the integration of the environment and the nature fixing contents structuring the curriculum constitute the key-points of joint master program. The study was conducted within the scientific project of the Russian science Foundation No. 15-18-20047 "Landscape Ontology: semantics, semiotics, and geographic modeling

    Changes of the Baltic Sea coastal urban region (with example of Klaipeda settlement)

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    International audienceThe goal of this study is to analyse the impact of urban sprawl on landscape around Klaipeda's city settlements in Lithuania. The main aims are: (I) find differences in location of settlements during period since 2005 to 2013; (II) predict possible settlements expansion till 2020; (III) evaluate possible urban sprawl impact on Klaipėda city and suburbs